Changelog for XFree86-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts-4.2.1-23.i386.rpm :
Tue Oct 21 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-23 - Updated comments in patches that were added in 4.2.1-22 - Also rebuilt this release as 4.2.1-13.73.23 for Red Hat Linux 7.3 erratum
Sat Oct 18 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-13.73.22 - Rebuilt as 4.2.1-13.73.22 for Red Hat Linux 7.3 erratum with RHL_73_build enabled
Thu Oct 16 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-22 - [SECURITY] XFree86-4.2.1-libXfont-security-int-overflow-430-backport.patch added containing backported fixes with appropriate modifications for libXfont integer signedness issues from xf-4_3-branch in order to fix CAN-2003-0730 Backport developed from cvsps of patchsets 11532, 11538, 11545, 11643 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-xdm-pam-setcred-security.patch as a minimal fix for the xdm pam setcred issue reported against kdm in CAN-2003-0690. This patch is a very minimal backport of the xdm changes made to 4.3.0 containing only the small fix for this one issue.
Sun Jun 29 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-21 - Bump release number to 21 and rebuild due to a temporary buildsystem glitch which added \'-g\' to RPM_OPT_FLAGS which went unnoticed and caused the packages to be built with debug info in them. While the problems were fixed later, these packages were generated and tested during the problem time, and as such the problem never got noticed prior to being released as huge monga XFree86 packages which are slowing down the Internet and causing maple syrop prices to soar. Added code to remove \'-g\' from RPM_OPT_FLAGS if it exists, in order to prevent this problem from ever occuring again. (#98082) - XFree86 somehow managed to pick up an install time dependancy on pam-devel instead of \'pam\' sometime along the line, causing pam-devel to be required unnecessarily in order to upgrade. This problem was present in both the 4.2.1-20 erratum for Red Hat Linux 8.0 and the 4.2.1-13.73.3 erratum for Red Hat Linux 7.3 (#98013)
Sat May 3 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-20 - Bump release to 4.2.1-20 from 4.2.1-13.73.3, so that builds < 20 are reserved for RHL 7.3 builds, and 20 and above are for RHL 8.0 builds.
Sat May 3 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-13.73.3 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-redhat-version-change-detection.patch to detect version skew when building, and XFree86-4.2.1-redhat-lock-version.patch to lock version when skew is detected.
Sat May 3 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-13.73.2 - Added Provides/Obsoletes Mesa to XFree86-libs when building for RHL 7.3 as glut requires Mesa, and possibly other packages do too. - Removed BuildPrereq: kudzu-devel, pciutils-devel from both the XFree86 and XFree86-libs subpackages, as they were added for glidelink which was a part of Glide3 when it was integrated into XFree86 packaging back in 4.1.0 days, and is not needed any longer
Fri May 2 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-13.73.1 - Made __fc-cache macro use fc-cache on RHL 8.0 and xftcache on RHL 7.3 - Changed install section to not delete xftcache stuff on RHL 7.3 - Do not delete xf86cfg on RHL 7.3 builds in install section.
Fri May 2 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-13.73.0 - Removed and obsoleted the XFree86-xtrap-clients package, and merged it into the main XFree86 package, to simplify packaging - Remove XFree86-4.1.0-ppc-compiler-workaround.patch and the gcc296ppc define hack, as we never shipped a ppc product which used XFree86 4.2.x, so no sense keeping that mess around - Created new spec file macro RHL_73_build which should be set to 1 when doing a build on RHL 7.3. Also added RHL_80_build macro which is set to be the opposite of whatever RHL_73_build is set to for convenience throughout spec - Conditionalized xauth subpackage to only build on RHL 8.0, otherwise stuff it in XFree86 package - Conditionalized mkfontscale to only build on RHL 8.0 - Test builds (7.3 - 4.2.1-13.73.0) / (8.0 - 4.2.1-13.80.0)
Mon Apr 21 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-13 - Update to ttmkfdir 3.0.9 and remove all ttmkfdir patches
Sat Apr 19 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-12.2 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-xterm-session-management-resource.patch that the xterm maintainer fixed in 4.3.0 and requested we add to 4.2.1 also (#88773) - Remove with_sdk macro and all references - Remove with_Xresource_extension and restest.c - Remove unused with_kdrive and with_render_cursor_enhancement macros - Cleaned up fontlists to use %exclude similar to 4.3.0 packaging - Updated savage driver to Tim Roberts 1.1.27t driver - Removed various dead ia64 patches - Renamed Build_DRI to with_DRI to sync macro with 4.3.0
Sun Apr 6 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-12.1 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-redhat-bug-report-address-update.patch to provide better more up to date bug report addresses and information in server failure error messages
Sun Apr 6 00:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-12 - Updated patch0 with XFree86-4.2.1-xf-4_2-branch-20030405.patch to latest stable xf-4_2-branch - Added XFree86-4.2.1-makefile-fastbuild.patch to help speed up builds a bit
Mon Mar 3 23:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-11.5 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-xterm-DECUDK-security-fix.patch to fix security issue indicated in [CAN-2003-0071] - Added XFree86-4.2.1-xterm-can-2003-0063.patch to fix [CAN-2003-0063]
Mon Mar 3 23:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-11.4 - Backported XFree86-4.2.1-xaa-render-mga-xinerama-issues.patch from 4.3.0 to fix Render accel generic code which caused artifacting on mga especially with xinerama - Disabled XFree86-4.2.1-mga-xinerama-G450-issue.patch which disables RENDER accel on mga, since above patch should resolve that issue
Fri Feb 21 23:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-11.3 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-ati-radeon-alan-legacy-vga.patch to allow ancient VGA mono monitor which can not be detected automatically to be used by adding a new option ForceLegacyCRT to the config file (#69978)
Wed Feb 12 23:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-11.2 - Converted the main tarball from bzip2 to gzip -9 because it decompresses twice as fast, making test builds faster. It increases the size of the src.rpm by about 10Mb, but who cares for erratum packages. Speed wins. - Removed CVSBuild related macros as it is irrelevant in erratum packages - Removed BuildVoodoo option as it was never implemented and is just clutter - Remove BuildXterm3d and related stuff since we never shipped it with 8.0 - Updated Savage driver to Tim Roberts 1.1.26t driver, which should fix tonnes of problems for most savage users
Wed Feb 12 23:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-11.1 - Added XFree86- from current rawhide, which fixes a bug where xauth may write an incomplete .xauth file and delete the old one if there is insufficient disk space (Harald Hoyer - #84036) - Merged the two parallel make patches into one
Wed Feb 5 23:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-11 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-ati-r128-missing-symbols.patch to fix bug (#83303)
Wed Jan 15 23:00:00 2003 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-10.5 - Fix mkfontdir to set permissions properly XFree86-
Sat Dec 21 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-10.4 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-netmouse.patch to fix mouse initialization problem reported on XFree86 bug report mailing list
Sat Dec 21 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-10.3 - Updated redhat-custom-startup patch to 4.2.1 by backporting changes from rawhide version (#77930)
Sat Dec 21 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-10.2 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-lndir-relative-symlink-fix.patch to fix (#75155)
Fri Dec 20 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-10.1 - Added new __fccache macro for running fc-cache if it exists when installing or uninstalling font packages. Added __fccache to all font packages post/postun scripts. (#77542) - Replaced /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts with _x11fontdir in rpm scripts, etc.
