Changelog for
xplico-1.1.1-5.fc20.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Oct 24 14:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers
* Release 1.1.1-5
* The PHP configuration is now also in the start and stop code.
Fri Oct 21 14:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-4
* Release 1.1.1-4
* CentOS/RHEL 7 also uses systemctl.
Fri Oct 21 14:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-3
* Release 1.1.1-3
* CentOS/RHEL 7 have Python 3.3.
Sat Jul 9 14:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-2
* Release 1.1.1-2
* Recompiled for nDPI-1.8.
Mon Nov 9 13:00:00 2015 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-1
* Release 1.1.1-1
* Whatsapp OS and Phone number
* Added MGCP dissector
* IMAP bug fixed
* Updated for nDPI-1.7.0.
Tue Aug 18 14:00:00 2015 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-4
* Release 1.1.0-4
Recompiled for nDPI-1.7.0.
Mon Jun 29 14:00:00 2015 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-3
* Release 1.1.0-3
Recompiled for nDPI-1.6.
Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2014 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-2
* Release 1.1.0-2
Changes for CentOS/RHEL 7
Mon May 12 14:00:00 2014 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-1
* Release 1.1.0-1
xplico 1.1.0
* Performance improved
* nDPI updated
* IRC bug fixed
* HTTP bug fixed
* VoIP (SIP, RTP) bug fixed
* FTP bug fixed
* changed the FaceBook DB tables
* Null/Loopback dissector
* Cisco HDLC dissector
* and RossoAlice webmail decoding
* Yahoo messenger (web and mobile)
* Dig using file signatures (unknown flows)
Thu Apr 24 14:00:00 2014 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.0.1-5
* Release 1.0.1-5
For Fedora, there is now a systemd config file and the old /etc/init.d/xplico is now in /usr/sbin.
Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.0.1-4
* Release 1.0.1-4
Fix for Fedora 19 and 20 and CentOS/RHEL 6 for setsocketopt in system/dema/session_decoding.c
Fri Aug 2 14:00:00 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.0.1-3
* Release 1.0.1-3
Patch for Fedora 19
Tue Jul 17 14:00:00 2012 Lawrence Rogers 1.0.0-2
* Release 1.0.0-2
For beyond Fedora 16, now starts, stops, and queries the daemon status using systemctl.
Also, adjusts /etc/php.ini so that xplico starts and runs.
Fri Feb 10 13:00:00 2012 Lawrence Rogers 1.0.0-1
* Release 1.0.0-1
* SQLite dispatcher performance improved
* added the PPI dissector
* added the syslog dissector
* added \"Bogus IP length\" correction with checksum verification disabled
* new Facebook Chat dissector for the new Facebook chat protocol
* SIP dissector improved
* IMAP dissector improved and bugs fixed
* DNS dissector PIPI improved
* Yahoo Webmail bugs fixed
* Live/Hotmail WebMail Spanish version
* GeoMap improved
* PCap-over-IP
Sun Jan 15 13:00:00 2012 Lawrence Rogers 0.7.1-1
* Release 0.7.1-1
* RTP bug fixed
* dispatcher core functionality bug fixed
* mfile manipulator bug fixed
* XI bugs fixed
* added DB migration tool
Mon Nov 7 13:00:00 2011 Lawrence Rogers 0.7.0-1
* Release 0.7.0-1
* upgraded XI to Cakephp 1.3
* added the ICMPv6 dissector
* Ethernet dissector improved (necessary for ICMPv6)
* deadlock fixed
* fixed the communication bug from xplico and manipulators
* SDP dissector bug fixes
* SIP and TCP dissectors improved
* WebMail manipulator and all python3 scripts improved (ready to new webmail entry... see pol ;) )
* added pcap file name on CLI report screen
* capture modules log improved
* new GeoIP version: 1.4.8
* added IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Options
* Xplico and all Manipulators with dual stack (IPv4, IPv6)
* XI language localization
* DNS bugfix
* added the MDNS dissector
* added AOL WebMail
* added Yahoo! WebMail
* added Yahoo! Mail for Andorid Mobile
* added Gmail
Mon Jun 6 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.3-1
* Release 0.6.3-1
* xplico 32/64bit version
* new decoding manager (DeMa) version 0.3.1
* mfile manipulator (HTTP file transfare) bug fixes
* WebMail scripts improved
* HTTP dissector improved
* upgraded the XI javascript libraries
Tue May 3 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.2-1
* Revision 1: Upgrade to 0.6.2 doing the following:
l7-patterns for all flows/protocols not decoded by xplico
Xplico Interface (XI) improved
python3 porting of many script
realtime capture module improved
facebook chat realtime view
UTC/localtime bug fixes
l2tp dissector bug fixes
cli and lite dispatchers bug fixes
telnet dissector bug fixes
Tue Mar 1 13:00:00 2011 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-6
* Revision 6: The /etc/init.d/xplico script no longer specific the start and stop levels.
These should be done identical to and after httpd, so that xplico is
set to start after httpd.
Fri Dec 10 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-5
* Revision 5: Fixed init.d script so that it waits until httpd starts
Thu Dec 9 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-4
* Revision 4: Fixed init.d script so that it is started after httpd
Thu Dec 9 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-3
* Revision 3: Stops and restarts the server, if necessary, before adding any tables and PRAGMA values
Thu Dec 9 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-2
* Revision 2: Changed the postun script to add the msn_chats and paltalk_rooms tables to an existing database.
Also the foreign_keys PRAGMA was turned on and the auto_vacuum value displayed.`
Tue Dec 7 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-1
* Revision 1: Version 0.6.1 from
Mon Nov 29 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-10
- Revision 10: Improved (fixed?) /etc/init.d/xplico so that it waits longer for httpd to start.
Also added httpd as a service start dependency.
Fri Nov 19 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-9
- Revision 9:
Thu Nov 18 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-8
- Revision 8: Correctly removes pcl6 and videosnarf as pre-uninstall scripts so that the
/opt/xplico hierarchy can be completely removed if possible when xplico is removed.
Thu Nov 18 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-7
- Revision 7: Removed pcl6 and videosnarf and made those packages prerequisites. The needed
binaries are then copied into the /opt/xplico hierarchy using the post-install script.
Also, the correct syntax for creating the dabase is used.
Thu Nov 18 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-6
- Revision 6: Added pcl6 and videosnarf
Thu Nov 18 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-5
- Revision 5: Fixed permissions to match those of the Debian package
Also preserves any existing database by creating the database in the post-install script,
as needed.
Thu Nov 18 13:00:00 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-4
- Revision 4: Gave execute permissions to everything in the bin directory