Changelog for
python-nova-2012.2.5+git.1381882224.6d3cf90-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Oct 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1381882224.6d3cf90:
+ Windows instances require the timezone to be \"localtime\"
Mon Sep 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1378771110.5a09443:
+ Return empty list when listing servers with bad status value
Sat Sep 7 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1378540200.ef5730a:
+ Fix problem with long messages in Qpid (from oslo)
Sat Aug 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1377302481.6825959:
+ Enforce flavor access during instance boot
Thu Aug 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1375400584.ad888cf:
+ Make flavors is_public option actually work
+ Use cached nwinfo for secgroup rules
Tue Jul 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1375142445.43e35a1:
+ Fixed deleting instance booted from invalid vol
Fri May 31 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1370043815.2fcd06c:
+ Shrink size of aggregate_metadata_get_by_host sql query
+ libvirt: Tolerate existing vm(s) with cdrom(s)
Mon May 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1369698121.d2cb0f0:
+ Download the image template prior to checking its size.
Fri May 17 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1368834728.6740c41:
+ Check QCOW2 image size during root disk creation
Fri May 17 14:00:00 2013
- Use explicit keystone-signing dir to workaround LP:1181157
Wed May 8 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1368057064.74aa04e:
+ Remove insecure default for signing_dir option.
Tue Apr 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.5+git.1366128729.9ecd965:
+ Fix Network object encoding issue when using qpid
+ Final versioning for 2012.2.4
+ Bump version to 2012.2.5
Thu Apr 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1365117039.02236b0:
+ Add a format_message method to the Exceptions
+ Use format_message on exceptions instead of str()
Tue Apr 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1364944268.c2f81fa:
+ LibvirtHybridOVSBridgeDriver update for STP
Tue Apr 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1364894467.2d082ce:
+ libvirt: Optimize test_connection and capabilities
+ populate dnsmasq lease db with valid leases
+ Fix bad Log statement in nova-manage
+ Fixes PowerVM spawn failed as missing attr supported_instances
+ Decouple EC2 API from using instance id
+ Don\'t include traceback when wrapping exceptions
+ Fix Wrong syntax for set:tag in dnsmasq startup option
+ Adding netmask to dnsmasq argument --dhcp-range
+ Set default fixed_ip quota to unlimited.
Sun Mar 24 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1364083888.5b43cef:
+ libvirt: enable apic setting for Xen or KVM guest.
+ Fix double reboot issue during soft reboot
+ Enable VM DHCP request to reach DHCP agent
+ Handle compute node records with no timestamp.
Thu Mar 14 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1363298039.9561484:
+ Fix an error in affinity filters
+ Add quotas for fixed ips. (CVE-2013-1838)
- This fixes bnc#808622.
Mon Mar 11 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1363007155.c06b205:
+ Avoid vm instance shutdown when power state is NOSTATE
Thu Mar 7 13:00:00 2013
- Install polkit rules file in /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/ since
it\'s not a configuration file, and use 10 instead of 50 as
priority to make sure it is taken into account.
Wed Mar 6 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1362583574.da38af5:
+ VNC Token Validation (CVE-2013-0335)
Tue Mar 5 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1362502642.8c4df00:
+ Ensure we add a new line when appending to rc.local
+ Handle compute node not available for live migration
+ remove intermediate libvirt downloaded images
Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- Add openstack-nova-polkit.rules: polkit rules for the new polkit
that uses javascript. On openSUSE 12.3 and later, we install this
file in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/ instead of installing the pkla
file which is of no use with the new polkit.
Fri Feb 22 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1361527907.d5e7f55:
+ Avoid stuck task_state on snapshot image failure
+ Add a safe_minidom_parse_string function. (CVE-2013-1664)
+ Enable libvirt to work with NoopFirewallDriver
+ Fix state sync logic related to the PAUSED VM state
+ libvirt: Fix nova-compute start when missing ip.
Wed Feb 6 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.4+git.1360133953.e5d0f4b:
+ Final versioning for 2012.2.3
+ Bump version to 2012.2.4
Wed Jan 30 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.3+git.1359529791.317cc0a:
+ remove session parameter from fixed_ip_get
+ Eliminate race conditions in floating association
+ Fix to include error message in instance faults
+ disallow boot from volume from specifying arbitrary volumes
Fri Jan 25 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.3+git.1359111576.03c3e9b:
+ Ensure that Quantum uses configured fixed IP
+ Makes sure compute doesn\'t crash on failed resume.
Fri Jan 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.3+git.1358515929.3545a7d:
+ Add NFS to the libvirt volume driver list
+ Call plug_vifs() for all instances in init_host
+ Fix addition of CPU features when running against legacy libvirt
+ Fix typo in resource tracker audit message
- Move back to \"git_tarballs\" source service.
Thu Jan 17 13:00:00 2013
- Start using obs-service-github_tarballs
Thu Jan 17 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2012.2.3+git.1358434328.a41b913:
+ Provide better error message for aggregate-create
+ Fix errors in used_limits extension
+ Add an iptables mangle rule per-bridge for DHCP.
+ Limit formatting routes when adding resources
Tue Jan 15 13:00:00 2013
- Drop nova-migration-config.patch: the patch is not used anymore,
as we don\'t need it anymore with the _service we\'re using now.
Thu Jan 3 13:00:00 2013
- Switch to github_tarballs source service
- Update to version 2012.2.3+git.1357215468.451003e:
+ Fix a crash when launching qcow2 images containing snapshots
Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012
- Use macro %openstack_sphinx_build_manpages_only
Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012
- Move to obs-service-git_tarballs
+ Drop BuildRequires: python-setuptools-git
+ Drop %majorversion macro
- Fix testsuite requirements
Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012
- update init scripts and nova.conf for Folsom
Tue Dec 11 13:00:00 2012
- Use new git_tarballs source service
- Update to version 2012.2.3+git.1355243803.9e62846:
+ Bump version to 2012.2.3
+ Final versioning for 2012.2.2
+ Don\'t leak info from libvirt LVM backed instances
Mon Dec 10 13:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (670b388):
+ Fix rpc control_exchange regression.
Thu Dec 6 13:00:00 2012
- Set the version to seconds from epoch
Thu Dec 6 13:00:00 2012
- Use upstream tarballs instead of the git repository
Wed Dec 5 13:00:00 2012
- Use AATTPARENT_TAGAATT in _service file to automate versioning
Mon Dec 3 13:00:00 2012
- Add sqlalchemy-migrate config to the python package
Thu Nov 15 13:00:00 2012
- Use openstack-macros
Fri Nov 9 13:00:00 2012
- Add more test requirements for which we have packages now:
+ Requires: python-nosehtmloutput
Thu Nov 8 13:00:00 2012
- Drop from_vcs build flag
Tue Oct 30 13:00:00 2012
- Drop temporary fixes for file permissions and attributes in %post
section. They were necessary only to migrate from pre-1.0 packages.
Wed Oct 17 14:00:00 2012
- Drop \"%fdupes doc/build/html\", HTML documentaion is build in seperate
spec file
Tue Oct 9 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2012.2 (Folsom):
+ See
- Drop the following upstreamed patches:
+ jsonutils-fix-new-anyjson.patch
+ nova-glance-ssl.patch
+ nova-volume-list-all_tenants.patch
- Buildrequire python-base instead of python-devel:
+ Sufficient for Python-only modules (containing no C/C++ code)
- Migration of /etc/sysconfig/openstack-novncproxy to
- Move some Requires from base package to python-nova
Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (d1d5d6d):
+ Use bare container format by default
+ fix cleanup_file_locks with restricted permissions
+ make ensure_default_security_group() call sgh
+ fix unmounting of LXC containers in the presence of symlinks
Wed Sep 26 14:00:00 2012
- Add nova-volume-list-all_tenants.patch: do not list volumes from
all tenants by default for admins. Fixes several issues,
including a crash in horizon. Fix bnc#782289.
