Changelog for regripper-plugins-20130429-1.fc18.noarch.rpm :
Mon Apr 29 14:00:00 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 20130429-1
* Release 20130429-1 Includes the following changes 20130429 created winlogon_tln.pl, applets_tln.pl added alertMsg() func. to: brisv.pl, inprocserver.pl, inprocserver_u.pl, iejava.pl, spp_clients.pl retired scanwithav.pl (func. included in attachmgr.pl) retired taskman.pl (func. included in winlogon.pl) retired vista_wireless.pl (func. in networklist.pl) 20130425 RegRipper and rip updated to v2.8; added alertMsg() capability retired userinit.pl (functionality included in winlogon.pl) created new plugins srun_tln.pl, urun_tln.pl,cmdproc_tln.pl -cmd_shell_tln.pl,muicache_tln.pl added alertMsg() functionality to rip.pl, rr.pl, and plugins appcompatcache.pl, appcompatcache_tln.pl appinitdlls.pl soft_run.pl, user_run.pl imagefile.pl winlogon.pl, winlogon_u.pl muicache.pl (look for values with \"Ttemp\" paths) attachmgr.pl (look for values per KB 883260) virut.pl cmdproc.pl, cmd_shell.pl 20130411 retired specaccts.pl & notify.pl; incorporated functionality into winlogon.pl 20130410 retired taskman.pl; merged into winlogon.pl updated winlogon.pl (Wow6432Node support, etc.) updated winlogon_u.pl (Wow6432Node support) updated shellexec.pl, imagefile.pl, installedcomp.pl (Wow6432Node support) 20130409 added drivers32.pl (C. Harrell) to the archive 20130408 updated bho.pl to support Wow6432Node 20130405 updated cmd_shell.pl to include Clients subkey in the Software hive created cmd_shell_u.pl fixed issue with rip.exe syntax info containing \'rr\' fixed banner in findexes.pl + NOTE RegRipperPluginsPackage (RRPP) counts 285 plugins
Thu Apr 4 14:00:00 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 20130404-1
* Release 20130404 + NOTE: these are the packager\'s comments on what is new in this release, not the authors.
+ NEW PLUGIN attachmgr.pl The Windows Attachment Manager manages how attachments are handled, and settings are on a per-user basis. Malware has been shown to access these settings and make modifications. + NEW PLUGIN javasoft.pl Gets contents of JavaSoft/UseJava2IExplorer value + NEW PLUGIN lsa_packages.pl Lists various *Packages key contents beneath LSA key + NEW PLUGIN olsearch.pl Gets contents of user\'s OutLook Searches + NEW PLUGIN outlook2.pl Gets MAPI (Outlook) settings *BETA * + NEW PLUGIN photos.pl Read data on images opened via Win8 Photos app + NEW PLUGIN scanwithav.pl Checks ScanWithAV value in Software hive, per KB 883260 + NEW PLUGIN uac.pl Get User Account Control (UAC) Values from HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System
+ UPDATE appinitdlls.pl updated to address 64-bit systems + UPDATE ares.pl updated based on data provided by J. Weg + UPDATE ie_settings.pl added \"AutoConfigURL\" value info + UPDATE inprocserver.pl fixed retrieving LW time from correct key + UPDATE landesk.pl added Wow6432Node path + UPDATE sevenzip.pl minor updates added + UPDATE soft_run.pl updated to include Policies keys; added additional keys + UPDATE ssh_host_keys.pl Added rptMsg for key not found errors by Corey Harrell + UPDATE termserv.pl updated with autostart locations + UPDATE user_run.pl added additional keys; updated to include Policies keys; updated to include additional keys; updated to include 64-bit, additional keys/values + UPDATE winlogon_u updated with ThreatExpert info + UPDATE winscp_sessions.pl Added rptMsg for key not found errors by Corey Harrell
+ NOTE RegRipperPluginsPackage (RRPP) now counts 236 plugins
Mon Feb 18 13:00:00 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 20130218-1
* Release 20130218 + NEW PLUGIN by Corey Harrell: \"uac.pl\" that gets UAC configuration values (SOFTWARE) + UPDATE by Harlan Carvey to \"comdlg32.pl\", many updates (NTUSER) + NOTE profile software-all was updated + NOTE profiles \'-all\' DO NOT contain plugins TLN versions: you must create your own profiles or use them directly + NOTE RegRipperPluginsPackage (RRPP) counts 236 plugins
Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120926-1
