Changelog for selinux-policy-mls-3.13.1-166.el7_4.9.noarch.rpm :
Wed Feb 21 13:00:00 2018 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.9 - Update openvswitch policy from Fedora Resolves: rhbz#1538936
Fri Jan 26 13:00:00 2018 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.8 - Update openvswitch SELinux module Resolves: rhbz#1538936
Thu Nov 16 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.7 - Allow cluster_t domain creating bundles directory with label var_log_t instead of cluster_var_log_t Resolves: rhbz:#1513075
Wed Oct 11 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.6 - Allow tomcat domain to connect to mssql port Resolves: rhbz#1500697 - Add keepalived domain setpgid capability Resolves: rhbz#1500813
Wed Aug 30 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.5 - Allow certmonger using systemctl on pki_tomcat unit files Resolves: rhbz#1486552
Sat Aug 26 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.4 - Allow tomcat_t domain couple capabilities to make working tomcat-jsvc Resolves: rhbz#1485308
Thu Aug 10 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.3 - Fixing wrong NVR Resolves: rhbz#1479767
Thu Aug 10 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.2 - Increase NVR Resolves: rhbz#1479767
Wed Aug 9 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166.1 - Allow llpdad send dgram to libvirt Resolves: rhbz#1479767
Mon Jul 10 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-166 - Add new boolean gluster_use_execmem Resolves: rhbz#1469027 - Allow cluster_t and glusterd_t domains to dbus chat with ganesha service Resolves: rhbz#1468581
Mon Jun 26 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-165 - Dontaudit staff_t user read admin_home_t files. Resolves: rhbz#1290633
Wed Jun 21 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-164 - Allow couple rules needed to start targetd daemon with SELinux in enforcing mode Resolves: rhbz#1424621 - Add interface lvm_manage_metadata Resolves: rhbz#1424621
Tue Jun 20 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-163 - Allow sssd_t to read realmd lib files. Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Add permission open to files_read_inherited_tmp_files() interface Resolves: rhbz#1290633 Resolves: rhbz#1457106
Thu Jun 15 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-162 - Allow unconfined_t user all user namespace capabilties. Resolves: rhbz#1461488
Thu Jun 8 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-161 - Allow httpd_t to read realmd_var_lib_t files Resolves: rhbz#1436689
Tue Jun 6 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-160 - Allow named_t to bind on udp 4321 port Resolves: rhbz#1312972 - Allow systemd-sysctl cap. sys_ptrace Resolves: rhbz#1458999
Mon Jun 5 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-159 - Allow pki_tomcat_t execute ldconfig. Resolves: rhbz#1436689
Fri Jun 2 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-158 - Allow iscsi domain load kernel module. Resolves: rhbz#1457874 - Allow keepalived domain connect to squid tcp port Resolves: rhbz#1457455 - Allow krb5kdc_t domain read realmd lib files. Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - xdm_t should view kernel keys Resolves: rhbz#1432645
Thu Jun 1 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-157 - Allow tomcat to connect on all unreserved ports - Allow ganesha to connect to all rpc ports Resolves: rhbz#1448090 - Update ganesha with another fixes. Resolves: rhbz#1448090 - Update rpc_read_nfs_state_data() interface to allow read also lnk_files. Resolves: rhbz#1448090 - virt_use_glusterd boolean should be in optional block Update ganesha module to allow create tmp files Resolves: rhbz#1448090 - Hide broken symptoms when machine is configured with network bounding.
Wed May 31 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-156 - Add new boolean virt_use_glusterd Resolves: rhbz#1455994 - Add capability sys_boot for sbd_t domain - Allow sbd_t domain to create rpc sysctls. Resolves: rhbz#1455631 - Allow ganesha_t domain to manage glusterd_var_run_t pid files. Resolves: rhbz#1448090
Tue May 30 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-155 - Create new interface: glusterd_read_lib_files() - Allow ganesha read glusterd lib files. - Allow ganesha read network sysctls Resolves: rhbz#1448090
Mon May 29 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-154 - Add few allow rules to ganesha module Resolves: rhbz#1448090 - Allow condor_master_t to read sysctls. Resolves: rhbz#1277506 - Add dac_override cap to ctdbd_t domain Resolves: rhbz#1435708 - Label 8750 tcp/udp port as dey_keyneg_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1448090
Mon May 29 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-153 - Add ganesha_use_fusefs boolean. Resolves: rhbz#1448090
Wed May 24 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-152 - Allow httpd_t reading kerberos kdc config files Resolves: rhbz#1452215 - Allow tomcat_t domain connect to ibm_dt_2 tcp port. Resolves: rhbz#1447436 - Allow stream connect to initrc_t domains Resolves: rhbz#1447436 - Allow dnsmasq_t domain to read systemd-resolved pid files. Resolves: rhbz#1453114 - Allow tomcat domain name_bind on tcp bctp_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1451757 - Allow smbd_t domain generate debugging files under /var/run/gluster. These files are created through the libgfapi.so library that provides integration of a GlusterFS client in the Samba (vfs_glusterfs) process. Resolves: rhbz#1447669 - Allow condor_master_t write to sysctl_net_t Resolves: rhbz#1277506 - Allow nagios check disk plugin read /sys/kernel/config/ Resolves: rhbz#1277718 - Allow pcp_pmie_t domain execute systemctl binary Resolves: rhbz#1271998 - Allow nagios to connect to stream sockets. Allow nagios start httpd via systemctl Resolves: rhbz#1247635 - Label tcp/udp port 1792 as ibm_dt_2_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1447436 - Add interface fs_read_configfs_dirs() - Add interface fs_read_configfs_files() - Fix systemd_resolved_read_pid interface - Add interface systemd_resolved_read_pid() Resolves: rhbz#1453114 - Allow sshd_net_t domain read/write into crypto devices Resolves: rhbz#1452759 - Label 8999 tcp/udp as bctp_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1451757
Thu May 18 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-151 - nmbd_t needs net_admin capability like smbd Resolves: rhbz#1431859 - Dontaudit net_admin capability for domains postfix_master_t and postfix_qmgr_t Resolves: rhbz#1431859 - Allow rngd domain read sysfs_t Resolves: rhbz#1451735 - Add interface pki_manage_common_files() Resolves: rhbz#1447436 - Allow tomcat_t domain to manage pki_common_t files and dirs Resolves: rhbz#1447436 - Use stricter fc rules for sssd sockets in /var/run Resolves: rhbz#1448060 - Allow certmonger reads httpd_config_t files Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Allow keepalived_t domain creating netlink_netfilter_socket. Resolves: rhbz#1451684 - Allow tomcat domain read rpm_var_lib_t files Allow tomcat domain exec rpm_exec_t files Allow tomcat domain name connect on oracle_port_t Allow tomcat domain read cobbler_var_lib_t files. Resolves: rhbz#1451318 - Make able deply overcloud via neutron_t to label nsfs as fs_t Resolves: rhbz#1373321
Tue May 16 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-150 - Allow tomcat domain read rpm_var_lib_t files Allow tomcat domain exec rpm_exec_t files Allow tomcat domain name connect on oracle_port_t Allow tomcat domain read cobbler_var_lib_t files. Resolves: rhbz#1451318 - Allow sssd_t domain creating sock files labeled as sssd_var_run_t in /var/run/ Resolves: rhbz#1448056 Resolves: rhbz#1448060 - Allow tomcat_domain connect to * postgresql_port_t * amqp_port_t Allow tomcat_domain read network sysctls Resolves: rhbz#1450819 - Make able deply overcloud via neutron_t to label nsfs as fs_t Resolves: rhbz#1373321 - Allow netutils setpcap capability Resolves:1444438
Mon May 15 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-149 - Update targetd policy to accommodate changes in the service Resolves: rhbz#1424621 - Allow tomcat_domain connect to * postgresql_port_t * amqp_port_t Allow tomcat_domain read network sysctls Resolves: rhbz#1450819 - Update virt_rw_stream_sockets_svirt() interface to allow confined users set socket options. Resolves: rhbz#1415841 - Allow radius domain stream connec to postgresql Resolves: rhbz#1446145 - Allow virt_domain to read raw fixed_disk_device_t to make working blockcommit Resolves: rhbz#1449977 - Allow glusterd_t domain start ganesha service Resolves: rhbz#1448090 - Made few cosmetic changes in sssd SELinux module Resolves: rhbz#1448060 - sssd-kcm should not run as unconfined_service_t BZ(1447411) Resolves: rhbz#1448060 - Add sssd_secrets labeling Also add named_filetrans interface to make sure all labels are correct Resolves: rhbz#1448056 - Allow keepalived_t domain read usermodehelper_t Resolves: rhbz#1449769 - Allow tomcat_t domain read pki_common_t files Resolves: rhbz#1447436 - Add interface pki_read_common_files() Resolves: rhbz#1447436
Tue May 9 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-148 - Allow hypervkvp_t domain execute hostname Resolves: rhbz#1449064 - Dontaudit sssd_selinux_manager_t use of net_admin capability Resolves: rhbz#1444955 - Allow tomcat_t stream connect to pki_common_t Resolves: rhbz#1447436 - Dontaudit xguest_t\'s attempts to listen to its tcp_socket - Allow sssd_selinux_manager_t to ioctl init_t sockets Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Allow _su_t to create netlink_selinux_socket Resolves rhbz#1146987 - Allow unconfined_t to module_load any file Resolves rhbz#1442994
Sat Apr 29 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-147 - Improve ipa_cert_filetrans_named_content() interface to also allow caller domain manage ipa_cert_t type. Resolves: rhbz#1436689
Fri Apr 28 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-146 - Allow pki_tomcat_t domain read /etc/passwd. Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Allow tomcat_t domain read ipa_tmp_t files Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Label new path for ipa-otpd Resolves: rhbz#1446353 - Allow radiusd_t domain stream connect to postgresql_t Resolves: rhbz#1446145 - Allow rhsmcertd_t to execute hostname_exec_t binaries. Resolves: rhbz#1445494 - Allow virtlogd to append nfs_t files when virt_use_nfs=1 Resolves: rhbz#1402561
Wed Apr 26 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-145 - Update tomcat policy to adjust for removing unconfined_domain attr. Resolves: rhbz#1432083 - Allow httpd_t domain read also httpd_user_content_type lnk_files. Resolves: rhbz#1383621 - Allow httpd_t domain create /etc/httpd/alias/ipaseesion.key with label ipa_cert_t Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Dontaudit _gkeyringd_t stream connect to system_dbusd_t Resolves: rhbz#1052880 - Label /var/www/html/nextcloud/data as httpd_sys_rw_content_t Resolves: rhbz#1425530 - Add interface ipa_filetrans_named_content() Resolves: rhbz#1432115 - Allow tomcat use nsswitch Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Allow certmonger_t start/status generic services Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Allow dirsrv read cgroup files. Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Allow ganesha_t domain read/write infiniband devices. Resolves: rhbz#1383784 - Allow sendmail_t domain sysctl_net_t files Resolves: rhbz#1369376 - Allow targetd_t domain read network state and getattr on loop_control_device_t Resolves: rhbz#1373860 - Allow condor_schedd_t domain send mails. Resolves: rhbz#1277506 - Alow certmonger to create own systemd unit files. Resolves: rhbz#1436689 - Allow staff to systemctl virt server when staff_use_svirt=1 Resolves: rhbz#1415841 - Allow unconfined_t create /tmp/ca.p12 file with ipa_tmp_t context Resolves: rhbz#1432115 - Label /sysroot/ostree/deploy/rhel-atomic-host/ * as root_t Resolves: rhbz#1428112
Wed Apr 19 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-144 - Alow certmonger to create own systemd unit files. Resolves: rhbz#1436689
Tue Apr 18 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-143 - Hide broken symptoms when using kernel 3.10.0-514+ with network bonding. Postfix_picup_t domain requires NET_ADMIN capability which is not really needed. Resolves: rhbz#1431859 - Fix policy to reflect all changes in new IPA release Resolves: rhbz#1432115 Resolves: rhbz#1436689
Wed Apr 12 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-142 - Allow sbd_t to read/write fixed disk devices Resolves: rhbz#1440165 - Add sys_ptrace capability to radiusd_t domain Resolves: rhbz#1426641 - Allow cockpit_session_t domain connects to ssh tcp ports. Resolves: rhbz#1413509
Fri Apr 7 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-141 - Update tomcat policy to make working ipa install process Resolves: rhbz#1436689
Wed Apr 5 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-140 - Allow pcp_pmcd_t net_admin capability. - Allow pcp_pmcd_t read net sysctls - Allow system_cronjob_t create /var/run/pcp with pcp_var_run_t Resolves: rhbz#1336211
Wed Apr 5 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-139 - Fix all AVC denials during pkispawn of CA Resolves: rhbz#1436383 - Update pki interfaces and tomcat module Resolves: rhbz#1436689
Tue Apr 4 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-138 - Update pki interfaces and tomcat module Resolves: rhbz#1436689
Tue Apr 4 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-137 - Dontaudit firewalld wants write to /root Resolves: rhbz#1438708 - Dontaudit firewalld to create dirs in /root/ Resolves: rhbz#1438708 - Allow sendmail to search network sysctls Resolves: rhbz#1369376 - Add interface gssd_noatsecure() Resolves: rhbz#1438036 - Add interface gssproxy_noatsecure() Resolves: rhbz#1438036 - Dontaudit pcp_pmlogger_t search for xserver logs. Allow pcp_pmlogger_t to send signals to unconfined doamins Allow pcp_pmlogger_t to send logs to journals Resolves: rhbz#1379371 - Allow chronyd_t net_admin capability to allow support HW timestamping. Resolves: rhbz#1416015 - Update tomcat policy Resolves: rhbz#1436689 Resolves: rhbz#1436383 - Allow certmonger to start haproxy service Resolves: rhbz#1349394 - Allow init noatsecure for gssd and gssproxy Resolves: rhbz#1438036
Thu Mar 30 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-136 - geoclue wants to dbus chat with avahi Resolves: rhbz#1434286 - Allow iptables get list of kernel modules Resolves: rhbz#1367520 - Allow unconfined_domain_type to enable/disable transient unit Resolves: rhbz#1337041 - Add interfaces init_enable_transient_unit() and init_disable_transient_unit - Revert \"Allow sshd setcap capability. This is needed due to latest changes in sshd\" Resolves: rhbz#1435264 - Label sysroot dir under ostree as root_t Resolves: rhbz#1428112
Wed Mar 29 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-135 - Remove ganesha_t domain from permissive domains. Resolves: rhbz#1436988
Tue Mar 28 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-134 - Allow named_t domain bind on several udp ports Resolves: rhbz#1312972 - Update nscd_use() interface Resolves: rhbz#1281716 - Allow radius_t domain ptrace Resolves: rhbz#1426641 - Update nagios to allos exec systemctl Resolves: rhbz#1247635 - Update pcp SELinux module to reflect all pcp changes Resolves: rhbz#1271998 - Label /var/lib/ssl_db as squid_cache_t Label /etc/squid/ssl_db as squid_cache_t Resolves: rhbz#1325527 - Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain search for network sysctl Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain sys_ptrace capability Resolves: rhbz#1336211
Mon Mar 27 14:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-133 - Allow drbd load modules Resolves: rhbz#1134883 - Revert \"Add sys_module capability for drbd Resolves: rhbz#1134883\" - Allow stapserver list kernel modules Resolves: rhbz#1325976 - Update targetd policy Resolves: rhbz#1373860 - Add sys_admin capability to amanda Resolves: rhbz#1371561 - Allow hypervvssd_t to read all dirs. Resolves: rhbz#1331309 - Label /run/haproxy.sock socket as haproxy_var_run_t Resolves: rhbz#1386233 - Allow oddjob_mkhomedir_t to mamange autofs_t dirs. Resolves: rhbz#1408819 - Allow tomcat to connect on http_cache_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1432083 - Allow geoclue to send msgs to syslog. Resolves: rhbz#1434286 - Allow condor_master_t domain capability chown. Resolves: rhbz#1277506 - Update mta_filetrans_named_content() interface to allow calling domain create files labeled as etc_aliases_t in dir labeled as etc_mail_t. Resolves: rhbz#1167468 - Allow nova domain search for httpd configuration. Resolves: rhbz#1190761 - Add sys_module capability for drbd Resolves: rhbz#1134883 - Allow user_u users stream connect to dirsrv, Allow sysadm_u and staff_u users to manage dirsrv files Resolves: rhbz#1286474 - Allow systemd_networkd_t communicate with systemd_networkd_t via dbus Resolves: rhbz#1278010
Wed Mar 22 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-132 - Add haproxy_t domain fowner capability Resolves: rhbz#1386233 - Allow domain transition from ntpd_t to hwclock_t domains Resolves: rhbz#1375624 - Allow cockpit_session_t setrlimit and sys_resource Resolves: rhbz#1402316 - Dontaudit svirt_t read state of libvirtd domain Resolves: rhbz#1426106 - Update httpd and gssproxy modules to reflects latest changes in freeipa Resolves: rhbz#1432115 - Allow iptables read modules_conf_t Resolves: rhbz#1367520
Wed Mar 22 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-131 - Remove tomcat_t domain from unconfined domains Resolves: rhbz#1432083 - Create new boolean: sanlock_enable_home_dirs() Resolves: rhbz#1432783 - Allow mdadm_t domain to read/write nvme_device_t Resolves: rhbz#1431617 - Remove httpd_user_ *_content_t domains from user_home_type attribute. This tighten httpd policy and acces to user data will be more strinct, and also fix mutual influente between httpd_enable_homedirs and httpd_read_user_content Resolves: rhbz#1383621 - Dontaudit domain to create any file in /proc. This is kernel bug. Resolves: rhbz#1412679 - Add interface dev_rw_nvme Resolves: rhbz#1431617