Wed Sep 26 14:00:00 2012
- rename nova-filter-FORWARD-sitelocal firewall rule
to remain below the 28 character limit (bnc#781800)
- make init script wait for postgresql (bnc#781798)
Tue Sep 25 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (47dabb3):
+ Yield to another greenthread when some time-consuming task finished.
Thu Sep 20 14:00:00 2012
- add polkit-1 rule to allow libvirt access by nova-compute
Sun Sep 16 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (2e75689):
+ Make flavorextradata ignore deleted flavors.
+ Ensure hairpin_mode is set whenever vifs is added to bridge.
+ Fix simple_tenant_usage\'s handing of future end times
+ Redefine the domain\'s XML on volume attach/detach
Wed Sep 12 14:00:00 2012
- Do not use a sed to modify /usr/bin/gensslcert in %post: this
file belongs to another package, and we actually don\'t do any
change with the sed... Fix bnc#779747.
Wed Aug 29 14:00:00 2012
- fix nova-network init script patch (bnc#777488)
Tue Aug 28 14:00:00 2012
- add firewall rules to reject traffic
to the admin and storage networks (bnc#777488)
Tue Aug 28 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (4d2a4af):
+ Makes sure instance deletion ok with deleted data
+ Add error log for live migration.
Thu Aug 23 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (86fb736):
+ Fix exception handling in libvirt attach_volume()
Thu Aug 23 14:00:00 2012
- Add nova-glance-ssl.patch: make nova work with ssl-enabled
glance. Part of bnc#776909.
Tue Aug 21 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (272b98d):
+ Restore libvirt block storage connections on reboot.
+ fix unmounting of LXC containers
Tue Aug 21 14:00:00 2012
- let nova compute init script depend on libvirtd (bnc#776763)
Fri Aug 10 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (63dd6be):
+ Final versioning for 2012.1.2
+ Bump version to 2012.1.3
Wed Aug 8 14:00:00 2012
- Upstream has standardized on vm_mode values, see commit eb074328.
Update nova-xen.patch to conform to the standard.
Wed Aug 8 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (d4c7f6f):
+ fix the qpid_heartbeat option so that it\'s effective
+ Drop AES functions and pycrypto dependency
Tue Aug 7 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (d9577ce):
+ Prohibit file injection writing to host filesystem
Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- Split nova-cert service in openstack-nova-cert subpackage. Needed
for bnc#773188.
Tue Jul 31 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (6c05f43):
+ Adding networking rules to vm\'s on compute service startup
+ use boto\'s HTTPResponse class for versions of boto >=2.5.2
+ Convert remaining network API casts to calls
+ Moving where the fixed ip deallocation happens.
+ ensure libguestfs mounts are cleaned up
Tue Jul 31 14:00:00 2012
- remove nova-boto-httpresponse.patch which has been merged upstream:
Tue Jul 31 14:00:00 2012
- Provide nova-api WSGI skeleton
Mon Jul 30 14:00:00 2012
- Provide self-signed SSL certificates to be used for non-production setups
(like openstack-quickstart)
Mon Jul 30 14:00:00 2012
- Drop useless BuildRequires: bpython
Sat Jul 28 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (b68e9c6):
+ Handle local & remote exceptions consistently.
+ Fix wrong regex in cleanup_file_locks.
Sat Jul 28 14:00:00 2012
- remove rpc-exceptions-9b3e0b6d.patch which has been merged upstream:
- refresh all patches, to apply without fuzz
Wed Jul 25 14:00:00 2012
- add 5b85997e-power_state.patch, based on, to clean up power state handling in
Tue Jul 24 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (bb89acc):
+ Backport tox settings to unbreak jenkins jobs.
+ Fixes affinity filters when hints is None
+ Backport fix for API listing of os-hosts.
+ Conditionally allow queries for deleted flavours
Tue Jul 24 14:00:00 2012
- fix nova-xen.patch, to make tests pass again
Tue Jul 24 14:00:00 2012
- add nova-xen.patch, fixes xen support for both hvm and pv (bnc#772601)
Tue Jul 24 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git (5e6795a):
+ Avoid lazy-loading errors on instance_type
+ Avoid casts in network manager to prevent races
Mon Jul 23 14:00:00 2012
- fix tests for newer version of python-boto
Mon Jul 23 14:00:00 2012
- update via service run
- remove nova-rootwrapper-sles-paths.patch, which has been merged upstream
- libvirt: fix qcow2 size on live block migration (lp#977007)
Fri Jul 20 14:00:00 2012
- update rpc-exceptions-9b3e0b6d.patch based on
Fri Jul 20 14:00:00 2012
- update via service run, to drop de5cb27e-qcow2-cluster-size.patch and
over-quota-413-80733aa4.patch, that have been merged upstream
Thu Jul 19 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 2012.1+git.1342649938.1f842a4:
+ Fixes ram_allocation_ratio based over subscription (lp#1016273)
+ Distinguish over-quota for volume size and number (lp#1020634)
+ Expose over-quota exceptions via native API (lp#1021373)
+ Fix libvirt get_memory_mb_total() with xen (lp#1004298)
- Drop 78352b98-libvirt-xen-mem.patch and
over-quota-exceptions-4c49df74.patch: merged upstream.
Tue Jul 17 14:00:00 2012
- Add over-quota-exceptions-4c49df74.patch,
over-quota-413-80733aa4.patch, rpc-exceptions-9b3e0b6d.patch: a
series of patches to correctly expose various exceptions in the
API, instead of hiding them and producing a backtrace. Fix
Mon Jul 16 14:00:00 2012
- add 78352b98-libvirt-xen-mem.patch to fix xen support (bnc#770681)
Thu Jul 12 14:00:00 2012
- remove patch for bug bnc#769399 as upstream now contains it
Mon Jul 9 14:00:00 2012
- (Re-)add proposed patch for bnc#769399
Wed Jul 4 14:00:00 2012
- Added patch: nova-rbd-use-local-devices.patch adds support for
local rbd devices to nova-compute
Wed Jul 4 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2012.1+git.1341325932.b0feaff:
+ Increased nova.virt.disk test coverage
+ Safety-check for injected file paths
Fri Jun 29 14:00:00 2012
- Mark /etc/nova/api-paste.ini as %config(noreplace) so that a modified
version won\'t be replaced by an updated one.
Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Change versioning scheme to $release+git.$AUTHORDATE.$COMMITREV
- Simplify from_vcs macros
Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Add jsonutils-fix-new-anyjson.patch: fix nova.utils to be
compatibly with the version of python-anyjson we use
Tue Jun 26 14:00:00 2012
- Consistent package summaries
- Use upstream description
- Macro cleanup:
+ Package is noarch except for SLE-11
+ No need to redefine %_initddir, SLE-11 works correctly
+ No need for \'with_doc\', no documentation package is built
Mon Jun 25 14:00:00 2012
- Split out doc package to reduce build time and dependencies
Fri Jun 22 14:00:00 2012
- Revert upstream commits introducing a set of config classes in
the libvirt driver. The patches were causing problems with
upstream backports to the stable/essex branch, which contains
the old Cheetah template-based infrastructure in the libvirt
Fri Jun 22 14:00:00 2012
- add config entries needed to run nova-network as non-root
Thu Jun 21 14:00:00 2012
- Included fix to make nova-rootwrap work on SLES (lp#1013147)
- Remove special case to run -compute, -nova and -volume as root
from the init script(s).
