Changelog for kernel-smp-2.6.12-0.18.rdt.rhfc3.ccrma.i586.rpm :
Sat Jul 9 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.18.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.51-17

Fri Jul 8 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.17.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.51-13

Fri Jul 8 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.16.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.51-12

Thu Jul 7 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.15.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.51-06

Wed Jul 6 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.14.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.51-01

Tue Jul 5 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.13.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-50

Sat Jul 2 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.12.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-42
- added \"stable\" patch
- patch to make kernel _not_ ignore loglevel on boot (patch20335)
- new options (set to \"no\", does not seem stable from description):
enhanced IO-APIC support (X86_IOAPIC_FAST) [Y/n/?] (NEW) ? n

Fri Jul 1 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.11.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-38
- fixed PRINTK_IGNORE_LOGLEVEL to be \"n\" (was undefined)

Wed Jun 29 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.10.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-30
- new options
Ignore loglevel on printks (PRINTK_IGNORE_LOGLEVEL) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
well, it looks like it ignores them anyway!

Tue Jun 28 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.9.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-25

Sun Jun 26 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.8.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-22

Sat Jun 25 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.7.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-18
- ehci usb patch, see:

Fri Jun 24 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.6.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-17

Thu Jun 23 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.5.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-15
- new options: does not seems safe for general purpose use yet:
enhanced IO-APIC support on uniprocessors (X86_UP_IOAPIC_FAST) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

Thu Jun 23 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.4.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-11

Wed Jun 22 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.3.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-06

Tue Jun 21 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.2.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.50-04, the previous one is
hanging when an irq in my laptop is set to threaded=0

Mon Jun 20 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.1.rdt
- 2.6.12 final, realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.49-01
- disabled CONFIG_LPPTEST (set to \"n\"), scripts/lpptest.c fails to build
with \"concat\" found as undefined symbol
- disabled CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT (warning on boot about increased overhead and

Sun Jun 19 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.16.rdt
- back to 0.16.rdt, 0.17.rdt hangs in my test laptop

Sun Jun 19 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.12-0.1.rdt
- updated to final 2.6.12
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc6-V0.7.48-37
- realtime preempt patch does not apply

Sat Jun 18 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- add hack to build scripts/conmakehash
- patch for redefinition of symbol in 2.6.12-rc6

Thu Jun 16 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.17.rdt
- updated to 2.6.12-rc6 and realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc6-V0.7.48-33
- new options:
\'conservative\' cpufreq governor (CPU_FREQ_GOV_CONSERVATIVE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Broadcom NetXtremeII support (BNX2) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Parallel Port Based Latency Measurement Device (LPPTEST) [M/n/?] (NEW) m
CF/PCMCIA support for SL811HS HCD (USB_SL811_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USB Option PCMCIA serial driver (USB_SERIAL_OPTION) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Detect Soft Lockups (DETECT_SOFTLOCKUP) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y

Mon Jun 6 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.16.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc5-V0.7.47-17

Thu Jun 2 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.15.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc5-V0.7.47-16

Tue May 31 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc5-V0.7.47-15 (does not build

Sat May 28 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.14.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc5-V0.7.47-12

Fri May 27 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.13.rdt
- updated to 2.6.12-rc5 with no NAME_CONNECT and realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc5-V0.7.47-09
- new options:
Technisat/B2C2 FlexCopII(b) and FlexCopIII adapters (DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Technisat/B2C2 Air/Sky/Cable2PC PCI (DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP_PCI) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Technisat/B2C2 Air/Sky/Cable2PC USB (DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP_USB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Enable debug for the B2C2 FlexCop drivers (DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
- patch to fix compilation (patch20520)

Thu May 19 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.12.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc4-V0.7.47-08

Thu May 19 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.11.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc4-V0.7.47-03
- do not require kernel-utils in fc4

Tue May 10 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.10.rdt
- updated to 2.6.12-rc4 (without the NAME_CONNECT chunks)
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc4-V0.7.47-01
- removed realtime lsm module (replaced by the rtlimits stuff in rc4)
and reverted CONFIG_SECURITY_CAPABILITIES to be \"y\" instead of \"m\"
(which was needed for the realtime lsm)
- configuration options:
> 6. Pentium-Pro (M686)
Enable X86 board specific fixups for reboot (X86_REBOOTFIXUPS) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Simple action (NET_ACT_SIMP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
USB AirPrime CDMA Wireless Driver (USB_SERIAL_AIRPRIME) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USB HP4x Calculators support (USB_SERIAL_HP4X) [N/m/?] (NEW) m

Wed May 4 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.9.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc3-V0.7.46-02
- deleted NAME_CONNECT chunks from rc3 patch

Fri Apr 22 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.8.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc3-V0.7.46-01

Tue Apr 12 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.7.rdt
- updated to realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc2-V0.7.45-01
- removed TCP_SOCKET__NAME_CONNECT policy from 2.6.12-rc2 patch,
the default fc3 policy does not know about this and network
connections fail (patch is patch-2.6.12-rc2-nonameconnect.bz2)
UPDATE: this seems to solve the web browser problem, there are still
a couple of errors from portmap and nscd, even with the latest policy
from fedora. Selinux monitoring of nscd and portmap can be disabled from
the security control panel.
- restore the default to \"1\" here (that was not the problem, see above):
NSA SELinux checkreqprot default value (SECURITY_SELINUX_CHECKREQPROT_VALUE) [1] (NEW) 1

Fri Apr 8 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.6.rdt
- problems in fc3 with selinux, will try changing this to \"0\":
NSA SELinux checkreqprot default value (SECURITY_SELINUX_CHECKREQPROT_VALUE) [1] (NEW) 0

Thu Apr 7 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.5.rdt
- updated to 2.6.12-rc2 + realtime-preempt-2.6.12-rc2-V0.7.44-01
- options:
Processor family
> 6. Pentium-Pro (M686) 6
Thread RCU (PREEMPT_RCU) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Enable seccomp to safely compute untrusted bytecode (SECCOMP) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
PCI Debbuging n
Multipath target (EXPERIMENTAL) (DM_MULTIPATH) [N/m/?] (NEW)
EMC CX/AX multipath support (EXPERIMENTAL) (DM_MULTIPATH_EMC) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IP: equal cost multipath with caching support (EXPERIMENTAL) (IP_ROUTE_MULTIPATH_CACHED) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? n
Basic classifier (NET_CLS_BASIC) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Extended Matches (NET_EMATCH) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Stack size (NET_EMATCH_STACK) [32] (NEW) 32
Simple packet data comparison (NET_EMATCH_CMP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Multi byte comparison (NET_EMATCH_NBYTE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
U32 hashing key (NET_EMATCH_U32) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Metadata (NET_EMATCH_META) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
HFC-4S/8S based ISDN cards (EXPERIMENTAL) (HISAX_HFC4S8S) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Twiddler as a joystick (JOYSTICK_TWIDJOY) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Elo serial touchscreens (TOUCHSCREEN_ELO) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
MicroTouch serial touchscreens (TOUCHSCREEN_MTOUCH) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
ICS MicroClock MK712 touchscreen (TOUCHSCREEN_MK712) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Digi International NEO PCI Support (SERIAL_JSM) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
TPM Hardware Support (TCG_TPM) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
National Semiconductor TPM Interface (TCG_NSC) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Atmel TPM Interface (TCG_ATMEL) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
FSC Poseidon (SENSORS_FSCPOS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Genesys Logic GL520SM (SENSORS_GL520SM) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
National Semiconductor LM92 and compatibles (SENSORS_LM92) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. SiS5595 (SENSORS_SIS5595) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Dallas Semiconductor DS1337 Real Time Clock (SENSORS_DS1337) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
DVB Support for saa7134 based TV cards (VIDEO_SAA7134_DVB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
DVB Support for cx2388x based TV cards (VIDEO_CX88_DVB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
nVidia Framebuffer Support (FB_NVIDIA) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Enable DDC Support (FB_NVIDIA_I2C) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Enable DDC2 Support (FB_SAVAGE_I2C) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Enable Console Acceleration (FB_SAVAGE_ACCEL) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
AMD Geode family framebuffer support (EXPERIMENTAL) (FB_GEODE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Epson S1D13XXX framebuffer support (FB_S1D13XXX) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Intel HD Audio (SND_HDA_INTEL) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USBAT/USBAT02-based storage support (EXPERIMENTAL) (USB_STORAGE_USBAT) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
USB Philips Cameras (USB_PWC) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USB ZD1201 based Wireless device support (USB_ZD1201) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
USB Monitor (USB_MON) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) y
USB CP2101 UART Bridge Controller (USB_SERIAL_CP2101) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315) (USB_SISUSBVGA) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Show timing information on printks (PRINTK_TIME) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
NSA SELinux checkreqprot default value (SECURITY_SELINUX_CHECKREQPROT_VALUE) [1] (NEW) 1
Tiger digest algorithms (CRYPTO_TGR192) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m

Sun Apr 3 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.4.rdt
- updated to 2.6.11[.6]

Mon Mar 21 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.3.rdt
- updated to 2.6.11[.5]
- don\'t add minor release to package name, will only make it difficult to
transition to rc releases of 2.6.12 (still named 2.6.11 something)

