Changelog for
perl-Config-Auto-0.44-22.6.noarch.rpm :
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2014
- updated to 0.44
- Resolve RT#91891 an edge-case with equal and space format detection
Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- updated to 0.42
- Add a test fstab file instead of relying on the vagaries of system ones
- Resolve RT#74711 reported by David Oswald
( Calling Config::Auto::parse while $_ aliases a constant value throws exception )
Wed Oct 26 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 0.38
- Resolve RT 69984 reported by Thomas Johnson
( Array handling regression when using equals format )
- updated to 0.36 Fri Jul 1 14:38:57 2011
- Fix for RT 68913 reported by Michael Lackhoff
( config files with DOS line endings do not work in Linux )
Mon May 30 14:00:00 2011
- rengerate with cpanspec 1.78.04
Mon Apr 4 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 0.34
- Apply patch from Andrew Ruthven RT #66460
( also Debian Bug # 617305 )
- Fix a regression with space separated format
reported by Karel Petera RT #66050
- Apply a fix from Nigel Horne RT #65019
- Not all versions of XML::Parser deal well with an IO::String filehandle;
pass the value in as string instead
- Fix a broken XML test
- Remove stray $DB::single = 1
- Don\'t delete XML tests, skip them
- Address #44018: Speed enhancements to only load modules if they are
actually needed. By Lyle Hopkins
- Address #32927: Hash key being assigned to $1 instead of $_
- Address #28608: Quoted parameters in Config::Auto
parsing now properly splits on quoted words, shell like
- Address #27686: an odd config format could throw uninitialized
value warnings
- Guts of Config::Auto rewritten to allow access to data in various
- Updates prereq list
- Increased test coverage
Sat Jan 22 13:00:00 2011
- initial package 0.20
* created by cpanspec 1.78.03