Mon Jun 18 14:00:00 2012
- Silence some more rpmlint warnings for the -test package, it\'s
horrible anyway ;-)
- Fix bnc#750137 also for /etc/nova/nova.conf
Tue Jun 12 14:00:00 2012
- Use \'openstack-nova\' system user instead of \'nova\'
Wed Jun 6 14:00:00 2012
- Moved %restart_on_update to %post section (see
- Added %stop_on_removal and %insserv_cleanup for
openstack-nova-cert and openstack-nova-consoleauth services
- Fix several rpmlint warnings
- Added rpmlintrc for non-issues
- Add Should-Stop: lines to init scripts (LBS compliance)
Mon Jun 4 14:00:00 2012
- Removed \'Requires: python-tornado\' from python-nova package. Upstream
code contains no reference to it (others than copied/inspired code)
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2012
- Add \'Requires: python >= 2.6.8\' to openstack-nova and
python-nova subpackage
Tue May 22 14:00:00 2012
- run vncproxy as non-root
Tue May 22 14:00:00 2012
- make /etc/nova/api-paste.ini private
to not show the admin_token to everyone (bnc#750137)
Thu May 17 14:00:00 2012
- Add upstream commits that introduce a set of config classes in
the libvirt driver. The config classes provide a canonical
representation of the instance configuration, vs the error-prone
Cheetah template-based approach.
- Add upstream commit de5cb27e. Use qcow2 default cluster size of
64k when creating cow images.
Fri Apr 20 14:00:00 2012
- add bash completion for nova-manage
Tue Feb 21 13:00:00 2012
- run some nova services as nova user
Thu Feb 9 13:00:00 2012
- ignore RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Wed Feb 8 13:00:00 2012
- Fixed try-restart command in init script only restart if the
service was running before
- Don\'t enable service automatically during install
Mon Feb 6 13:00:00 2012
- added a disable-intersphinx.patch, which disables internet
documentation lookup
- run the provided script
Tue Jan 31 13:00:00 2012
- Fixed BuildRequires
Tue Jan 31 13:00:00 2012
- use upstream api-paste.ini
Thu Jan 26 13:00:00 2012
- don\'t require aoetools. AOEDriver is Deprecated.
This driver will be removed in Essex.
Tue Jan 24 13:00:00 2012
- updated to recent git snapshot
- removed stable/diablo patches
- added some BuildRequires
- fixed file lists and other issues which prevented build completing
- changed from .tar.gz to .tar.bz2
Mon Jan 16 13:00:00 2012
- fix initscript scriptlets
Wed Jan 11 13:00:00 2012
- add patch for authentication bug (bnc#740183)
Tue Jan 10 13:00:00 2012
- use License name Apache-2.0
Mon Jan 9 13:00:00 2012
- update upstream stable/diablo patches
omitting 0075-Sanitize-EC2-manifests-and-image-tarballs.patch
because it contains binary, which is not supported by patch
Wed Jan 4 13:00:00 2012
- add \'Required-Start: $network\' to avoid failure to connect
to remote mysql when booting with systemd
Fri Dec 23 13:00:00 2011
- require bridge-utils for nova-compute
Tue Dec 20 13:00:00 2011
- add noVNC
Tue Dec 13 13:00:00 2011
- Merge changes to enable build from git:
+ Add from_vcs and no_from_vcs bconds, that can be used in
addition to the BUILD_FROM_VCS macro to decide what to build.
+ Add some warning to summary of packages is building from VCS.
+ Add python-novaclient BuildRequires: new dependency in git.
+ Do not apply patches for the git package.
+ Package files that are new in git.
Tue Dec 6 13:00:00 2011
- Recommend python-mysql on openstack-nova as it is needed
for compute nodes which do not have openstack-nova-api
Tue Nov 29 13:00:00 2011
- create rc symlinks for services
- add missing postun sections
- package /var/run/nova as ghost
Tue Nov 29 13:00:00 2011
- Cleanup some rpmlint warnings
Tue Nov 29 13:00:00 2011
- Package lock dir and make sure to create it if it doesn\'t exist
Mon Nov 28 13:00:00 2011
- disable doc build on 12.1+ for now (sphinx segfault)
- add missing dependencies
- subpackages require the main package now
Fri Sep 23 14:00:00 2011
- update to 2011.3 (Diablo)
Wed Sep 21 14:00:00 2011
- require python-xml instead of missing PyXML
Mon Sep 19 14:00:00 2011
- avoid rotating backups of backups filling disk with millions of files
Tue Jun 21 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 1200
- This patch adds support for working with instances by UUID in addition to integer IDs.
- The Zone Scheduler routing mechanics were changed slightly so that when an UUID is passed in, it checks to see whether the item is available locally.
- If it isn\'t it re-routes to a child zone.
- If it is available locally, it substitutes the UUID with the integer ID and calls the wrapped function. This is the \'trick\' allows us to not change any of the virt-layer code-- everything still uses integer IDs locally.
- Check that server exists when interacting with /v1.1/servers/
/meta resource
- Implements a portion of ec2 ebs boot.
- What\'s implemented
* block_device_mapping option for run instance with volume(ephemeral device and no device isn\'t supported yet)
* stop/start instance
- Make EC2 update_instance() only update updatable_fields, rather than all fields. Patch courtesy of Vladimir Popovski.
- Fixes two minor bugs (lp795123 and lp795126) in the extension mechanism. The first bug is that each extension has _check_extension() called twice on it; this is a minor cosmetic problem, but the second is that extensions which flunk _check_extension() are still added. The proposed fix is to make _check_extensions() return True or False, then make _add_extension() call it from the top and return immediately if _check_extensions() returns False.
- Fixes a bug where a misleading error message is outputted when there\'s a sqlalchemy-migrate version conflict.
- Fix the volumes extension resource to have a proper prefix - /os-volumes
- Fixes lp797017, which is broken as a result of a fragile method in the xenapi drivers that assumed there would only ever be one VBD attached to an instance.
- Removes nova/image/ (LocalImageService)
- Increased error message readability for the OpenStack API.
- Updated \"get_all_across_zones\" in nova/compute/ to have \"context = context.elevated()\", allowing it to be run by non-admin users
- Update xenapi/ so that it calls find_sr instead of get_sr.
- Remove the old get_sr function which by default looked for an SR named \'slices\'.
- Make $my_ip Glance\'s default host, not localhost.
- Fixes a bug where a unit test sometimes fails due to a race condition.
- Adds \'joinedload\' statements where they need to be to prevent access of a \'detached\' object.
- novaclient changed to support projectID in authentication. Caused some minor issues with distributed scheduler. This fixes them up.
- The Xen driver supports running instances in PV or HVM modes, but the method it uses to determine which to use is complicated and doesn\'t work in all cases. The result is that images that need to use HVM mode (such as FreeBSD 64-bit) end up setting a property named \'os\' set to \'windows\'.
- This branch adds checks for a new property called \'vm_mode\'. This can be set to \'pv\' or \'hvm\' and select the appropriate mode. If the property doesn\'t exist, the existing logic is still used to determine which mode to use.
- Adds code to which:
* Prints the time taken to run each test
* Prints the 5 slowest tests at the end of the test-run
* Adds --hide-elapsed option to suppress elapsed time output
- Updated so that we use a \'tmp\' subdirectory under the Xen SR when staging migrations. Fixes an issue where you would get a \'File exists\' error because the directory under \'images\' already existed (created via the rsync copy).
