Changelog for pd-extended-extra-0.43.4-1.28.gbc8e8b3.svn17512.fc21.ccrma.i686.rpm :
Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2015 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.4-1.28.gbc8e8b3.svn17445
- removed old tcl-gui path change, we fix sys_libdir instead

Fri Aug 7 14:00:00 2015 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.4-1.28.gbc8e8b3.svn17445
- download the proper pd core from git, replace that into the svn extended
tree, release reflects the pd core git version and extended tree svn revision,
thanks to Yann Collette for pointing out we were not using the proper pd core source
- the extended tree now brings in all the grill externals (flext and friends), sigh
- includes are now in /usr/include/pdextended
- use the right path for wish

Fri Aug 7 14:00:00 2015 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.4-1.2.svn17445
- fix path of pd-externals in s_path.c (was hardwired to /usr/local/bin), thanks
to Yan Collette for posting the diagnostics in the planetccrma mailing list

Mon Mar 30 14:00:00 2015 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.4-1.1.svn17445
- update to current svn (17445) for fc21 build
- add external Gem source, download latest git (0.88.2-4959-gb8b6549)
- fix warning to error in freeverb, fix iem_ambi include file, fix libtcl8.5 -> 8.6 in fc21
- fake nonexistent ninjacount-help.pd file otherwise install fails
- change include/pdextended to pd
- add watchdog to binary directory

Sat Jan 11 13:00:00 2014 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.4-1
- add lua 5.2 patches from Martin Peach to build with lua 5.2

Sun Sep 15 14:00:00 2013 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.4-1
- add pd-extended-makefile.patch to fix build of gem
- fix Gem\'s
- build everything with the default Fedora optflags (crucial to get
the right architecture build on Pidora)

Thu Sep 5 14:00:00 2013 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.4-1
- trying to redo the whole build infrastructure and get sane build flags
that mimic the Fedora defaults for package building. One example here:
- add lua-devel as build requirement
- add fix for lua5.1 library link
- add swig to build requirements
- add patch for tcl_widgetbehavior:
tcl_widgetbehavior.c:297:5: warning: format ‘%lx’ expects argument of type ‘long unsigned int’, but argument 4 has type ‘struct _glist
*’ [-Wformat]
- many changes in the spec file

Mon Apr 22 14:00:00 2013 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.4-1
- update to 0.43.4
- remove pidip external, it is gone from the distribution due to license
conflicts. We will have to package it separately (

Tue Jun 26 14:00:00 2012 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.43.1-1
- update to current rsync version (0.43.1)
rsync -av --delete rsync:// pd-extended/

Fri Dec 3 13:00:00 2010 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.42.5-2
- add an x86_64 specific patch to fix the load of pd-gui, it falsely
assumes stuff is in /lib/ instead of /lib64/

Tue Nov 9 13:00:00 2010 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.42.5-1
- changed libjpeg-turbo-devel for fc14, updated to 0.42.5, also build
for x86_64.
- add rsync build dependency (needed for the install target)
- pdsettings is now pdextended
- stuff is now installed in /usr/lib/pd-extended, the binary is pdextended
- create a backwards compatibility link in /usr/bin/pd to pdextended

Wed Nov 25 13:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4-4
- reenabled building with avifile (fc12 rebuild)

Tue Oct 27 13:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4-3
- add tcllib explicit runtime dependency
- _really_ fix the font path in /usr/lib/pd/default.pdsettins

Mon Oct 26 13:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4-2
- fix path for Vera font in pidip and script that generates default
settings file, include default settings file in package

Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4-1
- more fixes for Fedora 11 builds (quicktime library discovery and
quicktime include paths)

Tue Aug 4 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4-1
- add a QT4 related patch for building on fc11 (patch3)

Tue Jul 28 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- add \"prefix\" and modify DESTDIR so that pd finds its own
directories automatically

Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- removed iem_tab from the x86_64 build, only two instances of -fPIC
needed for a build. Two patches generated:
patch0: with the fpic additions
patch1: removed iem_tab from the x86_64 build

Thu Jul 23 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- enabled x86_64 build, but compilation fails. First with a missing -fPIC
in the externals/Makefile for cyclone, then with:
externals/iem/iem_tab/src/tab_add_scalar.c:85: error: incompatible types in assignment
so quit for now.

