Changelog for
libmediaart-devel-0.3.0-1.5.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 0.3.0:
+ build: Don\'t fail if vapigen isn\'t available.
+ build: Force automake C linkage when building C only.
+ build: Remove leftover explicit -lm -lz linkage.
+ build: Don\'t link to both Qt and gdk-pixbuf if both are
+ build: Honor NOCONFIGURE=1 in
+ cache: Improve _remove() function and fix crash with NULL
+ cache: Improve _strip_invalid_entites() API.
+ cache: Fix Non-void function should return a value.
+ extract: Fix Qt5 compilation failure
+ extract: Don\'t break on dummy implementation due to incorrect
args in.
Thu Feb 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 0.2.0:
+ build: Remove all \'tracker\' uses in
+ build: Fix selection between backends Qt and GdkPixbuf.
+ build: Fix requirement on tracker-0.16 in pkgconfig file.
+ build: Make sure pkgconfig file uses -1.0 to avoid minor ver
+ extract: Port Qt backend to Qt5 and NEMO platform.
+ extract: Fixed Qt(4) backend to compile and removed all Tracker
+ libmediaart: Fix include which incorrectly defined _INSIDE in
main header.
+ docs: Remove reference to Tracker in reference overview.
- Rename subpackage, following upstreams name changes:
+ libmediaart-0_2-0 to libmediaart-1_0-0.
+ typelib-1-0-MediaArt-0_2 to typelib-1-0-MediaArt-1_0.
Wed Dec 18 13:00:00 2013
- Initial package, version 0.1.0:
+ The code for this project has been extracted from Tracker and
inserted into its own library because there is call for this
functionality in other places on the desktop.