- Changed requests with malformed bodies to return a HTTP 400 Bad Request instead of a HTTP 500 error.
- Phew ... ok, this is the last dist-scheduler merge before we get into serious testing and minor tweaks. The heavy lifting is largely done.
- This branch adds an OS API POST /zone/boot command which returns a reservation ID (unlike POST /servers which returns a single instance_id).
- This branch requires v2.5 of python-novaclient
- Additionally GET /servers can now take an optional reservation_id parameter, which will return all the instances with that reservation ID across all zones.
- Changed requests with malformed bodies to return a HTTP 400 Bad Request instead of a HTTP 500 error.
- Cleaned up pep8 errors using the current version of pep8 located in pip-requires. This is to remove the cluttered output when using the virtualenv to run pep8 (as you should). This will make development easier until the virtualenv requires the latest version of pep8 (see bug 721867).
- Fixed bug 796619
- Illustrations now added to Distributed Scheduler documentation (and fixed up some formatting)
- Removed clocksource=jiffies from PV_args.
- fixes bug that prevented custom wsgi serialization
- This fixes the server_metadata create and update functions that were returning req.body (as a string) instead of body (deserialized body dictionary object). It also adds checks where appropriate to make sure that body is not empty (and return 400 if it is). Tests updated/added where appropriate.
- ec2 api method allocate_address ; raises exception.NoFloatingIpsDefined instead of UnknownError when there aren\'t any floating ips available.
- in XML Serialization of output, the toprettyxml() call would sometimes return a str() and sometimes unicode(), I\'ve forced encoding to utf-8 to ensure that we always get str(). This fixes the related bug.
- A recent commit added a couple of directories that don\'t belong in version control. Remove them again.
- Allows Nova to talk to multiple Glance APIs (without the need for an external load-balancer). Chooses a random Glance API for each request.
- Now forwards create instance requests to child zones.
- Refactored nova.compute.api.create() to support deferred db entry creation.
- NOTE: created instances using the ZoneAwareScheduler result in two db entries: one in the parent zone, one in the child zone. This will be fixed in the next branch which will deal with reservation ID\'s and a new POST /zone/server OS API command. All the other schedulers work as advertised.
- MySQL database tables are currently using the MyISAM engine. Created migration script nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/ to change all current tables to InnoDB.
- Support for header \"X-Auth-Project-Id\" in osapi.
- Cleaned up some pylint errors
- Fix for bug#794239 to allow pep8 in to use the virtual environment
- adding Authorizer key for ImportPublicKey
- Cleaned up some of the larger pylint errors. Set to ignore some lines that pylint just couldn\'t understand.
- DRY up the image_state logic. Fix an issue where glance style images (which aren\'t required to have an \'image_state\' property) couldn\'t be used to run instances on the EC2 controller.
- Add the option to specify a default IPv6 gateway.
- Make libvirt snapshotting work with images that don\'t have an \'architecture\' property.
- run_instances will check image for \'available\' status before attempting to create a new instance
- Use True/False instead of 1/0 when setting updating \'deleted\' column attributes. Fixes casting issues when running nova with Postgres.
- This branch allows marker and limit parameters to be used on image listing (index and detail) requests. It parses the parameters from the request, and passes it along to the glance_client, which can now handle these parameters. Essentially all of the logic for the pagination is handled in glance, we just pass along the correct parameters and do some error checking.
- Update the OSAPI images controller to use \'serverRef\' for image create requests.
- Changed the error raise to not be AdminRequired when admin is not, in fact, required.
- Cleaned up some documentation while I was there.
- This branch removes nwfilter rules when instances are terminated to prevent resource leakage and serious eventual performance degradation. Without this patch, launching instances and restarting nova-compute eventually become very slow.
- Added \'config list\' to nova-manage. This function will output all of the flags and their values.
- Distributed Scheduler developer docs.
- Updated to use the \'/v1/images\' URL when uploading images to glance in the Xen glance plugin. Fixes the issue where snapshots fail to upload correctly.
- Removed \"double requirement\" from tools/pip-requires file.
- paramiko is not installed into the venv, but is required by smoketests/ Added paramiko to tools/pip-requires.
- Changes all uses of utcnow to use the version in utils. This is a simple wrapper for datetime.datetime.utcnow that allows us to use fake values for tests.
- There are still a few places in the Zone code that is using, I\'d prefer to move this to utils.utcnow() as well but I want to chat with sandy first to make sure that there won\'t be any issues.
- LDAP optimization and fix for one small bug caused huge performance leak.
- Dashboard\'s benchmarks showed overall x22 boost in page request completion time.
- Adds LeastCostScheduler which uses a series of cost functions and associated weights to determine which host to provision to.
- This change set adds the ability to create new servers with an href that points to a server image on any glance server (not only the default one configured). This means you can create a server with imageRef = http://glance1:9292/images/3 and then also create one with imageRef = http://glance2:9292/images/1. Using the old way of passing in an image_id still works as well, and will use the default configured glance server (imageRef = 3 for instance).
- We have tested pretty thoroughly with libvirt and xen.
- All tests pass, and we have done full end-to-end testing manually to verify that server creation/deletion is working.
- Tests that all exceptions can be raised properly, and fix the couple of instances where they couldn\'t be constructed due to typos.
- Fix error with % as replacement string.
- Makes novarc work properly on a mac and also for zsh in addition to bash. Other shells are not guaranteed to work.
- This adds the ability to publish nova errors to an error queue.
- Sudo chown the vbd device to the nova user before streaming data to it. This resolves an issue where nova-compute required \'root\' privs to successfully create nodes with connection_type=xenapi.
- Bugfix #780784. KeyError when creating custom image.
- Fixes nova-manage bug. When a nova-network host has allocated floating ips
* some associated, the nova-manage floating list would throw exception because was expecting hash with \'ec2_id\' key , however, the obj returned is a sqlalchemy obj and the attr we need is \'hostname\'.
- Implement the v1.1 style resize action with support for flavorRef.
- Updates to the 018_rename_server_management_url migration to avoid adding and dropping a column. Just simply rename the column.
- Support SSL AMQP connections.
- This just fixes a bunch of pep8 issues that have been lingering around for a while and bothering me :)
- move osapi-specific wsgi code from nova/ to nova/api/openstack/
- refactor wsgi modules to use more object-oriented approach to wsgi request handling:
- Resource object steps up to original Controller position
- Resource coordinates deserialization, dispatch to controller, serialization
- serialization and deserialization broken down to be more testable/flexible
- this will definitely help fixing current serialization-related bugs
- this paves the way for schema validation to be implemented elegantly
- Cleanup instances_path in the test_libvirt test_spawn_with_network_info test. Fixes issue where the nova/tests/instance-00000001/ is left in the nova source tree when running -N.
Wed Jun 1 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 1131
- fixed version
- fixed source0
Thu May 19 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 1087
Mon May 2 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 1039
- Expose AuthManager.list_projects user filter to nova-manage.
- Final cleanup of nova/ in my series of refactoring branches
- Uses memcached to cache roles so that ldap is actually usable.
- added nova version to usage output of bin/nova-manage for easy identification of installed codebase
- converted 1/0 comparison in db to True/False for Postgres cast compatibility
- Added more unit-test for multi-nic-nova libvirt
- Make the import of distutils.extra non-mandatory in Just print a warning that i18n commands are not available...
- Refactoring usage of nova.exception.NotFound
- Refactoring the usage of nova.exception.Duplicate
- Add a test checking spawn() works when network_info is set, which currently doesn\'t.