Thu Mar 16 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-130 - Allow gssproxy to get attributes on all filesystem object types. Resolves: rhbz#1430295 - Allow ganesha to chat with unconfined domains via dbus Resolves: rhbz#1426554 - add the policy required for nextcloud Resolves: rhbz#1425530 - Add nmbd_t capability2 block_suspend Resolves: rhbz#1425357 - Label /var/run/chrony as chronyd_var_run_t Resolves: rhbz#1416015 - Add domain transition from sosreport_t to iptables_t Resolves: rhbz#1359789 - Fix path to /usr/lib64/erlang/erts-5.10.4/bin/epmd Resolves: rhbz:#1332803
Tue Mar 14 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-129 - Update rpm macros Resolves: rhbz#1380854
Mon Mar 13 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-128 - Add handling booleans via selinux-policy macros in custom policy spec files. Resolves: rhbz#1380854
Thu Mar 9 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-127 - Allow openvswitch to load kernel modules Resolves: rhbz#1405479
Thu Mar 9 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-126 - Allow openvswitch read script state. Resolves: rhbz#1405479
Tue Mar 7 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-125 - Update ganesha policy Resolves: rhbz#1426554 Resolves: rhbz#1383784 - Allow chronyd to read adjtime Resolves: rhbz#1416015 - Fixes for chrony version 2.2 Resolves: rhbz#1416015 - Add interface virt_rw_stream_sockets_svirt() Resolves: rhbz#1415841 - Label /dev/ss0 as gpfs_device_t Resolves: rhbz#1383784 - Allow staff to rw svirt unix stream sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1415841 - Label /rhev/data-center/mnt as mnt_t Resolves: rhbz#1408275 - Associate sysctl_rpc_t with proc filesystems Resolves: rhbz#1350927 - Add new boolean: domain_can_write_kmsg Resolves: rhbz#1415715
Thu Mar 2 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-124 - Allow rhsmcertd_t dbus chat with system_cronjob_t Resolves: rhbz#1405341 - Allow openvswitch exec hostname and readinitrc_t files Resolves: rhbz#1405479 - Improve SELinux context for mysql_db_t objects. Resolves: rhbz#1391521 - Allow postfix_postdrop to communicate with postfix_master via pipe. Resolves: rhbz#1379736 - Add radius_use_jit boolean Resolves: rhbz#1426205 - Label /var/lock/subsys/iptables as iptables_lock_t Resolves: rhbz#1405441 - Label /usr/lib64/erlang/erts-5.10.4/bin/epmd as lib_t Resolves: rhbz#1332803 - Allow can_load_kernmodule to load kernel modules. Resolves: rhbz#1423427 Resolves: rhbz#1424621
Thu Feb 23 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-123 - Allow nfsd_t domain to create sysctls_rpc_t files Resolves: rhbz#1405304 - Allow openvswitch to create netlink generic sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1397974 - Create kernel_create_rpc_sysctls() interface Resolves: rhbz#1405304
Fri Feb 17 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-122 - Allow nfsd_t domain rw sysctl_rpc_t dirs Resolves: rhbz#1405304 - Allow cgdcbxd_t to manage cgroup files. Resolves: rhbz#1358493 - Allow cmirrord_t domain to create netlink_connector sockets Resolves: rhbz#1412670 - Allow fcoemon to create netlink scsitransport sockets Resolves: rhbz#1362496 - Allow quota_nld_t create netlink_generic sockets Resolves: rhbz#1358679 - Allow cgred_t create netlink_connector sockets Resolves: rhbz#1376357 - Add dhcpd_t domain fowner capability Resolves: rhbz#1358485 - Allow acpid to attempt to connect to the Linux kernel via generic netlink socket. Resolves: rhbz#1358478 - Rename docker module to container module Resolves: rhbz#1386916 - Allow setflies to mount tracefs Resolves: rhbz#1376357 - Allow iptables to read nsfs files. Resolves: rhbz#1411316 - Allow systemd_bootchart_t domain create dgram sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1365953 - Rename docker interfaces to container Resolves: rhbz#1386916
Wed Feb 15 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-120 - Allow initrc_t domain to run rhel-autorelabel script properly during boot process Resolves: rhbz#1379722 - Allow systemd_initctl_t to create and connect unix_dgram sockets Resolves: rhbz#1365947 - Allow ifconfig_t to mount/unmount nsfs_t filesystem Resolves: rhbz#1349814 - Add interfaces allowing mount/unmount nsfs_t filesystem Resolves: rhbz#1349814
Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-119 - Add interface init_stream_connectto() Resolves:rhbz#1365947 - Allow rhsmcertd domain signull kernel. Resolves: rhbz#1379781 - Allow kdumpgui domain to read nvme device - Allow insmod_t to load kernel modules Resolves: rhbz#1421598 - Add interface files_load_kernel_modules() Resolves: rhbz#1421598 - Add SELinux support for systemd-initctl daemon Resolves:rhbz#1365947 - Add SELinux support for systemd-bootchart Resolves: rhbz#1365953
Tue Feb 7 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-118 - Allow firewalld to getattr open search read modules_object_t:dir Resolves: rhbz#1418391 - Fix label for nagios plugins in nagios file conxtext file Resolves: rhbz#1277718 - Add sys_ptrace capability to pegasus domain Resolves: rhbz#1381238 - Allow sssd_t domain setpgid Resolves:rhbz#1416780 - After the latest changes in nfsd. We should allow nfsd_t to read raw fixed disk. Resolves: rhbz#1350927 - Allow kdumpgui domain to read nvme device Resolves: rhbz#1415084 - su using libselinux and creating netlink_selinux socket is needed to allow libselinux initialization. Resolves: rhbz#1146987 - Add user namespace capability object classes. Resolves: rhbz#1368057 - Add module_load permission to class system Resolves:rhbz#1368057 - Add the validate_trans access vector to the security class Resolves: rhbz#1368057 - Add \"binder\" security class and access vectors Resolves: rhbz#1368057 - Allow ifconfig_t domain read nsfs_t Resolves: rhbz#1349814 - Allow ping_t domain to load kernel modules. Resolves: rhbz#1388363
Mon Jan 9 13:00:00 2017 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-117 - Allow systemd container to read/write usermodehelperstate Resolves: rhbz#1403254 - Label udp ports in range 24007-24027 as gluster_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1404152
Tue Dec 20 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-116 - Allow glusterd_t to bind on glusterd_port_t udp ports. Resolves: rhbz#1404152 - Revert: Allow glusterd_t to bind on med_tlp port.
Mon Dec 19 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-115 - Allow glusterd_t to bind on med_tlp port. Resolves: rhbz#1404152 - Update ctdbd_t policy to reflect all changes. Resolves: rhbz#1402451 - Label tcp port 24009 as med_tlp_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1404152 - Issue appears during update directly from RHEL-7.0 to RHEL-7.3 or above. Modules pkcsslotd and vbetools missing in selinux-policy package for RHEL-7.3 which causing warnings during SELinux policy store migration process. Following patch fixes issue by skipping pkcsslotd and vbetools modules migration.
Thu Dec 15 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-114 - Allow ctdbd_t domain transition to rpcd_t Resolves:rhbz#1402451
Thu Dec 15 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-113 - Fixes for containers Allow containers to attempt to write to unix_sysctls. Allow cotainers to use the FD\'s leaked to them from parent processes. Resolves: rhbz#1403254
Tue Dec 13 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-112 - Allow glusterd_t send signals to userdomain. Label new glusterd binaries as glusterd_exec_t Resolves: rhbz#1404152 - Allow systemd to stop glusterd_t domains. Resolves: rhbz#1400493
Fri Dec 9 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-111 - Make working CTDB:NFS: CTDB failover from selinux-policy POV Resolves: rhbz#1402451
Fri Dec 2 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-110 - Add kdump_t domain sys_admin capability Resolves: rhbz#1375963
Thu Dec 1 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-109 - Allow puppetagent_t to access timedated dbus. Use the systemd_dbus_chat_timedated interface to allow puppetagent_t the access. Resolves: rhbz#1399250
Mon Nov 14 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-108 - Update systemd on RHEL-7.2 box to version from RHEL-7.3 and then as a separate yum command update the selinux policy systemd will start generating USER_AVC denials and will start returning \"Access Denied\" errors to DBus clients Resolves: rhbz#1393505
Wed Nov 9 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-107 - Allow cluster_t communicate to fprintd_t via dbus Resolves: rhbz#1349798
Tue Nov 8 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-106 - Fix error message during update from RHEL-7.2 to RHEL-7.3, when /usr/sbin/semanage command is not installed and selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes.sh script is executed in %post install phase of selinux-policy package Resolves: rhbz#1392010
Tue Oct 18 14:00:00 2016 Miroslav Grepl - 3.13.1-105 - Allow GlusterFS with RDMA transport to be started correctly. It requires ipc_lock capability together with rw permission on rdma_cm device. Resolves: rhbz#1384488 - Allow glusterd to get attributes on /sys/kernel/config directory. Resolves: rhbz#1384483
Mon Oct 10 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-104 - Use selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes.sh instead of migrateStore * macros - Add selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes service Resolves: rhbz#1381588
Fri Sep 30 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-103 - Allow sssd_selinux_manager_t to manage also dir class. Resolves: rhbz#1368097 - Add interface seutil_manage_default_contexts_dirs() Resolves: rhbz#1368097
Tue Sep 27 14:00:00 2016 Dan Walsh - 3.13.1-102 - Add virt_sandbox_use_nfs -> virt_use_nfs boolean substitution. Resolves: rhbz#1355783
Tue Sep 27 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-101 - Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain transition to lvm_t Add capability kill and sys_ptrace to pcp_pmlogger_t Resolves: rhbz#1309883
Wed Sep 21 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-100 - Allow ftp daemon to manage apache_user_content Resolves: rhbz#1097775 - Label /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm as oracleasm_conf_t Resolves: rhbz#1331383 - Allow oracleasm to rw inherited fixed disk device Resolves: rhbz#1331383 - Allow collectd to connect on unix_stream_socket Resolves: rhbz#1377259
Wed Sep 14 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-99 - Allow iscsid create netlink iscsid sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1358266 - Improve regexp for power_unit_file_t files. To catch just systemd power unit files. Resolves: rhbz#1375462
Tue Sep 13 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-98 - Update oracleasm SELinux module that can manage oracleasmfs_t blk files. Add dac_override cap to oracleasm_t domain. Resolves: rhbz#1331383 - Add few rules to pcp SELinux module to make ti able to start pcp_pmlogger service Resolves: rhbz#1206525
Tue Sep 6 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-97 - Add oracleasm_conf_t type and allow oracleasm_t to create /dev/oracleasm Resolves: rhbz#1331383 - Label /usr/share/pcp/lib/pmie as pmie_exec_t and /usr/share/pcp/lib/pmlogger as pmlogger_exec_t Resolves: rhbz#1206525 - Allow mdadm_t to getattr all device nodes Resolves: rhbz#1365171 - Add interface dbus_dontaudit_stream_connect_system_dbusd() Resolves:rhbz#1052880 - Add virt_stub_ * interfaces for docker policy which is no longer a part of our base policy. Resolves: rhbz#1372705 - Allow guest-set-user-passwd to set users password. Resolves: rhbz#1369693 - Allow samdbox domains to use msg class Resolves: rhbz#1372677 - Allow domains using kerberos to read also kerberos config dirs Resolves: rhbz#1368492 - Allow svirt_sandbox_domains to r/w onload sockets Resolves: rhbz#1342930 - Add interface fs_manage_oracleasm() Resolves: rhbz#1331383 - Label /dev/kfd as hsa_device_t Resolves: rhbz#1373488 - Update seutil_manage_file_contexts() interface that caller domain can also manage file_context_t dirs Resolves: rhbz#1368097 - Add interface to write to nsfs inodes Resolves: rhbz#1372705 - Allow systemd services to use PrivateNetwork feature Resolves: rhbz#1372705 - Add a type and genfscon for nsfs. Resolves: rhbz#1372705 - Allow run sulogin_t in range mls_systemlow-mls_systemhigh. Resolves: rhbz#1290400
Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-96 - Allow arpwatch to create netlink netfilter sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1358261 - Fix file context for /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/ - new interface oddjob_mkhomedir_entrypoint() - Move label for /var/lib/docker/vfs/ to proper SELinux module - Allow mdadm to get attributes from all devices. - Label /etc/puppetlabs as puppet_etc_t. - Allow systemd-machined to communicate to lxc container using dbus - Allow systemd_resolved to send dbus msgs to userdomains Resolves: rhbz#1236579 - Allow systemd-resolved to read network sysctls Resolves: rhbz#1236579 - Allow systemd_resolved to connect on system bus. Resolves: rhbz#1236579 - Make entrypoint oddjob_mkhomedir_exec_t for unconfined_t - Label all files in /dev/oracleasmfs/ as oracleasmfs_t Resolves: rhbz#1331383
Tue Aug 23 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-95 - Label /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/ as pki_tomcat_cert_t Resolves:rhbz#1366915 - Allow certmonger to manage all systemd unit files Resolves:rhbz#1366915 - Grant certmonger \"chown\" capability Resolves:rhbz#1366915 - Allow ipa_helper_t stream connect to dirsrv_t domain Resolves: rhbz#1368418 - Update oracleasm SELinux module Resolves: rhbz#1331383 - label /var/lib/kubelet as svirt_sandbox_file_t Resolves: rhbz#1369159 - Add few interfaces to cloudform.if file Resolves: rhbz#1367834 - Label /var/run/corosync-qnetd and /var/run/corosync-qdevice as cluster_var_run_t. Note: corosync policy is now par of rhcs module Resolves: rhbz#1347514 - Allow krb5kdc_t to read krb4kdc_conf_t dirs. Resolves: rhbz#1368492 - Update networkmanager_filetrans_named_content() interface to allow source domain to create also temad dir in /var/run. Resolves: rhbz#1365653 - Allow teamd running as NetworkManager_t to access netlink_generic_socket to allow multiple network interfaces to be teamed together. Resolves: rhbz#1365653 - Label /dev/oracleasmfs as oracleasmfs_t. Add few interfaces related to oracleasmfs_t type Resolves: rhbz#1331383 - A new version of cloud-init that supports the effort to provision RHEL Atomic on Microsoft Azure requires some a new rules that allows dhclient/dhclient hooks to call cloud-init. Resolves: rhbz#1367834 - Allow iptables to creating netlink generic sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1364359
Wed Aug 17 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-94 - Allow ipmievd domain to create lock files in /var/lock/subsys/ Resolves:rhbz#1349058 - Update policy for ipmievd daemon. Resolves:rhbz#1349058 - Dontaudit hyperkvp to getattr on non security files. Resolves: rhbz#1349356 - Label /run/corosync-qdevice and /run/corosync-qnetd as corosync_var_run_t Resolves: rhbz#1347514 - Fixed lsm SELinux module - Add sys_admin capability to sbd domain Resolves: rhbz#1322725 - Allow vdagent to comunnicate with systemd-logind via dbus Resolves: rhbz#1366731 - Allow lsmd_plugin_t domain to create fixed_disk device. Resolves: rhbz#1238066 - Allow opendnssec domain to create and manage own tmp dirs/files Resolves: rhbz#1366649 - Allow opendnssec domain to read system state Resolves: rhbz#1366649 - Update opendnssec_manage_config() interface to allow caller domain also manage opendnssec_conf_t dirs Resolves: rhbz#1366649 - Allow rasdaemon to mount/unmount tracefs filesystem. Resolves: rhbz#1364380 - Label /usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init as iptables_exec_t Allow iptables creating lock file in /var/lock/subsys/ Resolves: rhbz#1367520 - Modify interface den_read_nvme() to allow also read nvme_device_t block files. Resolves: rhbz#1362564 - Label /var/run/storaged as lvm_var_run_t. Resolves: rhbz#1264390 - Allow unconfineduser to run ipa_helper_t. Resolves: rhbz#1361636
Wed Aug 10 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-93 - Dontaudit mock to write to generic certs. Resolves: rhbz#1271209 - Add labeling for corosync-qdevice and corosync-qnetd daemons, to run as cluster_t Resolves: rhbz#1347514 - Revert \"Label corosync-qnetd and corosync-qdevice as corosync_t domain\" - Allow modemmanager to write to systemd inhibit pipes Resolves: rhbz#1365214 - Label corosync-qnetd and corosync-qdevice as corosync_t domain Resolves: rhbz#1347514 - Allow ipa_helper to read network state Resolves: rhbz#1361636 - Label oddjob_reqiest as oddjob_exec_t Resolves: rhbz#1361636 - Add interface oddjob_run() Resolves: rhbz#1361636 - Allow modemmanager chat with systemd_logind via dbus Resolves: rhbz#1362273 - Allow NetworkManager chat with puppetagent via dbus Resolves: rhbz#1363989 - Allow NetworkManager chat with kdumpctl via dbus Resolves: rhbz#1363977 - Allow sbd send msgs to syslog Allow sbd create dgram sockets. Allow sbd to communicate with kernel via dgram socket Allow sbd r/w kernel sysctls. Resolves: rhbz#1322725 - Allow ipmievd_t domain to re-create ipmi devices Label /usr/libexec/openipmi-helper as ipmievd_exec_t Resolves: rhbz#1349058 - Allow rasdaemon to use tracefs filesystem. Resolves: rhbz#1364380 - Fix typo bug in dirsrv policy - Some logrotate scripts run su and then su runs unix_chkpwd. Allow logrotate_t domain to check passwd. Resolves: rhbz#1283134 - Add ipc_lock capability to sssd domain. Allow sssd connect to http_cache_t Resolves: rhbz#1362688 - Allow dirsrv to read dirsrv_share_t content Resolves: rhbz#1363662 - Allow virtlogd_t to append svirt_image_t files. Resolves: rhbz#1358140 - Allow hypervkvp domain to read hugetlbfs dir/files. Resolves: rhbz#1349356 - Allow mdadm daemon to read nvme_device_t blk files Resolves: rhbz#1362564 - Allow selinuxusers and unconfineduser to run oddjob_request Resolves: rhbz#1361636 - Allow sshd server to acces to Crypto Express 4 (CEX4) devices. Resolves: rhbz#1362539 - Fix labeling issue in init.fc file. Path /usr/lib/systemd/fedora- * changed to /usr/lib/systemd/rhel- *. Resolves: rhbz#1363769 - Fix typo in device interfaces Resolves: rhbz#1349058 - Add interfaces for managing ipmi devices Resolves: rhbz#1349058 - Add interfaces to allow mounting/umounting tracefs filesystem Resolves: rhbz#1364380 - Add interfaces to allow rw tracefs filesystem Resolves: rhbz#1364380 - Add interface dev_read_nvme() to allow reading Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller devices. Resolves: rhbz#1362564 - Label /sys/kernel/debug/tracing filesystem Resolves: rhbz#1364380 - Allow sshd setcap capability. This is needed due to latest changes in sshd Resolves: rhbz#1357857
