Changelog for
libtheora-1.0alpha4-0.1.rhfc3.ccrma.i386.rpm :
Fri Apr 15 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- update original fc3 package to alpha4, sigh what are they going to
do once it is just 1.0?
- add buildrequires for mach environment
- include proper documentation
Wed Oct 6 00:00:00 2004 Colin Walters - 1.0alpha3-5
- Add BuildRequires on libvorbis-devel (134664)
Sun Jul 18 00:00:00 2004 Warren Togami - 1.0alpha3-4
- Add Epoch dependencies for future Epoch increment safety measure
Fri Jul 16 00:00:00 2004 Colin Walters - 1.0alpha3-3
- Apply patch to fix include path, thanks to Thomas Vander Stichele
Wed Jul 14 00:00:00 2004 Jeremy Katz - 1.0alpha3-2
- rebuild
Tue Jun 22 00:00:00 2004 Jeremy Katz - 1.0alpha3-1
- Initial build