Changelog for python-larch-1.20131130-1.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat Nov 30 13:00:00 2013
- Serious bug fixed: the \"KeyError\" crash for reference counts. This
was false memory use optimisation, which triggered a rare bug in
related code. Repeatable test case by Rob Kendrick, and helpful
analysis by Itamar Turing-Trauring.
- Serious bug fixed: another \"node missing\" bug. This crash was
caused by a bug that overwrote on-disk reference count groups
with zeroes. Repeatable test case by Rob Kendrick.
- Fixes to fsck from Antoine Brenner.

Thu Aug 8 14:00:00 2013
- Bug fix in how Larch handles partly-comitted B-tree journals
in read-only mode. Previously, this would result in a crash
if, say, a node had been removed, but the B-tree metadata
hadn\'t been committed. Recipe for reproducing bug found by
Damien Couroussé.

Sat Mar 16 13:00:00 2013
- Fsck now check for missing nodes, and optionally fixes them by
deleting references to them.
- Node numbers are now reported in hexadecimal, to make it easier to find
on disk. Patch by Damien Couroussé.
- The `speed-test` script now works again. The initialiser API for
`NodeStore` and `NodeStoreMemory` now have a new first argument,
`allow_writes`, to make them compatible with the `NodeStoreDisk`
initialiser. Patch by Antoine Brenner.
- Improved error messages for nodes that seem to be missing.

Sun Dec 16 13:00:00 2012
- Make fsck progress reporting be a bit more fine grained.

Sat Oct 6 14:00:00 2012
- Critical bug fix: an indentation problem in the Python code was fixed.
A line was intended wrong, resulting it to not be included in the right
block, and therefore not having access to the variable created in that
- Bug fix: The Debian packaging was missing a build dependency on cmdtest.

Sun May 27 14:00:00 2012
- New version scheme. Thank you, Joey Hess.
- The on-disk data structures and file formats are now declared frozen.
An automatic test has been added to verify that things do not break.

Tue May 8 14:00:00 2012
- Optimize journal use to have fewer round-trips. This matters when the
journal is stored on a high-latency storage, such as an SFTP server.
- Now handles better missing key or node sizes in the metadata.
- All exceptions thrown by larch are now subclasses of `larch.Error`.
- The on-disk format is now frozen.

Sun Apr 29 14:00:00 2012
- `NodeStoreDisk` is now explicitly in read-only or read-write mode.
In read-only mode it does not replay or rollback to the journal, or
care about any changes made there.

Sun Apr 15 14:00:00 2012
- Larch now uses the `larch.FormatProblem´ exception when an on-disk
node store is missing a format version, or has the wrong version.
This helps Obnam print a better error message.

Sun Mar 25 14:00:00 2012
- Changes to on-disk storage are now done via a journal data structure
to protect against corruption from crashing. Previously, if a program
using Larch crashed during an unfortunate moment, the on-disk state
would not be consistent: some nodes might have been removed, for
example, but other nodes or the list of root nodes still referred
to them. This is now fixed.
The on-disk data format version has not changed: the on-disk format
is compatible with old versions of larch, as long as there are no
uncommitted changes from a new version.
The API has changed, however, and it is now necessary for Larch
users to call the `Forest.commit` method to force changes to be
stored on disk. Failure to do so will cause changes to be lost,
and many annoyed bug reports.

Sat Feb 18 13:00:00 2012
- Merged in some fsck `WorkItem` changes from Obnam, so that Obnam can
share the code.

Sun Dec 18 13:00:00 2011
- `open_forest` now works even if the requested node size is different
from the node size used with an existing tree. The requested size is
just ignored, rather than causing an error. This is useful for, say,
Obnam, when the user decides to change the node size setting, or
when Obnam\'s default node size for a tree grows. This way, things

Sun Oct 2 14:00:00 2011
- `fsck` can now optionally attempt to fix B-trees with missing nodes.
The index nodes referring to the missing nodes get adjusted to drop
the reference.

Sat Sep 17 14:00:00 2011
- Debian packaging install the fsck-larch manual page.

Fri Aug 19 14:00:00 2011
- The default size of the LRU cache used by NodeStoreDisk is not 500
instead of 100. This provides much better performance with large
trees: 37% vs 99% cache hit rates with speed-test for 100k keys.
- The `BTree.lookup_range` method now returns a list, not a generator.
It turned out to be very surprising to return a generator, especially
with the documentation saying a list was returned. (Thanks, Jo Shields,
for the bug report.)

Wed Aug 3 14:00:00 2011
- The library now declares which on-disk format it supports, so that B-trees
stored with an incompatible format can be detected.
- `fsck-larch` now has a `--trace` option, and the library has a bit more
tracing statements.