Thu Jul 28 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-92 - Dontaudit mock_build_t can list all ptys. Resolves: rhbz#1271209 - Allow ftpd_t to mamange userhome data without any boolean. Resolves: rhbz#1097775 - Add logrotate permissions for creating netlink selinux sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1283134 - Allow lsmd_plugin_t to exec ldconfig. Resolves: rhbz#1238066 - Allow vnstatd domain to read /sys/class/net/ files Resolves: rhbz#1358243 - Remove duplicate allow rules in spamassassin SELinux module Resolves:rhbz#1358175 - Allow spamc_t and spamd_t domains create .spamassassin file in user homedirs Resolves:rhbz#1358175 - Allow sshd setcap capability. This is needed due to latest changes in sshd Resolves: rhbz#1357857 - Add new MLS attribute to allow relabeling objects higher than system low. This exception is needed for package managers when processing sensitive data. Resolves: rhbz#1330464 - Allow gnome-keyring also manage user_tmp_t sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1257057 - corecmd: Remove fcontext for /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd Resolves:rhbz#1351382
Tue Jul 19 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-91 - Allow ipa_dnskey domain to search cache dirs Resolves: rhbz#1350957
Tue Jul 19 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-90 - Allow ipa-dnskey read system state. Reasolves: rhbz#1350957 - Allow dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit labeled as certmonger_t to create /var/log/ipa/renew.log file Resolves: rhbz#1350957
Mon Jul 18 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-89 - Allow firewalld to manage net_conf_t files. Resolves:rhbz#1304723 - Allow logrotate read logs inside containers. Resolves: rhbz#1303514 - Allow sssd to getattr on fs_t Resolves: rhbz#1356082 - Allow opendnssec domain to manage bind chace files Resolves: rhbz#1350957 - Fix typo in rhsmcertd policy module Resolves: rhbz#1329475 - Allow systemd to get status of systemd-logind daemon Resolves: rhbz#1356141 - Label more ndctl devices not just ndctl0 Resolves: rhbz#1355809
Thu Jul 14 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-88 - Allow rhsmcertd to copy certs into /etc/docker/cert.d - Add interface docker_rw_config() Resolves: rhbz#1344500 - Fix logrotate fc file to label also /var/lib/logrotate/ dir as logrotate_var_lib_t Resolves: rhbz#1355632 - Allow rhsmcertd to read network sysctls Resolves: rhbz#1329475 - Label /var/log/graphite-web dir as httpd_log_t Resolves: rhbz#1310898 - Allow mock to use generic ptys Resolves: rhbz#1271209 - Allow adcli running as sssd_t to write krb5.keytab file. Resolves: rhbz#1356082 - Allow openvswitch connect to openvswitch_port_t type. Resolves: rhbz#1335024 - Add SELinux policy for opendnssec service. Resolves: rhbz#1350957 - Create new SELinux type for /usr/libexec/ipa/ipa-dnskeysyncd Resolves: rhbz#1350957 - label /dev/ndctl0 device as nvram_device_t Resolves: rhbz#1355809
Mon Jul 11 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-87 - Allow lttng tools to block suspending Resolves: rhbz#1256374 - Allow creation of vpnaas in openstack Resolves: rhbz#1352710 - virt: add strict policy for virtlogd daemon Resolves:rhbz#1311606 - Update makefile to support snapperd_contexts file Resolves: rhbz#1352681
Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-86 - Allow udev to manage systemd-hwdb files - Add interface systemd_hwdb_manage_config() Resolves: rhbz#1350756 - Fix paths to infiniband devices. This allows use more then two infiniband interfaces. Resolves: rhbz#1210263
Thu Jul 7 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-85 - Allow virtual machines to rw infiniband devices. Resolves: rhbz#1210263 - Allow opensm daemon to rw infiniband_mgmt_device_t Resolves: rhbz#1210263 - Allow systemd_hwdb_t to relabel /etc/udev/hwdb.bin file. Resolves: rhbz#1350756 - Make label for new infiniband_mgmt deivices Resolves: rhbz#1210263
Tue Jul 5 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-84 - Fix typo in brltty SELinux module - Add new SELinux module sbd Resolves: rhbz#1322725 - Allow pcp dmcache metrics collection Resolves: rhbz#1309883 - Allow pkcs_slotd_t to create dir in /var/lock Add label pkcs_slotd_log_t Resolves: rhbz#1350782 - Allow openvpn to create sock files labeled as openvpn_var_run_t Resolves: rhbz#1328246 - Allow hypervkvp daemon to getattr on all filesystem types. Resolves: rhbz#1349356 - Allow firewalld to create net_conf_t files Resolves: rhbz#1304723 - Allow mock to use lvm Resolves: rhbz#1271209 - Allow keepalived to create netlink generic sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1349809 - Allow mirromanager creating log files in /tmp Resolves:rhbz#1328818 - Rename few modules to make it consistent with source files Resolves: rhbz#1351445 - Allow vmtools_t to transition to rpm_script domain Resolves: rhbz#1342119 - Allow nsd daemon to manage nsd_conf_t dirs and files Resolves: rhbz#1349791 - Allow cluster to create dirs in /var/run labeled as cluster_var_run_t Resolves: rhbz#1346900 - Allow sssd read also sssd_conf_t dirs Resolves: rhbz#1350535 - Dontaudit su_role_template interface to getattr /proc/kcore Dontaudit su_role_template interface to getattr /dev/initctl Resolves: rhbz#1086240 - Add interface lvm_getattr_exec_files() Resolves: rhbz#1271209 - Fix typo Compliling vs. Compiling Resolves: rhbz#1351445
Wed Jun 29 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-83 - Allow krb5kdc_t to communicate with sssd Resolves: rhbz#1319933 - Allow prosody to bind on prosody ports Resolves: rhbz#1304664 - Add dac_override caps for fail2ban-client Resolves: rhbz#1316678 - dontaudit read access for svirt_t on the file /var/db/nscd/group Resolves: rhbz#1301637 - Allow inetd child process to communicate via dbus with systemd-logind Resolves: rhbz#1333726 - Add label for brltty log file Resolves: rhbz#1328818 - Allow dspam to read the passwd file Resolves: rhbz#1286020 - Allow snort_t to communicate with sssd Resolves: rhbz#1284908 - svirt_sandbox_domains need to be able to execmod for badly built libraries. Resolves: rhbz#1206339 - Add policy for lttng-tools package. Resolves: rhbz#1256374 - Make mirrormanager as application domain. Resolves: rhbz#1328234 - Add support for the default lttng-sessiond port - tcp/5345. This port is used by LTTng 2.x central tracing registry session daemon. - Add prosody ports Resolves: rhbz#1304664 - Allow sssd read also sssd_conf_t dirs Resolves: rhbz#1350535
Tue Jun 28 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-82 - Label /var/lib/softhsm as named_cache_t. Allow named_t to manage named_cache_t dirs. Resolves:rhbz#1331315 - Label named-pkcs11 binary as named_exec_t. Resolves: rhbz#1331315 - Allow glusterd daemon to get systemd status Resolves: rhbz#1321785 - Allow logrotate dbus-chat with system_logind daemon Resolves: rhbz#1283134 - Allow pcp_pmlogger to read kernel network state Allow pcp_pmcd to read cron pid files Resolves: rhbz#1336211 - Add interface cron_read_pid_files() Resolves: rhbz#1336211 - Allow pcp_pmlogger to create unix dgram sockets Resolves: rhbz#1336211 - Add hwloc-dump-hwdata SELinux policy Resolves: rhbz#1344054 - Remove non-existing jabberd_spool_t() interface and add new jabbertd_var_spool_t. Resolves: rhbz#1121171 - Remove non-existing interface salk_resetd_systemctl() and replace it with sanlock_systemctl_sanlk_resetd() Resolves: rhbz#1259764 - Create label for openhpid log files. esolves: rhbz#1259764 - Label /var/lib/ganglia as httpd_var_lib_t Resolves: rhbz#1260536 - Allow firewalld_t to create entries in net_conf_t dirs. Resolves: rhbz#1304723 - Allow journalctl to read syslogd_var_run_t files. This allows to staff_t and sysadm_t to read journals Resolves: rhbz#1288255 - Include patch from distgit repo: policy-RHEL-7.1-flask.patch. Resolves: rhbz#1329560 - Update refpolicy to handle hwloc Resolves: rhbz#1344054 - Label /etc/dhcp/scripts dir as bin_t - Allow sysadm_role to run journalctl_t domain. This allows sysadm user to read journals. Resolves: rhbz#1288255
Wed Jun 22 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-81 - Allow firewalld_t to create entries in net_conf_t dirs. Resolves: rhbz#1304723 - Allow journalctl to read syslogd_var_run_t files. This allows to staff_t and sysadm_t to read journals Resolves: rhbz#1288255 - Allow mongod log to syslog. Resolves: rhbz#1306995 - Allow rhsmcertd connect to port tcp 9090 Resolves: rhbz#1337319 - Label for /bin/mail(x) was removed but /usr/bin/mail(x) not. This path is also needed to remove. Resolves: rhbz#1262483 Resolves: rhbz#1277506 - Label /usr/libexec/mimedefang-wrapper as spamd_exec_t. Resolves: rhbz#1301516 - Add new boolean spamd_update_can_network. Resolves: rhbz#1305469 - Allow rhsmcertd connect to tcp netport_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1329475 - Fix SELinux context for /usr/share/mirrormanager/server/mirrormanager to Label all binaries under dir as mirrormanager_exec_t. Resolves: rhbz#1328234 - Allow prosody to bind to fac_restore tcp port. Resolves: rhbz#1321787 - Allow ninfod to read raw packets Resolves: rhbz#1317964 - Allow pegasus get attributes from qemu binary files. Resolves: rhbz#1260835 - Allow pegasus get attributes from qemu binary files. Resolves: rhbz#1271159 - Allow tuned to use policykit. This change is required by cockpit. Resolves: rhbz#1346464 - Allow conman_t to read dir with conman_unconfined_script_t binary files. Resolves: rhbz#1297323 - Allow pegasus to read /proc/sysinfo. Resolves: rhbz#1265883 - Allow sysadm_role to run journalctl_t domain. This allows sysadm user to read journals. Resolves: rhbz#1288255 - Label tcp ports:16379, 26379 as redis_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1348471 - Allow systemd to relabel /var and /var/lib directories during boot. - Add files_relabel_var_dirs() and files_relabel_var_dirs() interfaces. - Add files_relabelto_var_lib_dirs() interface. - Label tcp port 2004 as mailbox_port_t. Resolves: rhbz#1332843 - Label tcp and udp port 5582 as fac_restore_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1321787 - Allow sysadm_t user to run postgresql-setup. Resolves: rhbz#1282543 - Allow sysadm_t user to dbus chat with oddjob_t. This allows confined admin run oddjob mkhomedirfor script. Resolves: rhbz#1297480 - Update netlink socket classes.
Thu Jun 16 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-80 - Allow conman to kill conman_unconfined_script. Resolves: rhbz#1297323 - Make conman_unconfined_script_t as init_system_domain. Resolves:rhbz#1297323 - Allow init dbus chat with apmd. Resolves:rhbz#995898 - Patch /var/lib/rpm is symlink to /usr/share/rpm on Atomic, due to this change we need to label also /usr/share/rpm as rpm_var_lib_t. Resolves: rhbz#1233252 - Dontaudit xguest_gkeyringd_t stream connect to system_dbusd_t Resolves: rhbz#1052880 - Add mediawiki rules to proper scope Resolves: rhbz#1301186 - Dontaudit xguest_gkeyringd_t stream connect to system_dbusd_t Resolves: rhbz#1052880 - Allow mysqld_safe to inherit rlimit information from mysqld Resolves: rhbz#1323673 - Allow collectd_t to stream connect to postgresql. Resolves: rhbz#1344056 - Allow mediawiki-script to read /etc/passwd file. Resolves: rhbz#1301186 - Add filetrans rule that NetworkManager_t can create net_conf_t files in /etc. Resolves: rhbz#1344505 - Add labels for mediawiki123 Resolves: rhbz#1293872 - Fix label for all fence_scsi_check scripts - Allow ip netns to mounton root fs and unmount proc_t fs. Resolves: rhbz#1343776 Resolves: rhbz#1286851 - Allow sysadm_t to run newaliases command. Resolves: rhbz#1344828 - Add interface sysnet_filetrans_named_net_conf() Resolves: rhbz#1344505
Mon Jun 13 14:00:00 2016 Petr Lautrbach - 3.13.1-79 - Fix several issues related to the SELinux Userspace changes
Thu Jun 9 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-78 - Allow glusterd domain read krb5_keytab_t files. Resolves: rhbz#1343929 - Fix typo in files_setattr_non_security_dirs. Resolves: rhbz#1115987
Thu Jun 9 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-77 - Allow tmpreaper_t to read/setattr all non_security_file_type dirs Resolves: rhbz#1115987 - Allow firewalld to create firewalld_var_run_t directory. Resolves: rhbz#1304723 - Add interface firewalld_read_pid_files() Resolves: rhbz#1304723 - Label /usr/libexec/rpm-ostreed as rpm_exec_t. Resolves: rhbz#1340542 - Allow sanlock service to read/write cephfs_t files. Resolves: rhbz#1315332 - Fixed to make SELinux work with docker and prctl(NO_NEW_PRIVS) - Added missing docker interfaces: - docker_typebounds - docker_entrypoint Resolves: rhbz#1236580 - Add interface files_setattr_non_security_dirs() Resolves: rhbz#1115987 - Add support for onloadfs - Allow iptables to read firewalld pid files. Resolves: rhbz#1304723 - Add SELinux support for ceph filesystem. Resolves: rhbz#1315332 - Fixed to make SELinux work with docker and prctl(NO_NEW_PRIVS) Resolves: rhbz#1236580
Mon Jun 6 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-76 - Fixed to make SELinux work with docker and prctl(NO_NEW_PRIVS) - Added missing docker interfaces: - docker_typebounds - docker_entrypoint Resolves: rhbz#1236580 - New interfaces needed for systemd-machinectl Resolves: rhbz#1236580 - New interfaces needed by systemd-machine Resolves: rhbz#1236580 - Add interface allowing sending and receiving messages from virt over dbus. Resolves: rhbz#1236580 - Backport docker policy from Fedora. Related: #1303123 Resolves: #1341257 - Allow NetworkManager_t and policykit_t read access to systemd-machined pid files. Resolves: rhbz#1236580 - Fixed to make SELinux work with docker and prctl(NO_NEW_PRIVS) - Added interfaces needed by new docker policy. Related: rhbz#1303123 - Add support for systemd-machined daemon Resolves: rhbz#1236580 - Allow rpm-ostree domain transition to install_t domain from init_t. Resolves: rhbz#1340542
Tue May 31 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-75 - dnsmasq: allow NetworkManager to control dnsmasq via D-Bus Resolves: rhbz#1336722 - Directory Server (389-ds-base) has been updated to use systemd-ask-password. In order to function correctly we need the following added to dirsrv.te Resolves: rhbz#1333198 - sftpd_ * booleans are functionless these days. Resolves: rhbz#1335656 - Label /var/log/ganesha.log as gluster_log_t Allow glusterd_t domain to create glusterd_log_t files. Label /var/run/ganesha.pid as gluster_var_run_t. Resolves: rhbz#1335828 - Allow ganesha-ha.sh script running under unconfined_t domain communicate with glusterd_t domains via dbus. Resolves: rhbz#1336760 - Allow ganesha daemon labeled as glusterd_t create /var/lib/nfs/ganesha dir labeled as var_lib_nfs_t. Resolves: rhbz#1336737 - Label /usr/libexec/storaged/storaged as lvm_exec_t to run storaged daemon in lvm_t SELinux domain. Resolves: rhbz#1264390 - Allow systemd_hostanmed_t to read /proc/sysinfo labeled as sysctl_t. Resolves: rhbz#1337061 - Revert \"Allow all domains some process flags.\" Resolves: rhbz#1303644 - Revert \"Remove setrlimit to all domains.\" Resolves: rhbz#1303644 - Label /usr/sbin/xrdp * files as bin_t Resolves: rhbz#1276777 - Add mls support for some db classes Resolves: rhbz#1303651 - Allow systemd_resolved_t to check if ipv6 is disabled. Resolves: rhbz#1236579 - Allow systemd_resolved to read systemd_networkd run files. Resolves: rhbz#1236579
Mon May 23 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-74 - Allow ganesha-ha.sh script running under unconfined_t domain communicate with glusterd_t domains via dbus. Resolves: rhbz#1336760 - Allow ganesha daemon labeled as glusterd_t create /var/lib/nfs/ganesha dir labeled as var_lib_nfs_t. Resolves: rhbz#1336737
Mon May 16 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-73 - Allow logwatch to domtrans to postqueue Resolves: rhbz#1331542 - Label /var/log/ganesha.log as gluster_log_t - Allow glusterd_t domain to create glusterd_log_t files. - Label /var/run/ganesha.pid as gluster_var_run_t. Resolves: rhbz#1335828 - Allow zabbix to connect to postgresql port Resolves: rhbz#1330479 - Add userdom_destroy_unpriv_user_shared_mem() interface. Related: rhbz#1306403 - systemd-logind remove all IPC objects owned by a user on a logout. This covers also SysV memory. This change allows to destroy unpriviledged user SysV shared memory segments. Resolves: rhbz#1306403
Mon May 16 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-72 - We need to restore contexts on /etc/passwd *,/etc/group *,/etc/ *shadow * during install phase to get proper labeling for these files until selinux-policy pkgs are installed. Resolves: rhbz#1333952
Tue May 10 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-71 - Add interface glusterd_dontaudit_read_lib_dirs() Resolves: rhbz#1295680 - Dontaudit Occasionally observing AVC\'s while running geo-rep automation Resolves: rhbz#1295680 - Allow glusterd to manage socket files labeled as glusterd_brick_t. Resolves: rhbz#1331561 - Create new apache content template for files stored in user homedir. This change is needed to make working booleans: - httpd_enable_homedirs - httpd_read_user_content Resolves: rhbz#1246522 - Allow stunnel create log files. Resolves: rhbz#1296851 - Label tcp port 8181 as intermapper_port_t. Resolves: rhbz#1334783 - Label tcp/udp port 2024 as xinuexpansion4_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1334783 - Label tcp port 7002 as afs_pt_port_t Label tcp/udp port 2023 as xinuexpansion3_port_t Resolves: rhbz#1334783 - Dontaudit ldconfig read gluster lib files. Resolves: rhbz#1295680 - Add interface auth_use_nsswitch() to systemd_domain_template. Resolves: rhbz#1236579