Fri Mar 18 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.2.rdt
- updated to
- updated to realtime-preempt V0.7.40-04

Fri Mar 11 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.11-0.1.rdt
- updated to
- fix sublevel in KERNEL_VERSION_CODE macro (patch19999)

Fri Mar 11 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated to 2.6.11 final

Thu Feb 24 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.10-0.7.rdt
- updated to 2.6.11-rc5

Mon Feb 14 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.10-0.6.rdt
- updated to 2.6.11-rc4-V0.7.39-02
- new options:
HCI BPA10x USB driver (BT_HCIBPA10X) [N/m/?] (NEW) m

Fri Feb 4 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.10-0.5.rdt
- updated to 2.6.11-rc3-V0.7.38-01
- new options:
G100/G200/G400/G450/G550 support (FB_MATROX_G) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
G400 second head support (FB_MATROX_MAVEN) [N/m/?] (NEW) m

Wed Jan 26 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.10-0.4.rdt
- updated to 2.6.11-rc2 + 2.6.11-rc2-V0.7.36-05
- added centrino patches from latest fedora kernel (patches 3020-3022)
- new options:
Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (IEEE80211) [N/m/y] (NEW) m
Enable full debugging output (IEEE80211_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
IEEE 802.11 encryption (IEEE80211_CRYPT) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 WPA (IEEE80211_WPA) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 CCMP encryption (IEEE80211_CRYPT_CCMP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 TKIP encryption (IEEE80211_CRYPT_TKIP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 802.11b (IPW2100) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Enable full debugging output (IPW_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Enable promiscuous mode (IPW2100_PROMISC) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Legacy firmware loading (non-hotplug) (IPW2100_LEGACY_FW_LOAD) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 802.11bg (IPW2200) [N/m/?] (NEW) m

Sun Jan 23 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.10-0.3.rdt
- update to 2.6.11-rc2 + 2.6.11-rc2-V0.7.36-02
- options:
CPU frequency translation statistics (CPU_FREQ_STAT) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m
CPU frequency translation statistics details (CPU_FREQ_STAT_DETAILS) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
PCI Express support (PCIEPORTBUS) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
PCI Express Hotplug driver (HOTPLUG_PCI_PCIE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Use polling mechanism for hot-plug events (for testing purpose) (HOTPLUG_PCI_PCIE_POLL_EVENT_MODE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Backlight & LCD device support (BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Lowlevel Backlight controls (BACKLIGHT_CLASS_DEVICE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Lowlevel LCD controls (LCD_CLASS_DEVICE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Siemens ID USB Mouse Fingerprint sensor support (USB_IDMOUSE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m

Wed Jan 19 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.10-0.2.rdt
- update to 2.6.11-rc1 + realtime-preempt-2.6.11-rc1-V0.7.35-02
- capability fix patch no longer needed (Patch20500)
- options:
/proc/cpufreq interface (deprecated) (CPU_FREQ_PROC_INTF) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
/proc/sys/cpu/ interface (2.4. / OLD) (CPU_FREQ_24_API) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
MTD using block device (rewrite) (MTD_BLOCK2MTD) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
ATA over Ethernet support (ATA_OVER_ETH) [M/n/y/?] (NEW) m
Enable controller even if disabled by BIOS (PDC202XX_FORCE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Crystal SoundFusion gameport support (GAMEPORT_CS461X) [N/m] (NEW) m
SMSC LPC47B397-NC (SENSORS_SMSC47B397) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Emu10k1X (Dell OEM Version) (SND_EMU10K1X) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
SB Audigy LS / Live 24bit (SND_CA0106) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
VIA 82C686A/B, 8233 based Modems (SND_VIA82XX_MODEM) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Garmin GPS driver (USB_SERIAL_GARMIN) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver (USB_SERIAL_TI) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Debug Filesystem (DEBUG_FS) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

- temporarily disable CONFIG_NET_ACT_IPT=m, there are two undefined
symbols __ipt_find_target_lock and __ipt_mutex_up, they do not
seem to be defined anywhere else in the kernel sources.

Wed Jan 5 23:00:00 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.10-0.1.rdt
- update the DEKSTOP_PREEMPT kernel to 2.6.10-mm1 + V0.7.34-1
CPU frequency translation statistics (CPU_FREQ_STAT) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m
CPU frequency translation statistics details (CPU_FREQ_STAT_DETAILS) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
ebt: ulog support (BRIDGE_EBT_ULOG) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Use nfmark as a key in U32 classifier (CLS_U32_MARK) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
I2C SGI interfaces (I2C_ALGO_SGI) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
MMC support (MMC) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
MMC debugging (MMC_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? n
MMC block device driver (MMC_BLOCK) [M/n/?] (NEW) m
Winbond W83L51xD SD/MMC Card Interface support (MMC_WBSD) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
InfiniBand support (INFINIBAND) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Mellanox HCA support (INFINIBAND_MTHCA) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Verbose debugging output (INFINIBAND_MTHCA_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
IP-over-InfiniBand (INFINIBAND_IPOIB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IP-over-InfiniBand debugging (INFINIBAND_IPOIB_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Support for VIA PadLock ACE (CRYPTO_DEV_PADLOCK) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) y
Support for AES in VIA PadLock (CRYPTO_DEV_PADLOCK_AES) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y

Wed Dec 29 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.10-2.1.ll
- branch into 2.6.10 final, including the same patches
- comment out the rc, rc-mm and realtime-preempt patches; change
all .config files to 2.6.10 name
- comment out nvidia gpl symbol export patch
- options:
Enable controller even if disabled by BIOS (PDC202XX_FORCE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Use PIO instead of MMIO (EEPRO100_PIO) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
MMC support (MMC) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
MMC debugging (MMC_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
MMC block device driver (MMC_BLOCK) [M/n/?] (NEW) m
Winbond W83L51xD SD/MMC Card Interface support (MMC_WBSD) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
QNX4FS write support (DANGEROUS) (QNX4FS_RW) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Spinlock debugging (DEBUG_SPINLOCK) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Sleep-inside-spinlock checking (DEBUG_SPINLOCK_SLEEP) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Compile the kernel with frame pointers (FRAME_POINTER) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

Wed Dec 29 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-2.3.rdt
- added gpl exports patch for nvidia kernel modules (Patch20510), see:
- changed over to the simpler capability patch as posted on lkml
(still Patch20500)

Sun Dec 26 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-2.2.rdt
- shortened version :-)
- added patch for capability module security bug (Patch20500) as reported in:
(reported by Frank Barknecht on the lad list)

Thu Dec 23 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-2.1.rdtV0.7.33_04
- added the latest realtime patch to the kernel
- removed all realtime preemption tracing and debugging options
into the kernel (not as modules). Does not currently work with the
realtime kernel module so reverted to both being modules

Mon Dec 20 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.2.rdtV0.7.33_04
- fixed CONFIG_SPINLOCK_BLK (was using the old BKL method, more latency)
- added realtimedebug configuration variable to turn off most of the tracing
and debugging options in the realtime kernel patch

Wed Dec 15 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.33_04
- updated to 0.7.32-04

Tue Dec 14 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.33_0
- updated to 0.7.32-20 on top of 2.6.10-rc3-mm1, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP
Location of RedBoot partition table (MTD_REDBOOT_DIRECTORY_BLOCK) [-1] (NEW) -1
XIP aware MTD support (MTD_XIP) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? n
Support for NAND Flash Simulator (MTD_NAND_NANDSIM) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? y
Default number of RAM disks (BLK_DEV_RAM_COUNT) [16] (NEW) 16
Analog Devices ADM1026 and compatibles (SENSORS_ADM1026) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Enable support for some misdesigned (see help) devices, which identify with wrong IDs (DVB_DIBUSB_MISDESIGNED_DEVICES) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
B2C2/Technisat Air/Sky/Cable2PC USB (DVB_B2C2_USB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
SL811HS HCD support (USB_SL811_HCD) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
JFS Security Labels (JFS_SECURITY) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
CIFS Experimental Features (EXPERIMENTAL) (CIFS_EXPERIMENTAL) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

Mon Dec 13 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.32_20
- updated to 0.7.32-20, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Sat Dec 11 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.32_19
- updated to 0.7.32-19, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Fri Dec 10 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.32_18
- updated to 0.7.32-18, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Thu Dec 9 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.32_14
- updated to 0.7.32-14, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Wed Dec 8 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.32_10
- updated to 0.7.32-10, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Tue Dec 7 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.32_9
- updated to 0.7.32-9, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Mon Dec 6 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.32_2
- updated to 0.7.32-2, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Fri Dec 3 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.32_0
- updated to 0.7.32-0, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Thu Dec 2 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.31_20
- updated to 0.7.31-20, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Wed Dec 1 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.31_19
- updated to 0.7.31-19, using PREEMPT_DESKTOP
- go back to 4KSTACKS=n, that is the default in the latest fc2 errata kernel
- readded source statements for the .ccrma.config files, they got
erased somehow