Wed Jul 22 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4-1
- many changes in spec file

Wed Jul 15 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4-1
- automatically generate Provides: and Obsoletes: for all old
- add all header files to /usr/lib/pd/include/ for building externals
- add \"extra\" subpackage to include stuff that needs rpmfusion

Sun Jul 5 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4
- give up separate subpackages, too much trouble, we\'ll probably have
to split up things that depend on rpmfusion (so two packages instead
of one)

Mon Jun 29 14:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.41.4
- updated to 0.41.4
- patch3 (libmpeg3open) does not patch, comment out
- update Gem to 0.91-3, add a52dec-devel dependency for Gem
- add liblo-devel dependency (for dssi external)
- add glib2-devel, flite-devel for moocow externals
- flext is no longer included in pd-extended

Tue Mar 10 13:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.40.3
- patch4, patch5 no longer patch, ommit
- downloaded Gem 0.91-2 (is not included in pd-extended official release)
- add fftw3-devel build requirement (bsaylor external needs it)
- add dssi-devel to build requirements (for dssi external)
- run bootstrap in externals/pdp
- run autoconf in externals/pidip, add libtheora-devel build requirement
- no longer possible to easily disable pdp an pidip, just enabled them for now
and remove all references to the build_pdp and build_pidip symbols
- temporarily disable syncgrain, does not build

Wed Nov 26 13:00:00 2008 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- redo gcc43 patch to patch with no fuzz for fc10
- change build dependency to stk-devel for >= fc9
- added patch for stk type change (MY_FLOAT to FLOAT32)

Mon Jun 30 14:00:00 2008 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- added patches for gcc43 build on fc9
- disabled pidip build, source is not compatible with fc9\'s version
of ImageMagick (see:

Wed Nov 14 13:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated desktop categories
- Gem: do not force glversion to 1.5, needs at least 2.0
- Gem: fix location of libmpeg3.h include file

Fri Aug 3 14:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.3-1.cvs.07.07.23
- removed pd-loaders requires on pd-extended package
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/lib/pd/doc/5.reference/freeverb/freeverb~-help.pd;46b383f2: cpio: open

Thu Aug 2 14:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.3-1.cvs.07.07.23
- added rtc-lib abstraction
- excluded deprecated externals in pd subpackage file list
- ffmpeg is no longer needed to build gem
- remove ix and gripd leftover files

Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.3-1.cvs.07.07.23
- the metro-dev%
* ugens are breaking the rpm build. I don\'t know why and
workarounds I tried have not worked out, so for now I\'m just erasing
them from the install. The sympton was that installed files were not
packaged - maybe because those files have a \"%\" in them, but there are
other files with that that package fine. Arghh.
- added Hans\'s desktop file and icon, desktop entry is for \"pd -rt -jack\"
- redid perl one-liner to disable gem and flext builds in the generic
pd-extended target (the order had changed)
- build gem with the built in target instead of separately

Mon Jul 23 14:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.3-1.cvs.07.07.23
- pd no longer needs to be patched
- added build requirements for pidip (ImageMagick and bzip2-devel
- HammingTable fix for syncgrain still needed
- Hans Steiner fixed a couple of problems in cvs
- make sure that \"%\"\'s in file lists get escaped otherwise the
install fails to find files (ampersand expands to nothing...)