Tue May 3 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-70 - Label /usr/bin/ganesha.nfsd as glusterd_exec_t to run ganesha as glusterd_t. Allow glusterd_t stream connect to rpbind_t. Allow cluster_t to create symlink /var/lib/nfs labeled as var_lib_nfs_t. Add interface rpc_filetrans_var_lib_nfs_content() Add new boolean: rpcd_use_fusefs to allow rpcd daemon use fusefs. Resolves: rhbz#1312809 Resolves: rhbz#1323947 - Allow dbus chat between httpd_t and oddjob_t. Resolves: rhbz#1324144 - Label /usr/libexec/ipa/oddjob/org.freeipa.server.conncheck as ipa_helper_exec_t. Resolves: rhbz#1324144 - Label /var/log/ipareplica-conncheck.log file as ipa_log_t Allow ipa_helper_t domain to manage logs labeledas ipa_log_t Allow ipa_helper_t to connect on http and kerberos_passwd ports. Resolves: rhbz#1324144 - Allow prosody to listen on port 5000 for mod_proxy65. Resolves: rhbz#1316918 - Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain to manage docker lib files. This rule is needed to allow pcp to collect container information when SELinux is enabled. Resolves: rhbz#1309454
Wed Apr 27 14:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-69 - Allow runnig php7 in fpm mode. From selinux-policy side, we need to allow httpd to read/write hugetlbfs. Resolves: rhbz#1319442 - Allow openvswitch daemons to run under openvswitch Linux user instead of root. This change needs allow set capabilities: chwon, setgid, setuid, setpcap. Resolves: rhbz#1296640 - Remove ftpd_home_dir() boolean from distro policy. Reason is that we cannot make this working due to m4 macro language limits. Resolves: rhbz#1097775 - /bin/mailx is labeled sendmail_exec_t, and enters the sendmail_t domain on execution. If /usr/sbin/sendmail does not have its own domain to transition to, and is not one of several products whose behavior is allowed by the sendmail_t policy, execution will fail. In this case we need to label /bin/mailx as bin_t. Resolves: rhbz#1262483 - Allow nsd daemon to create log file in /var/log as nsd_log_t Resolves: rhbz#1293140 - Sanlock policy update. - New sub-domain for sanlk-reset daemon Resolves: rhbz#1212324 - Label all run tgtd files, not just socket files Resolves: rhbz#1280280 - Label all run tgtd files, not just socket files. Resolves: rhbz#1280280 - Allow prosody to stream connect to sasl. This will allow using cyrus authentication in prosody. Resolves: rhbz#1321049 - unbound wants to use ephemeral ports as a default configuration. Allow to use also udp sockets. Resolves: rhbz#1318224 - Allow prosody to listen on port 5000 for mod_proxy65. Resolves: rhbz#1316918 - Allow targetd to read/write to /dev/mapper/control device. Resolves: rhbz#1063714 - Allow KDM to get status about power services. This change allow kdm to be able do shutdown. Resolves: rhbz#1316724 - Allow systemd-resolved daemon creating netlink_route sockets. Resolves:rhbz#1236579 - Allow systemd_resolved_t to read /etc/passwd file. Allow systemd_resolved_t to write to kmsg_device_t when \'systemd.log_target=kmsg\' option is used Resolves: rhbz#1065362 - Label /etc/selinux/(minimum|mls|targeted)/active/ as semanage_store_t Resolves: rhbz#1321943 - Label all nvidia binaries as xserver_exec_t Resolves: rhbz#1322283
Wed Mar 23 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-68 - Create new permissivedomains CIL module and make it active. Resolves: rhbz#1320451 - Add support for new mock location - /usr/libexec/mock/mock. Resolves: rhbz#1271209 - Allow bitlee to create bitlee_var_t dirs. Resolves: rhbz#1268651 - Allow CIM provider to read sssd public files. Resolves: rhbz#1263339 - Fix some broken interfaces in distro policy. Resolves: rhbz#1121171 - Allow power button to shutdown the laptop. Resolves: rhbz#995898 - Allow lsm plugins to create named fixed disks. Resolves: rhbz#1238066 - Add default labeling for /etc/Pegasus/cimserver_current.conf. It is a correct patch instead of the current /etc/Pegasus/pegasus_current.confResolves: rhbz#1278777 - Allow hyperv domains to rw hyperv devices. Resolves: rhbz#1309361 - Label /var/www/html(/. *)?/wp_backups(/. *)? as httpd_sys_rw_content_t.Resolves: rhbz#1246780 - Create conman_unconfined_script_t type for conman script stored in /use/share/conman/exec/ Resolves: rhbz#1297323 - Fix rule definitions for httpd_can_sendmail boolean. We need to distinguish between base and contrib. - Add support for /dev/mptctl device used to check RAID status. Resolves: rhbz#1258029 - Create hyperv * devices and create rw interfaces for this devices. Resolves: rhbz#1309361 - Add fixes for selinux userspace moving the policy store to /var/lib/selinux. - Remove optional else block for dhcp ping
Thu Mar 17 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec - 3.13.1-67 - Allow rsync_export_all_ro boolean to read also non_auth_dirs/files/symlinks. Resolves: rhbz#1263770 - Fix context of \"/usr/share/nginx/html\". Resolves: rhbz#1261857 - Allow pmdaapache labeled as pcp_pmcd_t access to port 80 for apache diagnostics Resolves: rhbz#1270344 - Allow pmlogger to create pmlogger.primary.socket link file. Resolves: rhbz#1270344 - Label nagios scripts as httpd_sys_script_exec_t. Resolves: rhbz#1260306 - Add dontaudit interface for kdumpctl_tmp_t Resolves: rhbz#1156442 - Allow mdadm read files in EFI partition. Resolves: rhbz#1291801 - Allow nsd_t to bind on nsf_control tcp port. Allow nsd_crond_t to read nsd pid. Resolves: rhbz#1293140 - Label some new nsd binaries as nsd_exec_t Allow nsd domain net_admin cap. Create label nsd_tmp_t for nsd tmp files/dirs Resolves: rhbz#1293140 - Add filename transition that /etc/princap will be created with cupsd_rw_etc_t label in cups_filetrans_named_content() interface. Resolves: rhbz#1265102 - Add missing labeling for /usr/libexec/abrt-hook-ccpp. Resolves: rhbz#1213409 - Allow pcp_pmie and pcp_pmlogger to read all domains state. Resolves: rhbz#1206525 - Label /etc/redis-sentinel.conf as redis_conf_t. Allow redis_t write to redis_conf_t. Allow redis_t to connect on redis tcp port. Resolves: rhbz#1275246 - cockpit has grown content in /var/run directory Resolves: rhbz#1279429 - Allow collectd setgid capability Resolves:#1310898 - Remove declaration of empty booleans in virt policy. Resolves: rhbz#1103153 - Fix typo in drbd policy - Add new drbd file type: drbd_var_run_t. Allow drbd_t to manage drbd_var_run_t files/dirs. Allow drbd_t create drbd_tmp_t files in /tmp. Resolves: rhbz#1134883 - Label /etc/ctdb/events.d/ * as ctdb_exec_t. Allow ctdbd_t to setattr on ctdbd_exec_t files. Resolves: rhbz#1293788 - Allow abrt-hook-ccpp to get attributes of all processes because of core_pattern. Resolves: rhbz#1254188 - Allow abrt_t to read sysctl_net_t files. Resolves: rhbz#1254188 - The ABRT coredump handler has code to emulate default core file creation The handler runs in a separate process with abrt_dump_oops_t SELinux process type. abrt-hook-ccpp also saves the core dump file in the very same way as kernel does and a user can specify CWD location for a coredump. abrt-hook-ccpp has been made as a SELinux aware apps to create this coredumps with correct labeling and with this commit the policy rules have been updated to allow access all non security files on a system. - Allow abrt-hook-ccpp to getattr on all executables. - Allow setuid/setgid capabilities for abrt-hook-ccpp. Resolves: rhbz#1254188 - abrt-hook-ccpp needs to have setfscreate access because it is SELinux aware and compute a target labeling. Resolves: rhbz#1254188 - Allow abrt-hook-ccpp to change SELinux user identity for created objects. Resolves: rhbz#1254188 - Dontaudit write access to inherited kdumpctl tmp files. Resolves: rbhz#1156442 - Add interface to allow reading files in efivarfs - contains Linux Kernel configuration options for UEFI systems (UEFI Runtime Variables) Resolves: rhbz#1291801 - Label 8952 tcp port as nsd_control. Resolves: rhbz#1293140 - Allow ipsec to use pam. Resolves: rhbz#1315700 - Allow to log out to gdm after screen was resized in session via vdagent. Resolves: rhbz#1249020 - Allow setrans daemon to read /proc/meminfo. Resolves: rhbz#1316804 - Allow systemd_networkd_t to write kmsg, when kernel was started with following params: systemd.debug systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=kmsg Resolves: rhbz#1298151 - Label tcp port 5355 as llmnr-> Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution Resolves: rhbz#1236579 - Add new selinux policy for systemd-resolved dawmon. Resolves: rhbz#1236579 - Add interface ssh_getattr_server_keys() interface. Resolves: rhbz#1306197 - Allow run sshd-keygen on second boot if first boot fails after some reason and content is not syncedon the disk. These changes are reflecting this commit in sshd. http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/openssh.git/commit/?id=af94f46861844cbd6ba4162115039bebcc8f78ba rhbz#1299106 Resolves: rhbz#1306197 - Allow systemd_notify_t to write to kmsg_device_t when \'systemd.log_target=kmsg\' option is used. Resolves: rhbz#1309417 - Remove bin_t label for /etc/ctdb/events.d/. We need to label this scripts as ctdb_exec_t. Resolves: rhbz#1293788
Thu Mar 17 13:00:00 2016 Petr Lautrbach - 3.13.1-66 - Prepare selinux-policy package for userspace release 2016-02-23. Resolves: rhbz#1305982
Tue Mar 8 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-65 - Allow sending dbus msgs between firewalld and system_cronjob domains. Resolves: rhbz#1284902 - Allow zabbix-agentd to connect to following tcp sockets. One of zabbix-agentd functions is get service status of ftp,http,innd,pop,smtp protocols. Resolves: rhbz#1242506 - Add new boolean tmpreaper_use_cifs() to allow tmpreaper to run on local directories being shared with Samba. Resolves: rhbz#1284972 - Add support for systemd-hwdb daemon. Resolves: rhbz#1257940 - Add interface fs_setattr_cifs_dirs(). Resolves: rhbz#1284972
Mon Feb 29 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-64 - Add new SELinux policy fo targetd daemon. Resolves: rhbz#1063714 - Add new SELinux policy fo ipmievd daemon. Resolves: rhbz#1083031 - Add new SELinux policy fo hsqldb daemon. Resolves: rhbz#1083171 - Add new SELinux policy for blkmapd daemon. Resolves: rhbz#1072997 - Allow p11-child to connect to apache ports. - Label /usr/sbin/lvmlockd binary file as lvm_exec_t. Resolves: rhbz#1278028 - Add interface \"lvm_manage_lock\" to lvm policy. Resolves: rhbz#1063714
Wed Jan 27 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-63 - Allow openvswitch domain capability sys_rawio. Resolves: rhbz#1278495
Tue Jan 26 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-62 - Allow openvswitch to manage hugetlfs files and dirs. Resolves: rhbz#1278495 - Add fs_manage_hugetlbfs_files() interface. Resolves: rhbz#1278495
Tue Jan 12 13:00:00 2016 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-61 - Allow smbcontrol domain to send sigchld to ctdbd domain. Resolves: #1293784 - Allow openvswitch read/write hugetlb filesystem. Resolves: #1278495
Wed Oct 14 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-60 Allow hypervvssd to list all mountpoints to have VSS live backup working correctly. Resolves:#1247880
Tue Oct 13 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-59 - Revert Add missing labeling for /usr/libexec/abrt-hook-ccpp patch Resolves: #1254188
Thu Oct 8 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-58 - Allow search dirs in sysfs types in kernel_read_security_state. Resolves: #1254188 - Fix kernel_read_security_state interface that source domain of this interface can search sysctl_fs_t dirs. Resolves: #1254188
Wed Oct 7 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-57 - Add missing labeling for /usr/libexec/abrt-hook-ccpp as a part of #1245477 and #1242467 bugs Resolves: #1254188 - We need allow connect to xserver for all sandbox_x domain because we have one type for all sandbox processes. Resolves:#1261938
Fri Oct 2 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-56 - Remove labeling for modules_dep_t file contexts to have labeled them as modules_object_t. - Update files_read_kernel_modules() to contain modutils_read_module_deps_files() calling because module deps labeling could remain and it allows to avoid regressions. Resolves:#1266928
Tue Sep 29 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-55 - We need to require sandbox_web_type attribute in sandbox_x_domain_template(). Resolves: #1261938 - ipsec: The NM helper needs to read the SAs Resolves: #1259786 - ipsec: Allow ipsec management to create ptys Resolves: #1259786
Tue Sep 29 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-54 - Add temporary fixes for sandbox related to #1103622. It allows to run everything under one sandbox type. Resolves:#1261938 - Allow abrt_t domain to write to kernel msg device. Resolves: #1257828 - Allow rpcbind_t domain to change file owner and group Resolves: #1265266
Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-53 - Allow smbcontrol to create a socket in /var/samba which uses for a communication with smbd, nmbd and winbind. Resolves: #1256459
Fri Sep 18 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-52 - Allow dirsrv-admin script to read passwd file. Allow dirsrv-admin script to read httpd pid files. Label dirsrv-admin unit file and allow dirsrv-admin domains to use it. Resolves: #1230300 - Allow qpid daemon to connect on amqp tcp port. Resolves: #1261805
Fri Sep 18 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-51 - Label /etc/ipa/nssdb dir as cert_t Resolves:#1262718 - Do not provide docker policy files which is shipped by docker-selinux.rpm Resolves:#1262812
Thu Sep 17 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-50 - Add labels for afs binaries: dafileserver, davolserver, salvageserver, dasalvager Resolves: #1192338 - Add lsmd_plugin_t sys_admin capability, Allow lsmd_plugin_t getattr from sysfs filesystem. Resolves: #1238079 - Allow rhsmcertd_t send signull to unconfined_service_t domains. Resolves: #1176078 - Remove file transition from snmp_manage_var_lib_dirs() interface which created snmp_var_lib_t dirs in var_lib_t. - Allow openhpid_t daemon to manage snmp files and dirs. Resolves: #1243902 - Allow mdadm_t domain read/write to general ptys and unallocated ttys. Resolves: #1073314 - Add interface unconfined_server_signull() to allow domains send signull to unconfined_service_t Resolves: #1176078
Fri Sep 11 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-49 - Allow systemd-udevd to access netlink_route_socket to change names for network interfaces without unconfined.pp module. It affects also MLS. Resolves:#1250456
Thu Sep 10 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-48 - Fix labeling for fence_scsi_check script Resolves: #1255020 - Allow openhpid to read system state Allow openhpid to connect to tcp http port. Resolves: #1244248 - Allow openhpid to read snmp var lib files. Resolves: #1243902 - Allow openvswitch_t domains read kernel dependencies due to openvswitch run modprobe - Allow unconfined_t domains to create /var/run/xtables.lock with iptables_var_run_t Resolves: #1243403 - Remove bin_t label for /usr/share/cluster/fence_scsi_check\\.pl Resolves: #1255020
Wed Sep 2 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-47 - Fix regexp in chronyd.fc file Resolves: #1243764 - Allow passenger to getattr filesystem xattr Resolves: #1196555 - Label mdadm.conf.anackbak as mdadm_conf_t file. Resolves: #1088904 - Revert \"Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t create mdadm.conf.anacbak file in /etc.\" - Allow watchdog execute fenced python script. Resolves: #1255020 - Added inferface watchdog_unconfined_exec_read_lnk_files() - Remove labeling for /var/db/. *\\.db as etc_t to label db files as system_db_t. Resolves: #1230877
Thu Aug 27 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-46 - Allow watchdog execute fenced python script. Resolves: #1255020 - Added inferface watchdog_unconfined_exec_read_lnk_files() - Label /var/run/chrony-helper dir as chronyd_var_run_t. Resolves: #1243764 - Allow dhcpc_t domain transition to chronyd_t Resolves: #1243764
Fri Aug 21 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-45 - Fix postfix_spool_maildrop_t,postfix_spool_flush_t contexts in postfix.fc file. Resolves: #1252442
Wed Aug 19 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-44 - Allow exec pidof under hypervkvp domain. Resolves: #1254870 - Allow hypervkvp daemon create connection to the system DBUS Resolves: #1254870
Wed Aug 19 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-43 - Allow openhpid_t to read system state. Resolves: #1244248 - Added labels for files provided by rh-nginx18 collection Resolves: #1249945 - Dontaudit block_suspend capability for ipa_helper_t, this is kernel bug. Allow ipa_helper_t capability net_admin. Allow ipa_helper_t to list /tmp. Allow ipa_helper_t to read rpm db. Resolves: #1252968 - Allow rhsmcertd exec rhsmcertd_var_run_t files and rhsmcerd_tmp_t files. This rules are in hide_broken_sympthons until we find better solution. Resolves: #1243431 - Allow abrt_dump_oops_t to read proc_security_t files. - Allow abrt_dump_oops to signull all domains Allow abrt_dump_oops to read all domains state Allow abrt_dump_oops to ptrace all domains - Add interface abrt_dump_oops_domtrans() - Add mountpoint dontaudit access check in rhsmcertd policy. Resolves: #1243431 - Allow samba_net_t to manage samba_var_t sock files. Resolves: #1252937 - Allow chrome setcap to itself. Resolves: #1251996 - Allow httpd daemon to manage httpd_var_lib_t lnk_files. Resolves: #1253706 - Allow chronyd exec systemctl Resolves: #1243764 - Add inteface chronyd_signal Allow timemaster_t send generic signals to chronyd_t. Resolves: #1243764 - Added interface fs_dontaudit_write_configfs_dirs - Add label for kernel module dep files in /usr/lib/modules Resolves:#916635 - Allow kernel_t domtrans to abrt_dump_oops_t - Added to files_dontaudit_write_all_mountpoints intefface new dontaudit rule, that domain included this interface dontaudit capability dac_override. - Allow systemd-networkd to send logs to systemd-journald. Resolves: #1236616
Wed Aug 12 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-42 - Fix label on /var/tmp/kiprop_0 Resolves:#1220763 - Allow lldpad_t to getattr tmpfs_t. Resolves: #1246220 - Label /dev/shm/lldpad. * as lldapd_tmpfs_t Resolves: #1246220 - Allow audisp client to read system state.