Wed Dec 18 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-10 - The files (XErrorDB, XKeysymDB, rgb.txt) moved from XFree86 to XFree86-libs subpackage in 4.1.0-43 for AS 2.1 enhancement request - bugzilla bug (#79488)
Sun Dec 15 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-9.6 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-xkb-Xutf8LookupString-fails-in-UTF8-bug78804.patch to fix Xutf8LookupString UTF8 failure if X server lacks XKB support (#78804)
Mon Dec 2 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-9.5 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-mga-xinerama-G450-issue.patch to work around problems with Render hardware acceleration on Matrox G400/G450/G550
Tue Nov 26 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-9.4 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-timestamp-monotonicity.patch to guarantee the X server timestamps increase monotonically internally (#63509)
Sat Nov 23 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-9.3 - Removed XFree86-4.0.3-xaw-asciisink.patch, as a different solution was put into upstream sources
Sun Nov 3 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-9.2 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-bad-mmap-check.patch to fix bug (#71783) on Alpha, but possibly other architectures are affected also. - Updated Cyrix driver to 0.3 driver from Alan
Sat Oct 19 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-9 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-Xrender-crashfix.patch to fix bug (#76154)
Wed Oct 9 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-8 - Updated Patch0 to current xf-4_2-branch, picking up a few security fixes and bugfixes, in particular for MIT-SHM, xdm - Removed XFree86-4.0.3-xaw-freed-mem-deref.patch now as it _finally_ is in XFree86.org sources. ;o) - Removed XFree86-4.2.0-xdm-pam-conv-and-realloc.patch - it is integrated now
Tue Oct 8 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-7 - Various architectural cleanups for all-arch build
Thu Sep 19 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-6.2 - Added new input drivers from Alan Cox for \"Fujitsu stylistic\", Palmax PD1000/PD1100 Input driver, Union Reality UR-98 head tracker
Thu Sep 19 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-6.1 - Added new Cyrix driver 0.2 from Alan Cox, which fixes (#72297)
Sun Sep 15 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-6 - Updated savage driver to the upstream maintainer Tim Roberts new 1.1.25t version which solves various savage driver problems, which are fully documented at http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html (#71973)
Thu Sep 12 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-5.1 - Disabled DRI on ppc at streeters request
Thu Sep 12 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-5 - Added XFree86-4.2.1-lbxproxy-SEGV-fix.patch from Debian to fix a SEGV in lbxproxy - Added XFree86-4.2.1-xshm-header-file-fix.patch from Debian - Added XFree86-4.2.1-vidmode-manpage-fixes.diff from Debian
Wed Sep 11 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-4 - Added ati-r128-dri-dga and ati-radeon-dri-dga patches to fix bugs in the Radeon and Rage 128 drivers which cause crashes while using VMware with DGA when DRI is enabled (#73678) - Fix up ttmkfdir to look for freetype in _libdir for AMD Hammer
Mon Sep 9 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-3.3 - Remove scanpci, pcitweak from ppc/ppc64 builds
Mon Sep 9 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-3.2 - (x86_64) Added Imake define to point Freetype2LibDir to _libdir
Sun Sep 8 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-3 - Replaced the BuildRequires on Glide3 and Glide3-devel that was conditionalized for x86/alpha/ia64 with some new shell script code in the prep section to ensure Glide3 is installed on the build system since some rpm based software freaks out with conditional BuildRequires, and I am a nice guy.
Sun Sep 8 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-2 - Did a search and replace on specfile to convert all locations of the X11 font directory to _x11fontdir, /usr/X11R6/bin -> _x11bindir, and similar for _x11mandir, etc. throughout the specfile
Sun Sep 8 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.1-1 - Updated XFree86 to version 4.2.1. This does not bring us anything new since 4.2.1 is merely 4.2.0 stable branch (which our 4.2.0 was already tracking all along) plus the latest X security patch, which 4.2.0-72 contains. This release is merely a cosmetic update to official 4.2.1 in order to quell all of the \"Why doesnt Red Hat have 4.2.1\" questions that are sure to abound. - Removed patches present in 4.2.1: XFree86-4.2.0-vesa-xf86SetDpi-fix.patch, XFree86-4.0.3-xaw-readtext.patch, XFree86-4.1.0-time-wraparound.patch, XFree86-4.2.0-mitshm.patch, XFree86-4.2.0-xkb-us_intl-missing-commas.patch, XFree86-4.2.0-overlay-crash.patch
Fri Sep 6 00:00:00 2002 Owen Taylor 4.2.0-72 - Fix zh_TW-xcinNEW patch which lost a couple of things in the merge with the XLOCALEDIR patch
Wed Sep 4 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-71 - Added xlib-security-fix-XLOCALEDIR to fix a security vulnerability in Xlib i18n code new to 4.2.0. 4.1.0 and earlier is not susceptible. - XFree86.org has tagged a new release of XFree86 4.2.1 in CVS for this issue. Red Hat current XFree86 4.2.0 is essentially 4.2.1 except for the cosmetic version number difference - Updated the zh_TW-xcin patch to zh_TW-xcinNEW which handles a code area that overlapped with the new security patch - Updated the _LP64 kludge patch on alpha/ia64 as it also overlapped the security patch
Mon Sep 2 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-70 - Updated custom startup log patch to fix a few glitches - Added -fPIC to x86_64 compiler flags until better solution is made in future - Added XFree86-4.2.0-libXrender-bugfix.patch to fix showstopper (#73243)
Fri Aug 30 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-69.1 - Added Obsoletes: XFree86-compat-libs to list of obsolete packages
Fri Aug 30 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-69 - Rebuild with a few patches disabled that errored out on me and will be fixed in future build
Fri Aug 30 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-68 - Pruned ia64 driver list based on unknown state of working order for these drivers on ia64 to minimalize support issues. As hardware becomes available for testing, and drivers can be verified to be mostly sane/working, they can be re-enabled on a driver by driver basis. - Added XFree86-4.2.0-im-clientmessage-crash.patch to fix CJK application crashing showstopper bug (#72236)
Tue Aug 27 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-67.6 - Actually properly enable the maxxfbmem patch from 4.2.0-67.5 this time - Fix unresolved symbols in SiS driver reported by Alan Cox
Mon Aug 26 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-67.5 - Changed buildsys autodetect to use new beehive mechanism (#71055) - Added kernel version string to X server startup messages for easier debugging - Fixed SiS hardware cursor (hopefully) with XFree86-4.2.0-sis-cursor.patch - Fixed SiS maxxfbmem driver comparison inversions
Fri Aug 23 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-67.1 - Cleaned up 3.3.6 server Obsoletes lines et al. to be more compact
Fri Aug 23 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-67 - Integrated PPC specfile changes - Enable DRI on ppc, but not ppc64 - PPC using gcc 2.96 autodetection and compiler flag tweaks, etc. - Added ppc64, s390x, x86_64 to conditionalized LP64 patch - PPC - build pcitweak, scanpci on ppc, ppc64 now
Tue Aug 20 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-66 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-elf-loader-empty-symbol-table.patch to fix gcc 3.2 related issue in the X ELF loader (#70576) - Re-enabled the Radeon DDA removal patch now that Null beta is released
Fri Aug 16 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-65 - Due to a kernel bug breaking SuS compliance in the Alpha kernel, a change has been made to the install section so that fonts.dir, encodings.dir files are mode 644 before \"touch\" touches them. - Modified stripping policy at end of install section to strip all ELF executable files in the buildroot instead of just the ones found in /usr/bin and /usr/X11R6/bin. - Modified shared library stripping policy for all libs found in /usr/X11R6/lib, /usr/lib, and now also /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/common. All .so. * libs are now stripped with \"strip --strip-unneeded -R .comment\" following the current RPM default for stripping shared libraries, and under the advice of Uli. - Note: XFree86 server modules are not stripped at all currently for safety. Once I determine what can be safely stripped, I will add stripping of the modules also.
Thu Aug 15 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-64 - Removed XIE and PEX5 documentation from XFree86-doc subpackage because both of these extensions are obsolete and not included anymore. - Temporarily disabled XFree86-4.2.0-ati-radeon-dda-removal.patch as it is untested, and I dont want to destabilize. Will re-enable for testing soon.