* Release 20120926 Installed 20120926 version of the plugins. Here are the changes: + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"appcertdlls.pl\" that gets entries from AppCertDlls key (SYSTEM) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"appcompatcache.pl\" that parses files from the Shim Cache (SYSTEM) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"appcompatcache_tln.pl\" that parses files from the Shim Cache, TLN output (SYSTEM) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"applets_tln.pl\" that gets the content of Applets key, TLN output (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"appspecific.pl\" that gets contents of user\'s Intellipoint\\AppSpecific subkeys (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"ares.pl\" that gets contents of user\'s Software\\Ares key (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Corey Harrell: \"backuprestore.pl\" that gets FilesNotToSnapshot, KeysNotToRestore, FilesNotToBackup (SYSTEM) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"compatassist.pl\" that checks user\'s Compatibility Assistant\\Persisted values (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"direct.pl\" that searches Direct keys for MostRecentApplication subkeys (SOFTWARE) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"direct_tln.pl\" that searches Direct keys for MostRecentApplication subkeys, TLN output (SOFTWARE) + NEW PLUGIN by Corey Harrell: \"disablesr.pl\" that gets the on/off value for System Restore (SOFTWARE) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"installer.pl\" that determines products install information (SOFTWARE) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"javafx.pl\" that gets contents of user\'s JavaFX key (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"legacy_tln.pl\" that lists LEGACY entries in Enum\\Root key, TLN output (SYSTEM) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"networklist_tln.pl\" that collects network info from NetworkList key, TLN output (SOFTWARE) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"osversion.pl\" that checks for OSVersion value, malware related (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Corey Harrell: \"prefetch.pl\" that gets the Prefetch Parameters (SYSTEM) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"runmru_tln.pl\" that gets contents of user\'s RunMRU key, TLN output (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"shellbags.pl\" that gets contents of users\'s Shell/BagMRU keys, Windows7 (USRCLASS) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"sysinternals.pl\" that checks for SysInternals apps keys (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"sysinternals_tln.pl\" that checks for SysInternals apps keys, TLN output (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"tracing.pl\" that gets list of apps that can be traced (SOFTWARE) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"tracing_tln.pl\" that gets list of apps that can be traced, TLN output (SOFTWARE) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"trustrecords.pl\" that gets user\'s Office 2010 TrustRecords values (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"trustrecords_tln.pl\" that gets user\'s Office 2010 TrustRecords values, TLN output (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"tsclient_tln.pl\" that gets contents of user\'s Terminal Server Client key, TLN output (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"typedpaths_tln.pl\" that gets contents of user\'s typedpaths key, TLN output (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"userassist_tln.pl\" that displays contents of UserAssist subkeys, TLN output (NTUSER) + NEW PLUGIN by Mari DeGrazia: \"winbackup.pl\" that gets Windows Backup settings (SOFTWARE) + NEW PLUGIN by Harlan Carvey: \"wpdbusenum.pl\" that gets WpdBusEnumRoot subkey info (SYSTEM)
+ UPDATE by Harlan Carvey to \"legacy.pl\", added analysis tip (SYSTEM) + UPDATE by Harlan Carvey to \"muicache.pl\", the plugin works both on NTUSER and/or USRCLASS hives (NTUSER,USRCLASS) + UPDATE by Harlan Carvey to \"networklist.pl\", added NameType value reporting (SOFTWARE) + UPDATE by Harlan Carvey to \"soft_run.pl\", added support to newer OS and 64 bits (SOFTWARE) + UPDATE by Harlan Carvey to \"tsclient.pl\", added parsing of Servers key (NTUSER) + UPDATE by Harlan Carvey to \"userassist.pl\" (NTUSER)
+ REMOVED TEMPORARILY plugin \"typedurlstime.pl\", postponed on next packages + REMOVED TEMPORARILY plugin \"typedurlstime_tln.pl\", postponed on next packages