Tue Aug 11 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-41 - Allow pcp_domain to manage pcp_var_lib_t lnk_files. Resolves: #1252341 - Label /var/run/xtables. * as iptables_var_run_t Resolves: #1243403
Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-40 - Add interface to read/write watchdog device - Add labels for /dev/memory_bandwith and /dev/vhci. Thanks ssekidde Resolves:#1210237 - Allow apcupsd_t to read /sys/devices Resolves:#1189185 - Allow logrotate to reload services. Resolves: #1242453 - Allow openhpid use libwatchdog plugin. (Allow openhpid_t rw watchdog device) Resolves: #1244260 - Allow openhpid liboa_soap plugin to read generic certs. Resolves: #1244248 - Allow openhpid liboa_soap plugin to read resolv.conf file. Resolves: #1244248 - Label /usr/libexec/chrony-helper as chronyd_exec_t - Allow chronyd_t to read dhcpc state. - Allow chronyd to execute mkdir command.
Fri Aug 7 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-39 - Allow mdadm to access /dev/random and add support to create own files/dirs as mdadm_tmpfs_t. Resolves:#1073314 - Allow udev, lvm and fsadm to access systemd-cat in /var/tmp/dracut if \'dracut -fv\' is executed in MLS. - Allow admin SELinu users to communicate with kernel_t. It is needed to access /run/systemd/journal/stdout if \'dracut -vf\' is executed. We allow it for other SELinux users. - Allow sysadm to execute systemd-sysctl in the sysadm_t domain. It is needed for ifup command in MLS mode. - Add fstools_filetrans_named_content_fsadm() and call it for named_filetrans_domain domains. We need to be sure that /run/blkid is created with correct labeling. Resolves:#1183503 - Add support for /etc/sanlock which is writable by sanlock daemon. Resolves:#1231377 - Allow useradd add homedir located in /var/lib/kdcproxy in ipa-server RPM scriplet. Resolves:#1243775 - Allow snapperd to pass data (one way only) via pipe negotiated over dbus Resolves:#1250550 - Allow lsmd also setuid capability. Some commands need to executed under root privs. Other commands are executed under unprivileged user.
Wed Aug 5 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-38 - Allow openhpid to use libsnmp_bc plugin (allow read snmp lib files). Resolves: #1243902 - Allow lsm_plugin_t to read sysfs, read hwdata, rw to scsi_generic_device Resolves: #1238079 - Allow lsm_plugin_t to rw raw_fixed_disk. Resolves:#1238079 - Allow rhsmcertd to send signull to unconfined_service.
Mon Aug 3 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-37 - Allow httpd_suexec_t to read and write Apache stream sockets Resolves: #1243569 - Allow qpid to create lnk_files in qpid_var_lib_t Resolves: #1247279
Thu Jul 30 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-36 - Allow drbd to get attributes from filesystems. - Allow redis to read kernel parameters. Resolves: #1209518 - Allow virt_qemu_ga_t domtrans to passwd_t - Allow audisp_remote_t to start power unit files domain to allow halt system. Resolves: #1186780 - Allow audisp_remote_t to read/write user domain pty. Resolves: #1186780 - Label /usr/sbin/chpasswd as passwd_exec_t. - Allow sysadm to administrate ldap environment and allow to bind ldap port to allow to setup an LDAP server (389ds). Resolves:#1221121
Mon Jul 27 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-35 - gnome_dontaudit_search_config() needs to be a part of optinal_policy in pegasus.te - Allow pcp_pmcd daemon to read postfix config files. - Allow pcp_pmcd daemon to search postfix spool dirs. Resolves: #1213740 - Added Booleans: pcp_read_generic_logs. Resolves: #1213740 - Allow drbd to read configuration options used when loading modules. Resolves: #1134883 - Allow glusterd to manage nfsd and rpcd services. - Allow glusterd to communicate with cluster domains over stream socket. - glusterd call pcs utility which calls find for cib. * files and runs pstree under glusterd. Dontaudit access to security files and update gluster boolean to reflect these changes.
Mon Jul 20 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-34 - Allow glusterd to manage nfsd and rpcd services. - Allow networkmanager to communicate via dbus with systemd_hostanmed. Resolves: #1234954 - Allow stream connect logrotate to prosody. - Add prosody_stream_connect() interface. - httpd should be able to send signal/signull to httpd_suexec_t, instead of httpd_suexec_exec_t. - Allow prosody to create own tmp files/dirs. Resolves:#1212498
Wed Jul 15 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-33 - Allow networkmanager read rfcomm port. Resolves:#1212498 - Remove non exists label. - Fix *_admin intefaces where body is not consistent with header. - Label /usr/afs/ as afs_files_t, Allow afs_bosserver_t create afs_config_t and afs_dbdir_t dirs under afs_files_t, Allow afs_bosserver_t read kerberos config - Remove non exits nfsd_ro_t label. - Make all interfaces related to openshift_cache_t as deprecated. - Add rpm_var_run_t label to rpm_admin header - Add jabberd_lock_t label to jabberd_admin header. - Add samba_unconfined_script_exec_t to samba_admin header. - inn daemon should create innd_log_t objects in var_log_t instead of innd_var_run_t - Fix ctdb policy - Add samba_signull_winbind() - Add samba_signull_unconfined_net() - Allow ctdbd_t send signull to samba_unconfined_net_t. - Allow openshift_initrc_t to communicate with firewalld over dbus Resolves:#1221326
Tue Jul 14 14:00:00 2015 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-32 - Allow gluster to connect to all ports. It is required by random services executed by gluster. - Add interfaces winbind_signull(), samba_unconfined_net_signull(). - Dontaudit smbd_t block_suspend capability. This is kernel bug. - Allow ctdbd sending signull to process winbind, samba_unconfined_net, to checking if processes exists. - Add tmpreaper booleans to use nfs_t and samba_share_t. - Fix path from /usr/sbin/redis-server to /usr/bin/redis-server - Allow connect ypserv to portmap_port_t - Fix paths in inn policy, Allow innd read innd_log_t dirs, Allow innd execute innd_etc_t files - Add support for openstack-nova- * packages - Allow NetworkManager_t send signull to dnssec_trigger_t. - Allow glusterd to execute showmount in the showmount domain. - Label swift-container-reconciler binary as swift_t. - Allow dnssec_trigger_t relabelfrom dnssec_trigger_var_run_t files. - Add cobbler_var_lib_t to \"/var/lib/tftpboot/boot(/. *)?\" Resolves:#1213540 - Merge all nova_ * labels under one nova_t.
Wed Jul 8 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-31 - Add logging_syslogd_run_nagios_plugins boolean for rsyslog to allow transition to nagios unconfined plugins Resolves:#1233550 - Allow dnssec_trigger_t create dnssec_trigger_tmp_t files in /var/tmp/ - Add support for oddjob based helper in FreeIPA. - Add new boolean - httpd_run_ipa to allow httpd process to run IPA helper and dbus chat with oddjob. - Add nagios_domtrans_unconfined_plugins() interface. - Update mta_filetrans_named_content() interface to cover more db files. Resolves:#1167468 - Add back ftpd_use_passive_mode boolean with fixed description. - Allow pmcd daemon stream connect to mysqld. - Allow pcp domains to connect to own process using unix_stream_socket. Resolves:#1213709 - Allow abrt-upload-watch service to dbus chat with ABRT daemon and fsetid capability to allow run reporter-upload correctly. - Add new boolean - httpd_run_ipa to allow httpd process to run IPA helper and dbus chat with oddjob. - Add support for oddjob based helper in FreeIPA. - Allow dnssec_trigger_t create dnssec_trigger_tmp_t files in /var/tmp/
Thu Jul 2 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-30 - Allow iptables to read ctdbd lib files. Resolves:#1224879 - Add systemd_networkd_t to nsswitch domains. - Allow drbd_t write to fixed_disk_device. Reason: drbdmeta needs write to fixed_disk_device during initialization. Resolves:#1130675 - Allow NetworkManager write to sysfs. - Fix cron_system_cronjob_use_shares boolean to call fs interfaces which contain only entrypoint permission. - Add cron_system_cronjob_use_shares boolean to allow system cronjob to be executed from shares - NFS, CIFS, FUSE. It requires \"entrypoint\" permissios on nfs_t, cifs_t and fusefs_t SELinux types. - Allow NetworkManager write to sysfs. - Allow ctdb_t sending signull to smbd_t, for checking if smbd process exists. - Dontaudit apache to manage snmpd_var_lib_t files/dirs. - Add interface snmp_dontaudit_manage_snmp_var_lib_files(). - Dontaudit mozilla_plugin_t cap. sys_ptrace. - Rename xodbc-connect port to xodbc_connect - Allow ovsdb-server to connect on xodbc-connect and ovsdb tcp ports. - Allow iscsid write to fifo file kdumpctl_tmp_t. Appears when kdump generates the initramfs during the kernel boot. - Dontaudit chrome to read passwd file. - nrpe needs kill capability to make gluster moniterd nodes working. Resolves:#1235587
Wed Jun 17 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-29 - We allow can_exec() on ssh_keygen on gluster. But there is a transition defined by init_initrc_domain() because we need to allow execute unconfined services by glusterd. So ssh-keygen ends up with ssh_keygen_t and we need to allow to manage /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem. - Allow sshd to execute gnome-keyring if there is configured pam_gnome_keyring.so. - Allow gnome-keyring executed by passwd to access /run/user/UID/keyring to change a password. - Label gluster python hooks also as bin_t. - Allow glusterd to interact with gluster tools running in a user domain - Add glusterd_manage_lib_files() interface. - ntop reads /var/lib/ntop/macPrefix.db and it needs dac_override. It has setuid/setgid. - Allow samba_t net_admin capability to make CIFS mount working. - S30samba-start gluster hooks wants to search audit logs. Dontaudit it. Resolves:#1224879
Mon Jun 15 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-28 - Allow glusterd to send generic signals to systemd_passwd_agent processes. - Allow glusterd to access init scripts/units without defined policy - Allow glusterd to run init scripts. - Allow glusterd to execute /usr/sbin/xfs_dbin glusterd_t domain. Resolves:#1224879
Fri Jun 12 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-27 - Calling cron_system_entry() in pcp_domain_template needs to be a part of optional_policy block. - Allow samba-net to access /var/lib/ctdbd dirs/files. - Allow glusterd to send a signal to smbd. - Make ctdbd as home manager to access also FUSE. - Allow glusterd to use geo-replication gluster tool. - Allow glusterd to execute ssh-keygen. - Allow glusterd to interact with cluster services. - Allow glusterd to connect to the system DBUS for service (acquire_svc). - Label /dev/log correctly. Resolves:#1230932
Tue Jun 9 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-26 - Back port the latest F22 changes to RHEL7. It should fix most of RHEL7.2 bugs - Add cgdcbxd policy Resolves:#1072493 - Fix ftp_homedir boolean Resolve:#1097775 - Dontaudit ifconfig writing inhertited /var/log/pluto.log. - Allow cluster domain to dbus chat with systemd-logind. Resolves:#1145215 - Dontaudit write access to inherited kdumpctl tmp files Resolves:#1156442 - Allow isnsd_t to communicate with sssd Resolves:#1167702 - Allow rwho_t to communicate with sssd Resolves:#1167718 - Allow sblim_gatherd_t to communicate with sssd Resolves:#1167732 - Allow pkcs_slotd_t to communicate with sssd Resolves:#1167737 - Allow openvswitch_t to communicate with sssd Resolves:#1167816 - Allow mysqld_safe_t to communicate with sssd Resolves:#1167832 - Allow sshd_keygen_t to communicate with sssd Resolves:#1167840 - Add support for iprdbg logging files in /var/log. Resolves:#1174363 - Allow tmpreaper_t to manage ntp log content Resolves:#1176965 - Allow gssd_t to manage ssh keyring Resolves:#1184791 - Allow httpd_sys_script_t to send system log messages Resolves:#1185231 - Allow apcupsd_t to read /sys/devices Resolves:#1189185 - Allow dovecot_t sys_resource capability Resolves:#1191143 - Add support for mongod/mongos systemd unit files. Resolves:#1197038 - Add bacula fixes - Added label mysqld_etc_t for /etc/my.cnf.d/ dir. Resolves:#1203991
Thu May 14 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-25 - Label /usr/libexec/postgresql-ctl as postgresql_exec_t. - Add more restriction on entrypoint for unconfined domains. - Only allow semanage_t to be able to setenforce 0, no all domains that use selinux_semanage interface - Allow all domains to read /dev/urandom. It is needed by all apps/services linked to libgcrypt. There is no harm to allow it by default. - Update policy/mls for sockets related to access perm. Rules were contradictory. - Add nagios_run_pnp4nagios and nagios_run_sudo booleans to allow r un sudo from NRPE utils scripts and allow run nagios in conjunction w ith PNP4Nagios. Resolves:#1201054 - Don\'t use deprecated userdom_manage_tmpfs_role() interface calliing and use userdom_manage_tmp_role() instead. - Update virt_read_pid_files() interface to allow read also symlinks with virt_var_run_t type - Label /var/lib/tftpboot/aarch64(/. *)? and /var/lib/tftpboot/images2(/. *)? - Add support for iprdbg logging files in /var/log. - Add fixes to rhsmcertd_t - Allow puppetagent_t to transfer firewalld messages over dbus - Add support for /usr/libexec/mongodb-scl-helper RHSCL helper script. - Added label mysqld_etc_t for /etc/my.cnf.d/ dir. - Add support for mongod/mongos systemd unit files. - cloudinit and rhsmcertd need to communicate with dbus - Allow dovecot_t sys_resource capability
Tue Mar 31 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-24 - ALlow mongod execmem by default. - Update policy/mls for sockets. Rules were contradictory. Resolves:#1207133 - Allow a user to login with different security level via ssh.
Fri Jan 30 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-23 - Update seutil_manage_config() interface. Resolves:#1185962 - Allow pki-tomcat relabel pki_tomcat_etc_rw_t. - Turn on docker_transition_unconfined by default
Wed Jan 28 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-22 - Allow virtd to list all mountpoints. Resolves:#1180713
Wed Jan 28 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-21 - pkcsslotd_lock_t should be an alias for pkcs_slotd_lock_t. - Allow fowner capability for sssd because of selinux_child handling. - ALlow bind to read/write inherited ipsec pipes - Allow hypervkvp to read /dev/urandom and read addition states/config files. - Allow gluster rpm scripletto create glusterd socket with correct labeling. This is a workaround until we get fix in glusterd. - Add glusterd_filetrans_named_pid() interface - Allow radiusd to connect to radsec ports. - Allow setuid/setgid for selinux_child - Allow lsmd plugin to connect to tcp/5988 by default. - Allow lsmd plugin to connect to tcp/5989 by default. - Update ipsec_manage_pid() interface. Resolves:#1184978
Fri Jan 23 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-20 - Update ipsec_manage_pid() interface. Resolves:#1184978
Wed Jan 21 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-19 - Allow ntlm_auth running in winbind_helper_t to access /dev/urandom.
Wed Jan 21 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-18 - Add auditing support for ipsec. Resolves:#1182524 - Label /ostree/deploy/rhel-atomic-host/deploy directory as system_conf_t - Allow netutils chown capability to make tcpdump working with -w
Tue Jan 20 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-17 - Allow ipsec to execute _updown.netkey script to run unbound-control. - Allow neutron to read rpm DB. - Add additional fixes for hyperkvp * creates new ifcfg-{name} file * Runs hv_set_ifconfig.sh, which does the following * Copies ifcfg-{name} to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts - Allow svirt to read symbolic links in /sys/fs/cgroups labeled as tmpfs_t - Add labeling for pacemaker.log. - Allow radius to connect/bind radsec ports. - Allow pm-suspend running as virt_qemu_ga to read /var/log/pm-suspend.log - Allow virt_qemu_ga to dbus chat with rpm. - Update virt_read_content() interface to allow read also char devices. - Allow glance-registry to connect to keystone port. Resolves:#1181818
Mon Jan 12 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-16 - Allow sssd to send dbus all user domains. Resolves:#1172291 - Allow lsm plugin to read certificates. - Fix labeling for keystone CGI scripts. - Make snapperd back as unconfined domain.
Fri Jan 9 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-15 - Fix bugs in interfaces discovered by sepolicy. - Allow slapd to read /usr/share/cracklib/pw_dict.hwm. - Allow lsm plugins to connect to tcp/18700 by default. - Allow brltty mknod capability to allow create /var/run/brltty/vcsa. - Fix pcp_domain_template() interface. - Fix conman.te. - Allow mon_fsstatd to read /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc - Allow glance-scrubber to connect tcp/9191. - Add missing setuid capability for sblim-sfcbd. - Allow pegasus ioctl() on providers. - Add conman_can_network. - Allow chronyd to read chrony conf files located in /run/timemaster/. - Allow radius to bind on tcp/1813 port. - dontaudit block suspend access for openvpn_t - Allow conman to create files/dirs in /tmp. - Update xserver_rw_xdm_keys() interface to have \'setattr\'. Resolves:#1172291 - Allow sulogin to read /dev/urandom and /dev/random. - Update radius port definition to have also tcp/18121 - Label prandom as random_device_t. - Allow charon to manage files in /etc/strongimcv labeled as ipsec_conf_t.
