Changelog for hplip-hpijs-3.11.10-13.3.i586.rpm :

* Fri Jun 05 2015 fix build failure, enable cups-1.6 compatibility build
* Thu Sep 06 2012 Fix rules for new udev
* Fri Dec 03 2010 Removed explicite RPM requirement for pyxml. At least since openSUSE 11.1 and SLE11 pyxml is no longer required (pyxml was required e.g. for openSUSE 10.3 and SLE10, see the entry below dated \"Wed Apr 2 14:40:57 CEST 2008\") but meanwhile python-xml alone is sufficient for \"import xml.parsers.expat\" (see Novell/openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#656779 comment #3).- Added \"Obsoletes: hplip-hpcups\" because HPLIP does not work if the openSUSE packages hplip and hplip-hpijs are installed together with a leftover PackMan package hplip-hpcups (see Novell/openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#515005 comment #17).- Do not pollute the build log file with zillions of meaningless messages while \"General tests and adjustments for all PPDs\" (compare the OpenPrintingPPDs.spec file).
* Wed Oct 27 2010 Added hp-systray.wrapper which is called via /etc/xdg/autostart/hplip-systray.desktop to increase desktop startup speed so that the purpose of this hp-systray.wrapper is different to the entry below dated \"Tue Apr 8 14:56:53 CEST 2008\". hp-systray.wrapper tests via \"lpstat\" if a \'hp:/...\' print queue exists and exits otherwise. This avoids that hp-systray with all its Python stuff must be loaded when the desktop starts up only to let hp-systray do its built-in test and exit if there is no HPLIP print queue (see Novell/openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#649280).- Updated to version 3.10.9: New Scan protocol (Low End Data Model) support. Many more supported all-in-one devices. Many bug fixies. For details see Updated to version 3.10.6: New protocol support (LEDM) for device status over Network and USB. Some more supported all-in-one devices. Several bug fixies. For details see Updated to version 3.10.5: Fixed \"libusb couldn\'t open USB device, Permission denied\" error message in openSUSE. Several more supported all-in-one devices. Several bug fixies. For details see
* Wed Sep 15 2010 Change BuildRequires for sane-backends devel split.
* Thu Apr 01 2010 Updated to version 3.10.2: The hpcups driver is again updated to better align with the product specifications for various printer models. Several more supported all-in-one devices. Several bug fixies (no Suse bugs). For details see Updated to version 3.9.12: The hpcups driver is updated to better align with the product specifications for various printer models. Several more supported printers. Several bug fixies (no Suse bugs). For details see Updated to version 3.9.10: The hpcups driver has been re-written. It does no longer do bi-directional IO. Printer specific settings are no longer hard coded, but are controlled by the PPD file. Many more supported printers and all-in-one devices. Several bug fixies (no Suse bugs). For details see and hpcups-ppds-3.9.8-reorder.tar.bz2 are obsolete because it is fixed in the source.- create_hal_global_fdi_from_hpmud_rules is obsolete because HAL is no longer used to manage ACLs (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#542473 comment#13).- change-udev-rules.diff fixes now also 56-hpmud_support.rules (see for example Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#577035) and it should trigger udev\'s generic ACL support for SANE via \'ENV{libsane_matched}=\"yes\"\' in 55-hpmud.rules (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#542473 comment#14). Perhaps the latter could be better achieved with the configure option --enable-udev-acl-rules (default=no) which installs 40-hplip.rules instead of 55-hpmud.rules but this was not at all tested up to now and it is likely not backward compatible (e.g. for openSUSE 11.2).
* Thu Oct 15 2009 Also moved /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat and /etc/hp/hplip.conf to the hplip-hpijs sub-package so that the \"hp\" backend can autodetect printers (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#546856 comment#10).
* Thu Oct 15 2009 In the hplip-hpijs sub-package made weak package dependencies even weaker to avoid bloating of minimal installations. Now the hplip-hpijs sub-package only \"Enhances: ghostscript_any\" and \"Suggests: hplip\" (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#546893).- Enlarged hplip-hpijs to be useful for a CUPS print queue. Moved the following files from the hplip main package to the hplip-hpijs sub-package: cups/backend/hp, cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip, cups/filter/hpcac, cups/filter/hpcups, cups/filter/hplipjs, and all PPD files (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#546856).
* Wed Sep 16 2009 addresses two issues in the 3.9.8 file from which dynamic PPDs are generated. It re-orders common paper sizes so that normal, fullbleed and duplex papers sizes are grouped together in the PPD. It changes the LJColor device class from RGBW to RGB color space. The K band was not being printed by hpcups.- The hpcups-ppds-3.9.8-reorder.tar.bz2 source file contains the matching static PPDs which are fixed according to what fixes for dynamic PPDs.
