Changelog for kernel-ibcs-2.0.35-5.i386.rpm :
Fri Sep 4 23:00:00 1998 Cristian Gafton
- pcmcia 3.0.5
- base on linux-2.0.35 source instead of 2.0.34+patch35
- don\'t mess with /usr/include/linux anymore during build
- pcmcia and ibcs subpackages are properly %ifarch-ed i386
- new sound patches

Thu Jul 23 23:00:00 1998 Erik Troan
- got sound stuff right (oops)

Tue Jul 14 23:00:00 1998 Erik Troan
- updated to 2.0.35 gold
- removed make of menuconfig stuff; we want a dependency-free kernel-source
package which installs on any Red Hat release

Mon Jul 6 23:00:00 1998 Erik Troan
- updated to 2.0.35pre5
- removed paride and aic7xxx stuff (as it\'s in pre5)
- moved make distclean stuff for main kernel to end of %install section

Wed Jul 1 23:00:00 1998 Jeff Johnson
- Use linux_banner (/proc/version) to identify /lib/modules/
* directory.

Sun Jun 28 23:00:00 1998 Mike Wangsmo
- fixed a \"stupid\" Makefile problem WRT buildroots in the paride stuff

Fri May 8 23:00:00 1998 Mike Wangsmo
- Finally, we have the \"real\" 2.0.34

Fri May 8 23:00:00 1998 Mike Wangsmo
- Stuck in Alan\'s fix for loading initrd\'s and floppy based root file systems
- changed the owners of the paride patch (D\'oh!)

Thu May 7 23:00:00 1998 Mike Wangsmo
- added parallel-IDE driver support for things like Backpack CD-ROMS, etc.

Tue May 5 23:00:00 1998 Mike Wangsmo
- removed buffer hack because it didn\'t help the mke2fs stuff
- removed MKJ\'s smc-ultra patch because ewt fixed that bug in the install.
- CONFIG_HISAX_ELSA_PCMCIA doesn\'t like the pcmcia_cs stuff, so it is turned off
- added a hack for building firewall support (ewt)
- I can\'t use vi, BTW, I added the smc-ultra patch of MKJ
- included nls support statically so that fat fs can be included

Sat May 2 23:00:00 1998 Donnie Barnes
- added /lib/modules/preferred support to init.d/pcmcia and cardmgr.c
- moved pcmcia stop script from 52 to 96 (so that it stops PCMCIA
the nfs mounts are umounted)
- moved pcmcia and ibcs versions to be the same as the kernel in the
package name
- added a workaround HACK to mke2fs hangs

Fri May 1 23:00:00 1998 Erik Troan
- made some fixes to version-release

Mon Apr 27 23:00:00 1998 Mike Wangsmo
- started working with Alan\'s pre34-11b patch

Fri Apr 17 23:00:00 1998 Erik Troan
- make files use version-release rather then just version
- added patch against ipfrag dos

Wed Apr 15 23:00:00 1998 Mike Wangsmo
- turned off apm stuff
- reverted back to the 2.0 sound driver
- turned on all modules in .config

Sun Mar 8 23:00:00 1998 Mike Wangsmo
- turned on lowlevel sound modules (mostly for AWE32 support)

Thu Feb 26 23:00:00 1998 Donnie Barnes
- removed de4x5.c and .h to use the ones from the kernel instead.
- added new unistd.h from Alan (for sound changes)
- added iBCS to this source package and created subpackage
- changed pcmcia-cs to kernel-pcmcia-cs
- changed iBCS to kernel-ibcs
- pcmcia-cs package no longer i386 specific (should build on Alpha, too)

Wed Feb 25 23:00:00 1998 Donnie Barnes
- moved the \"extra\" stuff into the kernel source tree to build (so that
it gets included in the kernel-source binary RPM)
- Obsoletes: kernel-modules
- cleaned up pcmcia-cs sources
- got a new set of sound files from Alan

Tue Feb 24 23:00:00 1998 Donnie Barnes
- added kernel-pci.patch. adds entries (probably wrong) for the PCI
cardbus adapter in the DEC HiNote docking station. Also adds the
ROOT patch to the toplevel Makefile so that \'make zlilo\' now works.
- added a pcmcia-cs patch to see the hinote docking station pcmcia card
- added pcmcia-cs sources to kernel-source package
- got rid of the modules package (moved to main kernel)
- added 3c59x.c from Dave Hinds the 3C575 CardBus 100Mbs card
- added chkconfig support (man, I can\'t believe that wasn\'t done for
5.0! Erik!)

Mon Feb 23 23:00:00 1998 Donnie Barnes
- upgraded kernel to 2.0.33
- upgraded pcmcia-cs to 3.0.0

Tue Nov 18 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- upgraded to 2.0.32
- release 2 is for 5.0, release 1 is for 4.x (and doesn\'t include modular
- updated pcmcia stuff to 2.9.12

Sun Nov 9 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- added patch from davem for IP fragments w/ bad sizes
- uses 2.0.30 de4x5 driver
- don\'t try to do pcmcia stuff on non-intel boxes

Sat Nov 8 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- updated axp-diffs for 2.0.31

Fri Nov 7 23:00:00 1997 Mike Wangsmo
- fixed sound patch for monolythic kernesl (again)

Wed Nov 5 23:00:00 1997 Mike Wangsmo
- fixed sound patch

Mon Nov 3 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- turned on masq, multicast

Fri Oct 31 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- added
* of patches from cox and fink
- updated eepro100 and 3x59x drivers
- updated to sound-14 patch

Mon Oct 27 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- added patches from Ingo

Tue Oct 21 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- updated to 2.0.31 kernel
- updated to 2.9.11 pcmcia-cs

Mon Oct 6 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- updated pcmcia network script for new initscripts
- turned on /dev/rtc

Mon Sep 29 23:00:00 1997 Michael K. Johnson
- Updated to pre-10...
- Removed our separate eepro100 driver since one is now included.
- Removed our newer 3c59x driver, as the one in the kernel has been updated.
- Updated pcmcia to 2.9.10, removed omega and include pcmcia patches.

Mon Sep 8 23:00:00 1997 Mike Wangsmo
- ISDN people are among the folks who can\'t figure out that the kernel
isn\'t supposed to be using system header files like stdio.h
- Upgraded to Linus\' final pre31 patch (pre2.0.31-9) This _should_
be the same as 2.0.31
- Moved to linux-2.0.30-sound-12 which fixed some problems SoundScape
cards and with the Trix stuff. Also ifarch\'d the sound stuff
build so that it only gets built on the Intel\'s.

Wed Aug 27 23:00:00 1997 Michael K. Johnson
- Fixed Alan\'s sound patch to compile with the new, fixed genksyms

Mon Aug 18 23:00:00 1997 Michael K. Johnson
- Moved to pre-2.0.31-7 from Linus
- removed netalias patch for -7
- removed one line from ne2000 patch that wouldn\'t compile.

Thu Aug 14 23:00:00 1997 Mike Wangsmo
- Applied linux-2.0.30-sound-10.patch.
- Included sound readme in kernel/drivers/sound

Tue Aug 12 23:00:00 1997 Michael K. Johnson
- Moved to pre-2.0.31-5 from Linus
- Created netalias patch for fix in -5, omega patch for pcmcia-cs
- No longer need smallncr patch; included in -5

Tue Aug 5 23:00:00 1997 Michael K. Johnson
- Moved to pre-2.0.31-3 from Linus

Tue Jun 3 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- updated to pre-2.0.31-2

Tue Apr 22 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- Added linux-2.0.30-freemem.patch patch

Tue Mar 25 23:00:00 1997 Erik Troan
- Added /usr/include/linux, /usr/include/asm, and /usr/include/scsi symlinks
to this package.
- Added default /sbin/installkernel (thanks to Tyson Sawyer)