Fri Dec 12 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-14 - Allow virt_qemu_ga_t to execute kmod. - Add missing files_dontaudit_list_security_dirs() for smbd_t in samba_export_all_ro boolean. - Add additionnal MLS attribute for oddjob_mkhomedir to create homedirs. Resolves:#1113725 - Enable OpenStack cinder policy - Add support for /usr/share/vdsm/daemonAdapter - Add support for /var/run/gluster
Tue Dec 2 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-13 - Remove old pkcsslotd.pp from minimum package - Allow rlogind to use also rlogin ports. - Add support for /usr/libexec/ntpdate-wrapper. Label it as ntpdate_exec_t. - Allow bacula to connect also to postgresql. - Label /usr/libexec/tomcat/server as tomcat_exec_t - Add support for /usr/sbin/ctdbd_wrapper - Add support for /usr/libexec/ppc64-diag/rtas_errd - Allow rpm_script_roles to access system_mail_t - Allow brltty to create /var/run/brltty - Allow lsmd plugin to access netlink_route_socket - Allow smbcontrol to read passwd - Add support for /usr/libexec/sssd/selinux_child and create sssd_selinux_manager_t domain for it Resolves:#1140106 - Allow osad to execute rhn_check - Allow load_policy to rw inherited sssd pipes because of selinux_child - Allow admin SELinux users mounting / as private within a new mount namespace as root in MLS - Add additional fixes for su_restricted_domain_template to make moving to sysadm_r and trying to su working correctly - Add additional booleans substitions
Tue Nov 25 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-12 - Add seutil_dontaudit_access_check_semanage_module_store() interface Resolves:#1140106 - Update to have all _systemctl() interface also init_reload_services(). - Dontaudit access check on SELinux module store for sssd. - Add labeling for /sbin/iw. - Allow named_filetrans_domain to create ibus directory with correct labeling.
Mon Nov 24 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-11 - Allow radius to bind tcp/1812 radius port. - Dontaudit list user_tmp files for system_mail_t. - Label virt-who as virtd_exec_t. - Allow rhsmcertd to send a null signal to virt-who running as virtd_t. - Add missing alias for _content_rw_t. Resolves:#1089177 - Allow spamd to access razor-agent.log. - Add fixes for sfcb from libvirt-cim TestOnly bug. - Allow NetworkManager stream connect on openvpn. - Make /usr/bin/vncserver running as unconfined_service_t. - getty_t should be ranged in MLS. Then also local_login_t runs as ranged domain. - Label /etc/docker/certs.d as cert_t.
Tue Nov 18 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-10 - Label /etc/strongimcv as ipsec_conf_file_t. - Add support for /usr/bin/start-puppet-ca helper script Resolves:#1160727 - Allow rpm scripts to enable/disable transient systemd units. Resolves:#1154613 - Make kpropdas nsswitch domain Resolves:#1153561 - Make all glance domain as nsswitch domains Resolves:#1113281 - Allow selinux_child running as sssd access check on /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active - Allow access checks on setfiles/load_policy/semanage_lock for selinux_child running as sssd_t Resolves:#1140106
Mon Nov 10 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-9 - Dontaudit access check on setfiles/load_policy for sssd_t. Resolves:#1140106 - Add kdump_rw_inherited_kdumpctl_tmp_pipes() Resolves:#1156442 - Make linuxptp services as unconfined. - Added new policy linuxptp. Resolves:#1149693 - Label keystone cgi files as keystone_cgi_script_exec_t. Resolves:#1138424 - Make tuned as unconfined domain
Thu Nov 6 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-8 - Allow guest to connect to libvirt using unix_stream_socket. - Allow all bus client domains to dbus chat with unconfined_service_t. - Allow inetd service without own policy to run in inetd_child_t which is unconfined domain. - Make opensm as nsswitch domain to make it working with sssd. - Allow brctl to read meminfo. - Allow winbind-helper to execute ntlm_auth in the caller domain. Resolves:#1160339 - Make plymouthd as nsswitch domain to make it working with sssd. Resolves:#1160196 - Make drbd as nsswitch domain to make it working with sssd. - Make conman as nsswitch domain to make ipmitool.exp runing as conman_t working. - Add support for /var/lib/sntp directory. - Add fixes to allow docker to create more content in tmpfs ,and donaudit reading /proc - Allow winbind to read usermodehelper - Allow telepathy domains to execute shells and bin_t - Allow gpgdomains to create netlink_kobject_uevent_sockets - Allow mongodb to bind to the mongo port and mongos to run as mongod_t - Allow abrt to read software raid state. - Allow nslcd to execute netstat. - Allow dovecot to create user\'s home directory when they log into IMAP. - Allow login domains to create kernel keyring with different level.
Mon Nov 3 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-7 - Allow modemmanger to connectto itself Resolves:#1120152 - Allow pki_tomcat to create link files in /var/lib/pki-ca. Resolves:#1121744 - varnishd needs to have fsetid capability Resolves:#1125165 - Allow snapperd to dbus chat with system cron jobs. Resolves:#1152447 - Allow dovecot to create user\'s home directory when they log into IMAP Resolves:#1152773 - Add labeling for /usr/sbin/haproxy-systemd-wrapper wrapper to make haproxy running haproxy_t. - ALlow listen and accept on tcp socket for init_t in MLS. Previously it was for xinetd_t. - Allow nslcd to execute netstat. - Add suppor for keepalived unconfined scripts and allow keepalived to read all domain state and kill capability. - Allow nslcd to read /dev/urandom.
Thu Oct 16 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-6 - Add back kill permisiion for system class Resolves:#1150011
Wed Oct 15 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-5 - Add back kill permisiion for service class Resolves:#1150011 - Make rhsmcertd_t also as dbus domain. - Allow named to create DNS_25 with correct labeling. - Add cloudform_dontaudit_write_cloud_log() - Call auth_use_nsswitch to apache to read/write cloud-init keys. - Allow cloud-init to dbus chat with certmonger. - Fix path to mon_statd_initrc_t script. - Allow all RHCS services to read system state. - Allow dnssec_trigger_t to execute unbound-control in own domain. - kernel_read_system_state needs to be called with type. Moved it to antivirus.if. - Added policy for mon_statd and mon_procd services. BZ (1077821) - Allow opensm_t to read/write /dev/infiniband/umad1. - Allow mongodb to manage own log files. - Allow neutron connections to system dbus. - Add support for /var/lib/swiftdirectory. - Allow nova-scheduler to read certs. - Allow openvpn to access /sys/fs/cgroup dir. - Allow openvpn to execute systemd-passwd-agent in systemd_passwd_agent_t to make openvpn working with systemd. - Fix samba_export_all_ro/samba_export_all_rw booleans to dontaudit search/read security files. - Add auth_use_nsswitch for portreserve to make it working with sssd. - automount policy is non-base module so it needs to be called in optional block. - ALlow sensord to getattr on sysfs. - Label /usr/share/corosync/corosync as cluster_exec_t. - Allow lmsd_plugin to read passwd file. BZ(1093733) - Allow read antivirus domain all kernel sysctls. - Allow mandb to getattr on file systems - Allow nova-console to connect to mem_cache port. - Make sosreport as unconfined domain. - Allow mondogdb to \'accept\' accesses on the tcp_socket port. - ALlow sanlock to send a signal to virtd_t.
Thu Oct 9 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-4 - Build also MLS policy Resolves:#1138424
Thu Oct 9 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-3 - Add back kill permisiion for system class - Allow iptables read fail2ban logs. - Fix radius labeled ports - Add userdom_manage_user_tmpfs_files interface - Allow libreswan to connect to VPN via NM-libreswan. - Label 4101 tcp port as brlp port - fix dev_getattr_generic_usb_dev interface - Allow all domains to read fonts - Make sure /run/systemd/generator and system is labeled correctly on creation. - Dontaudit aicuu to search home config dir. - Make keystone_cgi_script_t domain. Resolves:#1138424 - Fix bug in drbd policy, - Added support for cpuplug. - ALlow sanlock_t to read sysfs_t. - Added sendmail_domtrans_unconfined interface - Fix broken interfaces - radiusd wants to write own log files. - Label /usr/libexec/rhsmd as rhsmcertd_exec_t - Allow rhsmcertd send signull to setroubleshoot. - Allow rhsmcertd manage rpm db. - Added policy for blrtty. - Fix keepalived policy - Allow rhev-agentd dbus chat with systemd-logind. - Allow keepalived manage snmp var lib sock files. - Add support for /var/lib/graphite-web - Allow NetworkManager to create Bluetooth SDP sockets - It\'s going to do the the discovery for DUN service for modems with Bluez 5. - Allow swift to connect to all ephemeral ports by default. - Allow sssd to read selinux config to add SELinux user mapping. - Allow lsmd to search own plguins. - Allow abrt to read /dev/memto generate an unique machine_id and uses sosuploader\'s algorithm based off dmidecode[1] fields. - ALlow zebra for user/group look-ups. - Allow nova domains to getattr on all filesystems. - Allow collectd sys_ptrace and dac_override caps because of reading of /proc/%i/io for several processes. - Allow pppd to connect to /run/sstpc/sstpc-nm-sstp-service-28025 over unix stream socket. - Allow rhnsd_t to manage also rhnsd config symlinks. - ALlow user mail domains to create dead.letter. - Allow rabbitmq_t read rabbitmq_var_lib_t lnk files. - Allow pki-tomcat to change SELinux object identity. - Allow radious to connect to apache ports to do OCSP check - Allow git cgi scripts to create content in /tmp - Allow cockpit-session to do GSSAPI logins. - Allow sensord read in /proc - Additional access required by usbmuxd
Thu Sep 18 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-2 - Allow locate to look at files/directories without labels, and chr_file and blk_file on non dev file systems - Label /usr/lib/erlang/erts. */bin files as bin_t - Add files_dontaudit_access_check_home_dir() inteface. - Allow udev_t mounton udev_var_run_t dirs #(1128618) - Add systemd_networkd_var_run_t labeling for /var/run/systemd/netif and allow systemd-networkd to manage it. - Add init_dontaudit_read_state() interface. - Add label for ~/.local/share/fonts - Allow unconfined_r to access unconfined_service_t. - Allow init to read all config files - Add new interface to allow creation of file with lib_t type - Assign rabbitmq port. - Allow unconfined_service_t to dbus chat with all dbus domains - Add new interfaces to access users keys. - Allow domains to are allowed to mounton proc to mount on files as well as dirs - Fix labeling for HOME_DIR/tmp and HOME_DIR/.tmp directories. - Add a port definition for shellinaboxd - Label ~/tmp and ~/.tmp directories in user tmp dirs as user_tmp_t - Allow userdomains to stream connect to pcscd for smart cards - Allow programs to use pam to search through user_tmp_t dires (/tmp/.X11-unix) - Update to rawhide-contrib changes Resolves:#1123844
Thu Aug 21 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-1 - Rebase to 3.13.1 which we have in Fedora21 Resolves:#1128284
Fri Jun 13 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-156 - Back port fixes from Fedora. Mainly OpenStack and Docker fixes
Wed Jun 11 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-155 - Add policy-rhel-7.1-{base,contrib} patches
Mon May 5 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-154 - Add support for us_cli ports - Fix labeling for /var/run/user//gvfs - add support for tcp/9697 - Additional rules required by openstack, needs backport to F20 and RHEL7 - Additional access required by docker - ALlow motion to use tcp/8082 port - Allow init_t to setattr/relabelfrom dhcp state files - Dontaudit antivirus domains read access on all security files by default - Add missing alias for old amavis_etc_t type - Allow block_suspend cap for haproxy - Additional fixes for instack overcloud - Allow OpenStack to read mysqld_db links and connect to MySQL - Remove dup filename rules in gnome.te - Allow sys_chroot cap for httpd_t and setattr on httpd_log_t - Allow iscsid to handle own unit files - Add iscsi_systemctl() - Allow mongod to create also sock_files in /run with correct labeling - Allow httpd to send signull to apache script domains and don\'t audit leaks - Allow rabbitmq_beam to connect to httpd port - Allow aiccu stream connect to pcscd - Allow dmesg to read hwdata and memory dev - Allow all freeipmi domains to read/write ipmi devices - Allow sblim_sfcbd to use also pegasus-https port - Allow rabbitmq_epmd to manage rabbit_var_log_t files - Allow chronyd to read /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input - Allow docker to status any unit file and allow it to start generic unit files
Mon Apr 7 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-153 - Change hsperfdata_root to have as user_tmp_t Resolves:#1076523
Fri Apr 4 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-152 - Fix Multiple same specifications for /var/named/chroot/dev/zero - Add labels for /var/named/chroot_sdb/dev devices - Add support for strongimcv - Use kerberos_keytab_domains in auth_use_nsswitch - Update auth_use_nsswitch to make all these types as kerberos_keytab_domain to - Allow net_raw cap for neutron_t and send sigkill to dnsmasq - Fix ntp_filetrans_named_content for sntp-kod file - Add httpd_dbus_sssd boolean - Dontaudit exec insmod in boinc policy - Rename kerberos_keytab_domain to kerberos_keytab_domains - Add kerberos_keytab_domain() - Fix kerberos_keytab_template() - Make all domains which use kerberos as kerberos_keytab_domain Resolves:#1083670 - Allow kill capability to winbind_t
Wed Apr 2 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-151 - varnishd wants chown capability - update ntp_filetrans_named_content() interface - Add additional fixes for neutron_t. #1083335 - Dontaudit getattr on proc_kcore_t - Allow pki_tomcat_t to read ipa lib files - Allow named_filetrans_domain to create /var/cache/ibus with correct labelign - Allow init_t run /sbin/augenrules - Add dev_unmount_sysfs_fs and sysnet_manage_ifconfig_run interfaces - Allow unpriv SELinux user to use sandbox - Add default label for /tmp/hsperfdata_root
Tue Apr 1 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-149 - Add file subs also for /var/home
Mon Mar 31 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-149 - Allow xauth_t to read user_home_dir_t lnk_file - Add labeling for lightdm-data - Allow certmonger to manage ipa lib files - Add support for /var/lib/ipa - Allow pegasus to getattr virt_content - Added some new rules to pcp policy - Allow chrome_sandbox to execute config_home_t - Add support for ABRT FAF
Fri Mar 28 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-148 - Allow kdm to send signull to remote_login_t process - Add gear policy - Turn on gear_port_t - Allow cgit to read gitosis lib files by default - Allow vdagent to read xdm state - Allow NM and fcoeadm to talk together over unix_dgram_socket
Thu Mar 27 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-147 - Back port fixes for pegasus_openlmi_admin_t from rawhide Resolves:#1080973 - Add labels for ostree - Add SELinux awareness for NM - Label /usr/sbin/pwhistory_helper as updpwd_exec_t
Wed Mar 26 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-146 - add gnome_append_home_config() - Allow thumb to append GNOME config home files - Allow rasdaemon to rw /dev/cpu//msr - fix /var/log/pki file spec - make bacula_t as auth_nsswitch domain - Identify pki_tomcat_cert_t as a cert_type - Define speech-dispater_exec_t as an application executable - Add a new file context for /var/named/chroot/run directory - update storage_filetrans_all_named_dev for sg * devices - Allow auditctl_t to getattr on all removeable devices - Allow nsswitch_domains to stream connect to nmbd - Allow unprivusers to connect to memcached - label /var/lib/dirsrv/scripts-INSTANCE as bin_t
Mon Mar 24 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-145 - Allow also unpriv user to run vmtools - Allow secadm to read /dev/urandom and meminfo Resolves:#1079250 - Add booleans to allow docker processes to use nfs and samba - Add mdadm_tmpfs support - Dontaudit net_amdin for /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- running as pki_tomcat_t - Allow vmware-user-sui to use user ttys - Allow talk 2 users logged via console too - Allow ftp services to manage xferlog_t - Make all pcp domanis as unconfined for RHEL7.0 beucause of new policies - allow anaconda to dbus chat with systemd-localed
Fri Mar 21 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-144 - allow anaconda to dbus chat with systemd-localed - Add fixes for haproxy based on bperkinsAATTredhat.com - Allow cmirrord to make dmsetup working - Allow NM to execute arping - Allow users to send messages through talk - Add userdom_tmp_role for secadm_t
Thu Mar 20 13:00:00 2014 Lukas Vrabec 3.12.1-143 - Add additional fixes for rtas_errd - Fix transitions for tmp/tmpfs in rtas.te - Allow rtas_errd to readl all sysctls
Wed Mar 19 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-142 - Add support for /var/spool/rhsm/debug - Make virt_sandbox_use_audit as True by default - Allow svirt_sandbox_domains to ptrace themselves
Wed Mar 19 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-141 - Allow docker containers to manage /var/lib/docker content
Mon Mar 17 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-140 - Allow docker to read tmpfs_t symlinks - Allow sandbox svirt_lxc_net_t to talk to syslog and to sssd over stream sockets
Mon Mar 17 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-139 - Allow collectd to talk to libvirt - Allow chrome_sandbox to use leaked unix_stream_sockets - Dontaudit leaks of sockets into chrome_sandbox_t - If you create a cups directory in /var/cache then it should be labeled cups_rw_etc_t - Run vmtools as unconfined domains - Allow snort to manage its log files - Allow systemd_cronjob_t to be entered via bin_t - Allow procman to list doveconf_etc_t - allow keyring daemon to create content in tmpfs directories - Add proper labelling for icedtea-web - vpnc is creating content in networkmanager var run directory - Label sddm as xdm_exec_t to make KDE working again - Allow postgresql to read network state - Allow java running as pki_tomcat to read network sysctls - Fix cgroup.te to allow cgred to read cgconfig_etc_t - Allow beam.smp to use ephemeral ports - Allow winbind to use the nis to authenticate passwords
Fri Mar 14 13:00:00 2014 Lukas Vrabec 3.12.1-138 - Make rtas_errd_t as unconfined domain for F20.It needs additional fixes. It runs rpm at least. - Allow net_admin cap for fence_virtd running as fenced_t - Make abrt-java-connector working - Make cimtest script 03_defineVS.py of ComputerSystem group working - Fix git_system_enable_homedirs boolean - Allow munin mail plugins to read network systcl
Thu Mar 13 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-137 - Allow vmtools_helper_t to execute bin_t - Add support for /usr/share/joomla - /var/lib/containers should be labeled as openshift content for now - Allow docker domains to talk to the login programs, to allow a process to login into the container - Allow install_t do dbus chat with NM - Fix interface names in anaconda.if - Add install_t for anaconda. A new type is a part of anaconda policy - sshd to read network sysctls
Wed Mar 12 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-136 - Allow zabbix to send system log msgs - Allow init_t to stream connect to ipsec Resolves:#1060775
Tue Mar 11 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-135 - Add docker_connect_any boolean