Wed Jun 6 14:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-3.cvs.06.11.20
- rebuild on fc7, man pages are stored in the proper directory so make
the move conditional
- add macro in Gem build to enable the definition of INT64_C even when
using c++
- src/Pixes/filmFFMPEG.h needs an include
- do not build Gem for now on fc7
- disable grill/py external build, has problems with python 2.5 on fc7

Thu Mar 1 13:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-3.cvs.06.11.20
- rebuild with new
- rebuilt libmpeg3 for fc5, require libmpeg3-devel

Tue Dec 26 13:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-2.cvs.06.11.20
- fix OSCx configure script, tries to link with \"-lpd\"
- added libquicktime and ffmpeg to the pd-gem runtime dependencies

Wed Dec 13 13:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-2.cvs.06.11.20
- build on fc6
- removed \"pd\" from the build dependencies, we point Gem to the local
pd source tree (see perl substitution in the Gem build above)
- add patch3, newer versions of libmpeg3 (1.7.x) have two arguments
to the open function
- point PDPATH to the built in pd source tree in flext and fluid

Wed Nov 22 13:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-2.cvs.06.11.20
- fix syncgrain build problem, add proper HammingTable.h include
(flext no longer includes AudioDefs.h so that include is missing)

Tue Nov 21 13:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-2.cvs.06.11.20
- GemLibs: glm and particle are now within Gem itself, liborb is
deprecated (\"Gem\'s SpaceOrb-support has been dropped completely\"),
so remove build of GemLibs
- Gem: fixed ImageMagick detection (needed -c++-devel package)
add \"which\" to list of build dependencies
. use ftgl instead of gltt
. needs artoolkit?
. added specific ftgl require to pd-gem
- syncgrain does not build (\"envtable\" not defined in main.cpp),
disable its build for now

Mon Nov 20 13:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-0.3.cvs.06.11.20
- updated to cvs of 2006.11.20
- added hack for flatspace_install (erased duplicated help files)

Thu Sep 28 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-0.2.cvs.06.09.07
- pidip was in the wrong pd-extended package (needs to be in \"extra\")

Thu Sep 28 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- remove all CVS directories
- tried to add better summaries and descriptions to all external
collection subpackages, some light testing (adding required
libraries for proper startup) - only done through pd-hardware...

Wed Sep 27 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- disable ARB opengl extensions on gem for fc4 (patch2 and --disable-ARB
on configuration step). See:
- create pd-unauthorized-mp3 package with all mp3 related stuff
- segregate mp3, pdp and Gem into separate pd-extended-extra meta

Tue Sep 26 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- added Epochs to pd-gem, pd-iemlib, pd-zexy, pd-fftease, pd-fluid
and pd-syncgrain as they had versions before that were greater
than the pd-extended version number (also added the epoch to the
requirements of pd-extended)
- missing externals (from previous versions of Planet CCRMA):
pd-percolate: port to pd stopped and no longer available
(possibly now available as part of ggee, see:
- readd extra include files to /usr/lib/pd/include
- add links from /usr/lib/pd/extra to all .pd and .pd_linux files
that live in subdirectories of /usr/lib/pd/extra/, otherwise
we need one path for each external collection

Mon Sep 25 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- tried to build gripd but I could not find the required \"Installer\"
software for the python GUI

Tue Sep 19 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- build grill externals: flext, vasp, fftease, dynext, py, xsample
(build procedures extracted from previous separate spec files)
build footils externals: fluid, syncgrain, pool, absattr,
deljoin, splitjoin

Mon Sep 18 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2-0.1.cvs.06.09.07
- first succesful build.
- does not build extensions, flext or gem targets in global
extended_install target.
- build pdp and pidip, add additional build requirements

Sat Aug 12 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2
- updated to current cvs

Mon Jul 31 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2
- added imlib2-devel to build requirements (pidip needs it)

Tue Jul 25 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.39.2
- changed package name to pd-extended, build all of it, both pd and
the external collection

Sun Jul 23 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- cvs snapshot of 2006.07.23
- add build requirements for pdp/pidip
- remove pddp help files that conflict with pd
- ignore the pd install

Sat Jun 10 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- initial build.
- do not build pdp/pidip