Tue Aug 2 14:00:00 2011
- Better error messages from `fsck-larch`.
- Bug fix: `fsck-larch` no longer reports as missing nodes that aren\'t
in use by all B-trees in a forest.
- `fsck-larch` now has a manual page.
- More `tracing.trace` statements to make it easier to track when nodes
are created and destroyed.
- B-tree nodes are now stored in a more efficient way on disk (several
levels of directories, not just one). This is a compatibility breaker:
old B-trees aren\'t readable with new larch, and B-trees created with
the new larch aren\'t readable by old larch.
- A couple of memory leaks fixed: both were caches that grew effectively
without bounds.
- Least-Recently-Used caches now log their hit/miss statistics
explicitly. Previous this was done in the `__del__` method, but those
did not get called deterministically, so the logging did not always

Wed Jul 20 14:00:00 2011
- `pydoc larch` should now work better.
- Changes to larch benchmarking scripts (to make them use cliapp).
- `fsck-larch` improvements:
- now uses cliapp, for better usability
- now automatically detects a forest\'s key and node sizes,
so the user no longer needs to give them manually.
- some more checks
- installed as part of the Debian package
- API documentation with Sphinx. As part of that, the API was cleaned up
a bit with regards to public and private methods (the latter being
prefixed by underscores now).
- The separate LRU cache implementation is now included in larch, to
avoid yet another dependency, and to avoid polluting PyPI.
- Various speedups.
- `BTree.count_range` method added, for speed.
- Library version number is now `larch.__version__` instead of
`larch.version`, to follow Python conventions.

Mon Mar 21 13:00:00 2011
- The `NodeStoreDisk` class now uses a separate VFS class for I/O, rather
than methods in `NodeStoreDisk` itself, and requiring subclassing with
method overrides. A separate VFS class is clearer and simpler to use.
As a bonus, the API is now compatible with the Obnam VFS API.
- Forest metadata now includes key and node sizes, and there\'s a factory
function that checks that the sizes given to it match the existing ones.
This should reduce potential errors.
- Renamed from btree to larch, to avoid name clashes with other projects.

Fri Feb 18 13:00:00 2011
- Fix memory leak.

Sun Feb 13 13:00:00 2011
- Use the python-tracing library to add logging of node creation and
removal and other operations. The library makes it possible for the
user to enable and disable logging for specific code modules, and
defaults to being disabled, so that the logging will not affect
normal execution speed.
- `codec-speed` now reports MiB/s, instead of seconds, giving an easy
way to compare encoding and decoding speeds with, say, hard disk
or network speeds.
- B-tree now again modifies nodes, and does so by first removing
them from the node store\'s upload queue. This returns the library
back to useful speeds.

Fri Jan 7 13:00:00 2011
- Really fix problems with nodes growing too big while in the upload
queue. The previous fixes meant well, but didn\'t really do the trick.
Now we stop modifying nodes at all while in the upload queue, which
is good for several reasons. Performance in this release degrades
a lot, until there is time to optimize the code. However, correctness
is more important than performance.

Fri Jan 7 13:00:00 2011
- Bug fix: Remove temporary node used while splitting a leaf node that has
grown too large.
- Bug fix: Since we do, in fact, modify nodes in-place when they are not
shared between trees, it was possible for a node to be put into the
node store upload queue, and later modified. This is not a problem as
such, but when inserting a value into a leaf node, we modify it in place
making it too large, and then create one or two new nodes. If the
too-large node was at the beginning of the upload queue, creating the
new node might push it out, resulting in a bug. We fix this by moving
the too-large node to the end of the queue, ensuring it will not be
pushed out. A cleaner solution would be to not modify the node if it
will grow too big, but that change will need to wait for a later date.
- BTree now checks that nodes are not too big when they are put into the
node store. The node store already did the checking, but only at the
point where it was ready to write the node to disk, and that meant the
problem was caught at a time that was hard to debug.
- BTree now sets an explicit maximum size of the values inserted into the
tree: slightly less than half the size of a node. This is necessary for
leaf node splitting to work correctly without requiring more than more
than two nodes to hold everything.

Fri Jan 7 13:00:00 2011
- The code to split over-full leaf nodes into two is fixed. Before version
0.14 we had a problem where one of the two halves might still be too big.
The code in 0.14 fixed that, but introduced a new problem where one of
the new nodes would be very small. Now they should be just right.
No, I have not read Goldilocks recently, why do you ask?

Sun Jan 2 13:00:00 2011
- This version replaces all use of my custom `bsearch` function with the
`bisect` module in the Python standard library. This speeds up all
operations, some more than others. In-memory benchmarks with ´speed-test`
sped up from about 20% for `remove_range` up to 240% for `lookup`.
No other changes, but I felt this warranted a release on its own.

