Changelog for perl-YAML-Syck-1.27-4.1.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Jun 26 14:00:00 2013
- add 0001-Recognize-all-wide-unicode-characters.patch patch. Fixes
test on PowerPC

Fri Jun 14 14:00:00 2013
- updated to 1.27

* Resolve RT#84466 not fixed in 1.26 It failed about 10% of the time.

* Resolve RT#84882 and RT#84466 hash randomisation in yaml-alias.t on perl 5.18.0

* Apply patch from RT 78363 - MinGW64 compatibility

* Implement $JSON::Syck::MaxDepth

* Prevent failure when the same object is seen twice during Dump.

* Prevent YAML from being influnced by the previous

* Make sure that LoadBlessed=0 blocks all blessing.

* Start listing primary repo as toddr on github ( )

* README refreshed via perldoc -t

* Fix error message typo: s/existant/existent/g

* Fix for non-printable character detection

* Quote if non-printable characters are present

* Change LoadBlessed=0 to not bless under ANY circumstances

Mon Apr 15 14:00:00 2013
- Add Source URL, see

Tue Nov 8 13:00:00 2011
- update to 1.19: no user-visible changes

Sun Nov 6 13:00:00 2011
- update to 1.18:

* perl RT#102606 - only lvalue subroutines are supposed to return the
argument to \"return\" without copying it; stop relying on a pre-5.15 bug

* break YAML::Syck dependency on Scalar::Util

Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2011
- update to 1.17

* Change a C99 comment to a C89 comment

* Upgrade ppport.h from 3.13 to 3.19

* Remove inc/Test/Builder/IO/ from MANIFEST

* POD formatting fixes contributed by Justin Hunter

* perl RT #78008 - The 5.13.5 development release of perl changed how
regexes are stringified, breaking our tests. Update the tests to
deal with the new syntax.
See fb85c04 ( in
perl.git for context.

Wed Dec 1 13:00:00 2010
- switch to perl_requires macro

Mon Aug 30 14:00:00 2010
- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
o obviously destructed

Fri Aug 27 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.14:

* RT RT60771 - quoted negative integer and quoted zeroes;
this was breaking JSON since \"0\" is true in javascript

Tue Aug 17 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.12

* The tie test proved to be very unstable for 5.8 and it\'s not
relevant for tie actually. I\'m converting it to a TODO for now.
- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
- added bcond_with opt

Mon Jun 7 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.10:
+ fix installations on perl 5.8.3 and older (bumping
Module::Install to 0.99 fixed it)

Sun May 30 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.09:
+ Reset the hash iterator after dumping hashes. Solves RT #54167
and the duplicate RT #34166.
+ RT #39572: Only print 0.60 compatibility warning if 0.60 or
earlier is installed.

Tue May 25 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.08:
+ Include a WARNING section in the YAML::Syck pod that mentions that
the module hasn\'t been actively maintained since 2007, and that
perhaps prospective users might want to turn elsewhere.
+ Strings starting with : are now always quoted. Ruby will interpret
anything starting with a colon as a symbol. Before this fix strings
exported from YAML::Syck would be interpreted as Ruby symbols when
read by Ruby\'s syck.
- Fix URL

Sun Feb 21 13:00:00 2010
- fix description

Sun Jan 10 13:00:00 2010
- enable parallel build

Sat Jul 25 14:00:00 2009
- spec mods

* removed ^----------

* removed ^#---------

Sat Jun 20 14:00:00 2009
- update to 1.07
o Changes for 1.07 (JSON::Syck 0.30)

* Added the missing Loadfile function to JSON::Syck.
Reported by: Dan McCormick
o Changes for 1.05 (JSON::Syck 0.29)

* Loading a YAML stream containing Regexp nodes under -d:DProf should
not fail with \"panic: Devel::DProf inconsistent subroutine return\".
Reported by: Richard Jelinek
o Changes for 1.04 (JSON::Syck 0.29)

* The \'Name \"YAML::Syck::ImplicitBinary\" used only once: possible typo\'
warnings no longer triggers in Perl 5.10 when running with perl -w.
Reported by: Jesse Vincent
o Changes for 1.03 (JSON::Syck 0.29)

* JSON::Syck: When $JSON::Syck::SingleQuote is false, implicit booleans
such as \"yes\" and \"no\" should be dumped with double quotes, instead of
single quotes (which breaks RFC 4627).
Reported by: cho45
o Changes for 1.02 (JSON::Syck 0.28)

* JSON::Syck: Colons in single-quoted strings are no longer loaded
with an extra space after it.
Reported by: Agent Zhang
o Changes for 1.01 (JSON::Syck 0.27)

* JSON::XS is now promoted prominiently in JSON::Syck\'s documentation.

* Added support for Perl 5.11 and its first-class Regexp objects.
Contributed by: Andreas Koenig

* Tests no longer fail incorrectly when 2.00+ is installed.
Contributed by: Andreas Koenig

* Removed the unused Syck bytecode modules (yamlbyte.h and yaml2byte.c)
to further reduce our memory footprint.
o Changes for 1.00 (JSON::Syck 0.26)

* When $YAML::Syck::SingleQuote is set to true, Dump() now emits newlines
in strings correctly. (Previously it would emit extra newlines.)
o Changes for 0.99 (JSON::Syck 0.26)

* TODOify tests as appropriate for Perl 5.005 and Perl 5.6.x.
o Changes for 0.98 (JSON::Syck 0.26)

* Restore support for Perl 5.005 and earlier.
o Changes for 0.97 (JSON::Syck 0.26)

* When loading !!perl/code with $YAML::Syck::LoadCode set to false,
YAML::Syck now returns a coderef that does nothing (i.e. sub {}),
in accordance with\'s treatment, instead of returning the
actual code of the sub as a string.
Contributed by: Florian Ragwitz
o Changes for 0.96 (JSON::Syck 0.26)

* The always-quote rule now applies to all implicit booleans
and null values, i.e. strings that match the following regex:

* Bare literals \"Y\", \"N\", \"y\" and \"n\" are now recognized as
booleans when loading with implicit typing turned on.

* Mixed case strings that does not represent implicit boolean
values, such as \"yES\" and \"nO\", are no longer always-quoted.
Contributed by: Malcolm Studd
- added perl-macros
o autogen filelist with perl_gen_filelist
- spec mods
o added header
o fixed deps