Fri Apr 22 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 1029
- Refactoring nova.exception.Invalid usage
- Use runtime XML instead of VM creation time XML for createXML() call in order to ensure volumes are attached after RebootInstances as a workaround, and fix bug #747922.
- clarifies error when trying to add duplicate instance_type names or flavorids via nova-manage instance_type
- Abstracted libvirt\'s lookupByName method into _lookup_by_name.
- Provide option of auto assigning floating ip to each instance. Depend on auto_assign_floating_ip boolean flag value. False by default.
- Restore volume state on migration failure to fix lp742256.
- Fixes cloudpipe to get the proper ip address.
- Fix bug with content-type and small OpenStack API actions refactor
- Fixed indent for _get_ip_version
- Added LoopingCall to destroy
- Standardized all LoopingCall uses to include useful logging and better error handling
- Create a dictionary of instance_types before executing SQL updates in the instance_type_id migration (014). This should resolve a \"cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress\" error with some versions of sqlite.
- Adapt DescribeInstances to EC2 API spec.
- Change response of the EC2 API CreateVolume method to match the API docs for EC2.
Thu Apr 21 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 1017
- fix logging in reboot OpenStack API
- Fixed network_info creation in libvirt driver. Now creating same dict as in xenapi driver.
- attempts to make the docstring rules clearer
- Docstring cleanup and formatting (nova/image dir). Minor style fixes as well.
- Docstring cleanup and formatting (nova/db dir). Minor style fixes as well.
- Docstring cleanup and formatting (nova dir). Minor style fixes as well.
- Docstring cleanup and formatting (console). Minor style fixes as well.
- Docstring cleanup and formatting (compute). Minor style fixes as well.
- Makes metadata correctly display kernel-id and ramdisk-id. References from the Database don\'t support \"in\".
- Another small round of pylint clean-up.
- Added an option to so you can run just pep8.
Tue Apr 19 14:00:00 2011
- cleanup of requirements
- added new package for nova-vncproxy
Tue Apr 19 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 1005
- Implement quotas for the new v1.1 server metadata controller.
- cleanup of pylint issues
Tue Apr 19 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 1003
- Only poll for instance states that compute should care about.
- Removed the unused self.interfaces_xml variable.
- Add additional logging for WSGI and OpenStack API authentication.
- Fix parameter mismatch calling to_xml() from spawn() in
- The change to utils.execute\'s call style missed this call somehow, this should get libvirt snapshots working again.
- Fixes nova-manage image convert when the source directory is the same one that local image service uses.
- Change \'== None\' to \'is None\'
- Support admin password when specified in server create requests.
- Fix loggin in creation server in OpenStack API 1.0
- use \'is not None\' instead of \'!= None\'
- Remove zope.interface from the requires file since it is not used anywhere.
- Adding projectname username to the nova-manage project commands to fix a doc bug, plus some edits and elimination of a few doc todos.
Fri Apr 15 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 990
- Diablo versioning.
- Final versioning for Cactus
- updated version to 2011.2
Thu Apr 14 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 987
Tue Apr 12 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 980
Wed Apr 6 14:00:00 2011
- added new binary /usr/bin/nova-vncproxy into package compute
Wed Apr 6 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 945
- Separate CA/ dir into code and state.
- This branch contains the fix for lp:749973. VNC is assumed that
is default for all in libvirt which LXC does not support yet.
- Moved \'name\' from to , corrected
and fixes bug # 750482.
Tue Apr 5 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 943
- Only define \'VIMMessagePlugin\' class if suds can be loaded.
- fixes incorrect case of OpenStack API status response
- Attempt to circumvent errors in the API from improper/malformed responses from image service.
- Fixes bug 741246. Ed Leafe\'s inject_file method for the agent plugin was mistakenly never committed after having to fix commits under wrong email address. vmops makes calls to this (previously) missing method.
- Declares the flag for vncproxy_topic in compute.api
- Don\'t prefix adminPass with the first 4 chars of the instance name.
- Removed and added reference to the new nova-adminclient project in tools/pip-requires.
- Network injection check fixed in libvirt driver.
- fix bug lp:682888 - DescribeImages has no unit tests.
- added missing dependecy python-suds
Mon Apr 4 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 933
- Make euca-get-ajax-console work with Euca2ools 1.3
- Add checking if the floating_ip is allocated or not before
appending to result array in DescribeAddresses.
- Added synchronize_session parameter to a query in
fixed_ip_disassociate_all_by_timeout() and fix #735974.
Fri Apr 1 14:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 930
- Add a change password action to /servers in openstack api v1.1, and
associated tests.
- Removes excessive logging message in the event of a rabbitmq failure.
- Add obviously-missing method that prevents an Hyper-V compute node
from even starting up
- Avoid any hard dependencies in nova.virt.vmwareapi.vim.
- Handles situation where Connection._instances doesn\'t exist (ie.
- OpenStack API faults have been changed to now return the appropriated
Content-Type header.
- Key was converted through str() even if None, resulting in \"None\"
- added to authorized_keys when no key was specified.
- Moving server update adminPass support to be v1.0-specific
- OS API servers update tests actually assert and pass now
- Enforcing server name being a string of length > 0
- Adding Content-Type code to openstack.api.versions.Versions
- Fixes metadata for ec2_api to specify owner_id so that it filters
- Makes the image decryption code use the per-project private key to
decrpyt uploaded images if use_project_ca is set. This allows the
decryption code to work properly when we are using a different ca per
- TopicAdapterConsumer uses a different callback model than
TopicConsumer. This patch updates the console proxy to use this
- Without this patch, nova-ajax-console proxy will generate an error
every time an auth token is cast to it, and hence it won\'t work.
- Uses the proc filesystem to check the volume size in volume
smoketests so that it works with a very limited busybox image.
- The VNC Proxy is an OpenStack component that allows users of Nova to
access their instances through a websocket enabled browser (like
Google Chrome).
- A VNC Connection works like so:
* User connects over an api and gets a url like
* User pastes url in browser
* Browser connects to VNC Proxy though a websocket enabled client
like noVNC
* VNC Proxy authorizes users token, maps the token to a host and port
of an instance\'s VNC server
* VNC Proxy initiates connection to VNC server, and continues
proxying until the session ends
- Support for volumes in the OpenStack API
- Two new endpoints: /volumes and /servers//volume_attachments
- Make dnsmasq_interface configurable.
- Stop nova-manage from reporting an error every time. Apparently
except: catches sys.exit(0).
- Now checking that exists at least one network marked injected
(libvirt and xenapi)
- This branch adds support for linux containers (LXC) to nova. It uses
the libvirt LXC driver to start and stop the instance.
- Glance used to return None when a date field wasn\'t set, now it
returns \'\'.
- Glance used to return dates in format \"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S\", now it
returns \"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f\".
- Fixed to allow for all cases.
- Adds support for versioned requests on /images through the OpenStack
- Added VLAN networking support for XenAPI
- Displays an error message to the user if an exception is raised.
This is vital because if logfile is set, the exception shows up in
the log and the user has no idea something went wrong.
- Moving shared_ip_groups controller to APIRouterV10
- Replacing all shared_ip_groups contoller code with HTTPNotImplemented
- Adding shared_ip_groups testing
- Toss an __init__ in the test extensions dir. This gets it included in
the tarball.
- Make extensions code ignore modules whose name starts with \'_\'.
- Warn if an extension doesn\'t define a class or factory by the right
- This fixes EC2 API so that it returns image displayName and
description properly.