Wed Aug 14 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-63.1 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-ati-radeon-dda-removal.patch which removes the DDA code from the radeon driver which was leftovers from the r128 driver and aparently causes 1400x1050 and other modes to cause an FPE on some radeon boards in some refresh rates (#63593) - Explicitly delete unshipped files from RPM_BUILD_ROOT at end of install section in order to pass RPMs new unpackaged_files_terminate_build option - Moved around some file removals to the new DELETE section of specfile
Tue Aug 13 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-63 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-ati-mach64-dsp-rounding-error.patch to fix a rounding error in Mach64 DSP calculation - Added XFree86-4.2.0-ati-radeon-missing-commas.patch which fixes a missing comma issue in a struct in radeon_driver.c - Bumped spec file release from 60.4 to 63 due to someone elses package release number conflicting.
Fri Aug 9 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-60.4 - Fixed an xdm SEGV bug in verify.c which could be occasionally triggered, due to malloc() allocated memory not being zeroed out. Also fixed a bad realloc() call that assumed the reallocated block of memory would be in the same location every time - fixes bug (#40729)
Thu Aug 8 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-60.3 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-sane-deadacc.patch to fix dead diareisis problem reported by aoliva in bug (#71014)
Wed Aug 7 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-60.2 - Disabled the ugly 1980 style ancient UNIX ugly ugly X server startup stipple pattern.
Tue Aug 6 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-60.1 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-locale-alias-utf8-euro.patch to workaround bug in fi_FI.UTF-8AATTeuro and pt_PT.UTF-8AATTeuro locales (#67914) - Added XFree86-4.2.0-i810-vtswitch-sync-fix.patch to fix i810 VTswitch lockup problem - BLOCKER bug (#66187,#53231)
Tue Aug 6 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-60 - Removed /usr/share/fonts/default/TrueType from default xfs config file in order to fix BLOCKER bug (#68126,#70178) - Made X resource extension off by default for official builds, due to irrational ABI compatibility concerns. People wanting to use it can easily rebuild X from rpm after setting the define with_Xresource_extension to 1.
Sun Aug 4 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-59.2 - Added restest dumb sample client to use the new Xres extension - Conditionalized spec file inclusion of Xres and the sample client
Sun Aug 4 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-59.1 - Bugfix to dixsym.c for the Xres extension from yesterday.
Sat Aug 3 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-59 - Backported the new X-resource extension from XFree86 head CVS, which allows internal X server resource statistics, etc. to be queried by client applications. This can aide in debugging client related pixmap leakage, and a variety of other various resource related problems/bugs in both client applications, as well as the X server itself.
Thu Aug 1 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-58.1 - Disabled ParallelBuild on s390 upon request of pknirsch
Wed Jul 31 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-58 - Added support to the Radeon driver CP engine to perform accelerated color expansion and image writes. The CP engine is used when DRI is enabled. XFree86-4.2.0-ati-radeon-cp-colorexpansion-imagewrite-enhancement.patch
Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-57.1 - Removed the following paths from the default xfs config file as we do not ship fonts in these directories by default or they dont belong in the default config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/Type1, /usr/share/AbiSuite/fonts (#68126)
Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-57 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-ati-r128-vtswitch-fix-busmaster-enable.patch to fix the exact same bug in the r128 driver as was just fixed in the radeon driver in 4.2.0-56. (#62442,#65136)
Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-56 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-libICE-remove-stupid-delay.patch to remove stupid 5 second delays from libICE (#66751) - Added XFree86-4.2.0-ati-radeon-vtswitch-fix-busmaster-enable.patch to fix lockups reported in XFree86 4.2.0 for a long time now by users of ATI Radeon cards with certain hardware combinations. (#62171,#65330)
Thu Jul 25 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-55.2 - Added -f flag to hostname command to attempt to fix Custom build - Added fix for SysRq / Print Screen: XFree86-4.2.0-sysreq.patch (#69743)
Wed Jul 24 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-55.1 - Made all instances of \"rm\" in spec file \"rm -f\" in order to force removal of the file without prompting. Reported by a few people that rebuilding X caused it to hang while compiling on an \"rm\" command. (#69713) - Added XFree86-4.2.0-manpage-document-nomtrr-option.patch to document Option \"NoMTRR\" in the XF86Config manpage.
Tue Jul 23 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-55 - Added ati-rage-xl-pci-spec-cleanup patch to fix ATI Rage XL PCI spec violations (#69291) Replaces previous patch for IBM/Dell/others from Feb 28, 2002 (#58188)
Tue Jul 23 00:00:00 2002 Tim Powers 4.2.0-54 - rebuild using gcc-3.2-0.1
Sun Jul 21 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-53.1 - Redirect stderr+stdout of hostname command in xon script to prevent stderr from being displayed ot user (#67323) - Corrected incorrect filepath in XftConfig-README-OBSOLETE file (#68632,#69104)
Fri Jul 19 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-53 - Previous ia64/alpha fix from Jul 08 removed the Xft1 patch, and made the ia64/alpha patch apply on all architectures. Fixed. - Added XFree86-4.2.0-overlay-crash.patch to fix bug (#68516) - Added patch for module loader from Bill Nottingham for gcc 3.1 on ia64 - Add patch to enable/disable DMA for Xv on r128 (#64503,#68058,#68668)
Tue Jul 9 00:00:00 2002 Elliot Lee 4.2.0-52.01 - Fix duplicate application of patch4201 on ia64/alpha - Remove ExcludeArch: alpha ia64
Wed Jun 26 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-52 - Reordered the spec install section so that Xft1 .so gets deleted after it the code which generates the .so devel symlinks - Fixed libXft.so.1 to point to libXft.so.1.2 instead of 1.1, and made sure the files are explicitly listed in the files section.
Mon Jun 24 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-51 - Added Obsoletes lines for remaining 3.3.6 servers that were not previously obsoleted from the olden days. - Really made Xft headers excluded this time
Mon Jun 24 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.24 - Assimilated mkxauth into the XFree86-xauth package, and added Obsoletes and Provides entries for it. - Removed Xft headers when new Xft1 is used, as Xft2 now provides the Xft headers instead.
Sat Jun 22 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.23 - Replaced libXft with the new Xft1 from XFree86 CVS which is completely compatible, however uses fontconfig instead of XftConfig. This has been conditionalized so that it can be disabled for builds for RHL 7.3 et al. The new libXft is Xft 1.2 whereas the stock Xft is 1.1. The new lib should be binary compatible and source compatible. - xftcache conditionalized as well - replaced with fc-cache in fontconfig
Fri Jun 21 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.22 - Backported the Trident driver from CVS, picking up many Trident fixes from Alan Hourihane
Wed Jun 19 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.21 - Backported i810/i830 driver from CVS, adding 2D only i845 support - Removed i830m workaround for Dell c400 laptop as it did not work - Backported siliconmotion driver from CVS, picking up a few bugfixes - Conditionalized spec file using backup prefixes on patches
Tue Jun 18 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.20 - Backported i740 driver from CVS - i740-driver-update-cvs-20020617 - Renamed the radeon-mobility-LX patch to radeon-mobility-FireGL-7800 after determining the two are one and the same card. - Added mkfontscale from XFree86 CVS so we can begin moving away from ttmkfdir and towards mkfontscale which is going to be better in the long run. - Conditionalized inclusion of XftConfig file and Xft/Xrender libraries, so they can be disabled for builds using fontconfig (which replaces them). - Added new /etc/X11/XftConfig-README-OBSOLETE file to explain wht it is no longer there.