* Thu Aug 06 2009 The hplip.SuSEfirewall2 source file provides support to open UDP ports 5353(mdns) and 427(svrloc) for mDNS support according to the init-suse-firewall in the tar ball (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#528819).- Updated to version 3.9.8: Added mDNS/Bonjour support. Enabled mDNS as the default network search mechanism. Added front-end support for mDNS/Bonjour in setup. Added hpmud support for mDNS. The tar ball provides a init-suse-firewall init script for mDNS support which is not included in the RPM. Fixed wificonfig associate issue when called from hp-setup. Added 40-hplip.rules to the tar ball for distros with udev ACL support. Use configure option --enable-udev-acl-rules to install 40-hplip.rules instead of 55-hpmud.rules. Fixed Normal Grayscale on DJ8xx and DJ8x5 for HPCUPS. Added -lsane link option for libsane-hpaio in Makefile. Many more supported printers and all-in-one devices. Many bug fixies (no Suse bugs). For details see
* Wed Jul 01 2009 Fixed hp-toolbox.wrapper by adding \"...\" quotation when calling \'test -x \"$( type -p whatever )\"\' because when \'type -p whatever\' fails calling \'test -x\' without an explicite empty argument would result true (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#503322 comment#6).- fix_gcc44_glib.diff is obsolete since version 3.9.6b because it is fixed in the source.- Updated to version 3.9.6b: The new native CUPS driver (HPCUPS) is now the default printer driver. HPCUPS provides new paper sizes for borderless and duplex so that there are now HPCUPS PPDs with exact printable regions for normal, borderless and duplex paper sizes which should fix For now HPIJS (and its matching foomatic-rip-hplip PPDs) are still included (HPIJS can co-exist with HPCUPS). A new utility \'hp-wificonfig\' can pre-configure wifi-capable printers on a wireless network. Once pre-configured, a queue for the printer can be set up as usual using hp-setup. Renamed hp-devicesetup to hp-devicesettings. Added CUPS filter hpcupsfax and new hpcups fax PPDs. Bumped to Integrated --enable-lite-build (default=no) into which can be used to get a minimal print/scan only build with limited Plugin support (Novell/Suse provides the \"full\" build). Many more supported printers and all-in-one devices. Many bug fixies (no Suse bugs). For details see
* Tue Jun 02 2009 fix_gcc44_glib.diff fixes GCC/glibc issues, here in particular \"invalid conversion from \'const char
*\' to \'char
*\'\" errors. The upstream bug report is
* Tue May 05 2009 force-qt4-for-hp-systray-desktop.diff is obsolete because configure uses --enable-qt4 by default now which obsoletes also \"Recommends: python-qt\" (only python-qt4 is required).- Updated to version 3.9.4b: A few bug fixies (no Suse bugs). For details see Updated to version 3.9.4: Added PolicyKit support. Command line tools like hp-setup, hp-plugin, etc. are now run as regular user. Added GPG digital signature support to the HPLIP plug-in to validate that the plug-in is not corrupted and authentic. Added native CUPS driver support (hpcups) currently for testing only and added static PPDs for hpcups. Some more supported printers and all-in-one devices (in particular a few Designjet PostScript printers). Many bug fixies (no Suse bugs). For details see Updated to version 3.9.2: Qt4 now default UI. Support policy change. End of support date is added to all HPLIP supported devices, for details see New file /var/lib/hp/hplip.state for runtime variable data. Removed any variable data from /etc/hp/hplip.conf. Some more supported printers and all-in-one devices. Major bug fixing on Qt4 solution (no Suse bugs). For details see Updated to version 2.8.12: From this release forward, all PPD files - even for devices that require a binary plug-in - will reside in the tarball (the \"plugin PPDs\" are moved into hpijs.drv). Preview (alpha) release of the Qt4 version of HPLIP. Replaced \"MODE 0666\" udev device permissions with \"console permissions via HAL\". No new supported devices. Several bug fixes (no Suse bugs). For details see Updated to version 2.8.10: Bumped libhpmud version for new plugin attribute. Many more supported printers and all-in-one devices. Several bug fixes (no Suse bugs). For details see Updated to version 2.8.9: Added Qt4 configure option but Qt3 is the default. Many bug fixes (no Suse bugs). Several more supported printers, in particular some Compact Photo (QuickConnect) printers. For details see