Tue Mar 11 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-134 - Allow unpriv SELinux users to dbus chat with firewalld - Add lvm_write_metadata() - Label /etc/yum.reposd dir as system_conf_t. Should be safe because system_conf_t is base_ro_file_type - Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to write lvm metadata - Add hide_broken_symptoms for kdumpgui because of systemd bug - Make kdumpgui_t as unconfined domain Resolves:#1044299 - Allow docker to connect to tcp/5000
Mon Mar 10 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-133 - Allow numad to write scan_sleep_millisecs - Turn on entropyd_use_audio boolean by default - Allow cgred to read /etc/cgconfig.conf because it contains templates used together with rules from /etc/cgrules.conf. - Allow lscpu running as rhsmcertd_t to read /proc/sysinfo - Fix label on irclogs in the homedir - Allow kerberos_keytab_domain domains to manage keys until we get sssd fix - Allow postgresql to use ldap - Add missing syslog-conn port - Add support for /dev/vmcp and /dev/sclp Resolves:#1069310
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-132 - Modify xdm_write_home to allow create files/links in /root with xdm_home_ - Allow virt domains to read network state Resolves:#1072019
Thu Mar 6 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-131 - Added pcp rules - dontaudit openshift_cron_t searching random directories, should be back ported to RHEL6 - clean up ctdb.te - Allow ctdbd to connect own ports - Fix samba_export_all_rw booleanto cover also non security dirs - Allow swift to exec rpm in swift_t and allow to create tmp files/dirs - Allow neutron to create /run/netns with correct labeling - Allow certmonger to list home dirs
Wed Mar 5 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-130 - Change userdom_use_user_inherited_ttys to userdom_use_user_ttys for systemd-tty-ask - Add sysnet_filetrans_named_content_ifconfig() interface - Allow ctdbd to connect own ports - Fix samba_export_all_rw booleanto cover also non security dirs - Allow swift to exec rpm in swift_t and allow to create tmp files/dirs - Allow neutron to create /run/netns with correct labeling - Allow kerberos keytab domains to manage sssd/userdomain keys\" - Allow to run ip cmd in neutron_t domain
Mon Mar 3 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-129 - Allow block_suspend cap2 for systemd-logind and rw dri device - Add labeling for /usr/libexec/nm-libreswan-service - Allow locallogin to rw xdm key to make Virtual Terminal login providing smartcard pin working - Add xserver_rw_xdm_keys() - Allow rpm_script_t to dbus chat also with systemd-located - Fix ipa_stream_connect_otpd() - update lpd_manage_spool() interface - Allow krb5kdc to stream connect to ipa-otpd - Add ipa_stream_connect_otpd() interface - Allow vpnc to unlink NM pids - Add networkmanager_delete_pid_files() - Allow munin plugins to access unconfined plugins - update abrt_filetrans_named_content to cover /var/spool/debug - Label /var/spool/debug as abrt_var_cache_t - Allow rhsmcertd to connect to squid port - Make docker_transition_unconfined as optional boolean - Allow certmonger to list home dirs
Wed Feb 26 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-128 - Make snapperd as unconfined domain and add additional fixes for it - Remove nsplugin.pp module on upgrade
Tue Feb 25 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-127 - Add snapperd_home_t for HOME_DIR/.snapshots directory - Make sosreport as unconfined domain - Allow sosreport to execute grub2-probe - Allow NM to manage hostname config file - Allow systemd_timedated_t to dbus chat with rpm_script_t - Allow lsmd plugins to connect to http/ssh/http_cache ports by default - Add lsmd_plugin_connect_any boolean - Allow mozilla_plugin to attempt to set capabilities - Allow lsdm_plugins to use tcp_socket - Dontaudit mozilla plugin from getattr on /proc or /sys - Dontaudit use of the keyring by the services in a sandbox - Dontaudit attempts to sys_ptrace caused by running ps for mysqld_safe_t - Allow rabbitmq_beam to connect to jabber_interserver_port - Allow logwatch_mail_t to transition to qmail_inject and queueu - Added new rules to pcp policy - Allow vmtools_helper_t to change role to system_r - Allow NM to dbus chat with vmtools - Fix couchdb_manage_files() to allow manage couchdb conf files - Add support for /var/run/redis.sock - dontaudit gpg trying to use audit - Allow consolekit to create log directories and files - Fix vmtools policy to allow user roles to access vmtools_helper_t - Allow block_suspend cap2 for ipa-otpd - Allow pkcsslotd to read users state - Add ioctl to init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket - Add systemd_hostnamed_manage_config() interface - Remove transition for temp dirs created by init_t - gdm-simple-slave uses use setsockopt - sddm-greater is a xdm type program
Tue Feb 18 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-126 - Add lvm_read_metadata() - Allow auditadm to search /var/log/audit dir - Add lvm_read_metadata() interface - Allow confined users to run vmtools helpers - Fix userdom_common_user_template() - Generic systemd unit scripts do write check on / - Allow init_t to create init_tmp_t in /tmp.This is for temporary content created by generic unit files - Add additional fixes needed for init_t and setup script running in generic unit files - Allow general users to create packet_sockets - added connlcli port - Add init_manage_transient_unit() interface - Allow init_t (generic unit files) to manage rpc state date as we had it for initrc_t - Fix userdomain.te to require passwd class - devicekit_power sends out a signal to all processes on the message bus when power is going down - Dontaudit rendom domains listing /proc and hittping system_map_t - Dontauit leaks of var_t into ifconfig_t - Allow domains that transition to ssh_t to manipulate its keyring - Define oracleasm_t as a device node - Change to handle /root as a symbolic link for os-tree - Allow sysadm_t to create packet_socket, also move some rules to attributes - Add label for openvswitch port - Remove general transition for files/dirs created in /etc/mail which got etc_aliases_t label. - Allow postfix_local to read .forward in pcp lib files - Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read lvm metadata - Add additional fixes for pegasus_openlmi_storage_t - Allow bumblebee to manage debugfs - Make bumblebee as unconfined domain - Allow snmp to read etc_aliases_t - Allow lscpu running in pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read /dev/mem - Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read /proc/1/environ - Dontaudit read gconf files for cupsd_config_t - make vmtools as unconfined domain - Add vmtools_helper_t for helper scripts. Allow vmtools shutdonw a host and run ifconfig. - Allow collectd_t to use a mysql database - Allow ipa-otpd to perform DNS name resolution - Added new policy for keepalived - Allow openlmi-service provider to manage transitient units and allow stream connect to sssd - Add additional fixes new pscs-lite+polkit support - Add labeling for /run/krb5kdc - Change w3c_validator_tmp_t to httpd_w3c_validator_tmp_t in F20 - Allow pcscd to read users proc info - Dontaudit smbd_t sending out random signuls - Add boolean to allow openshift domains to use nfs - Allow w3c_validator to create content in /tmp - zabbix_agent uses nsswitch - Allow procmail and dovecot to work together to deliver mail - Allow spamd to execute files in homedir if boolean turned on - Allow openvswitch to listen on port 6634 - Add net_admin capability in collectd policy - Fixed snapperd policy - Fixed bugsfor pcp policy - Allow dbus_system_domains to be started by init - Fixed some interfaces - Add kerberos_keytab_domain attribute - Fix snapperd_conf_t def
Tue Feb 11 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-125 - Addopt corenet rules for unbound-anchor to rpm_script_t - Allow runuser to send send audit messages. - Allow postfix-local to search .forward in munin lib dirs - Allow udisks to connect to D-Bus - Allow spamd to connect to spamd port - Fix syntax error in snapper.te - Dontaudit osad to search gconf home files - Allow rhsmcertd to manage /etc/sysconf/rhn director - Fix pcp labeling to accept /usr/bin for all daemon binaries - Fix mcelog_read_log() interface - Allow iscsid to manage iscsi lib files - Allow snapper domtrans to lvm_t. Add support for /etc/snapper and allow snapperd to manage it. - Make tuned_t as unconfined domain for RHEL7.0 - Allow ABRT to read puppet certs - Add sys_time capability for virt-ga - Allow gemu-ga to domtrans to hwclock_t - Allow additional access for virt_qemu_ga_t processes to read system clock and send audit messages - Fix some AVCs in pcp policy - Add to bacula capability setgid and setuid and allow to bind to bacula ports - Changed label from rhnsd_rw_conf_t to rhnsd_conf_t - Add access rhnsd and osad to /etc/sysconfig/rhn - drbdadm executes drbdmeta - Fixes needed for docker - Allow epmd to manage /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_err file - Allow beam.smp connect to amqp port - Modify xdm_write_home to allow create also links as xdm_home_t if the boolean is on true - Allow init_t to manage pluto.ctl because of init_t instead of initrc_t - Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to manage all non security files on the system - Added labels for bacula ports - Fix label on /dev/vfio/vfio - Add kernel_mounton_messages() interface - init wants to manage lock files for iscsi
Mon Feb 3 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-124 - Added osad policy - Allow postfix to deliver to procmail - Allow bumblebee to seng kill signal to xserver - Allow vmtools to execute /usr/bin/lsb_release - Allow docker to write system net ctrls - Add support for rhnsd unit file - Add dbus_chat_session_bus() interface - Add dbus_stream_connect_session_bus() interface - Fix pcp.te - Fix logrotate_use_nfs boolean - Add lot of pcp fixes found in RHEL7 - fix labeling for pmie for pcp pkg - Change thumb_t to be allowed to chat/connect with session bus type - Allow call renice in mlocate - Add logrotate_use_nfs boolean - Allow setroubleshootd to read rpc sysctl
Fri Jan 31 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-123 - Turn on bacula, rhnsd policy - Add support for rhnsd unit file - Add dbus_chat_session_bus() interface - Add dbus_stream_connect_session_bus() interface - Fix logrotate_use_nfs boolean - Add lot of pcp fixes found in RHEL7 - fix labeling for pmie for pcp pkg - Change thumb_t to be allowed to chat/connect with session bus type - Allow call renice in mlocate - Add logrotate_use_nfs boolean - Allow setroubleshootd to read rpc sysctl - Fixes for *_admin interfaces - Add pegasus_openlmi_storage_var_run_t type def - Add support for /var/run/openlmi-storage - Allow tuned to create syslog.conf with correct labeling - Add httpd_dontaudit_search_dirs boolean - Add support for winbind.service - ALlow also fail2ban-client to read apache logs - Allow vmtools to getattr on all fs - Add support for dey_sapi port - Add logging_filetrans_named_conf() - Allow passwd_t to use ipc_lock, so that it can change the password in gnome-keyring
Tue Jan 28 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-122 - Update snapper policy - Allow domains to append rkhunter lib files - Allow snapperd to getattr on all fs - Allow xdm to create /var/gdm with correct labeling - Add label for snapper.log - Allow fail2ban-client to read apache log files - Allow thumb_t to execute dbus-daemon in thumb_t
Mon Jan 27 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-121 - Allow gdm to create /var/gdm with correct labeling - Allow domains to append rkhunterl lib files. #1057982 - Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t net_admin to communicate with journald - Add interface to getattr on an isid_type for any type of file - Update libs_filetrans_named_content() to have support for /usr/lib/debug directory - Allow initrc_t domtrans to authconfig if unconfined is enabled - Allow docker and mount on devpts chr_file - Allow docker to transition to unconfined_t if boolean set - init calling needs to be optional in domain.te - Allow uncofined domain types to handle transient unit files - Fix labeling for vfio devices - Allow net_admin capability and send system log msgs - Allow lldpad send dgram to NM - Add networkmanager_dgram_send() - rkhunter_var_lib_t is correct type - Back port pcp policy from rawhide - Allow openlmi-storage to read removable devices - Allow system cron jobs to manage rkhunter lib files - Add rkhunter_manage_lib_files() - Fix ftpd_use_fusefs boolean to allow manage also symlinks - Allow smbcontrob block_suspend cap2 - Allow slpd to read network and system state info - Allow NM domtrans to iscsid_t if iscsiadm is executed - Allow slapd to send a signal itself - Allow sslget running as pki_ra_t to contact port 8443, the secure port of the CA. - Fix plymouthd_create_log() interface - Add rkhunter policy with files type definition for /var/lib/rkhunter until it is fixed in rkhunter package - Add mozilla_plugin_exec_t for /usr/lib/firefox/plugin-container - Allow postfix and cyrus-imapd to work out of box - Allow fcoemon to talk with unpriv user domain using unix_stream_socket - Dontaudit domains that are calling into journald to net_admin - Add rules to allow vmtools to do what it does - snapperd is D-Bus service - Allow OpenLMI PowerManagement to call \'systemctl --force reboot\' - Add haproxy_connect_any boolean - Allow haproxy also to use http cache port by default Resolves:#1058248
Tue Jan 21 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-120 - Allow apache to write to the owncloud data directory in /var/www/html... - Allow consolekit to create log dir - Add support for icinga CGI scripts - Add support for icinga - Allow kdumpctl_t to create kdump lock file Resolves:#1055634 - Allow kdump to create lnk lock file - Allow nscd_t block_suspen capability - Allow unconfined domain types to manage own transient unit file - Allow systemd domains to handle transient init unit files - Add interfaces to handle transient
Mon Jan 20 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-119 - Add cron unconfined role support for uncofined SELinux user - Call corenet_udp_bind_all_ports() in milter.te - Allow fence_virtd to connect to zented port - Fix header for mirrormanager_admin() - Allow dkim-milter to bind udp ports - Allow milter domains to send signull itself - Allow block_suspend for yum running as mock_t - Allow beam.smp to manage couchdb files - Add couchdb_manage_files() - Add labeling for /var/log/php_errors.log - Allow bumblebee to stream connect to xserver - Allow bumblebee to send a signal to xserver - gnome-thumbnail to stream connect to bumblebee - Allow xkbcomp running as bumblebee_t to execute bin_t - Allow logrotate to read squid.conf - Additional rules to get docker and lxc to play well with SELinux - Allow bumbleed to connect to xserver port - Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read hwdata
Thu Jan 16 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-118 - Allow init_t to work on transitient and snapshot unit files - Add logging_manage_syslog_config() - Update sysnet_dns_name_resolve() to allow connect to dnssec por - Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read hwdata Resolves:#1031721 - Fix rhcs_rw_cluster_tmpfs() - Allow fenced_t to bind on zented udp port - Added policy for vmtools - Fix mirrormanager_read_lib_files() - Allow mirromanager scripts running as httpd_t to manage mirrormanager pid files - Allow ctdb to create sock files in /var/run/ctdb - Add sblim_filetrans_named_content() interface - Allow rpm scritplets to create /run/gather with correct labeling - Allow gnome keyring domains to create gnome config dirs - Dontaudit read/write to init stream socket for lsmd_plugin_t - Allow automount to read nfs link files - Allow lsm plugins to read/write lsmd stream socket - Allow certmonger to connect ldap port to make IPA CA certificate renewal working. - Add also labeling for /var/run/ctdb - Add missing labeling for /var/lib/ctdb - ALlow tuned to manage syslog.conf. Should be fixed in tuned. #1030446 - Dontaudit hypervkvp to search homedirs - Dontaudit hypervkvp to search admin homedirs - Allow hypervkvp to execute bin_t and ifconfig in the caller domain - Dontaudit xguest_t to read ABRT conf files - Add abrt_dontaudit_read_config() - Allow namespace-init to getattr on fs - Add thumb_role() also for xguest - Add filename transitions to create .spamassassin with correct labeling - Allow apache domain to read mirrormanager pid files - Allow domains to read/write shm and sem owned by mozilla_plugin_t - Allow alsactl to send a generic signal to kernel_t
Tue Jan 14 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-117 - Add back rpm_run() for unconfined user
Tue Jan 14 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-116 - Add missing files_create_var_lib_dirs() - Fix typo in ipsec.te - Allow passwd to create directory in /var/lib - Add filename trans also for event21 - Allow iptables command to read /dev/rand - Add sigkill capabilityfor ipsec_t - Add filename transitions for bcache devices - Add additional rules to create /var/log/cron by syslogd_t with correct labeling - Add give everyone full access to all key rings - Add default lvm_var_run_t label for /var/run/multipathd - Fix log labeling to have correct default label for them after logrotate - Labeled ~/.nv/GLCache as being gstreamer output - Allow nagios_system_plugin to read mrtg lib files - Add mrtg_read_lib_files() - Call rhcs_rw_cluster_tmpfs for dlm_controld - Make authconfing as named_filetrans domain - Allow virsh to connect to user process using stream socket - Allow rtas_errd to read rand/urand devices and add chown capability - Fix labeling from /var/run/net-snmpd to correct /var/run/net-snmp Resolves:#1051497 - Add also chown cap for abrt_upload_watch_t. It already has dac_override - Allow sosreport to manage rhsmcertd pid files - Add rhsmcertd_manage_pid_files() - Allow also setgid cap for rpc.gssd - Dontaudit access check for abrt on cert_t - Allow pegasus_openlmi_system providers to dbus chat with systemd-logind
Fri Jan 10 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-115 - Fix semanage import handling in spec file
Fri Jan 10 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-114 - Add default lvm_var_run_t label for /var/run/multipathd Resolves:#1051430 - Fix log labeling to have correct default label for them after logrotate - Add files_write_root_dirs - Add new openflow port label for 6653/tcp and 6633/tcp - Add xserver_manage_xkb_libs() - Label tcp/8891 as milter por - Allow gnome_manage_generic_cache_files also create cache_home_t files - Fix aide.log labeling - Fix log labeling to have correct default label for them after logrotate - Allow mysqld-safe write access on /root to make mysqld working - Allow sosreport domtrans to prelikn - Allow OpenvSwitch to connec to openflow ports - Allow NM send dgram to lldpad - Allow hyperv domains to execute shell - Allow lsmd plugins stream connect to lsmd/init - Allow sblim domains to create /run/gather with correct labeling - Allow httpd to read ldap certs - Allow cupsd to send dbus msgs to process with different MLS level - Allow bumblebee to stream connect to apmd - Allow bumblebee to run xkbcomp - Additional allow rules to get libvirt-lxc containers working with docker - Additional allow rules to get libvirt-lxc containers working with docker - Allow docker to getattr on itself - Additional rules needed for sandbox apps - Allow mozilla_plugin to set attributes on usb device if use_spice boolean enabled - httpd should be able to send signal/signull to httpd_suexec_t - Add more fixes for neturon. Domtrans to dnsmasq, iptables. Make neutron as filenamtrans domain.