Tue Jun 18 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.19 - Reorganized patch section, moved all video driver patches into an alphabetically sorted driver patch section, and renumbered all patches to meet the new patch numbering scheme. - Backported cirrus driver from XFree86 CVS (
Sat Jun 15 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.18 - Created XFree86-4.2.0-xman-manconf.patch to fix the xman man config file path for once and for all. Sent upstream so hopefully this will get merged into XFree86 4.3.0. - Conditionalized building xf86cfg, and disabled it by default, as we are moving to our new redhat-config-xfree86 tool for X configuration. - Backported apm driver from XFree86 CVS (, DPMS support enhancements, and a few accel fixes. apm-driver-update-cvs-20020617 - Backported ark driver from XFree86 CVS ( ark-driver-update-cvs-20020617 - Backported chips driver from XFree86 CVS (, with hardware mouse cursor and 2D accleration fixes.
Thu Jun 13 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.17 - Added workaround for buggy laptop BIOSs (in particular the Dell Latitude C400) which use the Intel i830/i830m chipset, and limit the video memory to 1Mb of stolen system memory without making it configureable. This workaround addresses bugzilla bug (#65661) (Update: subsequently removed as it did not solve the problem.) - Removed currently unused Glide3Libver macro.
Wed Jun 12 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.16 - Fixed a bug in the VESA driver, where the X server would crash with an FPE due to a division by zero in miscreeninit() when the DisplaySize option was used in the config file. Inside xf86SetDpi(), pScrn->virtualX and pScrn->virtualY are used only when DisplaySize is given in the config file, however these struct members were not initialized properly in the vesa driver prior to xf86SetDpi() being called. Fixes bug (#66009) - Removed specfile BuildXwrapper conditional as XFree86 4.x does not need or use Xwrapper - it only existed for XFree86 3.3.6 in the past. - Removed specfile Build7x conditional as it was both poorly named, and the functionality it provided is no longer needed.
Tue Jun 11 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.15 - Added alpha-ia64-_LP64-fix to workaround issue in xc/lib/X11/XlcDL.c preventing X from building on alpha/ia64 with gcc 3.1. - Added 4 patches from Hewlett Packard for ia64 (XFree86-4.2.0-int10-hplso.diff, XFree86-4.2.0-pci-hplso.diff, XFree86-4.2.0-primpci-hplso.diff, XFree86-4.2.0-ps2-hplso.diff
Thu Jun 6 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.14 - Added explicit Requires: _x11bindir/xauth to XFree86 main package now that xauth is split out.
Tue Jun 4 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.13 - Update BuildPreReq: freetype-devel >= 2.0.6-3
Fri May 31 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.12 - Disable debug mode in cirrus alpine driver - filling logfile (#65704)
Thu May 30 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.11 - Split out xauth into a separate subpackage so things like ssh do not require the entire dependancy chain of XFree86 be installed merely to use ssh or similar (#38409,62426) - Added neomagic-Xv-support (#63609) - Added fix for deadkey-quotedbl in ISO8859-15 (#50282)
Thu May 30 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.10 - Updated parallelmake-libfont Imake patch for more parallelism - Fixed nasty problem in post script for libGLU, and added postun scripts that call ldconfig for the 2 Mesa subpackages - Added remove-bitmap-scaler patch disabled by default pending testing, compatibility, etc.
Wed May 29 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.9 - Added rpm post scripts for XFree86-Mesa-libGL, XFree86-Mesa-libGLU that call ldconfig properly
Wed May 29 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.8 - Fixed defattr for new XFree86-Mesa-libGL * packages - Removed Requires: XFree86 dep from Mesa-libGL subpackage
Tue May 28 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.6 - Updated parallel make patch from H.J. Lu!!! - Split out libGL.so. * and libGLU.so. * into new subpackages XFree86-Mesa-libGL and XFree86-Mesa-libGLU as suggested by H.J. Lu (#65152) and other vendors - Moved _x11dir et al defines to top of spec file to ensure their definition precedes their usage. - Completely removed XFree86.spec support for building using an external Mesa instead of the one included with XFree86.
Sat May 25 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50.1 - Changed stripping policy and fixed a redundancy in the spec stripping
Sat May 25 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-50 - Bumped release number to -50 and rebuilt in new build environment
Sat May 18 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-9.13 - Changed Xnest, Xvfb to be in group \"User Interface/X\" (#62820) - Added fix for glint driver for bug (#60895)
Sat May 18 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-9.12 - Fix for i810 Xv maximum video size (#53329) - Changed += to =+ on various entries in our default XftConfig as per (#64970)
Thu May 16 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-9.11 - Changed all chkfontpath calls in specfile post scripts to use :unscaled for all bitmap fonts, otherwise scaled bitmap fonts get used, and that really really sucks. Makes Windows users run fast back to Billy. - Disabled Radeon PCI DRI code, as it has been reported as not working by a user despite claims before by others that it works. - Fixed euro support for pl keymaps as per bug (#64559) - Added Requires: /lib/cpp to XFree86 package as xrdb requires /lib/cpp at runtime and will fail with an error if it is not present. - Added fix for Rage 128 DRI related bug ati-r128-indirectBuffer from Michal Daenzer.
Wed May 8 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-9.10 - Removed s390 patch 3000, and fixed up file lists for s390/s390x
Sun May 5 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-9.8 - Replaced /usr/lib throughout specfile with _libdir for compat with architectures which have /usr/lib and /usr/lib64. - Replaced /usr/X11R6 throughout specfile with _x11dir - part of a gradual move to implement RPMified variable ProjectRoot support for developmental parallel installation. - Added the following patches backported from XFree86 CVS for AMD x86_64 AMD-x86_64-elfloader, AMD-x86_64-imake, AMD-x86_64-compiler_h, AMD-x86_64-int10, AMD-x86_64-misc-small-fixes, AMD-x86_64-os-support
Sun Apr 28 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-9.0 - Added AMD x86-64 architecture (Hammer/Opteron) support to the Imake config files.
Thu Apr 25 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-8.1.beta - Changed BuildRequires to pam-devel instead of pam header file. - Reworked BuildXF86DRI portion of host.def to exclude DRI on PPC for now - Reworked Glide3 BuildRequires so that the CURRENT Glide3 packages are required instead of the mess of conditional code that was there. People who rebuild now require the rawhide Glide3. Hopefully they read my changelog messages. - Changed xfs postinstall script to conditionalize the login shell at runtime instead of at build time to help ensure that packages _built_ on a newer release will work on an older release. Also, /bin/nologin which was added in January - does not exist, it is /sbin/nologin. Fixed, and tested. - Added utempter to BuildRequires and Requires - BuildXterm3d macro causes a buildrequires loop, and needs to be set to \"0\" if bootstrapping XFree86 on a new architecture. Comment added.
Fri Apr 19 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-8 - Fixed bug in XFree86 post install script, renaming XF86Config-4 config file to .rpmsave, and preserving permissions of the file. (#63822) - Corrected perms on /dev/dri
Sun Apr 14 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-7 - Updated mitshm patch
Fri Apr 12 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.666 - Added code to XFree86 post install script to remove xie and pex5 module load lines from XF86Config-4 upon upgrade/install since XIE and PEX are no longer provided nor supported, and X will not start if those lines exist in the config file. (#63119) - Added fix for sessreg being broken with high UIDs due to open() being used to open a file larger than 32bit offsets can handle. (#42850,#63116) - Fixed startx ugliness issue with hostname command (#61278,63117) - Removed double ghost flag in truetype-fonts package - Removed config(noreplace) from Speedo fonts.dir (#63357,63735) - I went outside today, and the snow is almost completely gone!