+ REMOVED plugin \"bagtest.pl\", deprecated + REMOVED plugin \"bagtest2.pl\", deprecated + REMOVED plugin \"crashcontrol.pl\", too similar to \"crashdump.pl\" + REMOVED plugin \"filesnottosnapshot.pl\", superseded by \"backuprestore.pl\" + REMOVED plugin \"pstools.pl\", superseded by the more general \"sysinternals.pl\" plugin + REMOVED plugin \"userassist2.pl\", deprecated since \"userassist.pl\" was updated + REMOVED plugin \"vista_comdlg32.pl\", deprecated since \"comdlg32.pl\" was updated + REMOVED plugin \"win7_ua.pl\", Windows7-RC and Vigenerè encryption are obsolete
+ NOTE added profile \"usrclass-all\" for USRCLASS.DAT hive q + NOTE profiles all-all, ntuser-all, sam-all, security-all, software-all, system-all, usrclass-all were updated + NOTE profiles \'-all\' DO NOT contain plugins TLN versions: you must create your own profiles or use them directly + NOTE source code repository was switched to GIT and it was aligned to the current release + NOTE RegRipperPluginsPackage (RRPP) now counts 236 plugins
Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120812-2
* Release 20120812-2 Moved the plugin directory from plugins/regripperplugins_20130429 to plugins.
Sun Aug 12 14:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120812-1
* Release 20120812-1 Now uses regripper plugins 20120812. RegRipperPlugins now counts 215 plugins
Changes from the previous version: + NEW PLUGIN by Hal Pomeranz: \"ssh_host_keys.pl\" that extracts stored Putty and WinSCP host keys from NTUSER hive + NEW PLUGIN by Hal Pomeranz: \"winscp_sessions.pl\" that extracts WinSCP saved session data from NTUSER hive (with password decoding) + NOTE profiles all-all, ntuser-all, sam-all, security-all, software-all and system-all were updated + NOTE source code repository was aligned to current release + NEW PLUGIN by John Lukach: \"pstools.pl\" that displays the content for PsTools EULA Agreements + NEW PLUGIN by K. Johnson (with Harlan Carvey updates): \"filehistory.pl\" that parses NTUSER FileHistory Registry keys from Windows 8 + NEW PLUGIN by Elizabeth Schweinsberg: \"user_runplus.pl\" that gets contents of the Run, RunOnce, and RunServices keys from NTUSER hive + NEW PLUGIN by Elizabeth Schweinsberg: \"soft_runplus.pl\" that gets contents of the Run, RunOnce, and RunServices keys from SOFTWARE hive + NEW PLUGIN by Elizabeth Schweinsberg: \"svc_plus.pl\" that gets services, displaied in short format, from SYSTEM hive
Tue Jun 12 14:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120612-1
* Release 20120612-1 Now uses regripper plugins 20120528 + NEW PLUGIN by Jason Hale: \"typedurlstime.pl\" that parses and correlates the TypedURLs and TypedURLsTime subkeys + NEW PLUGIN by Jason Hale: \"typedurlstime_tln.pl\" that parses and correlates the TypedURLs and TypedURLsTime subkeys (output in TLN format)
Mon May 28 14:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120528-2
* Release 20120528-2 Removes old plugins before installing the lastest ones.
Mon May 28 14:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120528-1
* Release 20120528-1 Now uses regripper plugins 20120528 + NEW PLUGIN by Francesco Picasso: “internet_explorer_cu.pl” that parses the Internet Explorer info from NTUSER.DAT registry + NEW PLUGIN by Francesco Picasso: “internet_settings_cu.pl” that parses the Internet Settings info from NTUSER.DAT registry + REMOVED plugin “ie_main.pl“, since superseded by “internet_explorer_cu.pl” + REMOVED plugin “iexplore.pl“, since superseded by “internet_explorer_cu.pl” + FIXED plugin “timezone.pl“, see Issue14 and see source code comments + FIXED plugin “userassist2.pl“, now it parses Windows7 entries, see source code comments + ADDED profiles with every plugin listed in alphabetical order: all-all (3), ntuser-all (98), sam-all (1), security-all (3), software-all (56), system-all (46) + NOTE RegRipperPlugins now counts 207 plugins + KNOWN ISSUES: comdlg32 does not parse Vista/7 subkeys (Issue 15)
Fri Feb 24 13:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120224-1
* Release 20120224-1 Now uses regripper plugins 20120224 + NEW PLUGIN by Adrian Leong: \"ccleaner.pl\" (gets CCleaner User\'s Settings from NTUSER.DAT)
Fri Feb 10 13:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120210-1
* Release 20120210-1 Now uses regripper plugins 20120210 + NEW PLUGIN by Brad Reninger: \"EMDMgt.pl\" (Parses the EMDMgt registry key located in the SOFTWARE Hive. This registry key identifies the volume serial number of USB devices.)
Sat Jan 7 13:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 20120206-1
* Release 20120206-1 Now uses regripper plugins 201200206 + NEW PLUGIN by Corey Harrell: spp_clients.pl that lists volumes currently monitored by the Volume Shadow Copy Service + NEW PLUGIN by Corey Harrell: filesnottosnapshot.pl that extracts from SYSTEM registry files and folders not backed up in Volume Shadow Copies
Tue Dec 6 13:00:00 2011 Lawrence R. Rogers 20111118-1
* Release 20111118-1 Now uses regripper plugins 20111118 * CHANGED winlivemsn.pl, now it\'s able to parse \'SoundEvents\' keys too * BUGFIX winlivemail.pl (wrong cut&paste file in previous archive) ------------------------------------------------------ From 17 november 2011 release: + NEW PLUGIN winlivemail.pl (Windows Live Mail parser) + NEW PLUGIN winlivemsn.pl (Windows Live Messenger parser) * CHANGED networkcards.pl to include printout of \'ServiceName\' to correlate info coming from otherplugins - REMOVED wlm_cu.pl plugin, since it\'s substituted by winlinemsn.pl - REMOVED TODO.txt, unuseful (let\'s use the RegRipperPlugins Google Code site)
Thu Oct 20 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence R. Rogers 20111014-1
* Release 20111014-1 Now uses regripper plugins 20111014 + Added (NEW PLUGIN) Corey Harrell \"userinfo.pl\" (Microsoft Office) + Added references to officedocs2010.pl (provided by Cameron Howell). - Removed the use of \"DateTime::Format::WindowsFileTime\" from officedocs2010.pl (ref: Issue 1). * PURGED OLD/REDUNDANT PLUGINS (ref: Issue 12): the process of plugins eliminating and renaming was based to the fact that the new plugins generated the same output of the old one (eventually with enhancement). *PLEASE UPDATE YOUR PLUGIN LIST FILES * (otherwise you will get error when trying to use the renamed/delete plugins). As following: - Eliminated old \"comdlg32.pl\" and renamed the plugin \"comdlg32a.pl\" to \"comdlg32.pl\". Updated version number to be able to compare and track down changes. - Eliminated old \"mountdev.pl\" and renamed the plugin \"mountdev2.pl\" to \"mountdev.pl\". Updated version number to be able to compare and track down changes: current version is 20110901. - Eliminated \"port_dev.pl\": the current plugin is \"removedev.pl\", as renamed by its author H.Carvey. - Eliminated old \"timezone.pl\" and renamed the plugin \"timezone2.pl\" to \"timezone.pl\". Updated version number to be able to compare and track down changes: current version is 20110901. - Eliminated old \"samparse.pl\" and renamed this plugin \"sameparse2.pl\" to \"samparse.pl\". Updated version number to be able to compare and track down changes: current version is 20110901
Tue Aug 30 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence R. Rogers 20110830-1
* Release 20110830-1 Added banner (rptMsg) to all plugins Restored identation of some \"flat\" plugins Restored a common template for the plugins\' descriptions Purged \"yahoo.pl\" plugin
Tue Aug 2 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence R. Rogers 20110518-2
* Release 20110518-2 Now correctly finds the plugin directory.
Tue Aug 2 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence R. Rogers 20110518-1
* Release 20110518-1 This version uses the plugins as of 20110518