- Moving backup_schedule route out of base router to OS API v1.0
- All controller methods return HTTPNotImplemented to prevent further
- Correcting tests that referred to incorrect url
- Fixed DescribeUser in the ec2 admin client to return None instead of
an empty UserInfo object.
- Adds support for snapshotting (to a new image) in the libvirt code.
- Changed TopicConsumer to TopicAdapterConsumer in
bin/nova-ajax-console-proxy to allow it to start up once again.
- Assume that if we don\'t find a VM for an instance in the DB, and the
DB state is NOSTATE, that the db instance is in the process of being
spawned, and don\'t mark it SHUTOFF.
- Fix for bug#744056
- Mixins for tests confuse pylint no end, and aren\'t necessary... you
can stop the base-class from being run as a test by prefixing the
class name with an underscore
- Merged the two periodic_tasks functions, that snuck in due to
parallel merges in compute.manager
- use_ipv6 now passing to interfaces.template as first level variable
in libvirt_conn
- Updates to the newest version of, which includes:
* Installing new python dependencies
* Allows for use of interfaces other than eth0
* Adds a run_detached mode for automated testing
- Adding links container to openstack api v1.1 servers entities.
- disk_format is now an ImageService property. Adds tests to prevent
- add a \"links\" container to versions entities for Openstack API v1.1
- add testing for the openstack api versions resource and create a view
- This is basic network injection for XenServer, and includes:
* Modification of the /etc/network/interfaces file within the image
using code taken from and now shared with libvirt_conn. This is for
compatibility with legacy Linux images without a guest agent.
* Setting of xenstore keys before instance boot, intended for the
XenServer Windows agent. The agent will use these to configure the
network at boot-time.
- It does include template code to detect the presence of agents and
avoid modifying the filesystem if they are injection-capable.
- Implement image metadata controller for the v1.1 OS API.
- Uses image \'properties\' to store and retrieve image metadata.
- Add a \"links\" container to flavors entities for Openstack API v1.1.
- Implement metadata resource for Openstack API v1.1. Includes:
- GET /servers/id/meta
- POST /servers/id/meta
- GET /servers/id/meta/key
- PUT /servers/id/meta/key
- DELETE /servers/id/meta/key
- Support for markers for pagination as defined in the 1.1 spec.
- Ports the Tornado version of an S3 server to eventlet and wsgi, first
step in deprecating the twistd-based objectstore.
- This is a trivial implementation, never meant for production, it
exists to provide an s3-look-alike objectstore for use when
developing/testing things related to the amazon APIs (eucatools,
etc), any production deployment would be expected to use Swift + an
S3 interface.
- Fix lp741415 by splitting arguments of _execute in the iSCSI driver.
- Support for markers for pagination as defined in the 1.1 spec.
- Adds support for hypervisor vmware ESX/ESXi server in OpenStack
- Key features included are,
1) Support for FLAT and VLAN networking model
2) Support for Guest console access through VMware vmrc
3) Integrated with Glance service for image storage and retrival
- Documentation: A readme file at \"doc/source/vmwareapi_readme.rst\"
encapsulates configuration/installation instructions required to use
this module/feature.
- Adds serverId to OpenStack API image detail per related_image
- Fix for bug #740947
- Executing parted with sudo in _write_partition (
- Implement API extensions for the Openstack API. Based on the
Openstack 1.1 API the following types of extensions are supported:
* Top level resources (extension)
* Action extensions (add an extra action to a core nova controller)
* Response extensions (inject data into response from core nova
- To add an extension simply drop an extension file into the configured
osapi_extensions_path (which defaults to /var/lib/nova/extensions).
- Adds unit test coverage for XenAPI Rescue & Unrescue.
- libvirt driver multi_nic support. In this phase libvirt can work with
and without multi_nic support, as in multi_nic support for xenapi:
- Additions to the Direct API:
* Add an example of a versioned api
* Add some more docs to
* Add Limited, an API limiting/versioning wrapper
* Improve the formatting of the stack tool
* Add support for volume and network services to the direct api
- In this branch we are forwarding incoming requests to child zones
when the requested resource is not found in the current zone. NOTE:
This currently only works with OpenStack API requests and routing
checks are only being done against Compute/instance_id checks.
* servers.create is pending for distributed scheduler
* servers.get_all will get added early in Diablo.
- Fixes a bug that was causing tests to fail on OS X by ensuring that
greenthread sleep is called during retry loops.
- Fix some errors that pylint found in nova/api/openstack/
- This was meant more as a test that pylint is actually being helpful
now (it is), but these are real errors.
- Fix api logging to show proper path and controller:action.
- Pylint \'Undefined variable\' E0602 error fixes.
- Made service_get_all()\'s disabled parameter default to None. Pass
False for enabled services; True for disabled services. Calls to this
method have been updated to remain consistent.
- Don\'t try to parse the empty string as a datetime
- Detect if user is running the default Lucid version of libvirt, and
give a nicer error message
- Fix lp741514 by declaring libvirt_type in nova-manage.
- Aggregates capabilities from Compute, Network, Volume to the
ZoneManager in Scheduler.
- Fixes lp740322: cannot run test_localization in isolation
- Pass a fake timing source to live_migration_pre in every test that
expectes it to fail, shaving off a whole minute of test run time.
- Poll instance states periodically, so that we can detect when
something changes \'behind the scenes\'.
- Added a mechanism for versioned controllers for openstack api
versions 1.0/1.1.
- Create servers in the 1.1 api now supports imageRef/flavorRef instead
of imageId/flavorId.
- better logging of exceptions
- Fix issues with certificate updating & whitespace removal
- Offers the ability to run a periodic_task that sweeps through rescued
instances older than 24 hours and forcibly unrescues them.
- Flag added: rescue_timeout (default is 0 - disabled)
- boto_v6 module is imported if the flag \"use_ipv6\" is set to True
- Move all types of locking into utils.synchronize decorator.
- Convert all uses of semaphores to use this decorator.
- Updates the previously merged xs_migration functionality to allow
upsizing of the RAM and disk quotas for a XenServer instance.
- Fix lp735636 by standardizing the format of image timestamp
properties as datetime objects.
- So far, only glance supports returning image create, update, and
delete timestamps. And only the openstack api reports those dates.
Thus, the fixes were confined to those two modules.
- This branch contains the fix for bug #740929
- It makes sure cidr_v6 is not null before building the \'ip6s\' key in
the network info dictionary.
- This way utils.to_global_ipv6 does not fail because of cidr==None.
- We update update_ra method to synchronize, in order to prevent crash
when we request multiple instance at once.
- Fix for #740742 - format describe_instance_output correctly to
prevent errors in dashboard.
- Without this change, it is not possible to properly select instance
types when launching instances with the OS dashboard.
- Enable flat manager support for ipv6.
- Adding a talk bubble to the site that points
readers to the 2011.1 site and the site - similar
to the site. I believe it helps people see more
sites are available, plus they can get to the Bexar site if they want
to. Going forward it\'ll be nice to use this talk bubble to point
people to the trunk site from released sites.
- Correctly imports greenthread in It is used by
- Test the login behavior of the OpenStack API. Uncovered bug732866
- Fix the describe_vpns admin api call.
- Firstly, use the correct mechanism for mapping ec2 ids from instance
- Secondly, if a vpn doesn\'t have an ip/port assignment from the
project, don\'t try utils.vpn_ping, as it will raise an exception.
- Fix for LP Bug #704300
- Fix a typo in the ec2 admin api.
- xenapi support for multi_nic. This is a phase of multi_nic which
allows xenapi to work as is and with multi_nic. The other virt
driver(s) need to be updated with the same support.
- Wrap update_dhcp in utils.synchronized.
- wrap and log errors getting image ids from local image store
- Provide more useful exception messages when unable to load the
virtual driver.
- Openstack api 1.0 flavors resource now implemented to match the spec
- Changed fixed_range (CIDR) to be required in the nova-manage command;
changed default num_networks to 1.
- fixes nova-manage instance_type compatibility with postgres db
- Tell PyLint not to complain about the \"_\" function
- Make smoketests\' exit code reveal whether they were succesful.
- Adjust volume tests to check the exact size of the block device,
instead of a rounded-off size of the resulting filesystem.
- Make work with both variants of netcat.
- Added run_instances method to the of the
contrib/boto_v6/ec2 which would return ReservationV6 object instead
of Reservation in order to access attribute dns_name_v6 of an
- Cleanup of FakeAuthManager
- Replaced all pylint \"disable-msg=\" with \"disable=\" and \"enable-msg=\"
with \"enable=\".
- Change cloud.id_to_ec2_id to ec2utils.id_to_ec2_id. Fixes EC2 API
error handling when invalid instances and volume names are specified.
- Re-implementation (or just implementation in many cases) of Limits in
the OpenStack API. Limits is now available through /limits and the
concept of a limit has been extended to include arbitrary regex /
http verb combinations along with correct XML/JSON serialization.
Tests included.
- Mark instance metadata as deleted when we delete the instance
- Make \"ApiError\" the default error code for ApiError instances, rather
than \"Unknown.\"
Tue Mar 22 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 843
- Mark instance metadata as deleted when we delete the instance
- Re-implementation (or just implementation in many cases) of
Limits in the OpenStack API.
- Change cloud.id_to_ec2_id to ec2utils.id_to_ec2_id. Fixes EC2 API
error handling when invalid instances and volume names are specified
- Replaced all pylint \"disable-msg=\" with \"disable=\" and \"enable-msg=\"
with \"enable=\".
- Tell PyLint not to complain about the \"_\" function
- fixes nova-manage instance_type compatibility with postgres db
- Changed fixed_range (CIDR) to be required in the nova-manage command;
changed default num_networks to 1.
- Openstack api 1.0 flavors resource now implemented to match the spec
- Provide more useful exception messages when unable to load the virtual
- wrap and log errors getting image ids from local image store
- Wrap update_dhcp in utils.synchronized
- xenapi support for multi_nic.
Fri Mar 18 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 828
- Fixes lp736343 - Incorrect mapping of instance type id to flavor
id in Openstack API
- Add support for network QoS (ratelimiting) for XenServer.
- Backfix of bugfix of issue blocking creating servers with metadata
- general approach for openstack api versioning
- added imageRef and flavorRef to os api v1.1 servers
- modified addresses container structure in os api v1.1 servers
- openstack api version now preserved in request context
- Make utils.execute not overwrite std{in,out,err} args to Popen on
- Make utils.execute reject unknown kwargs.
- Fix a number of place in the volume driver where the argv hadn\'t
been fully split
- When changing the project manager, if the new manager is not yet
a project member, be sure to make them be a project member.
- Make \"ApiError\" the default error code for ApiError instances,
rather than \"Unknown.\"
Thu Mar 17 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 815
- new funtions in nova-manage
- Fixes euca-get-ajax-console returning Unknown Error
- Don\'t generate insecure passwords where it\'s easy to use
urandom instead
- Keypairs are not required in the OpenStack API; don\'t require them!
- Add missing fallback chain for ipv6.
- fixes bug 735298: start of nova-compute not possible because of
wrong xml paths to the //host/cpu section in \"virsh capabilities\",
used in nova/virt/
- adds support for personality files to the openstack api. It
leverages previous work which added this functionality to the
compute api, compute manager, and xen api. (detail)
- Log the use of utils.synchronized.
Wed Mar 16 13:00:00 2011
- changed used archive format from tar.bz2 to tar.gz
- update to bzr rev 807
- fixed OpenStack API authentication information leakage (lp732866)
Tue Mar 15 13:00:00 2011
- added new requirement python-novaclient for openstack-nova-scheduler
Tue Mar 15 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 802
- Fix instructions for setting up the initial database.
- Make nova-dhcpbridge output lease information in dnsmasq\'s
leasesfile format.
- Only include kernel and ramdisk ID in meta-data output if they
are actually set.
- NTT\'s live-migration branch, merged with trunk, conflicts resolved,
and migrate file renamed.
- Include cpuinfo.xml.template
- Fix capitalization of ApiError
- Implements basic OpenStack API client, ready to support API tests
Mon Mar 14 13:00:00 2011
- changed requirement pyxml to python-xml
- see novell bug #656779
Sat Mar 12 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 794
- Make linux_net ensure_bridge commands that add and remove ip addr\'s from
devices/bridges work with with the latest utils.execute method (execvp).
- Adds in multi-tenant support to openstack api.
- Changes the output of status in describe_volumes from showing the user as
the owner of the volume to showing the project as the owner.
- Passes net variable as value of keyword argument process_input.
- adds the ability to boot Windows and Linux instances in XenServer using
different sets of vm-params.
- Remove race condition when refreshing security groups and destroying
instances at the same time
- Replace raw SQL calls through session.execute() with SQLAlchemy code.
- Use a consistent naming scheme for XenAPI variables.
Fri Mar 11 13:00:00 2011
- python-glance (or openstack-glance now) is no dependency
Fri Mar 11 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 786
- initializing instance power state on launch to 0
- added a new IptablesManager that takes care of all uses of iptables.
Thu Mar 10 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 784
- Introduces the ZoneManager to the Scheduler which polls the child
zones and caches their availability and capabilities
- fixed fallout from the execvp introduction
Thu Mar 10 13:00:00 2011
- nova-api.conf was replaced with api-paste.ini
- removed deprecated cc_host flag from nova.conf
- removed old tarball
Thu Mar 10 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 781
- Adding new nova-api flag --paste_config, the value of which is
used in place of the hard-coded \"nova-api.conf\"
- Defaulting the new --paste_config to \"api-paste.ini\"
- Inhibit inclusion of stack traces in the logs UNLESS --verbose
has been specified.
- Adds SignatureVersion checking for Amazon EC2 API requests.
- Use disk_format and container_format in place of image type.
- mangled instance creation in virt drivers due to improper merge
conflict resolution
- replaced ConnectionFailed with Exception in tools/euca-get-ajax-console
- Invalid values for offset and limit params in http requests now
return a 400 response with a useful message in the body
- Add a decorator that lets you synchronise actions across multiple binaries
- ability to delete networks with nova-manage
- nova-manage does now check if a network exists before creating it
- Fixes a race condition where multiple greenthreads were attempting to
resize a file at the same time.
- Fixes to run properly the first time.
- Modifies S3ImageService to wrap LocalImageService or GlanceImageService.
Mon Mar 7 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 762
- tag contained in the DescribeKeyPairs changed from
- Use %s for instance-delete logging in case instance_id comes
through as a string
- Fix renaming of instance fields using update_instance api method
- Implementation for XenServer migrations
Thu Mar 3 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 758
- introduced new flag \"max_nbd_devices\" to set the number of possible
NBD devices
- Adds VHD build support for XenServer driver
- Wrapped the instance_types comparison with an int
- Openstack API support for hostId
- Enable IPv6 injection for XenServer instances
- Provide the ability to rescue and unrescue a XenServer instance
- Fixes Bug #715424: nova-manage : create network crashes when subnet
range provided is not enough , if the network range cannot fit the
parameters passed, a ValueError is raised
- checking for < 0 values in \"limit\" and \"offset\" GET parameters. If
either are negative, raise a HTTPBadRequest exception.