Thu Apr 11 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.62 - Made specfile remove fonts.dir files generated by XFree86 build, and \"touch\" them instead so they satisfy the ghost flag. Also for the fonts.alias for the TTF directory. - Removed CID directory from list of dirs to run mkfontdir in and add to fontpath, because our XFree86 build is not including fonts in there anymore, so it should not add the dir to the fontpath, nor run mkfontdir in it. - Fixed bug in truetype-fonts subpackage which was adding cyrillic to fontpath instead of the TTF directory due to cut and paste error. - Audited all font subpackage file lists for accuracy, correcting various ghost/config/verify flags, adding missing ghosted fonts.alias, etc. files to the lists also, so the files are owned by the package if a user creates them. - Added ISO8859-15 locale aliases to locale.alias for en_US and en_GB (#62844)
Wed Apr 10 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.61 - Added patch to fix various ATI Radeon issues. Will fill in the details of what specifically is fixed after testing the fixes. VTswitch is one...
Tue Apr 9 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris - Changed xf86cfg dep on Xconfigurator to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards
Sat Apr 6 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.60 - Added fix for Trident 9397 bug (#62119)
Tue Apr 2 00:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris - Updated ttmkfdir-freetype2-port-plus-cjk-chocolaty-goodness.patch to build properly with gcc 3.x (Bero,Yu Shao)
Thu Mar 28 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.52 - Fixed Matrox G550 cursor on second head mga-g550-cursor patch - Created new support for Euro currency symbol for gb, hu, hu_US, pl, pl2, tr, us_intl keymaps based on http://www.microsoft.com/typography/faq/faq12.htm, also closing bugs (#56818, and a few others I need to track down in bugzilla) - Put fonts.alias back in misc fonts directory, it slipped out somehow.
Thu Mar 28 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.51 - Flagged encodings.dir, fonts.dir, fonts.scale files properly for the misc, Type1, and Speedo directories in base-fonts, and changed the file globs to match just the font files in order to fix bug (#59619) - Fixed similar issues to above in bug (#61940) - Added XFree86-4.2.0-sparc_pci_domains.patch for sparc support (#62037) - Fixed duplicate Slovak entries - MF bug (#61709) - Confirmed ulT1mo fonts work and closed - MF bug (#61694) and (#62036)
Wed Mar 27 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.50 - Added ko, zh_CN, zh_TW entries to XftConfig for bug (#61282) - Changed antialiasing on small fonts from \"any size < 14\" to \"any size < 11\" - Added gb18030-enc patch from Yu Shao - ttmkfdir ported to freetype2, plus misc enhancements for CJK
Sun Mar 17 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.48 - Moved GL include files into /usr/include/GL for compliance with defacto and possibly official standards due to user complaints. - Changed host.def to not symlink GL include dir into /usr/include
Thu Mar 14 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.47 - Updated package descriptions to not suck quite so bad, and not be so meaninglessly verbose as they have been for a while. We do not want to scare away Harry Homeowner.
Tue Mar 12 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.46 - Cleaned up xfs initscript to use simpler syntax, and fix a few issues
Sun Mar 10 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.45 - Added the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF dir to XftConfig (#60901) - Updated bugfix for (#60906) from Keith Packard - Built on all arches
Sun Mar 10 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.44 - Fixed up tdfx DRI disable patch for hires on voodoo3/banshee - Updated Glide3 dependancy, to pick up new Glide3 package with libs directly in /usr/lib, instead of in /usr/lib/glide3
Thu Mar 7 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.42 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-mitshm.patch to fix security issue - Added fix for time wraparound bug (#60906)
Wed Mar 6 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.41 - Resolved some Brazillian and Icelandic keyboard issues (hopefully).
Mon Mar 4 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.40 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-xkb-is.patch to fix bug (#60594) - Moved all xkb symbol patches to section 800 - 819 - disabled tdfx font corruption patch
Thu Feb 28 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.39 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-ati-mach64-rage-XL.patch to fix problems reported on many Dell, IBM servers (#58188) - Fixed memleak in Xlib with XFree86-4.2.0-xlib-memleak.patch
Wed Feb 27 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.38 - Reorganized various fonts.dir, fonts.alias, encodings.dir files to try and fix some of the reported problems that have come up after various installations. All files are believed to be properly flaged with ghost, verify and config attributes now.
Tue Feb 26 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.37 - Fixed xfs initscript to use \"reload\" instead of \"restart\" for the condrestart option.
Sun Feb 24 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.36 - Fixed ghost/config flags on various fonts.dir, fonts.alias, encodings.dir files in file list section. - Fixed bug in truetype-fonts scripts which contained %_ttmkfdir instead of just plain old ttmkfdir
Sat Feb 23 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.35 - Added specfile URL to http://www.xfree86.org - Rebuilt with new built toolchain in new environment
Mon Feb 11 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.34 - Enabled Radeon PCI pcigart support in radeon_dri.c and radeon_cp.c - Disabled the ugly black and white pattern that X starts up with by default with XFree86-4.2.0-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch - blue or something else will replace it in the future likely.
Mon Feb 11 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.33 - Ghosted encodings.dir files in 100dpi and 75dpi font subpackages - Modified XftConfig with some suggested changes from Keith Packard for better AA font support, by moving stuff around (#59192) - Added Luxi font aliases, etc. to XftConfig for bug (#59708)
Sat Feb 9 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.32 - Created support for ATI Radeon Mobility M7 (LX) and also updated the pcitable, and Cards databases, in the hwdata package also. - Removed the conditional BuildPrereq for pam-devel et al. and replaced it with /usr/include/security/pam_modules.h which will automatically do the right thing regardless of what distro release is being built for.
Fri Feb 8 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.31 - Drop XFree86-4.0.2-neomagic_swcursor.patch previously included for sony laptops using Neomagic 256XL+ (NM2380), and set the option to default to on in the Cards database instead. - Created sis-swcursor option patch - Created xkb-us_intl-missing-commas to fix bug (#59529)
Thu Feb 7 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.30 - Experimental patch to disable DRI on tdfx when an incompatible hires video mode is selected that is known to cause unstable behaviour. - Removed -e arguments from calls to mkfontdir in spec file as they appear to be unnecessary now. - Added XFree86-4.2.0-zh_TW-xcin.patch to fix xcin (Owen Taylor, Leon Ho)
Wed Feb 6 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.24 - First merge with upstream stable branch xf-4_2-branch-patch-2002-02-06 - Misc fixes: Fix startx script for ksh, temporary workaround for IA-64, fix SIGSEGV when printing modes that have no flags, fix an unresolved symbol in libGLU.so with gcc 3, revert the composite sync default to off in the ati driver.
Tue Feb 5 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.23 - Updated XFree86-4.2.0-gb18030-20020207.patch from Yu Shao - Added i810-dont-force-XvMC-on-DRI-users patch to fix bug in where i810 users must enable XvMC in addition to DRI in order for DRI to work. (#59318) - Added patch XFree86-4.2.0-FIRSTINDEX-breaks-ttmkfdir to remove FIRSTINDEX entries from large font encoding files as it makes ttmkfdir deep six.
Tue Feb 5 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.21 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-i810-dont-use-empty-for-loops-for-delays.patch which removes null for loops from the i810 driver and i810 and i830 kernel DRM drivers for Linux and BSD. The for loops were used as a timing delay, and are now replaced with \"usleep(1);\" instead. - Added ttmkfdir-CJK-bug-54087-fix and bugzilla-54087-fix-gbk-encoding patches to fix bug (#54087) - Fixed libGLU symlink screwup by changing from absolute to relative symlinks
Sun Feb 3 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.20 - NEW XFree86-truetype-fonts subpackage which includes the new Luxi fonts (formerly Lucidux) by Bigelow and Holmes. - Added /usr/lib/libGLU.so. * and /usr/lib/libGLU.so symlinks to the libGLU libraries included in XFree86 in the /usr/X11R6 directories for OpenGL standards compliance, and disabled the non-working Imake patch I made earlier to do the same. This is fairly CRITICAL as any OpenGL software which uses GLU, will fail to compile without the proper links. - Removed a bunch of leftover Glide3 specfile mess. - Removed ancient no longer necessary hardlink between xterm and nxterm
Sun Feb 3 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.15 - Created support for interlaced video modes on 3dfx Voodoo 3/4/5, with the enable-interlaced-modes patch. - Created tdfx-fix-vtswitch-font-corruption patch to try to fix the VGA font corruption that occurs on VT switch on Voodoo 3 and other 3dfx cards.