Wed Dec 29 13:00:00 2010
This version seems to work well enough for Obnam to do backups of real
systems. It is, however, not as fast as one would wish.
Bug fixes:
- When a tree was made shallower after a remove operation, the code used
to assume the direct children of the root node would not be shared
with other trees. This is obviously a wrong assumptions. I must have
been distracted by XKCD when writing the code.
- A bug in cloning (shadowing) nodes when doing copy-on-write was fixed.
The code now increment the reference counts of an index node\'s children
- The cached encoded size of nodes now gets cleared by `remove_index_range`.
- Leaf nodes are now split based on size, not key count. Key counts are OK
for index nodes, whose values are all of the same size. However, leaf
node values may vary wildly. Sometimes it happens that after splitting,
one of the halves is still too large.
- `Forest.remove_tree` now actually removes the unshared nodes of the
tree that is removed.
- `BTree.remove_range` was quite fast, but not always correct. The code
was just tricky enough that I was unable to find the actual fault, so
I rewrote the method in a simplistic, but slow way. A speed improvement
for this needs to happen in a future version.
Speed improvements:
- When a node is cloned, its previously computed size is now remembered.
Since the clone is identical to the original node, except for the id,
the size will be the same.
New features and stuff:
- fsck-btree: a rudimentary checker of the B-tree data structures.
This will undoubtedly be improved in the future, but even the simple
checking it does now has already helped when debugging things.
- Some parts of the code that used to be excluded from test coverage
now has tests. Now 19 statements remain that are excluded from coverage.
- Some other code prettification has happened, including some docstring
- `BTRee.remove_range` and `lookup_range` now check that their arguments
are of the correct size of keys for that tree.
- `Node` got a new method, `find_pairs`.
- `BTree.dump`, which is useful for debugging, is now nicer to use.
- `NodeStoreDisk` no longer forces the use of `fsync` when it writes
files. It is not btree\'s responsibility to decide that on behalf of
all users. Those who want it can subclass and override the method.
- `RefcountStore` and `UploadQueue` are their own modules, and have
much better test coverage now. `UploadQueue` got rewritten in terms
of `LRUCache`.
- New `BTree.range_is_empty` method, for those (few) cases where one just
needs to know if there are any keys, and where getting all keys with
`lookup_range` would be slow.
- `BTree.lookup_range` is now a generator, which should reduce memory
consumption and thus speed things up in cases where a very large number
of keys are about to be returned.
Removed stuff:
- The NodeStore API no longer wants a `listdir` method. It has been
removed from NodeStoreDisk.
- `RefcountStore` no longer logs statistics. They did not seem to be
- `IndexNode` no longer explicitly checks the types of its arguments.
This was wasting CPU cycles, and it did not once find an actual bug.

Tue Jul 13 14:00:00 2010
- Speed-related improvement: The size of NodeStoreDisk\'s LRU cache for
nodes is now user-settable.

Sun Jul 11 14:00:00 2010
- Some speed optimizations.
- The BTree objects no longer have a root_id attribute. Instead, use (if BTree.root is not None).

Mon Jul 5 14:00:00 2010
- Now includes a small example program, written for the Wellington Python
User Group meeting where the first talk about this library was given.
- `NodeStoreDisk` stores nodes in a simple directory hierarchy, instead of
a flat one, to better handle very large trees.
- `NodeStoreDisk` now has a much larger default upload queue size (now 1024,
was 64), to better handle large trees.
- `speed-test` now also tests `remove` and `remove_range` methods. Further,
it reports both CPU and wall clock timings, and has been refactored a bit.
Results for `lookup_range` are no longer comparable with old versions,
since the measured scenario has changed.
- `remove_range` has been rewritten and is now much faster.

Tue Jun 29 14:00:00 2010
- Storage of node reference counts is now more efficient.
- NodeStoreDisk stores reference counts and nodes in files in a subdirectory
of the directory root, which is an incompatible change, so trees made by
earlier versions can\'t be used anymore. (That\'s what you get for using
alpha level code. Obviously, once btree is declared to be ready for
production, the on-disk data structures will be supported in future
- Nodes that exist in only one tree are modified in place, rather than
via copy-on-write. This is impure, but brings a big speed boost.
- New test script: insert-remove-test. \"make check\" automatically runs it.
- Many optimizations to NodeCodec and elsewhere, by Richard Braakman.

Wed May 26 14:00:00 2010
- Several speed optimizations.
- One of this requires a Least-Recently-Used cache, which is provided by
my python-lru package. That is now a dependency.
- NodeStoreDisk now has an upload queue. This is so that when a node gets
immediately overwritten, it can be removed from the queue, i.e.,
removed before it gets encoded and written at all. This provides quite
significant speedups.
- A bug fix for reference counting of index node is fixed. This allows
the speedups from the upload queue to actually occur.
- On-disk node encodings have changed. Anything written by previous
versions is now unusable.