Tue Nov 30 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rdtV0.7.31_15
- updated to 0.7.31-15
- configured with PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Mon Nov 29 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rV0.7.31_13
- back to latest patch
- updated to the latest spec file from fedora core 2 (2.6.9-1.6.FC2)
- updated to 0.7.31-13
- options:
Preemption Mode
1. No Forced Preemption (Server) (PREEMPT_NONE) (NEW)
> 2. Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop) (PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY)
3. Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop) (PREEMPT_DESKTOP) (NEW)
4. Complete Preemption (Real-Time) (PREEMPT_RT) (NEW)
choice[1-4]: 3
Old-Style Big Kernel Lock (SPINLOCK_BKL) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? y
Real Time Clock Histogram Support (RTC_HISTOGRAM) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m
Priority Inheritance Debugging (Blocker) Device Support (BLOCKER) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m
Debug preemptible kernel (DEBUG_PREEMPT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Wakeup latency timing (WAKEUP_TIMING) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Non-preemptible critical section latency timing (CRITICAL_PREEMPT_TIMING) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Interrupts-off critical section latency timing (CRITICAL_IRQSOFF_TIMING) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

- detailed comparison with the latest Fedora Core 2 kernel configuration:
start with i686 configuration:

Kernel Userspace Events (KOBJECT_UEVENT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Source checksum for all modules (MODULE_SRCVERSION_ALL) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Processor family
1. 386 (M386)
2. 486 (M486)
3. 586/K5/5x86/6x86/6x86MX (M586)
4. Pentium-Classic (M586TSC)
5. Pentium-MMX (M586MMX)
> 6. Pentium-Pro (M686)
7. Pentium-II/Celeron(pre-Coppermine) (MPENTIUMII)
8. Pentium-III/Celeron(Coppermine)/Pentium-III Xeon (MPENTIUMIII)
9. Pentium M (MPENTIUMM)
10. Pentium-4/Celeron(P4-based)/Pentium-4 M/Xeon (MPENTIUM4)
11. K6/K6-II/K6-III (MK6)
12. Athlon/Duron/K7 (MK7)
13. Opteron/Athlon64/Hammer/K8 (MK8)
14. Crusoe (MCRUSOE)
15. Efficeon (MEFFICEON) (NEW)
16. Winchip-C6 (MWINCHIPC6)
17. Winchip-2 (MWINCHIP2)
18. Winchip-2A/Winchip-3 (MWINCHIP3D)
20. VIA C3-2 (Nehemiah) (MVIAC3_2)
choice[1-20]: 6
Preemption Mode
1. No Forced Preemption (Server) (PREEMPT_NONE) (NEW)
> 2. Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop) (PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY)
3. Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop) (PREEMPT_DESKTOP) (NEW)
4. Complete Preemption (Real-Time) (PREEMPT_RT) (NEW)
choice[1-4]: 3
Thread Softirqs (PREEMPT_SOFTIRQS) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Thread Hardirqs (PREEMPT_HARDIRQS) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Old-Style Big Kernel Lock (SPINLOCK_BKL) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Performance monitoring counters support (PERFCTR) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Init-time hardware tests (PERFCTR_INIT_TESTS) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Virtual performance counters support (PERFCTR_VIRTUAL) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Physical address where the kernel is loaded (1-112)MB (KERN_PHYS_OFFSET) [1] (NEW) 1
kernel crash dumps (EXPERIMENTAL) (CRASH_DUMP) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Video (ACPI_VIDEO) [M/n/y/?] (NEW) m
IBM ThinkPad Laptop Extras (ACPI_IBM) [M/n/y/?] (NEW) m
ACPI0004,PNP0A05 and PNP0A06 Container Driver (EXPERIMENTAL) (ACPI_CONTAINER) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Enable CPUfreq debugging (CPU_FREQ_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Built-in tables for Banias CPUs (X86_SPEEDSTEP_CENTRINO_TABLE) [Y/n/?] (NEW) n
nVidia nForce2 FSB changing (X86_CPUFREQ_NFORCE2) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
PCCard (PCMCIA/CardBus) support (PCCARD) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Enable PCCARD debugging (PCMCIA_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Enable obsolete PCCARD code (PCMCIA_OBSOLETE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
16-bit PCMCIA support (PCMCIA) [M/n/?] (NEW) m
32-bit CardBus support (CARDBUS) [Y/n/?] (NEW)
CardBus yenta-compatible bridge support (YENTA) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Cirrus PD6729 compatible bridge support (PD6729) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
i82092 compatible bridge support (I82092) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
i82365 compatible bridge support (I82365) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Databook TCIC host bridge support (TCIC) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
JEDEC Flash device mapped on Technologic Systems TS-5500 (MTD_TS5500) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Support for PCMCIA management for PC-style ports (PARPORT_PC_PCMCIA) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Plug and Play ACPI support (EXPERIMENTAL) (PNPACPI) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Source directory of cpio_list (INITRAMFS_SOURCE) [] (NEW)
Packet writing on CD/DVD media (CDROM_PKTCDVD) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Free buffers for data gathering (CDROM_PKTCDVD_BUFFERS) [8] (NEW) 8
Enable write caching (CDROM_PKTCDVD_WCACHE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
CFQ I/O scheduler (IOSCHED_CFQ) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) y
PCMCIA IDE support (BLK_DEV_IDECS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
iSCSI Transport Attributes (SCSI_ISCSI_ATTRS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
LSI Logic New Generation RAID Device Drivers (MEGARAID_NEWGEN) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? y
LSI Logic Management Module (New Driver) (MEGARAID_MM) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
LSI Logic MegaRAID Driver (New Driver) (MEGARAID_MAILBOX) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
ULi Electronics SATA support (SCSI_SATA_ULI) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Qlogic QLA 1020/1040 SCSI support (SCSI_QLOGIC_1280_1040) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Adaptec AHA152X PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_AHA152X) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Future Domain PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_FDOMAIN) [N/m/?] (NEW)
NinjaSCSI-3 / NinjaSCSI-32Bi (16bit) PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_NINJA_SCSI) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Qlogic PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_QLOGIC) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Symbios 53c500 PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_SYM53C500) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Faulty test module for MD (MD_FAULTY) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
IP: TCP socket monitoring interface (IP_TCPDIAG) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m
Connection mark tracking support (IP_NF_CONNTRACK_MARK) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Connection mark match support (IP_NF_MATCH_CONNMARK) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
hashlimit match support (IP_NF_MATCH_HASHLIMIT) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
CONNMARK target support (IP_NF_TARGET_CONNMARK) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Packet scheduler clock source
> 1. Timer interrupt (NET_SCH_CLK_JIFFIES) (NEW)
2. gettimeofday (NET_SCH_CLK_GETTIMEOFDAY) (NEW)
3. CPU cycle counter (NET_SCH_CLK_CPU) (NEW)
choice[1-3?]: 1
HCI DTL1 (PC Card) driver (BT_HCIDTL1) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
HCI BT3C (PC Card) driver (BT_HCIBT3C) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
HCI BlueCard (PC Card) driver (BT_HCIBLUECARD) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
HCI UART (PC Card) device driver (BT_HCIBTUART) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Xircom CardBus support (new driver) (PCMCIA_XIRCOM) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Xircom Tulip-like CardBus support (old driver) (PCMCIA_XIRTULIP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
VLAN support (R8169_VLAN) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Use 2 Buffer Mode on Rx side. (2BUFF_MODE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
AT&T/Lucent old WaveLAN Pcmcia wireless support (PCMCIA_WAVELAN) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Xircom Netwave AirSurfer Pcmcia wireless support (PCMCIA_NETWAVE) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Aviator/Raytheon 2.4MHz wireless support (PCMCIA_RAYCS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Hermes PCMCIA card support (PCMCIA_HERMES) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Cisco/Aironet 34X/35X/4500/4800 PCMCIA cards (AIRO_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Atmel at76c502/at76c504 PCMCIA cards (PCMCIA_ATMEL) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Planet WL3501 PCMCIA cards (PCMCIA_WL3501) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 for Host AP (Prism2/2.5/3 and WEP/TKIP/CCMP) (HOSTAP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 WEP encryption (HOSTAP_WEP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 TKIP encryption (HOSTAP_TKIP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 CCMP encryption (HOSTAP_CCMP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Support downloading firmware images with Host AP driver (HOSTAP_FIRMWARE) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Host AP driver for Prism2/2.5/3 in PLX9052 PCI adaptors (HOSTAP_PLX) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Host AP driver for Prism2.5 PCI adaptors (HOSTAP_PCI) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Host AP driver for Prism2/2.5/3 PC Cards (HOSTAP_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW)
PCMCIA network device support (NET_PCMCIA) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
3Com 3c589 PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_3C589) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
3Com 3c574 PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_3C574) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Fujitsu FMV-J18x PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_FMVJ18X) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
NE2000 compatible PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_PCNET) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
New Media PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_NMCLAN) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
SMC 91Cxx PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_SMC91C92) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Xircom 16-bit PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_XIRC2PS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Asix AX88190 PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_AXNET) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IBM PCMCIA tokenring adapter support (PCMCIA_IBMTR) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Support isdn diversion services (ISDN_DIVERSION) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Sedlbauer PCMCIA cards (HISAX_SEDLBAUER_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
ELSA PCMCIA MicroLink cards (HISAX_ELSA_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
AVM A1 PCMCIA cards (HISAX_AVM_A1_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
AVM B1/M1/M2 PCMCIA cs module (ISDN_DRV_AVMB1_AVM_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
8250/16550 PCMCIA device support (SERIAL_8250_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Real Time Clock Histogram Support (RTC_HISTOGRAM) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m
Priority Inheritance Debugging (Blocker) Device Support (BLOCKER) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m
SyncLink PC Card support (SYNCLINK_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
SMBus multiplexing on the Tyan S4882 (I2C_AMD756_S4882) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
I2C/SMBus Test Stub (I2C_STUB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
National Semiconductor LM63 (SENSORS_LM63) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
National Semiconductor LM87 (SENSORS_LM87) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
National Semiconductor PC87360 family (SENSORS_PC87360) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
DiBcom USB DVB-T devices (see help for device list) (DVB_DIBUSB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Enable support for some Artec T1 device, which identifies as AN2235 (DVB_DIBUSB_MISDESIGNED_AN2235) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Enable extended debug support for DiBcom USB device (DVB_DIBCOM_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Terratec CinergyT2/qanu USB2 DVB-T receiver (DVB_CINERGYT2) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
sophisticated fine-tuning for CinergyT2 cards (DVB_CINERGYT2_TUNING) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Philips TDA8044 or TDA8083 based (DVB_TDA80XX) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Conexant cx22702 demodulator (OFDM) (DVB_CX22702) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Enable Tile Blitting Support (FB_TILEBLITTING) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Intel 830M/845G/852GM/855GM/865G support (EXPERIMENTAL) (FB_INTEL) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Intel driver Debug Messages (FB_INTEL_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Mach64 generic LCD support (EXPERIMENTAL) (FB_ATY_GENERIC_LCD) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
S3 Savage support (FB_SAVAGE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Enable DDC2 Support (FB_SAVAGE_I2C) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Enable Console Acceleration (FB_SAVAGE_ACCEL) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Bt87x Audio overclocking (SND_BT87X_OVERCLOCK) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Digigram VXpocket (SND_VXPOCKET) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Digigram VXpocket 440 (SND_VXP440) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Sound Core PDAudioCF (SND_PDAUDIOCF) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
KT Technology KC2190 based cables (InstaNet) (USB_KC2190) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
USB Cypress M8 USB Serial Driver (USB_SERIAL_CYPRESS_M8) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USB PhidgetKit support (USB_PHIDGETKIT) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
Reiser4 (EXPERIMENTAL very fast general purpose filesystem) (REISER4_FS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
General filesystem cache manager (FSCACHE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Filesystem caching filesystem (CACHEFS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
JFFS2 support for ECC\'d NOR flash (EXPERIMENTAL) (JFFS2_FS_NOR_ECC) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Debug preemptible kernel (DEBUG_PREEMPT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Wakeup latency timing (WAKEUP_TIMING) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Non-preemptible critical section latency timing (CRITICAL_PREEMPT_TIMING) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Interrupts-off critical section latency timing (CRITICAL_IRQSOFF_TIMING) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Latency tracing (LATENCY_TRACE) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
kobject debugging (DEBUG_KOBJECT) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Compile the kernel with frame pointers (USE_FRAME_POINTER) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Use 4Kb for kernel stacks instead of 8Kb (4KSTACKS) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Include kgdb kernel debugger (KGDB) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Enable access key retention support (KEYS) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
BSD Secure Levels (SECURITY_SECLVL) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
Anubis cipher algorithm (CRYPTO_ANUBIS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m