Sun Feb 3 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6.14 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-tdfx-should-be-2048-not-2046.patch to fix a typo I found in the tdfx driver. - Fixed bug in ttmkfdir Makefile. In RHL 7.1 & 7.2 freetype 1 headers were in /usr/include/freetype however in RHL 7.2 for some god known reason they moved to /usr/include/freetype1/freetype. No problem in RHL 7.2 as ttmkfdir used the freetype headers as part of the freetype build process rather than the system headers.
Sun Feb 3 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-6 - Fixed base-fonts and font-utils conflicts lines - Bumped release to 4.2.0-6, and rebuilt - RHL 7.2 build release tag 4.2.0-0.6.13
Sat Feb 2 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-5.2 - NEW XFree86-font-utils subpackage created for mkfontdir and ttmkfdir to reside in. This will allow these utils to be available without requiring other XFree86 libs or packages being installed. - Added patch to fix Matrox driver when VT switching to non-standard text modes (#59119) - Created new Red Hat custom modelines patch, merged previous patches into it, and added new modelines from bug (#53364) - RHL 7.2 build release tag 4.2.0-0.6.11
Fri Feb 1 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-5.1 - Created XFree86-4.2.0-xfs-syslog.patch to make syslog log to LOG_DAEMON instead of LOG_LOCAL0 - which is supposed to be reserved for local system usage only. Fixes bug (#24873) - RHL 7.2 build release tag 4.2.0-0.6.10
Thu Jan 31 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-5 - Enabled the now compiling gb18030 support patch - RHL 7.2 build release tag 4.2.0-0.6.9
Thu Jan 31 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-4.1 - Added gb18030 support patch to 4.2.0 , but disabled it as it does not properly compile yet. - enabled patch to force xfs to chdir to / before fork() - RHL 7.2 build release tag 4.2.0-0.6.8
Wed Jan 30 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-4.0 - Added XFree86-4.2.0-xkb-ar.patch for Arabic support (#56897) - Also built 4.2.0-0.6.7 for RHL 7.2
Tue Jan 29 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-3.6 - Added missing defattr to files list for XFree86-base-fonts (#59014,59020) - Moved all /usr/X11R6/lib/modules files/dirs into same section of specfile and added dir flags for dirs that were not owned by the package. - Enhanced the xfs initscript so \"restart\" shuts down xfs and starts it back up again, using the stop/start functions. \"reload\" is now what reload and restart used to be - \"kill -USR1\" of xfs. - Added zh_CN-i18n patch to fix an i18n problem with Chinese locales
Mon Jan 28 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-3.4 - Added chmod kludge to bottom of install section to force locale/common *.so. * libraries to have execute perms. - Also built 4.2.0-0.6.5 for RHL 7.2 - Removed the version from the Glide/Glide-devel build dependancies, so X will build if any version of Glide3 is present.
Sun Jan 27 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-3.2 - Added link-glu-to-usrinclude patch for LSB conformance. - Made xfs post script use /bin/false in 7.x builds and /bin/nologin in rawhide builds. (#53088)
Sat Jan 26 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-3.1 - NEW XFree86-base-fonts subpackage created to hold all of the base fonts that were previously contained in the main XFree86 package. The new package contains Conflicts lines to minimize upgrading difficulties. - Added Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig for XFree86-xfs - Removed XFree86-4.1.0-ati-r128-PR-fix.patch as it was no longer needed, although not harmful in either case. - Removed various other spurious patches that were no longer being applied, but were left in the specfile. - Removed conditional support for building XIE and PEX as they have been deprecated by XFree86.org for quite some time now and are now obsolete
Fri Jan 25 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-3.0 - Toggled BuildGlide3 flag so that Glide3 does not get built inside XFree86 specfile by default. Glide3 has been separated back out to a separate RPM package to simplify the XFree86 spec file, and ease maintenance.
Thu Jan 24 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-2.5 - Fixed bug in xfs initscript fixing a problem with xfs having a CWD under /usr, which when located on an NFS mount, causes problems. (#57110) - Enabled libGLw in build (#41791,#41974) - Built also 4.2.0-0.6.1 for RHL 7.2
Wed Jan 23 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-2.4 - Updated Wacom USB tablet driver Wacom-USB-driver-a25-update (#52947) - Added xkb-french-canadian keyboard to xkb list (#52309) - Fixed Xterm resource bugs (#48783,#49315,#58031,#58713)
Sun Jan 20 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-2.2 - Disabled the old DisableModuleStringMerging hack in specfile as 4.2.0 detects wether or not this option is required or not now via Imake tests. - Conditionalized pam and automake buildprereqs
Sun Jan 20 23:00:00 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 4.2.0-2.1 - Fix build in current tree (Glide is a mess)
Sat Jan 19 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-2.0 - Bumped release number to -2.0 with no changes from -0.3 package, for building into rawhide. All packages built for RHL 7.x should use release numbers less than -2, and preferably less than -1, ie: -0.x.y, so that upgrades stand a better chance of working in the future.
Sat Jan 19 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-0.3 - Updated the \"Requires: kernel-drm = 4.2.0\" to ensure the user has the proper DRM version installed. Newer rawhide kernels will now provide both kernel-drm = 4.2.0, as well as kernel-drm = 4.1.0 since the new DRM is supposed to be backward compatible.
Sat Jan 19 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-0.2 - Added missing defattr(-,root,root) to xtrap-clients subpackage
Sat Jan 19 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris 4.2.0-0.1 - XFree86 4.2.0 released - first build
Fri Jan 18 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris - CVS trunk update to - dropped patches that have been merged upstream
Sun Jan 6 23:00:00 2002 Mike A. Harris - CVS trunk update
Wed Dec 26 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - CVS trunk update
Thu Dec 6 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Integrated PPC arch changes from streeterAATTredhat.com - Integrated the Chinese gb18030 support patches received from yshaoAATTredhat.com - Added SiS DRM patch (doesnt affect build as our DRM is in kernel rpm)
Tue Dec 4 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Removed eurofonts-X11.tar.bz2, and ulT1mo-beta-1.0.tar.gz from XFree86 package, moving them to their own separate packages that do not conflict with XFree86 namespaces. (Removed the ISO8859-2-Type1-fonts package) - Added new shared libs libXTrap, libXrandr.so to file lists - Added new applications to filelist: xrandr, xedit, luit, and various others, and their documentation. - Added new subpackage XFree86-xtrap-clients to hold the new xtrap client utilities
Sun Dec 2 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Made XFree86 server binary SUID root when not supporting Xwrapper (#56986)
Wed Nov 28 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Conditionalized out Xwrapper as its functionality is built directly into the X server now. To build it set BuildXwrapper to 1 in specfile.
Mon Nov 19 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Fixed that annoying Radeon hardware mouse cursor bug, where any mouse pointer that has a hotspot *NOT * on the left side of the pointer, caused the mouse to freeze up and jump around on left side of screen. XFree86-4.1.0-radeon-hardware-cursor-fix.patch
Mon Nov 12 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Updated xman patch, to use FreeBSD style man.config (why? I dunno.)