Wed Jan 8 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-113 - Add neutron fixes
Mon Jan 6 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-112 - Allow sshd to write to all process levels in order to change passwd when running at a level - Allow updpwd_t to downgrade /etc/passwd file to s0, if it is not running with this range - Allow apcuspd_t to status and start the power unit file - Allow udev to manage kdump unit file - Added new interface modutils_dontaudit_exec_insmod - Allow cobbler to search dhcp_etc_t directory - systemd_systemctl needs sys_admin capability - Allow sytemd_tmpfiles_t to delete all directories - passwd to create gnome-keyring passwd socket - Add missing zabbix_var_lib_t type - Fix filename trans for zabbixsrv in zabbix.te - Allow fprintd_t to send syslog messages - Add zabbix_var_lib_t for /var/lib/zabbixsrv, also allow zabix to connect to smtp port - Allow mozilla plugin to chat with policykit, needed for spice - Allow gssprozy to change user and gid, as well as read user keyrings - Label upgrades directory under /var/www as httpd_sys_rw_content_t, add other filetrans rules to label content correctly - Allow polipo to connect to http_cache_ports - Allow cron jobs to manage apache var lib content - Allow yppassword to manage the passwd_file_t - Allow showall_t to send itself signals - Allow cobbler to restart dhcpc, dnsmasq and bind services - Allow certmonger to manage home cert files - Add userdom filename trans for user mail domains - Allow apcuspd_t to status and start the power unit file - Allow cgroupdrulesengd to create content in cgoups directories - Allow smbd_t to signull cluster - Allow gluster daemon to create fifo files in glusterd_brick_t and sock_file in glusterd_var_lib_t - Add label for /var/spool/cron.aquota.user - Allow sandbox_x domains to use work with the mozilla plugin semaphore - Added new policy for speech-dispatcher - Added dontaudit rule for insmod_exec_t in rasdaemon policy - Updated rasdaemon policy - Allow system_mail_t to transition to postfix_postdrop_t - Clean up mirrormanager policy - Allow virt_domains to read cert files, needs backport to RHEL7 - Allow sssd to read systemd_login_var_run_t - Allow irc_t to execute shell and bin-t files: - Add new access for mythtv - Allow rsync_t to manage all non auth files - allow modemmanger to read /dev/urand - Allow sandbox apps to attempt to set and get capabilties
Thu Dec 19 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-111 - Add labeling for /var/lib/servicelog/servicelog.db-journal - Add support for freeipmi port - Add sysadm_u_default_contexts - Make new type to texlive files in homedir - Allow subscription-manager running as sosreport_t to manage rhsmcertd - Additional fixes for docker.te - Remove ability to do mount/sys_admin by default in virt_sandbox domains - New rules required to run docker images within libivrt - Add label for ~/.cvsignore - Change mirrormanager to be run by cron - Add mirrormanager policy - Fixed bumblebee_admin() and mip6d_admin() - Add log support for sensord - Fix typo in docker.te - Allow amanda to do backups over UDP - Allow bumblebee to read /etc/group and clean up bumblebee.te - type transitions with a filename not allowed inside conditionals - Don\'t allow virt-sandbox tools to use netlink out of the box, needs back port to RHEL7 - Make new type to texlive files in homedir
Thu Dec 12 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-110 - Allow freeipmi_ipmidetectd_t to use freeipmi port - Update freeipmi_domain_template() - Allow journalctl running as ABRT to read /run/log/journal - Allow NM to read dispatcher.d directory - Update freeipmi policy - Type transitions with a filename not allowed inside conditionals - Allow tor to bind to hplip port - Make new type to texlive files in homedir - Allow zabbix_agent to transition to dmidecode - Add rules for docker - Allow sosreport to send signull to unconfined_t - Add virt_noatsecure and virt_rlimitinh interfaces - Fix labeling in thumb.fc to add support for /usr/lib64/tumbler-1/tumblerddd support for freeipmi port - Add sysadm_u_default_contexts - Add logging_read_syslog_pid() - Fix userdom_manage_home_texlive() interface - Make new type to texlive files in homedir - Add filename transitions for /run and /lock links - Allow virtd to inherit rlimit information Resolves:#975358
Tue Dec 10 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-109 - Change labeling for /usr/libexec/nm-dispatcher.action to NetworkManager_exec_t Resolves:#1039879 - Add labeling for /usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service - Allow hyperv_domain to read sysfs - Fix ldap_read_certs() interface to allow acess also link files - Add support for /usr/libexec/pegasus/cmpiLMI_Journald-cimprovagt - Allow tuned to run modprobe - Allow portreserve to search /var/lib/sss dir - Add SELinux support for the teamd package contains team network device control daemon. - Dontaudit access check on /proc for bumblebee - Bumblebee wants to load nvidia modules - Fix rpm_named_filetrans_log_files and wine.te - Add conman policy for rawhide - DRM master and input event devices are used by the TakeDevice API - Clean up bumblebee policy - Update pegasus_openlmi_storage_t policy - Add freeipmi_stream_connect() interface - Allow logwatch read madm.conf to support RAID setup - Add raid_read_conf_files() interface - Allow up2date running as rpm_t create up2date log file with rpm_log_t labeling - add rpm_named_filetrans_log_files() interface - Allow dkim-milter to create files/dirs in /tmp - update freeipmi policy - Add policy for freeipmi services - Added rdisc_admin and rdisc_systemctl interfaces - opensm policy clean up - openwsman policy clean up - ninfod policy clean up - Added new policy for ninfod - Added new policy for openwsman - Added rdisc_admin and rdisc_systemctl interfaces - Fix kernel_dontaudit_access_check_proc() - Add support for /dev/uhid - Allow sulogin to get the attributes of initctl and sys_admin cap - Add kernel_dontaudit_access_check_proc() - Fix dev_rw_ipmi_dev() - Fix new interface in devices.if - DRM master and input event devices are used by the TakeDevice API - add dev_rw_inherited_dri() and dev_rw_inherited_input_dev() - Added support for default conman port - Add interfaces for ipmi devices
Wed Dec 4 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-108 - Allow sosreport to send a signal to ABRT - Add proper aliases for pegasus_openlmi_service_exec_t and pegasus_openlmi_service_t - Label /usr/sbin/htcacheclean as httpd_exec_t Resolves:#1037529 - Added support for rdisc unit file - Add antivirus_db_t labeling for /var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs - Allow runuser running as logrotate connections to system DBUS - Label bcache devices as fixed_disk_device_t - Allow systemctl running in ipsec_mgmt_t to access /usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service - Label /usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service as ipsec_mgmt_unit_file_t
Mon Dec 2 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-107 - Add back setpgid/setsched for sosreport_t
Mon Dec 2 13:00:00 2013 Dan Walsh 3.12.1-106 - Added fix for clout_init to transition to rpm_script_t (dwalshAATTredhat.com)
Tue Nov 26 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-105 - Dontaudit openshift domains trying to use rawip_sockets, this is caused by a bad check in the kernel. - Allow git_system_t to read git_user_content if the git_system_enable_homedirs boolean is turned on - Add lsmd_plugin_t for lsm plugins - Allow dovecot-deliver to search mountpoints - Add labeling for /etc/mdadm.conf - Allow opelmi admin providers to dbus chat with init_t - Allow sblim domain to read /dev/urandom and /dev/random - Allow apmd to request the kernel load modules - Add glusterd_brick_t type - label mate-keyring-daemon with gkeyringd_exec_t - Add plymouthd_create_log() - Dontaudit leaks from openshift domains into mail domains, needs back port to RHEL6 - Allow sssd to request the kernel loads modules - Allow gpg_agent to use ssh-add - Allow gpg_agent to use ssh-add - Dontaudit access check on /root for myslqd_safe_t - Allow ctdb to getattr on al filesystems - Allow abrt to stream connect to syslog - Allow dnsmasq to list dnsmasq.d directory - Watchdog opens the raw socket - Allow watchdog to read network state info - Dontaudit access check on lvm lock dir - Allow sosreport to send signull to setroubleshootd - Add setroubleshoot_signull() interface - Fix ldap_read_certs() interface - Allow sosreport all signal perms - Allow sosreport to run systemctl - Allow sosreport to dbus chat with rpm - Add glusterd_brick_t files type - Allow zabbix_agentd to read all domain state - Clean up rtas.if - Allow smoltclient to execute ldconfig - Allow sosreport to request the kernel to load a module - Fix userdom_confined_admin_template() - Add back exec_content boolean for secadm, logadm, auditadm - Fix files_filetrans_system_db_named_files() interface - Allow sulogin to getattr on /proc/kcore - Add filename transition also for servicelog.db-journal - Add files_dontaudit_access_check_root() - Add lvm_dontaudit_access_check_lock() interface
Thu Nov 21 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-104 - Allow watchdog to read /etc/passwd - Allow browser plugins to connect to bumblebee - New policy for bumblebee and freqset - Add new policy for mip6d daemon - Add new policy for opensm daemon - Allow condor domains to read/write condor_master udp_socket - Allow openshift_cron_t to append to openshift log files, label /var/log/openshift - Add back file_pid_filetrans for /var/run/dlm_controld - Allow smbd_t to use inherited tmpfs content - Allow mcelog to use the /dev/cpu device - sosreport runs rpcinfo - sosreport runs subscription-manager - Allow staff_t to run frequency command - Allow systemd_tmpfiles to relabel log directories - Allow staff_t to read xserver_log file - Label hsperfdata_root as tmp_t
Wed Nov 20 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-103 - More sosreport fixes to make ABRT working
Fri Nov 15 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-102 - Fix files_dontaudit_unmount_all_mountpoints() - Add support for 2608-2609 tcp/udp ports - Should allow domains to lock the terminal device - More fixes for user config files to make crond_t running in userdomain - Add back disable/reload/enable permissions for system class - Fix manage_service_perms macro - We need to require passwd rootok - Fix zebra.fc - Fix dnsmasq_filetrans_named_content() interface - Allow all sandbox domains create content in svirt_home_t - Allow zebra domains also create zebra_tmp_t files in /tmp - Add support for new zebra services:isisd,babeld. Add systemd support for zebra services. - Fix labeling on neutron and remove transition to iconfig_t - abrt needs to read mcelog log file - Fix labeling on dnsmasq content - Fix labeling on /etc/dnsmasq.d - Allow glusterd to relabel own lib files - Allow sandbox domains to use pam_rootok, and dontaudit attempts to unmount file systems, this is caused by a bug in systemd - Allow ipc_lock for abrt to run journalctl
Thu Nov 14 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-101 - Fix config.tgz
Tue Nov 12 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-100 - Fix passenger_stream_connect interface - setroubleshoot_fixit wants to read network state - Allow procmail_t to connect to dovecot stream sockets - Allow cimprovagt service providers to read network states - Add labeling for /var/run/mariadb - pwauth uses lastlog() to update system\'s lastlog - Allow account provider to read login records - Add support for texlive2013 - More fixes for user config files to make crond_t running in userdomain - Add back disable/reload/enable permissions for system class - Fix manage_service_perms macro - Allow passwd_t to connect to gnome keyring to change password - Update mls config files to have cronjobs in the user domains - Remove access checks that systemd does not actually do
Fri Nov 8 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-99 - Add support for yubikey in homedir - Add support for upd/3052 port - Allow apcupsd to use PowerChute Network Shutdown - Allow lsmd to execute various lsmplugins - Add labeling also for /etc/watchdog\\.d where are watchdog scripts located too - Update gluster_export_all_rw boolean to allow relabel all base file types - Allow x86_energy_perf tool to modify the MSR - Fix /var/lib/dspam/data labeling
Wed Nov 6 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-98 - Add files_relabel_base_file_types() interface - Allow netlabel-config to read passwd - update gluster_export_all_rw boolean to allow relabel all base file types caused by lsetxattr() - Allow x86_energy_perf tool to modify the MSR - Fix /var/lib/dspam/data labeling - Allow pegasus to domtrans to mount_t - Add labeling for unconfined scripts in /usr/libexec/watchdog/scripts - Add support for unconfined watchdog scripts - Allow watchdog to manage own log files
Wed Nov 6 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-97 - Add label only for redhat.repo instead of /etc/yum.repos.d. But probably we will need to switch for the directory. - Label /etc/yum.repos.d as system_conf_t - Use sysnet_filetrans_named_content in udev.te instead of generic transition for net_conf_t - Allow dac_override for sysadm_screen_t - Allow init_t to read ipsec_conf_t as we had it for initrc_t. Needed by ipsec unit file. - Allow netlabel-config to read meminfo - Add interface to allow docker to mounton file_t - Add new interface to exec unlabeled files - Allow lvm to use docker semaphores - Setup transitons for .xsessions-errors.old - Change labels of files in /var/lib/ */.ssh to transition properly - Allow staff_t and user_t to look at logs using journalctl - pluto wants to manage own log file - Allow pluto running as ipsec_t to create pluto.log - Fix alias decl in corenetwork.te.in - Add support for fuse.glusterfs - Allow dmidecode to read/write /run/lock/subsys/rhsmcertd - Allow rhsmcertd to manage redhat.repo which is now labeled as system.conf. Allow rhsmcertd to manage all log files. - Additional access for docker - Added more rules to sblim policy - Fix kdumpgui_run_bootloader boolean - Allow dspam to connect to lmtp port - Included sfcbd service into sblim policy - rhsmcertd wants to manaage /etc/pki/consumer dir - Add kdumpgui_run_bootloader boolean - Add support for /var/cache/watchdog - Remove virt_domain attribute for virt_qemu_ga_unconfined_t - Fixes for handling libvirt containes - Dontaudit attempts by mysql_safe to write content into / - Dontaudit attempts by system_mail to modify network config - Allow dspam to bind to lmtp ports - Add new policy to allow staff_t and user_t to look at logs using journalctl - Allow apache cgi scripts to list sysfs - Dontaudit attempts to write/delete user_tmp_t files - Allow all antivirus domains to manage also own log dirs - Allow pegasus_openlmi_services_t to stream connect to sssd_t
Fri Nov 1 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-96 - Add missing permission checks for nscd
Wed Oct 30 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-95 - Fix alias decl in corenetwork.te.in - Add support for fuse.glusterfs - Add file transition rules for content created by f5link - Rename quantum_port information to neutron - Allow all antivirus domains to manage also own log dirs - Rename quantum_port information to neutron - Allow pegasus_openlmi_services_t to stream connect to sssd_t
Mon Oct 28 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-94 - Allow sysadm_t to read login information - Allow systemd_tmpfiles to setattr on var_log_t directories - Udpdate Makefile to include systemd_contexts - Add systemd_contexts - Add fs_exec_hugetlbfs_files() interface - Add daemons_enable_cluster_mode boolean - Fix rsync_filetrans_named_content() - Add rhcs_read_cluster_pid_files() interface - Update rhcs.if with additional interfaces from RHEL6 - Fix rhcs_domain_template() to not create run dirs with cluster_var_run_t - Allow glusterd_t to mounton glusterd_tmp_t - Allow glusterd to unmout al filesystems - Allow xenstored to read virt config - Add label for swift_server.lock and make add filetrans_named_content to make sure content gets created with the correct label - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to mmap hugepages as an executable
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-94 - Add back userdom_security_admin_template() interface and use it for sysadm_t if sysadm_secadm.pp
Tue Oct 22 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-93 - Allow sshd_t to read openshift content, needs backport to RHEL6.5 - Label /usr/lib64/sasl2/libsasldb.so.3.0.0 as textrel_shlib_t - Make sur kdump lock is created with correct label if kdumpctl is executed - gnome interface calls should always be made within an optional_block - Allow syslogd_t to connect to the syslog_tls port - Add labeling for /var/run/charon.ctl socket - Add kdump_filetrans_named_content() - Allo setpgid for fenced_t - Allow setpgid and r/w cluster tmpfs for fenced_t - gnome calls should always be within optional blocks - wicd.pid should be labeled as networkmanager_var_run_t - Allow sys_resource for lldpad
Thu Oct 17 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-92 - Add rtas policy
Thu Oct 17 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-91 - Allow mailserver_domains to manage and transition to mailman data - Dontaudit attempts by mozilla plugin to relabel content, caused by using mv and cp commands - Allow mailserver_domains to manage and transition to mailman data - Allow svirt_domains to read sysctl_net_t - Allow thumb_t to use tmpfs inherited from the user - Allow mozilla_plugin to bind to the vnc port if running with spice - Add new attribute to discover confined_admins and assign confined admin to it - Fix zabbix to handle attributes in interfaces - Fix zabbix to read system states for all zabbix domains - Fix piranha_domain_template() - Allow ctdbd to create udp_socket. Allow ndmbd to access ctdbd var files. - Allow lldpad sys_rouserce cap due to #986870 - Allow dovecot-auth to read nologin - Allow openlmi-networking to read /proc/net/dev - Allow smsd_t to execute scripts created on the fly labeled as smsd_spool_t - Add zabbix_domain attribute for zabbix domains to treat them together - Add labels for zabbix-poxy- * (#1018221) - Update openlmi-storage policy to reflect #1015067 - Back port piranha tmpfs fixes from RHEL6 - Update httpd_can_sendmail boolean to allow read/write postfix spool maildrop - Add postfix_rw_spool_maildrop_files interface - Call new userdom_admin_user_templat() also for sysadm_secadm.pp - Fix typo in userdom_admin_user_template() - Allow SELinux users to create coolkeypk11sE-Gate in /var/cache/coolkey - Add new attribute to discover confined_admins - Fix labeling for /etc/strongswan/ipsec.d - systemd_logind seems to pass fd to anyone who dbus communicates with it - Dontaudit leaked write descriptor to dmesg
Mon Oct 14 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Grepl 3.12.1-90 | |