Changelog for mysql-connector-python-1.2.2-1.el6.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Mar 07 2014 Peeyush Gupta - 1.2.1- Added removal of the fabric folder.
* Mon Nov 04 2013 Geert Vanderkelen - 1.1.4- Is not possible to \'upgrade\' the GPL edition to Commercial Edition.- Added removal of the django folder.
* Fri Sep 20 2013 Geert Vanderkelen - 1.1.2- It is now possible to set the \'edition\' variable for special releases
* Mon Mar 04 2013 Geert Vanderkelen - 1.0.10- Remove documentation files, repladed by README_DOCS.txt.
* Mon Feb 18 2013 Geert Vanderkelen - 1.0.9- \'prep\' is now used to unpack the source distribution- \'install\' now use the script- \'files\' using the INSTALLED_FILES and installs documentation- \'post\' now creates the mysql/ which does not get installed any longer since shared by multiple projects- \'postun\' cleans up the directories and tries to remove the top package mysql/- Updating the copyright.
* Thu Aug 16 2012 Geert Vanderkelen - Name of the commercial package includes \'commercial\'- Removed \'Source\' and replaced \'URL\' with Connector/Python download URL- Added the Packager information- Adding documentation files
* Tue Jul 31 2012 Kent Boortz - Aligned commercial and GPL spec files- Use \"python\" in PATH, to be able to specify a recent enough Python- Set sitedir, \"{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.python\" is missing in some distros
* Tue Jun 05 2012 Geert Vanderkelen - 1.0.3- Initial implementation.
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