Tue Nov 6 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Added new entries to XftConfig for \"console\" and \"fixed\" to not antialias, which solves problems reported in konsole and other Qt applications. - Updated CVS source to current. - Removed patches that are now integrated into new upstream source base: XFree86-4.1.0-ati-radeon-dri-buildfix.patch
Fri Nov 2 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Fixed problems with WithExternalMesa disabled, in the file lists, etc. - Made new section for internationalizaton patches (30-39), and moved all locale.alias patches to that section. - Created some new aliases for en_AU, and en_CA and sent patches upstream.
Thu Nov 1 23:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Initial fork from 4.1.0 codebase to separate branch for CVS - Set Build_7x to 0, which now means XIE, PEX and external Mesa are gone, and the doctor says I can stop taking my medication now. - Added preliminary support for building CVS snapshots, which will eventually result in nightly builds from CVS or somesuch. - Removed patches that are integrated into new upstream source base: ati-r128-SM, cirrus-foobaroo-fix, allow-module-flags, Xrender-required-libs, libXfont-put-eof, twm-coredumpfix, compose-iso8859-2, crash-message-fixup, xinerama-extmod-fix - Updated locale-nn_NO locale-en_BG patch, and sent upstream _again_. - Updated mkfontdir-perms - Added patch to remove SuperProbe leftovers.
Tue Oct 30 23:00:00 2001 Than Ngo - Added XFree86-4.1.0-cpp-s390x.patch which fixes a man-pages of size 0 bug on s390 (#54927,#54932)
Sun Oct 28 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-5 - Disabled VT switch patch from -4 release after feedback of regression - Updated the Savage driver with Tim Roberts 1.1.20t driver, this should fix the reported bugs with Staroffice locking up X, and also video memory detection problems: (#31879) - Added XFree86-4.1.0-keycodes-abnt2.patch to fix abnt2 support bug(#55128)
Mon Oct 8 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-4 - Added patch to fix VT switch hangs that are hardware independant. This should fix numerous reported VT switch bug reports. - Fixed up host.def parallel make stuff.. HasParallelMake define is broken, and unneeded for now.
Sun Oct 7 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Removed __rmfontpath macro, and its usage, as well as the rpm 4.0.3 dep, because a lot of people were getting snagged on it, and it is questionable of the benefit of removing the fontpaths anyways, since it does not harm anything by leaving the font paths in config files really. - Changed /lib/libpam reqs to pam-devel instead - Commented the DisableModuleStringMerging specfile define, and moved to top of specfile where it is much more visible, as a lot of people have been getting snagged on this.
Thu Oct 4 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-3.9 - Modified and unified the \"make World\" buildlines by removing all the buildflags, etc. from them, and moving them into proper Imake configuration variables. - Added \"-pipe\" to default C compiler flags, as it should work on all architectures now. - Various other specfile cleanups. - Created support for ATI Rage 128 PP (1002:5050) XFree86-4.1.0-ati-r128-PP.patch
Tue Sep 25 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-3.8 - Silenced some Glide3 compiler warnings with Glide3-redhat-cleanup-1.patch.
Mon Sep 24 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-3.5 - Primary integration of changes in specfile to allow simple conditional build of fully debuggable modularized XFree86 packages. This is done by enabling DebuggableBuild RPM macro at top of specfile, adding \"dbg\" to Release tag, and rebuilding. The resulting RPM packages total in at 127Mb of data, as opposed to 55Mb or so regularly. In order to debug this debuggable XFree86, a special patched version of gdb 5.0 is required, which is currently a work in progress based on a much older patch for gdb 4.18.
Tue Sep 18 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Changed xfs initscript to use find -cnewer instead of -newer to fix bug (#53737)
Thu Sep 6 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-3 - Reordered font paths in xfs catalogue to put 75dpi first, etc.. - fixed couple critical specfile bugs that have slipped through til now
Wed Sep 5 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Fixed fs/config bug (MF#53103) as well as doing the same for XftConfig
Sat Sep 1 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-2 - Fixed a couple SHOULD-FIX bugs - fontpath order (SF#52413), metaSendsEscape bug (SF#49315)
Thu Aug 30 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-1.1 - Added \"Requires: kernel-drm = 4.1.0\" so that a matching kernel RPM package is installed and DRI works properly. (Brought up by mkj/arjan, and agreed upon by me)
Wed Aug 29 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-1 - Added dont-build-pex-docs patch from Branden Robinson to disable building PEX documentation (deprecated and obsolete) - Fix permissions on XftConfig, and other source files. (MF#52735) - Bravely bumping version to 4.1.0-1 - Added xinerama-extmod patch for bug (#52842)
Tue Aug 28 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.99.2 - Added Obsoletes: XFree86-ISO8859-2-Type1-fonts < 4.1.0, and provides ISO8859-2-Type1-fonts, to fix upgrade from 7.1, and prepare for future packaging. - Removed (noreplace) from fs/config, I *want * it to replace.
Mon Aug 27 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.99.1 - Completed font related fixups (hopefully) - Added specfile buildroot install time removal of fonts.dir files as they should never ever be included in the RPM packaging, but generated at runtime instead.
Sat Aug 25 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.20.5 - Added XFree86-4.1.0-ati-pciids-cleanup.patch, which includes misc cleanups to the PCI tables for ATI hardware. - Added ati-radeon-dri-buildfix from nottingAATTredhat.com which hopefully fixes bug (#51884)
Wed Aug 22 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Completed font screwup overhaul take1.
Tue Aug 21 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.20.1 - Added XFree86-4.1.0-s3virge-mx.patch to fix some corruption issues on S3 Virge MX hardware. - BuildPreReq: rpm >= 4.0.3 (parameterized macro fix)
Sun Aug 19 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Exclude XFree86 doc dir from, and add xdm pixmaps to s390 arch.
Thu Aug 16 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.20.0 - Added xman-soelim-fix to fix bug (#51037). - Modified cirrus-foobaroo patch to disable debug messages (#51179) - Backed out an xfs change that breaks serving 3.3.6 servers. Attempted workaround for (#) - Disable ATI update patch to see if it fixes Radeon DRI bugs.
Tue Aug 14 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.13 - Added XFree86-4.1.0-radeon-slowdownthere.patch to fix bug where ATI Radeon hangs on faster computers when VT switching. - Created fix for mkfontdir to force permissions on newly created fonts.dir and encodings.dir files to be mode 644, fixes bug (#51636) - Added fix for iso8859-2 compose file (affects Mozilla) - Added patch to prevent X error messages from referencing log file if it has not yet been opened. - Created support for ATI Rage 128 SM (Xpert2000), and added rage128-SM patch to fix (#34732,#51230,#50231) - Created XFree86-4.1.0-locale-alias-en_GB.patch to fix (#47247,51169) - Moved video hardware documentation in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc to main XFree86 package as that is where the drivers are (#50828) - Updated XFree86 dependancy on Mesa to -> 3:3.4.2-5
Fri Aug 10 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.12 - Synced with XFree86 stable branch to pick up upstream bugfixes - Added support for Japanese 109 key USB keyboard
Thu Aug 9 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - merged new changes into specfile - added nn_NO, en_GB locale.alias support - Added support to xfs.init for .ttc font files, and to use case insensitive regex when grepping for truetype fonts. (#41169)
Sun Aug 5 00:00:00 2001 Bill Nottingham 4.1.0-0.9.11 - port & apply necessary DRI fixes that fell out
Fri Aug 3 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.10 - Added custom Red Hat XftConfig to fix AA font problems (#49937) - Added RPM_BUILD_ROOT to ia64 libxrx removal.. ;o(
Wed Aug 1 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.9 - Enabled \"HasLinuxInput YES\" to force wacom driver to get built with USB support with 2.4 kernel. Fixes bug (#50453).