- for smp kernels:

Cpuset support (CPUSETS) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

- made a diff of the changes and edited it by hand:

deleted proc config.gz support (more memory used, no gain)
kept UP APIC support
kept CONFIG_MTD_AMD76XROM=m and MTD_L440GX=m
removed CONFIG_PRIME_SOUND and friends

- after the diff:

Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI and MSI-X) (PCI_MSI) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
IBM PCI Hotplug driver (HOTPLUG_PCI_IBM) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n

Sat Nov 27 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.10rc2mm3_vT3.ll
- branch to the old voluntary preemption T3 on top of 2.6.10-rc2-mm3
- grep PREEMPT in .config:

Sat Nov 27 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rV0.7.31_9.ll
- updated to 0.7.31-9
- keep it configured as PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Wed Nov 24 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.1.rV0.7.31_3.ll
- updated to 0.7.31-3 and 2.6.10-rc2-mm3
- configure it as PREEMPT_DESKTOP
- options:
Enable support for some Artec T1 device, which identifies as AN2235 (DVB_DIBUSB_MISDESIGNED_AN2235) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Enable extended debug support for DiBcom USB device (DVB_DIBCOM_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Status update interval [milliseconds] (DVB_CINERGYT2_QUERY_INTERVAL) [250] (NEW) 250
Philips TDA8044 or TDA8083 based (DVB_TDA80XX) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
- !!! later: configure it as PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY to test the base system without the rt changes
- !!! disable smp build temporarily

Tue Nov 23 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.30_9.ll
- updated to 0.7.30-9
- configure it as PREEMPT_DESKTOP
- options:
Priority Inheritance Debugging (Blocker) Device Support (BLOCKER) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m

Fri Nov 19 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.29_4.ll
- updated to 0.7.29-4
- keep PREEMPT_RT configuration for now
XIP aware MTD support (MTD_XIP) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
iSCSI Transport Attributes (SCSI_ISCSI_ATTRS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IPMI sockets (IPMI_SOCKET) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Support isdn diversion services (ISDN_DIVERSION) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
JFFS2 support for ECC\'d NOR flash (EXPERIMENTAL) (JFFS2_FS_NOR_ECC) [N/y/?] (NEW) y

Thu Nov 18 23:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Drop 2.6.9 changes that broke megaraid. (#139723)
- Update to 2.6.9-ac10, fixing the SATA problems (#139674)
- Update the OOM-killer tamer to upstream.
- Implement an RCU scheme for the SELinux AVC
- Improve on the OOM-killer taming patch.
- device-mapper: Remove duplicate kfree in dm_register_target error path.
- Make SHA1 guard against misaligned accesses
- ASPM workaround for PCIe. (#123360)
- Hot-plug driver updates due to MSI change (#134290)
- Workaround for 80332 IOP hot-plug problem (#139041)
- ExpressCard hot-plug support for ICH6M (#131800)
- Fix boot crash on VIA systems (noted on x86-64)
- PPC64: Store correct backtracking info in ppc64 signal frames
- PPC64: Prevent HVSI from oopsing on hangup (#137912)
- Fix poor performance b/c of noncacheable mapping in 4g/4g (#130842)
- Fix PCI-X hotplug issues (#132852, #134290)
- Re-export force_sig() (#139503)
- Various fixes for more security issues from latest -ac patch.
- Fix d_find_alias brokenness (#137791)
- tg3: Fix fiber hw autoneg bounces (#138738)
- diskdump: Fix issue with NMI watchdog. (#138041)
- diskdump: Export disk_dump_state. (#138132)
- diskdump: Tickle NMI watchdog in diskdump_mdelay() (#138036)
- diskdump: Fix mem= for x86-64 (#138139)
- diskdump: Fix missing system_state setting. (#138130)
- diskdump: Fix diskdump completion message (#138028)
- Re-add aic host raid support.
- Take a few more export removal patches from 2.6.10rc
- SATA: Make AHCI work
- SATA: Core updates.
- S390: Fix Incorrect registers in core dumps. (#138206)
- S390: Fix up lcs device state. (#131167)
- S390: Fix possible qeth IP registration failure.
- S390: Support broadcast on z800/z900 HiperSockets
- S390: Allow FCP port to recover after aborted nameserver request.
- Flush error in pci_mmcfg_write (#129338)
- hugetlb_get_unmapped_area fix (#135364, #129525)
- Fix ia64 cyclone timer on ia64 (#137842, #136684)
- Fix ipv6 MTU calculation. (#130397)
- ACPI: Don\'t display messages about ACPI breakpoints. (#135856)
- Fix x86_64 copy_user_generic (#135655)
- lockd: remove hardcoded maximum NLM cookie length
- Fix SCSI bounce limit
- Disable polling mode on hotplug controllers in favour of interrupt driven. (#138737)

Wed Nov 17 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.28_0.ll
- updated to 0.7.28-0
- tried with PREEMPT_RT instead of PREEMPT_DESKTOP

Tue Nov 16 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.27_11.ll
- updated to 0.7.27-6, on top of 2.6.10-rc2-mm1
Use 2 Buffer Mode on Rx side. (2BUFF_MODE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
IEEE 802.11 for Host AP (Prism2/2.5/3 and WEP/TKIP/CCMP) (HOSTAP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 WEP encryption (HOSTAP_WEP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 TKIP encryption (HOSTAP_TKIP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 802.11 CCMP encryption (HOSTAP_CCMP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Support downloading firmware images with Host AP driver (HOSTAP_FIRMWARE) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Host AP driver for Prism2/2.5/3 in PLX9052 PCI adaptors (HOSTAP_PLX) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Host AP driver for Prism2.5 PCI adaptors (HOSTAP_PCI) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Host AP driver for Prism2/2.5/3 PC Cards (HOSTAP_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
SMBus multiplexing on the Tyan S4882 (I2C_AMD756_S4882) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
National Semiconductor LM63 (SENSORS_LM63) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
National Semiconductor PC87360 family (SENSORS_PC87360) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Anubis cipher algorithm (CRYPTO_ANUBIS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
- updated to 0.7.27-10
- updated to 0.7.27-11

Mon Nov 15 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.26_5.ll
- updated to 0.7.26-5

Sat Nov 13 23:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Drop some bogus patches.

Fri Nov 12 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.26_0.ll
- updated to 0.7.26-0

Options (interesting!)
Preemption Mode
1. No Forced Preemption (Server) (PREEMPT_NONE) (NEW)
2. Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop) (PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY) (NEW)
3. Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop) (PREEMPT_DESKTOP) (NEW)
> 4. Complete Preemption (Real-Time) (PREEMPT_RT) 3
Old-Style Big Kernel Lock (SPINLOCK_BKL) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? n
Real Time Clock Histogram Support (RTC_HISTOGRAM) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) m
Non-preemptible critical section latency timing (CRITICAL_PREEMPT_TIMING) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Interrupts-off critical section latency timing (CRITICAL_IRQSOFF_TIMING) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Include kgdb kernel debugger (KGDB) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? n

Thu Nov 11 23:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- NFS: Fix dentry refcount accounting error
- Fix single-stepping on PPC64
- Integrate kernel-devel changes
- SELinux: netif fixes.
- SELinux: add DAC check to setxattr() hook.
- SELinux: sidtab locking fix.
- SELinux: mediate send_sigurg().
- SELinux: fix setscheduler hook deadlock.
- ide-floppy: Supresses error messages resulting from Medium not present
- Various IA64 updates from 2.6.10rc1
- nfsd: make sure getxattr inode op is non-NULL before calling it.
- Handle NULL dev->dev_addr in SIOCGIFHWADDR correctly. (#137648)
- Fix NFSD domainname size limit.
- nfsd4: nfsd oopsed when encountering a conflict with a local lock
- nfsd4: fix putrootfh return
- nfsd: Insecure port warning shows decimal IPv4 address
- Disable sw irqbalance/irqaffinity for e7520/e7320/e7525 (#136419)
- Fix exec-shield non-PIE/non-prelinked bug
- ext3 reservations: fix goal hit accounting.
- Fix problems with non-power-of-two sector size discs. (#135094)
- Fix possible oops in netpoll (#132153)
- Add missing MODULE_VERSION tags to various modules. (#136399)
- Add USB card reader de jour. (#124048)
- Remove SG_IO deprecation warning (#136179)
- Make sure that modules get signed with the right key.
- Remove SG_IO deprecation warning (#136179)
- s390: Fix fake_ll for qeth device. (#136175)
- s390: zfcp: Kernel stack frame for zfcp_cfdc_dev_ioctl() is too big
- s390: Use slab allocator for DASD I/O pages.
- PPC64: HVSI udbg support
- PPC64: Make HVSI console survive FSP reset
- PPC64: Make PCI hostbridge hotplugging work
- PPC64: Fix IBM VSCSI problems (#138124)
- Rebase -ac patch to 2.6.9-ac8.

Wed Nov 10 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.24.ll
- updated to 0.7.24
Real-Time Kernel Preemption (PREEMPT_RT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Faulty test module for MD (MD_FAULTY) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
IP: TCP socket monitoring interface (IP_TCPDIAG) [Y/n/m/?] (NEW) ? m
iptables Actions (NET_ACT_IPT) [N/m/?] (NEW) ? m
KT Technology KC2190 based cables (InstaNet) (USB_KC2190) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
USB Cypress M8 USB Serial Driver (USB_SERIAL_CYPRESS_M8) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Wakeup latency timing (WAKEUP_TIMING) [Y/n/?] (NEW) ? y

[rootAATTlocalhost PLANET]# rpm -ivh --oldpackage 2/kernel-2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.24.ll.rhfc2.ccrma.i686.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:kernel ########################################### [100%]
WARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.24.ll.rhfc2.ccrma/kernel/drivers/acpi/container.ko needs unknown symbol hotplug_path

Mon Nov 8 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.22.ll
- updated to 0.7.22, now on top of 2.6.10-rc1-mm3

Thu Nov 4 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.11.ll
- updated to V0.7.10
Automatic mutex/rwsem deadlock detection (RT_DEADLOCK_DETECT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) ? y
- and then to V0.7.11

Wed Nov 3 23:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Reenable token-ring drivers (#122602)

Wed Nov 3 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.7.7.ll
- updated to V0.7.7
- builds on top of 2.6.10-rc1-mm2
- see below: disabled 4KSTACKS for now...
- fixed CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE in smp configurations, was for some
reason =\"n\" (should be =\"\")
- options:

Video (ACPI_VIDEO) [M/n/y/?] (NEW) m
IBM ThinkPad Laptop Extras (ACPI_IBM) [M/n/y/?] (NEW) m
ACPI0004,PNP0A05 and PNP0A06 Container Driver (EXPERIMENTAL) (ACPI_CONTAINER) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Enable CPUfreq debugging (CPU_FREQ_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Plug and Play ACPI support (EXPERIMENTAL) (PNPACPI) [Y/n/?] (NEW) n
Connection mark tracking support (IP_NF_CONNTRACK_MARK) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Connection mark match support (IP_NF_MATCH_CONNMARK) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
hashlimit match support (IP_NF_MATCH_HASHLIMIT) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
CONNMARK target support (IP_NF_TARGET_CONNMARK) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Generic Packet Editor Actions (NET_ACT_PEDIT) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Terratec CinergyT2/qanu USB2 DVB-T receiver (DVB_CINERGYT2) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
sophisticated fine-tuning for CinergyT2 cards (DVB_CINERGYT2_TUNING) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Number of queued USB Request Blocks for Highspeed Stream Transfers (DVB_CINERGYT2_STREAM_URB_COUNT) [32] (NEW) 32
Size of URB Stream Buffers for Highspeed Transfers (DVB_CINERGYT2_STREAM_BUF_SIZE) [512] (NEW) 512
Register the onboard IR Remote Control Receiver as Input Device (DVB_CINERGYT2_ENABLE_RC_INPUT_DEVICE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Intel 830M/845G/852GM/855GM/865G support (EXPERIMENTAL) (FB_INTEL) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Intel driver Debug Messages (FB_INTEL_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
S3 Savage support (FB_SAVAGE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Enable DDC2 Support (FB_SAVAGE_I2C) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Enable Console Acceleration (FB_SAVAGE_ACCEL) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Use 4Kb for kernel stacks instead of 8Kb (4KSTACKS) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

Tue Nov 2 23:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Reenable SLIP. (#124223)
- Add USB card reader de jour. (#124048)

Tue Nov 2 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rV0.6.9.ll
- realtime-preemption V0.6.9
- reenabled CONFIG_TRACE_LATENCY (compilation fails otherwise)
Compile the kernel with frame pointers (USE_FRAME_POINTER) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y

Mon Nov 1 23:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Fix memory leak on x86-64 in mixed 32/64 mode. (#132947)
- Yet another USB card reader for the whitelist. (#137722)

Sat Oct 30 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Fix raid5 oops (#127862)
- Stop E820 BIOS entries being corrupted by EDID info. (#137510)

Fri Oct 29 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Remove the possibility of some false OOM kills. (#131251)
- Add more USB card readers to SCSI whitelist (#131546)
- Disable CONFIG_SCHED_SMT for iseries.

Thu Oct 28 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Reenable ISA NIC support (#136569)

Wed Oct 27 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Reenable Initio 9100U(W) SCSI driver. (#137153)

Tue Oct 26 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Add another USB card reader to SCSI whitelist (#132923)

Sat Oct 23 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Fix PPC NUMA (#130716).
- Fix autoraid for S390 (#123842/#130339)
- Selected bits from 2.6.9-ac3
- Fix syncppp/async ppp problems with new hangup
- Fix broken parport_pc unload
- Stop i8xx_tco making some boxes reboot on load
- Fix cpia/module tools deadlock
- Security fix for smbfs leak/overrun

Sat Oct 23 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.9-1.520.1rU10.1.ll
- updated to 2.6.9-mm1 + U10.1
Function alignment (CC_ALIGN_FUNCTIONS) [0] (NEW) 0
Label alignment (CC_ALIGN_LABELS) [0] (NEW) 0
Loop alignment (CC_ALIGN_LOOPS) [0] (NEW) ? 0
Jump alignment (CC_ALIGN_JUMPS) [0] (NEW) 0
Processor family
1. 386 (M386)
2. 486 (M486)
3. 586/K5/5x86/6x86/6x86MX (M586)
4. Pentium-Classic (M586TSC)
5. Pentium-MMX (M586MMX)
> 6. Pentium-Pro (M686)
7. Pentium-II/Celeron(pre-Coppermine) (MPENTIUMII)
8. Pentium-III/Celeron(Coppermine)/Pentium-III Xeon (MPENTIUMIII)
9. Pentium M (MPENTIUMM)
10. Pentium-4/Celeron(P4-based)/Pentium-4 M/Xeon (MPENTIUM4)
11. K6/K6-II/K6-III (MK6)
12. Athlon/Duron/K7 (MK7)
13. Opteron/Athlon64/Hammer/K8 (MK8)
14. Crusoe (MCRUSOE)
15. Efficeon (MEFFICEON) (NEW)
16. Winchip-C6 (MWINCHIPC6)
17. Winchip-2 (MWINCHIP2)
18. Winchip-2A/Winchip-3 (MWINCHIP3D)
20. VIA C3-2 (Nehemiah) (MVIAC3_2)
choice[1-20]: 6
HPET Timer Support (HPET_TIMER) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Provide RTC interrupt (HPET_EMULATE_RTC) [N/y] (NEW) y
Physical address where the kernel is loaded (1-112)MB (KERN_PHYS_OFFSET) [1] (NEW) 1
PCCard (PCMCIA/CardBus) support (PCCARD) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Enable PCCARD debugging (PCMCIA_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Enable obsolete PCCARD code (PCMCIA_OBSOLETE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
16-bit PCMCIA support (PCMCIA) [M/n/?] (NEW) m
32-bit CardBus support (CARDBUS) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
CardBus yenta-compatible bridge support (YENTA) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Cirrus PD6729 compatible bridge support (PD6729) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
i82092 compatible bridge support (I82092) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
i82365 compatible bridge support (I82365) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Databook TCIC host bridge support (TCIC) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
JEDEC Flash device mapped on Technologic Systems TS-5500 (MTD_TS5500) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Support for PCMCIA management for PC-style ports (PARPORT_PC_PCMCIA) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
IEEE 1284 transfer modes (PARPORT_1284) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? y
PCMCIA IDE support (BLK_DEV_IDECS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Enable controller even if disabled by BIOS (PDC202XX_FORCE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
AHCI SATA support (SCSI_SATA_AHCI) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Adaptec AHA152X PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_AHA152X) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Future Domain PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_FDOMAIN) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
NinjaSCSI-3 / NinjaSCSI-32Bi (16bit) PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_NINJA_SCSI) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Qlogic PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_QLOGIC) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Symbios 53c500 PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_SYM53C500) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Packet In/Egress redirecton/mirror Actions (NET_ACT_MIRRED) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
HCI DTL1 (PC Card) driver (BT_HCIDTL1) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
HCI BT3C (PC Card) driver (BT_HCIBT3C) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
HCI BlueCard (PC Card) driver (BT_HCIBLUECARD) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
HCI UART (PC Card) device driver (BT_HCIBTUART) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Xircom CardBus support (new driver) (PCMCIA_XIRCOM) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Xircom Tulip-like CardBus support (old driver) (PCMCIA_XIRTULIP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
AT&T/Lucent old WaveLAN Pcmcia wireless support (PCMCIA_WAVELAN) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Xircom Netwave AirSurfer Pcmcia wireless support (PCMCIA_NETWAVE) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Aviator/Raytheon 2.4MHz wireless support (PCMCIA_RAYCS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Hermes PCMCIA card support (PCMCIA_HERMES) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Cisco/Aironet 34X/35X/4500/4800 PCMCIA cards (AIRO_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Atmel at76c502/at76c504 PCMCIA cards (PCMCIA_ATMEL) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Planet WL3501 PCMCIA cards (PCMCIA_WL3501) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
PCMCIA network device support (NET_PCMCIA) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
3Com 3c589 PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_3C589) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
3Com 3c574 PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_3C574) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Fujitsu FMV-J18x PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_FMVJ18X) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
NE2000 compatible PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_PCNET) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
New Media PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_NMCLAN) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
SMC 91Cxx PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_SMC91C92) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Xircom 16-bit PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_XIRC2PS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Asix AX88190 PCMCIA support (PCMCIA_AXNET) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Sedlbauer PCMCIA cards (HISAX_SEDLBAUER_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
ELSA PCMCIA MicroLink cards (HISAX_ELSA_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
AVM A1 PCMCIA cards (HISAX_AVM_A1_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
AVM B1/M1/M2 PCMCIA cs module (ISDN_DRV_AVMB1_AVM_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
8250/16550 PCMCIA device support (SERIAL_8250_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
SyncLink PC Card support (SYNCLINK_CS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
National Semiconductor LM87 (SENSORS_LM87) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
W9966CF Webcam (FlyCam Supra and others) Video For Linux (VIDEO_W9966) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
CPiA Parallel Port Lowlevel Support (VIDEO_CPIA_PP) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Mach64 generic LCD support (EXPERIMENTAL) (FB_ATY_GENERIC_LCD) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Digigram VXpocket (SND_VXPOCKET) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Digigram VXpocket 440 (SND_VXP440) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Sound Core PDAudioCF (SND_PDAUDIOCF) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USB PhidgetKit support (USB_PHIDGETKIT) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
kobject debugging (DEBUG_KOBJECT) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

Fri Oct 22 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Misc security fixes from 2.6.9-ac2

Fri Oct 22 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.8-1.520.1rU9.2.ll
- updated to U9.2

Thu Oct 21 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.8-1.520.1rU8.1.ll
- updated to U8.1

Thu Oct 21 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Fix ia64 module loading. (#136365)
- Enable discontigmem for PPC64
- Disable a bunch of useless PPC config options
- Enable PACK_STACK on s390.

Wed Oct 20 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Fix NFS badness (#132726)
- Drop bogus USB workaround. (#131127)

Tue Oct 19 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.8-1.520.1rU6.ll
- updated to realtime preempt U6 (name changed from voluntary preempt)
- and then to U7...
- options: why this now? only change was U7...
Reiser4 (EXPERIMENTAL very fast general purpose filesystem) (REISER4_FS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n

Tue Oct 19 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.8-1.520.1vU5.ll
- voluntary U5
- options:
Automatic mutex/rwsem deadlock detection (RWSEM_DEADLOCK_DETECT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Maximum number of rwsem owners tracked (1-128) (RWSEM_MAX_OWNERS) [64] (NEW) 64

Tue Oct 19 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Rebase to 2.6.9
- Speedtouch USB DSL modem driver update.
- Cleanup some iseries config options.

Sat Oct 16 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- 2.6.9-rc4-bk3
- Fix up a bunch of unresolved symbols that crept in recently.
- Remove bogus O_NONBLOCK patch which broke lots of userspace.
- Fix booting on PPC64 by reserving initrd pages.

Sat Oct 16 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.8-1.520.1vU3.ll
- voluntary U3
* options in the configuration (otherwise
we get build errors)

Fri Oct 15 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.8-1.520.1vU2.ll
- voluntary U2

Fri Oct 15 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.8-1.520.1vU1.ll
- voluntary U1 on top of 2.6.9rc4-mm1
- rebuilt chunk for rt patch

Real-Time Kernel Preemption (PREEMPT_REALTIME) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? y
Via unichrome video cards (DRM_VIA) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) ? m
Bt87x Audio overclocking (SND_BT87X_OVERCLOCK) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

- does not build...

Fri Oct 15 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Rebase to 2.6.9-rc4-bk2
- librtas needs to work around the /dev/mem restrictions.
- EXT3 reservations use-before-initialised bugfix.
- support O_NONBLOCK for read,pread,readv of regular files.
- EDD blows up some x86-64\'s. Disable again.

Thu Oct 14 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Make EDD driver modular on x86-64 too.
- Various mkinitrd spec changes (Jeremy Katz)
- Enable a bunch more PPC64 config options. (Dave Howells)
- Enable ACPI cpufreq driver for x86-64 too.

Wed Oct 13 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Rebase to 2.6.9-rc4-bk1
- Tux update.
- Update netdump/diskdump patches
- PowerPC 64 netboot changes.
- Various CONFIG_ option diddling.
- Fix up the find_isa_irq_pin() oops on reboot for x86-64 too.

Tue Oct 12 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Rebase to 2.6.9-rc4
- Enable CONFIG_MICROCODE for x86-64

Sat Oct 9 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Rebase to 2.6.9-rc3-bk8

Fri Oct 8 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- up to voluntary T3, on top of rc3-mm3
- applied fix mentioned in mailing list
- match voluntary to that fix
- fix security/Makefile (in rt patch)

Source checksum for all modules (MODULE_SRCVERSION_ALL) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
EDD: Skip Master Boot Record read (EDD_SKIP_MBR) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Initio 9100U(W) support (SCSI_INITIO) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Qlogic QLA 1020/1040 SCSI support (SCSI_QLOGIC_1280_1040) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
General filesystem cache manager (FSCACHE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Filesystem caching filesystem (CACHEFS) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Debug preemptible kernel (DEBUG_PREEMPT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y

Fri Oct 8 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Rebase to 2.6.9-rc3-bk7
- Fix up PPC/PPC64 compilation failures due to new binutils. (David Woodhouse)

Thu Oct 7 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Rebase to 2.6.9-rc3-bk6
- Add xattr support for tmpfs.

Wed Oct 6 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- back to S7, T1 has problems booting
- removed ingo-blk patch (20334)
- options:
Whirlpool digest algorithm (CRYPTO_WHIRLPOOL) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m

- additional options readded (i686[-smp]):
access to kernel configuration through /proc
measure time spent in non-preemptible critical sections
enable up apics (not on i586, not needed on SMP)
frequency control for via chips
irq balancing (SMP only)

Tue Oct 5 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated to 2.6.9-rc3-mm2-S9
- eliminated wrong chunk from S9 that was hardwiring the main linux
makefile to ARCH = x86_64

ULi Electronics SATA support (SCSI_SATA_ULI) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Preempt-unsafe smp_processor_id() checking (DEBUG_SMP_PROCESSOR_ID) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
BSD Secure Levels (SECURITY_SECLVL) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
Whirlpool digest algorithms (CRYPTO_WP512) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m

- options added (i686[-smp]):
access to kernel configuration through /proc
measure time spent in non-preemptible critical sections
enable up apics (not on i586, not needed on SMP)
frequency control for via chips

Tue Oct 5 00:00:00 2004 Stephen C. Tweedie
- Update ext3 online resize to 2.6.9-rc3-mm2 upstream
- Reenable ext3 online resize in .spec

Thu Sep 30 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- added small patch by Ingo

Wed Sep 29 00:00:00 2004 Jeremy Katz
- add patch from Roland McGrath/James Morris to fix mprotect hook bug (#133505)

Tue Sep 28 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated to voluntary S6 on top of 2.6.9-rc2-mm4
Performance counter overflow interrupt support (PERFCTR_INTERRUPT_SUPPORT) [N/y] (NEW) n
Source directory of cpio_list (INITRAMFS_SOURCE) [] (NEW)
comment match support (IP_NF_MATCH_COMMENT) [N/m/?] (NEW) ? m

Sat Sep 25 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated to voluntary S6

Fri Sep 24 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated to voluntary S5
Physdev match support (IP6_NF_MATCH_PHYSDEV) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
I2C/SMBus Test Stub (I2C_STUB) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
DVB Support for cx2388x based TV cards (VIDEO_CX88_DVB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Conexant cx22702 demodulator (OFDM) (DVB_CX22702) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Zarlink MT352 based (DVB_MT352) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
DiBcom 3000-MB (DVB_DIB3000MB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Twinhan/KWorld/Hama/Artec USB DVB-T devices (DVB_DIBUSB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
tmpfs Extended Attributes (TMPFS_XATTR) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
- there are missing symbols in some modules

Thu Sep 23 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated to voluntary S3
Preempt The Big Kernel Lock (PREEMPT_BKL) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
- later... reverted to R9, could not boot S3 on an Athlon64
Suspend-to-Disk Support (PM_DISK) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Gameport data dumper (INPUT_JOYDUMP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) ? n

Wed Sep 22 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- rc2-mm1 + voluntary S0
- disabled several redhat original patches
- sysnice patch no longer patches cleanly

Local version - append to kernel release (LOCALVERSION) [] (NEW)
Kernel Userspace Events (KOBJECT_UEVENT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) y
Performance monitoring counters support (PERFCTR) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Init-time hardware tests (PERFCTR_INIT_TESTS) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Virtual performance counters support (PERFCTR_VIRTUAL) [Y/n/?] (NEW)y
kexec system call (EXPERIMENTAL) (KEXEC) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Power Management Debug Support (PM_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Thinkpad Fn+Fx key driver (ACPI_THINKPAD) [M/n/y/?] (NEW) m
Disable ACPI for systems before Jan 1st this year (ACPI_BLACKLIST_YEAR) [0] (NEW) 0
nVidia nForce2 FSB changing (X86_CPUFREQ_NFORCE2) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Packet writing on CD/DVD media (CDROM_PKTCDVD) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) ? m
Free buffers for data gathering (CDROM_PKTCDVD_BUFFERS) [8] (NEW) 8
Enable write caching (CDROM_PKTCDVD_WCACHE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
IT8212 IDE support (Experimental) (BLK_DEV_IT8212) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) y
LSI Logic New Generation RAID Device Drivers (MEGARAID_NEWGEN) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? y
LSI Logic Management Module (New Driver) (MEGARAID_MM) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
LSI Logic MegaRAID Driver (New Driver) (MEGARAID_MAILBOX) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
generic Actions (NET_ACT_GACT) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
generic Actions probability (GACT_PROB) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? n
VLAN support (R8169_VLAN) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? y
Raw access to serio ports (SERIO_RAW) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Gameport data dumper (JOYSTICK_JOYDUMP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n
Enable Tile Blitting Support (FB_TILEBLITTING) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? y
Filesystem caching support (CACHEFS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Kprobes (KPROBES) [N/y/?] (NEW) ? n
Include kgdb kernel debugger (KGDB) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Enable access key retention support (KEYS) [N/y/?] (NEW) n

Tue Sep 21 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.9-rc2-bk5

Fri Sep 17 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix tux for x86-64 and ppc64

Wed Sep 15 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.9-rc2
- add diskdump

Sat Sep 11 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.9-rc1-bk17 ; make ppc32 build

Wed Sep 8 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.9-rc1-bk13

Tue Sep 7 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- disable online resize again
- hopefully fix Quake3 interaction with execshield
- add Alan\'s borken-bios-IRQ workaround patch

Sun Sep 5 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.9-rc1-bk11

Wed Sep 1 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix execshield buglet with legacy binaries
- 2.6.9-rc1-bk7

Tue Aug 31 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.9-rc1-bk6

Sun Aug 29 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.9-rc1-bk4, now with i915 DRM driver

Sun Aug 29 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- bk4 + voluntary Q1
- and later: voluntary Q3 (Q0/Q1 were bad patches)
- disabled hugetlb (patch10), iobitmap (patch11), patch300, patch510-512, patch550,
patch1010, patch1130
- fixed chunk in nonintconfig (patch500)
- new options:

Non-preemptible critical section timing (PREEMPT_TIMING) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Non-preemptible critical section tracing (LATENCY_TRACE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
\'ondemand\' cpufreq policy governor (CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
Low Performance USB Block driver (BLK_DEV_UB) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
RAID-10 (mirrored striping) mode (EXPERIMENTAL) (MD_RAID10) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
IP: tunnel transformation (INET_TUNNEL) [M/y/?] (NEW) m
Connection tracking flow accounting (IP_NF_CT_ACCT) [N/y] (NEW) n
SCTP protocol match support (IP_NF_MATCH_SCTP) [N/m] (NEW) m
SCTP protocol tracking support [m/N] (NEW) n
Use Rx and Tx Polling (NAPI) (EXPERIMENTAL) (R8169_NAPI) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
IPMI Poweroff (IPMI_POWEROFF) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Intel 830M, 845G, 852GM, 855GM, 865G, 915G (DRM_I915) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
I2C PCA 9564 interfaces (I2C_ALGOPCA) [N/m/?] (NEW) ? m
PCA9564 on an ISA bus (I2C_PCA_ISA) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
SMSC LPC47M10x and compatibles (SENSORS_SMSC47M1) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
ATI IXP 150/200/250 Modem (SND_ATIIXP_MODEM) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Tascam US-122, US-224 and US-428 USB driver (SND_USB_USX2Y) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
USB suspend/resume (EXPERIMENTAL) (USB_SUSPEND) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Secure RPC: SPKM3 mechanism (EXPERIMENTAL) (RPCSEC_GSS_SPKM3) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Collect scheduler statistics (SCHEDSTATS) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
NSA SELinux boot parameter default value (SECURITY_SELINUX_BOOTPARAM_VALUE) [1] (NEW) 1
Whirlpool digest algorithm (CRYPTO_WHIRLPOOL) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m

- added fix with CONFIG_PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY definition

Sat Aug 28 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.9-rc1-bk2

Fri Aug 27 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- try with M5

Wed Aug 25 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- updated to voluntary preemption 9
- drm latency patch removed, it is part of voluntary 9

Tue Aug 24 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- up to voluntary P7 (previously tested P5 and P6)
- enable 4K stacks again
- enable smp build again
- add radeon low latency patch

Tue Aug 24 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven

Sun Aug 22 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- attempt to fix early-udev bug

Tue Aug 17 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- added patch to sysrq command to nice all rt processes

Mon Aug 16 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- moved back to 520 as a base
- updated to
- latest voluntary preemption is incompatible with some of the Fedora
kernel patches, so apply voluntary first and then disable
anything that is not compatible.
- new options:
QoS and/or fair queueing (NET_SCHED) [Y/n/?] y
Packet scheduler clock source = 1
enabled kernel preemption
enabled realcap lsm module
enabled soundcore
enabled ntfs read support
- added patch for main Makefile, the kernel version in version.h is not
properly calculated because of the extra release number (8.1)

Sat Aug 14 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.8-rc4-bk3
- split execshield up some more

Sat Aug 14 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Update SCSI whitelist again with some more card readers.

Fri Aug 13 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.7-0.1.rc4O7.ll
- updated to voluntary preemption rc4-O7 (now includes preempt-timing)
- new options:
Non-preemptible critical section tracing (LATENCY_TRACE) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
This option enables a kernel tracing mechanism that will track
precise kernel execution during critical sections. Note that
kernel size and overhead increases noticeably with this option.
- disable DAZ hack, would not really be the way to do it anyway,
apparently some steppings of old p4 version do not have the
DAZ bit. Probably a job for some userland utility.

- keep 4K stacks disabled
- disable LATENCY_TRACE option (new)

Wed Aug 11 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.7-1.rc4.ll
- updated to rc4, voluntary preempt rc3-O5, added preempt timing patch
- enabled \"denormals are zero\" in the fpu (tested: patch does nothing...)
- disable 4KSTACKS temporarily for testing
- disable smp build temporarily

Tue Aug 10 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.7-1.rc3.ll
- updated to rc3 and voluntary preemption O4
- options:
Suspend-to-Disk Support (PM_DISK) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Build Adapter Firmware with Kernel Build (AIC7XXX_BUILD_FIRMWARE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Build Adapter Firmware with Kernel Build (AIC79XX_BUILD_FIRMWARE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
IBM Power Linux RAID adapter support (SCSI_IPR) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
enable driver internal trace (SCSI_IPR_TRACE) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
enable adapter dump support (SCSI_IPR_DUMP) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
Gameport data dumper (INPUT_JOYDUMP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) n

Tue Aug 10 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.8-rc3-bk3

Fri Aug 6 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.7-1.rc2_mm2.ll
- moved from Arjan bitkeeper patches to rc2-mm2 to be able to
apply the latest Ingo Molnar patches for voluntary preemption
(and have them be proc configurable). All non-compatible patches
have been commented out, some do not apply, some are already
included in the mm2 patch. The configuration files are based on
the ones that ship with Arjan\'s 503 build.
- fix parallel port irq enable and disable in cpia_pp.c and plip.c
- turn on NTFS support (read only)
- turn off kernel module signing
- for more details about the patches see:

Thu Aug 5 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- Add the flex-mmap bits for s390/s390x (Pete Zaitcev)
- Add flex-mmap for x86-64 32 bit emulation
- 2.6.8-rc3

Tue Aug 3 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- Add Rik\'s token trashing control patch

Mon Aug 2 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.8-rc2-bk11

Sat Jul 31 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.8-rc2-bk8

Thu Jul 29 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.8-rc2-bk6
- make a start at splitting up the execshield patchkit

Sat Jul 17 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- ppc32 embedded updates

Fri Jul 16 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- make USB modules again and add Alan\'s real fix for the SMM-meets-USB bug
- 2.6.8-rc1-bk4

Thu Jul 15 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.8-rc1-bk3

Wed Jul 14 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- add \"enforcemodulesig\" boot option to make the kernel load signed modules only

Tue Jul 13 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- updated voluntary preempt
- 2.6.8-rc1

Thu Jul 8 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix boot breakage that was hitting lots of people (Dave Jones)

Wed Jul 7 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- add voluntary preemption patch from Ingo
- 2.6.7-bk19

Wed Jun 30 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- make a start at gpg signed modules support

Mon Jun 28 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- experiment with making the hardlink call in post more efficient
- 2.6.7-bk9

Fri Jun 25 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.7-bk7
- Add wli\'s patch to allocate memory bottom up not top down
- change some config options in the kernel-sourcecode package that are
good for rpm kernel builds but not for custom user builds to more appropriate
default values.
- reenable kernel-sourcecode again for a few builds

Thu Jun 24 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.7-bk5
- fix tux unresolved symbols (#126532)

Tue Jun 22 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- make kernel-doc and kernel-sourcecode builds independent of eachother
- disable kernel-sourcecode builds entirely, we\'ll be replacing it with documentation
on how to use the src.rpm instead for building your own kernel.

Sun Jun 20 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.7-bk2

Fri Jun 18 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.7-1.437.1
- sync with 2.6.7-1.437
- updated Con Kolivas patches, apply staircase scheduler

Wed Jun 16 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.6-1.434.1
- updated staircase scheduler

Mon Jun 14 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- add patch from DaveM to fix the ppp-keeps-iface-busy bug

Sun Jun 13 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- add fix from Andi Kleen/Linus for the fpu-DoS

Fri Jun 11 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- disable mlock-uses-rlimit patch, it has a security hole and needs more thought
- revert airo driver to the FC2 one since the new one breaks

Thu Jun 10 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.6-1.424.2
- added staircase scheduler (

Thu Jun 10 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.6-1.424.1
- preempt, soundcore, drm latency

Wed Jun 9 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Update to 2.6.7rc3

Sat Jun 5 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix the mlock-uses-rlimit patch

Thu Jun 3 00:00:00 2004 David Woodhouse
- Add ppc64 (Mac G5)

Thu Jun 3 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- add a forward port of the mlock-uses-rlimit patch
- add NX support for x86 (Intel, Ingo)

Wed Jun 2 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- refresh ext3 reservation patch

Wed Jun 2 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.6-1.393.4.ll
- yet another with drm and preempt

Wed Jun 2 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.6-1.393.3.ll
- another rebuild with the lowlat patches for drm and preempt off

Mon May 31 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.7-rc2
- set the ACPI OS name to \"Microsoft Windows XP\" for better compatibility

Sat May 29 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.6-1.393.2.ll
- another rebuild with preempt off

Fri May 28 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.6-1.393.1.ll
- resync with Ajanv\'s 1.391

Fri May 28 00:00:00 2004 Pete Zaitcev
- Fix qeth and zfcp (s390 drivers): align qib by 256, embedded into qdio_irq.

Fri May 28 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Fix the crashes on boot on Asus P4P800 boards. (#121819)

Thu May 27 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Lots more updates to the SCSI whitelist for various
USB card readers. (#112778, among others..)

Thu May 27 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- back out ehci suspend/resume patch, it breaks
- add fix for 3c59x-meets-kudzu bug from Alan

Wed May 26 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.6-1.383.1.ll
- add preempt, soundcore, rt module to configs (based on 1.379)

Wed May 26 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- try improving suspend/resume by restoring more PCI state
- 2.6.7-rc1-bk1

Tue May 25 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Add yet another multi-card reader to the whitelist (#85851)

Mon May 24 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Add another multi-card reader to the whitelist (#124048)

Thu May 20 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- put firewire race fix in (datacorruptor)

Wed May 19 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Fix typo in ibmtr driver preventing compile (#123391)

Tue May 18 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- update to 2.6.6-bk3
- made kernel-source and kernel-doc noarch.rpm\'s since they are not
architecture specific.

Sun May 9 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix non-booting on Transmeta cpus (Peter Anvin)
- fix count leak in message queues

Sat May 8 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- more ide cache flush work
- patch from scsi-bk to fix sd refcounting

Fri May 7 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- some more ide cache flush fixes

Thu May 6 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix bug 122504
- convert b44 to ethtool ops (jgarzik)
- make IDE do a cache-flush on shutdown (me/Alan)

Wed May 5 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- work around i810/i830 DRM issue

Sat May 1 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.6-rc3-bk1
- make amd64 boot again
- fix vm86-vs-4g4g interaction (Ingo)

Fri Apr 23 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.6-rc2

Wed Apr 21 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- add the ext3 online resize patch

Tue Apr 20 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.6-rc1-bk3
- add the objrmap vm from the -mm tree; it needs testing

Fri Apr 16 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.5-bk2
- disable DISCONTIGMEM on ia64 for performance
- fix sleep_on use in reiserfs (Chris Mason)

Wed Apr 14 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.5-mc4
- reenable sg driver for scsi tape changers and such
- the sk98lin driver oopses on module unload, preven that

Tue Apr 13 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix \"bad pmd\" bug with patch from Ingo

Sat Apr 10 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.5-mc3
- finish up the -mc2 merge
- latest 4g/4g patch from Ingo
- latest execshield patch from Ingo
- fix a few framebuffer bugs

Fri Apr 9 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- first attempt at a 2.6.5-mc2 merge

Fri Apr 9 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Add in missing SiS AGP fix.

Wed Apr 7 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- More agpgart fixes.

Sat Apr 3 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix another 4g/4g-vs-resume bug

Wed Mar 31 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.5-rc3
- fix PCI posting bug in i830 DRM

Tue Mar 30 00:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.5-rc2-bk8

Tue Mar 30 00:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- Include latest agpgart fixes.

Thu Mar 25 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- more DRM fixes
- add the fsync patches from akpm

Tue Mar 23 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.5-rc2-bk3
- fix direct userspace memory access in i830 drm driver

Mon Mar 22 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.5-rc2-bk2
- some stackbloat reductions from Dave and me

Sat Mar 20 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.5-rc2

Tue Mar 16 23:00:00 2004 Dave Jones
- 2.6.5-rc1

Mon Mar 15 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.4-bk3
- fix oops in toshiba_acpi (Barry K. Nathan)

Sat Mar 13 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.4-bk2 merge

Thu Mar 11 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- renable sonypi driver that was off accidentally
- 2.6.4-final
- fix the oops on alsa module unloads

Wed Mar 10 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- add ppc64/iseries, ppc32 (powermac/ibook) and ia64 architectures
- 2.6.4-rc3

Tue Mar 9 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6.4-rc2-bk5
- fix nfs-vs-selinux issue
- fix typo in URL as per #117849

Mon Mar 8 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix race in lp.c (#117710)
- 2.6.4-rc2-bk3
- attempt to fix S3 suspend-to-ram with 4g/4g split

Sat Mar 6 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- fix reiserfs
- set HZ to 1000 again for some tests

Wed Feb 25 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- merge back a bunch of fedora fixes
- disable audit

Tue Feb 24 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- audit bugfixes
- update tux to a working version
- 2.6.3-bk5 merge

Fri Feb 20 23:00:00 2004 Arjan van de Ven
- re-add and enable the Auditing patch
- switch several cpufreq modules to built in since detecting in userspace
which to use is unpleasant

Fri Jul 4 00:00:00 2003 Arjan van de Ven
- 2.6 start