- dynamic instance types
- Fix regression in the way libvirt_conn gets its instance_types
Sat Feb 26 13:00:00 2011
- added missing directory for nova-instancemonitor in /var/lib/nova
Sat Feb 26 13:00:00 2011
- added new package openstack-nova-ajax-console-proxy
- added insertion/deletion of service openstack-nova-instancemonitor
- added insertion/deletion of service openstack-nova-ajax-console-proxy
- included tools/ajaxterm in package openstacn-nova-compute
Sat Feb 26 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 747
- consolidating install instructions and pointing to the site for admin docs
- 743. Fixes FlatDHCP by making it inherit from NetworkManager
and moving some methods around. (detail)
- check if QUERY_STRING is empty or not before building the
request URL in bin/nova-ajax-console-proxy
- No reason to dump a stack trace just because the AMQP server
is unreachable; an error notification should be sufficient.
- Makes nova-api correctly load the default flagfile
- show disable services with \"nova-manage service list\"
Fri Feb 25 13:00:00 2011
- add ajaxterm subpackage
Fri Feb 25 13:00:00 2011
- removed patch openstack-nova-2011.1-python26-no-processname-log.diff
upstream included it
Fri Feb 25 13:00:00 2011
- added init script for nova-ajax-console-proxy and
- update to bzr rev 740
- Easy and effective fix for getting the DNS value from flag file,
when working in FlatNetworking mode
- Don\'t require metadata (hotfix for bug 724143)
- Add some methods to the ec2 admin api to work with VPNs.
Also implements and properly documents the get_hosts method.
- Removes processName from debug output since we aren\'t using
multiprocessing and it doesn\'t exist in python 2.6.1
- adds live network injection/reconfiguration. Some refactoring
- Cleanup db method names for dealing with auth_tokens to follow
standard naming pattern.
Thu Feb 24 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 732
- Globally exclude
*.pyc files from generated tarballs
- This fix checks whether the boot/guest directory exists on the
hypervisor. If that is not the case, it creates it.
- Support HP/LeftHand SANs.
- Some first steps towards resolving some of the issues brought
up on the mailing list related to documenting flags.
Thu Feb 24 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 728:
- Change missed reference to run_tests.err.log
- Revert commit 709. This fixes issues with the Openstack API
causing \'No user for access key admin\' errors.
- Adds colors to output of tests and cleans up
- sets working directory for nose to nose/tests for faster load
- moves db into nova/tests/test.sqlite
- deletes the db in instead of before
running tests
- Prevent logging.setup() from generating a syslog handler if we
didn\'t request one (breaks on mac)
- Helper function that supports XPath style selectors to traverse
an object tree
- Fixes the describe_availability_zones to use an elevated
context when getting services and the db calls to pass
parameters correctly so is_admin check works.
- fix smoketests and split out sysadmin tests from netadmin tests
- sets use_ipv6 = False by default
- switches to ami-tty for tests
- generally improves error handling
- Fixes and optimizes filtering for describe_security_groups
- The proposed branch prevents FlatManager from executing network
initialisation tasks contained in linux_net.init_host(), which
are unnecessary when flat networking is used.
- The kernel_id and the ramdisk_id are optional, yet the OpenStack
API was requiring them.
- Initial support for per-instance metadata
- Fixes lots of errors in the unit tests.
Wed Feb 23 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 715:
- --pidfile fixes in contrib/puppet
- DescribeRegion answer fixes
- remove nova-combined binary
Tue Feb 22 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 713:
- updated translations
- various logging related fixes
- python-nova api related fixes
- fix python-daemon versioned buildrequires
Mon Feb 21 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 706:
* user lookup optimizations
* improve error message if no keypairs are registered
* fix vpn images
* various other fixes, see ChangeLog
Fri Feb 18 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 700:
- lots of fixes, mostly in networking area, see ChangeLog
Wed Feb 16 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 684:
- lots of fixes in all areas, see changelog
Mon Feb 14 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 669:
* fixes for EC2 DescribeImages to work against Glance
* various fixes in networking and database handling
* fixes in RunInstances
Fri Feb 11 13:00:00 2011
- add tunctl dependency to nova-network
Thu Feb 10 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 658:
* fix iptables issue with floating ips
* fix timestamp comparison problem in the db layer
* add support for \'SAN\' style volumes. A SAN\'s big difference is
that the iSCSI target usually won\'t run on the same host as the
volume service.
Wed Feb 9 13:00:00 2011
- remove rabbitmq-server dependency: this can run on another host
Tue Feb 8 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 655
* improve FlatDHCP setup
- symlink /var/lib/nova/CA to python-sitelib to workaround code bug
Tue Feb 8 13:00:00 2011
- continue with tracking devel releases:
- update to bzr rev 654, changes (among others)
- use ip instead of ifconfig
- new parameter --dhcp_domain to set the domain used by dnsmasq
- remove obsolete openstack-nova-2011.1-fix-build.diff
Fri Feb 4 13:00:00 2011
- use /etc/nova/nova.conf as default e.g. for nova-manage
- fix sudoers file, not yet used
Fri Feb 4 13:00:00 2011
- really fix start and stop in the init scripts
- fail in init script if service cannot be started
- fix logfile location
- redirect output to /dev/null
- fix url example syntax in nova.conf
- fix netmask in example nova.conf
Thu Feb 3 13:00:00 2011
- use startproc to get services into the background on start
Thu Feb 3 13:00:00 2011
- fix stop routine in init scripts
Thu Feb 3 13:00:00 2011
- official bexar release:
* rename to nova-2011.1
* bznew the tarball to save space
Wed Feb 2 13:00:00 2011
- update to release candidate (bzr rev 645)
* fix launchpad bug 709057
* fix launchpad bug 709510
Tue Feb 1 13:00:00 2011
- add ebtables dependency to python-nova
Tue Feb 1 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 642
* log uncaught exceptions instead of printing to stderr
* enabled modification of projects using the EC2 admin API
- packaging
* add logrotate dependency
Mon Jan 31 13:00:00 2011
- we need libvirt >= 0.8.1 (
- openstack-nova-network needs python-netifaces
Mon Jan 31 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 640 (jftr: 638 was gamma1)
- add dependencies / recommends to python-mysql, python-sqlite2
Fri Jan 28 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 638
Fri Jan 28 13:00:00 2011
- update to bzr rev 635
Thu Jan 27 13:00:00 2011
- nova-api requires redis and rabbitmq-server
- Update to todays snapshot (nova-2011.1~bzr627)
- fix some documentation build warnings by adding more BuildReqires
Wed Jan 26 13:00:00 2011
- Update to todays snapshot (nova-2011.1~bzr621)
Wed Jan 26 13:00:00 2011
- patch a problem with python 2.6
- openstack-nova depends on euca2ools
- python-nova depends on python-cheetah
Tue Jan 25 13:00:00 2011
- remove obsolete configfiles, add nova.conf template
(thanks to Andre Naehring for mentioning this)
- require python-sqlalchemy-migrate and python-netaddr
Tue Jan 25 13:00:00 2011
- do not phone home during build - breaks OBS build
Tue Jan 25 13:00:00 2011
- Update to the latest snapshot (nova-2011.1~bzr606)
Thu Nov 4 13:00:00 2010
- Fix various issues (init, permissions, config, etc..)
Thu Oct 21 14:00:00 2010
- Initial build