Tue Jul 31 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Attempted fix for (#50043) -frame option ignored when -id option used on xwd (XFree86-4.1.0-xwd-frame-option.patch) - Made XF86Config-4 outside ifnarch s390 as Bero claims s390 uses it.
Fri Jul 27 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.8 - Added improved X startup messages for debugging purposes - Updated patch148 from ATI plus 2 minor buildfixes
Thu Jul 26 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.7 - Added XFree86-4.1.0-libXfont-put-eof.patch to fix bug (#48830) where the 100dpi/75dpi helvBO12.pcf.gz fonts were getting munged. - Added XFree86-4.1.0-twm-coredumpfix.patch to fix (#49674) - Added XFree86-4.1.0-cirrus-foobaroo-fix.patch from Egbert Eich to attempt to fix the Cirrus Logic problems. - Fix libxrx problem on ia64 (#49990) by removing libxrx from non-x86/alpha
Wed Jul 25 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.4 - Added XF86Config and XF86Config-4 as owned config files (latter ghosted) - Fixed s390 Buildprereq on gcc by unnegating macro test - Apply patch 3003 (64bit.patch) to all 64bit arch\'s.
Wed Jul 25 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.3 - Worked around rpm parameterized macro processing bug that caused a problem with postun scripts - discovered by rpmlint. - Reformatted all pre/post/postun/etc. scripts to be more readable and maintainable. - Added patch8 to xterm resources to provide RFE (#48783)
Tue Jul 24 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.2 - Added bison, zlib-devel as Buildprereqs - discovered on s390 by - Added ati-radeon-ve patch from ATI (patch148) - Made Prereq\'s on /usr/sbin/chkfontpath instead of on chkfontpath
Mon Jul 23 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - ifnarchd patch1013 for s390
Thu Jul 19 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.1 - Created new macro __rmfontpath to be called from font package postun scripts to fix bug (#49243)
Tue Jul 17 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Added /usr/X11R6/man/man6, and other non existing manX dirs to XFree86-libs package so anything using them ends up having the dir owned by something. - Removed unneeded shared lib stuff (Xv/Xxf86dga)
Mon Jul 16 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.9.0 - Added BuildPrereq: gcc >= 2.96-93 to guarantee compiler used supports the -fno-merge-constants option - Made External Mesa usage conditionalized via WithExternalMesa so that it is easy to rebuild XFree86 with/without using external Mesa, which will be the default at some point in the future.
Thu Jul 12 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Explicitly state mkfontdir path in __mkfontdir macro (#48829)
Wed Jul 11 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Removed SharedLibXdmGreet from host.def, it is the same as default anyway - Removed tcl and tk as buildprereq\'s, Bero says they\'re not needed anymore
Wed Jul 11 00:00:00 2001 Tim Powers 4.1.0-0.8.6 - don\'t require XFree86-compat-libs in XFree86-libs
Wed Jul 11 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.8.5 - Fixed missing requiredlibs on shared libXrender so that prelinking works. - Built 4.1.0-0.8.4 - Woops, I left shared libXv and libXxf86dga on again by accident. - Built 4.1.0-0.8.5
Tue Jul 10 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.8.1 - Fixed up xdm pre script - Fixed up missing Latin2 Type1 fonts, they are now in the fonts/Type1 dir - Removed shared libXv.so and libXxf86dga.so at request of XFree86 team, and in conjunction with discussion with Debian X maintainer.
Tue Jul 10 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.7.51 - Fixed ia64 Glide3 build failure.
Mon Jul 9 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.7.50 - Merged with xf-4_1-branch to pick up stable bugfixes, and removed XFree86-4.1.0-redhat-glint-missing-symbols.patch, also Banshee ramtiming fix picked up from the update.
Sat Jul 7 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.7.12 - Really disabled string merging this time - Added verify flag to /etc/X11/fs/config - Disabled shared libraries Xv/xf86dga for standards compliance. These libraries do not have a stable API and should not be shared. It was a Bad Idea(tm) to ship these.
Thu Jul 5 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.7.8 - Disabled string merging in modules using ModuleLdFlags in host.def - Added WORLDOPTS= to make World to get rid of the \"-k\" passed to make so that failed X builds will fail immediately instead of continuing on.
Tue Jul 3 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.7.6 - Phase 1 - Amalgamated all my local font related changes to get fonts working better in the new 4.1.0 release. Straightened out 75dpi/100dpi brokenness and split up packages. - mkfontdir is now called in post(un)install scripts, and fonts.dir files are not installed as part of packages anymore because it was a bad broken idea to do so because these files should be generated, not provided. - Added missing \\ in main package post script
Fri Jun 22 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.7.5 - Added customer requested custom 1152x864x85Hz modeline
Mon Jun 18 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Reworked all ISO8859- * font subpackages for 4.1.0. fonts.dir is not included in the packages, rather it is generated at post install time. - Refixed (#31618)
Sun Jun 17 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.6.1 - More s390 cleanups
Sat Jun 16 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.6.0 - Integrated s390 patches sent by Than from Oliver Paukstadt
Sun Jun 10 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.5.6 - Cleaned up unneeded Freetype2 stuff in host.def
Sat Jun 9 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.5.6 - Take-1 at cleaning up some of the font related \'issues\' due to the different way fonts are generated in 4.1.0. Still many issues remaining.
Thu Jun 7 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Folding the external Mesa into XFree86 created as many problems as it solved. The DRI CVS trunk has a more permanent solution worth checking out. - Since the V4L drivers have aparently been included in the main XFree86 package all this time, I\'ve removed the separate package.
Tue Jun 5 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.1.5 - First stab at assimilating Mesa 3.4.2 package into XFree86 package - Added missing symbols to glint driver (#42751)
Tue Jun 5 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.0.2 - Rebuilt against Mesa 3.4.2 in new environment
Sun Jun 3 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris 4.1.0-0.0.1 - XFree86 4.1.0 released - built 4.1.0-0.0.1
Fri Jun 1 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Remove GLw manpages since we don\'t ship libGLw (#41791) - I finally got XIE and PEX disabled completely for sure this time absolutely no question. No really... It\'s gone.
Thu May 31 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Updated to, removed unneeded patches - Removed Glide3 Provides/Obsoletes from devel package, and removed the Glide3 devel stuff from that package also - only X needs it during build - Removed BuildGlide3 conditional - Glide3 will always be built from now on - Added conditionals BuildPEX & BuildXIE. These have officially been obsoleted by XFree86, and are no longer actively supported or used by anything.
Tue May 29 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Added \"Options\" database file, and also the following apps and their manpages: dpsexec, dpsinfo, texteroids, xftcache - Removed hardcopy doc creation code (groff) from specfile. The XFree86 makefiles have been fixed now to do this themselves properly. - Removed Glide3 headers from XFree86-devel. Only needed during build, no apps should be linking to Glide3. - Simplified filelist for libs subpackage by using globs instead of hard coded library version numbers. - Removed use-cpp patch, done with imake now.
Mon May 28 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Merged bero\'s changes to my local sources, and changed libXmuu inclusion from libXmuu. * to libXmuu.1.0, so that the *.so doesn\'t get picked up also, as it should be in the devel package.
Tue May 22 00:00:00 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Add missing libXmuu. * files
Mon May 21 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Many fixes from H. J. Lu including enhanced parallel make, xterm-xaw3d, pex patches, specfile updates, build enhancements and a partridge in a pear tree. ;o) - Fixed insane off-the-screen indenting levels in xfs.init
Sun May 20 00:00:00 2001 Mike A. Harris - Updated to - Updated with the latest parallelmake patch from H. J. Lu - Added new specfile option ParallelBuild, so that any parallel build stuff can be conditionally defined in the specfile in case the parallel make patch breaks in the future.
Sat May 12 00:00:00 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer | |