Changelog for
mapnik-2.2.20130420-9.387.i586.rpm :
Thu Mar 21 13:00:00 2013
- hot-fix build againt boost 1.53 (see
Thu Jan 17 13:00:00 2013
- Updated -devel package Requires versions to match BuildRequires versions.
Tue Jan 15 13:00:00 2013
- Added explicit build dependency on openmpi library
- Added explicit minimum version for ICU library
Sun Jan 6 13:00:00 2013
- run format_spec_file
- fix license \"LPL\" -> \"LGPL\"
- require libtool for mapnik-devel (it includes ltdl.h)
Wed Sep 12 14:00:00 2012
- update to 2.1.0
* This release includes significant refactoring in Mapnik core, with many new features like image compositing, geometry
i/o formats, image-filters, and geometry clipping and smoothing. It has vastly improved map loading speeds and better
rendering performance all around.
* This release attempts to maintain backward compatibility in the XML styling interface and will issue new deprecation
warnings for changes. See API-changes-between-v2.0-and-v2.1 for details.
* New datasource plugins include: GeoJSON, CSV, and Python.
* This release does not maintain full backwards compatibility in the python datasource API - notably the mapnik.Feature
interface has changed slightly and now requires a mapnik.Context to be passed to the constructor.
* This release includes major refactoring of the TextSymbolizer, but should still be backwards compatible from XML and python.
* A new framework for Style level image manipulation called Image filters.
* A new pipeline for chained coordinate transformations like clipping or smoothing called Vertex Converters
* Compositing modes at Symbolizer and (experimental) Style level. Infinite possibilities from this, see a few examples from AJ.
* Support for Style level opacity
* WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, SVG parsers and generators that can be used outside of rendering
* Data-driven SVG style transforms on svg markers and images thanks to AATTlightmare
* Data-driven orientation for Text, height for Buildings, and width/height for Markers.
* A new CSV input plugin
* A new GeoJSON input plugin
* A new Python input plugin
* Better text labeling through support for placement-type=\"list\".
* Improved Map loading speeds as well as warnings and errors
Thu Jul 26 14:00:00 2012
- update to 2.0.1
Mon Sep 26 14:00:00 2011
- Updated package (version 2.0.0)
- Add minimum-path-length property to text_symbolizer to allow labels to be placed only on lines of a certain length (#865)
- Add support for png quantization using fixed palettes (#843)
- Add AlsoFilter functionality -
- SQLite Plugin: optimize i/o using shared cache and no mutexes (#797)
- Directly link input plugins to libmapnik to avoid having to set dlopen flags from binding languages (#790)
- Throw an error during registration for fonts which Freetype2 does not report a family or style name (r2985).
- Fixed quoting syntax for \"table\".\"attribute\" in PostGIS plugin (previously if table aliases were used quoting like \"table.attribute\" would cause query failure) (r2979).
- Added the ability to control the PostGIS feature id by suppling a key_field to reference and integer attribute name (r2979).
- Added alternative, more robust proj_transform functions to project a bbox using more points than just the four
corners to ensure an optimally sized bbox despite proj4 out of bounds conditions. (olt)
- Added map.base parameter that can be set to control where files with relative paths should be interpreted
from when a map is loaded from a string or saved to a string. It defaults to an empty string which means
that the base path will be the current working directory of the mapnik process. When a stylesheet is read
from a file that files directory is used. And a custom value can still be passed as an argument to
- Added python function \'render_grid\' to allow conversion of grid buffer to python object containing list of grid
pixels, list of keys, and a and dictionary of feature attributes.
- Added new rendering backend, grid_renderer, that collects the attributes of rendered features and
burns their ids into a grid buffer.
- Added optional \'maximum-extent\' parameter to map object. If set will be used, instead of combined
layer extents, for return value of map.zoom_all(). Useful in cases where the combined layer extents
cannot possibly be projected into the map srs or the user wishes to control map bounds without
modifying the extents of each layer.
- Support for NODATA values with grey and rgb images in GDAL plugin (#727)
- Print warning if invalid XML property names are used (#110)
- Made XML property names use consistent dashes, never underscores (#644)
- Added support for drawing only first matching rule using filter-mode=\"first\" in Style (#706)
- Added support to PointSymbolizer (\'ignore_placement\') for skipping adding placed points to collision detector (#564)
- Added ability to register fonts within XML using Map level \'font_directory\' parameter (#168)
- TextSymbolizer: Change text_convert to text_transform to better match css naming (r2211)
- Shapefile Plugin: Throw error if attribute name is requested that does not exist (#604)
- Upgraded to the latest proj4 string literal for EPSG:4326 (WGS84) as global default projection (#333)
- Added \'mapnik_version_from_string()\' function in python bindings to easily convert string representation
of version number to the integer format used in \'mapnik/version.hpp\'. e.g. \'0.7.1\' --> 701.
- Added xinclude ( support to libxml2-based xml parser (oldtopos) (#567)
- Optimized rendering speeds by avoiding locking in the projection code (r2063) (r2713)
- Added support for setting global alignment of polygon pattern fills (#203)
- Added support for choosing OGR layer by index number using \'layer_by_index\' parameter (r1904)
- Added support for fractional halo widths (using FT Stroker) (#93)
- Added support for reading jpeg images (in addition to png/tiff) for image symbolizers (#518)
- Made libjpeg dependency optional at compile time and added mapnik2.has_jpeg() method to check for support in python (#545).
- Fixed reading of PostGIS data on Big Endian systems (#515)
- PostGIS: Added better support for alternative schemas (#500)
- AGG Renderer - Enforced default gamma function on all symbolizers to ensure proper antialiasing
even when gamma is modified on the PolygonSymbolizer. (#512)
- Added ability to read pre 2.0.0 stylesheets, but prints a warning for deprecated syntax (r1592, #501)
- Rasterlite Plugin: Experimental support for Rasterlite, to practically use sqlite database with wavelet compressed rasters (#469)
- PNG: fixed png256 for large images and some improvements to reduce color corruptions (#522)
- Implement MarkersSymbolizer in Cairo render and improve the markers placement finder. (#553)
Fri Jun 26 14:00:00 2009
- Updated package (version 0.6.0)
Mon Mar 3 13:00:00 2008
- Updated package (version 0.5.0)
Fri Jun 29 14:00:00 2007
- Initial package (version 0.4.0)