Changelog for
cimple-devel-2.0.24-15.1.i686.rpm :
* Tue Apr 16 2013 aarch64-support: Add support for aarch64
* Fri Nov 16 2012 Fix build for older SUSE distros
* Mon Nov 12 2012 license update: MIT Use SPDX syntax for License line in spec file (
* Fri Nov 09 2012 Clean up behind spec-cleaner, %make_install is SUSE-specific
* Fri Nov 09 2012 Run through spec-cleaner.
* Mon Nov 05 2012 Update to 2.0.24 This is a minor release issued correct an error found in the association operation with the PegasusAdapter and an error introduced in 2.0.22 in genmod. The genmod error would be evidenced by a users in inability to register providers with regmod to OpenPegasus. It is recommended that vesion 2.0.22 users upgrade to this verison of SimpleWbem. Note that version 2.0.22 introduced a new configuration parameter that allows users to control use of the macros that generate log entries
* Mon Nov 05 2012 Update to 2.0.22 This is a minor release issued to extend error handling of the log file and provide diagnostic information if the provider has problems configuring and creating logs.
* Mon Nov 05 2012 Update to 2.0.17 This is a minor release primarily to fix some issues with adapters and implement extensions to the logging functions. This minor version added functionality to allow better control of logging and to implement APIs so that the provider can dynamically control some configuration capabilities (class CimpleConfig). This logging extension was at user request since the CIMPLE users want to utilize the logging capability in production as well as development. NOTE: Please consider CimpleConfig experimental for this release since this the first time it will be used generally. We will freeze in the next release. Notable changes:
* Added capability to limit size of log files and backup logs files
* Added conditional trace for adapters. Implemented for Pegasus adapter
* Added compile config parameter to control adapter trace (--enable-adapter-trace)
* Added compile config parameter to disable logging (--disable_log_macros)
* Added runtime config parameter to set max log file size(MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE=(integer)
* Added runtime config parameter to set max number of backup log files(MAX_LOG_BACKUP_FILES=(integer)
* Added runtime config parameter to disable all logging(ENABLE_LOGGING=false)
* Fixed issues with Pegasus adapter and possible excess memory use
* Extended unit and test provider tests
* Added general option to all gen... utilities (-F) to get classlist from file
* Minor performance enhancements
* Continued improvement of documentation with changes to header files, additional readme files and more examples in test providers(/li>
* Wed May 04 2011 Cimple version 2.0.16