Changelog for
rubygem-database_cleaner-doc-1.2.0-12.1.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Oct 10 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.2.0
A huge thanks goes to AATTtommeier for fixing the bug with class loading that was cuasing the wrong adapters
to be used in certain cases.
=== New Features/Changes
* Upgraded RSpec to remove deprecation warnings (John Rowe)
* Caching of tables to truncate is now optional (AATTmarcoow)
=== Bug Fixes
* Use class_eval loading of superclasses to ensure right version of class is patched. (Tom Meier, Joel Nimety, Ernesto Tagwerker)
* Add truncate_tables method to SQLiteAdapter. (Chris Mo)
* Fixes missing #uses_sequence invokation in adapter classes for sqlite and sqlite3 (Lefteris Laskaridis)
Fri Aug 2 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.1.1
=== Bug Fixes
* Fixes typo in Postgres superclass (POSTGRE_ADAPTER_PARENT > POSTGRES_ADAPTER_PARENT) (Joel Nimety)
== 1.1.0 2013-08-01
=== New Features/Changes
* schema_migrations table name is now retrieved from ActiveRecord (Kyle Stevens)
* Autoloading logic is now exposed, see PR #212 for details (Jeff Felchner)
=== Bug Fixes
* Deletion strategy works again on MySQL, had to roll back multiple statements patch.
* Fix MySqlAdapter superclass bug via class_eval loading of superclasses (Tom Meier)
* Sequel strategy fix dealing with symbol/string mismatch on table names. (Fred Wu)
Wed May 15 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.0.1
=== New Features/Changes
* Dropping support for Ruby 1.8.x; Only 1.9.x and beyond will be supported going forward.
* Now supporting (and testing against ruby 2.0.x).
* Adds support for AR 4.0 by using `begin_transaction` (David Chelimsky and Steve Madsen)
* Adds Rails 4 support for SQLite3Adapter
* Suppport for Moped when used without Mongoid (Cyprian Kowalczyk)
* Redis & Ohm support (Hengbin Qiu, James Conroy-Finn)
* CI Improvements (Jan Vlnas, Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi, Samer Masry, Jordan Hollinger)
* README/Documentation improvements (Marcelo Cajueiro, Donald Ball, TJ Chambers, Nick Huanca, Justin Edwards, Ryota Arai)
=== Bug Fixes
* Fixes transaction errors when using `after_commit` hooks in AR.
* Fixes truncation error with SQLite (Daniel White)
* Fixes `pre_count` logic in AR Postgres. (Jordan Hollinger)
* Sequel fix to normalize all table names to strings. (Lauri Peltola)
* #clean_with now works with multiple connections. (John Ferlito)
* Always start a AR transaction to prevent nil errors in AR when rolling back (John Hampton, M.Shibuya)
Thu Nov 1 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 0.9.1
Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- initial package (version 0.8.0)