Changelog for dff-1.3.6-20161201.1.fc21.i686.rpm :
Thu Jun 30 14:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers

* Release
Built with the release dated 2016-06-30

Wed Jun 29 14:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers

* Release
Built with the release dated 2016-06-29

Tue Jun 28 14:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers

* Release
Built with the release dated 2016-06-28

Tue Jun 28 14:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers

* Release
Built with the release dated 2016-06-25

Wed Jan 13 13:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers

* Release
Built with the developer release dated 2016-01-13

Tue Jan 5 13:00:00 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers

* Release
Built with the developer release dated 2016-01-05

Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2015 Lawrence R. Rogers

* Release dff-
Rebuild to use libpff built with external libbfio.

Tue Sep 8 14:00:00 2015 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.3.5

* Release dff-1.3.5
Built with the developer release dated 2015-09-08

Fri Jan 17 13:00:00 2014 SVRCFL 1.3.0-4
- Changed avcodec_open to avcodec_open2 for ffmpeg 2 support

Sun Aug 11 14:00:00 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.3.0-3

* Release 1.3.0-3
Added: ldconfig to %post and to %postun
Added: missing PyQt4 dependency

Thu Aug 1 14:00:00 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.3.0-2

* Release 1.3.0-2
Added: missing runtime dependency reglookup

Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.3.0-1

* Release 1.3.0-1
Version 1.3.0

Sun Feb 10 13:00:00 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.2.0-4

* Release 1.2.0-4
Refine the dependencies

Thu Jun 7 14:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.2.0-3.1

* Release 1.2.0-3.1
New build to force x86_64 version to be installed.

Sat Jan 7 13:00:00 2012 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.2.0-3

* Release 1.2.0-3
Added support for EWF formatted files.

Thu Oct 13 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.2.0-2

* Release 1.2.0-2
Added python-apsw dependency

Wed Oct 5 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.2.0-1

* Release 1.2.0-1
See the included RELEASENOTES for the complete list of changes

Fri May 20 14:00:00 2011 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-1

* Release 1.1.0-1


* Translation : DFF GUI is now available in chinese, thanks to Zhang Jun.
Other languages were updated : Deutch, Italian, ...

* AFF : A connector to support AFF dump. The module is based on AFFLib by Simson
L. Garfinkel (

* PFF : This module parses PST, OST and PAB files to extract mailbox contents, it
also recovers deleted and orphaned files and give access to unallocated clusters.
It\'s based on Joachim Metz LibPFF. (

* API : New cache system for FileMapping and File Descriptor.
vtime now can directly convert unix and windows 64 bits time stamp.

* FAT:
- extended attributes:

* When there is slack space, a dedicated attribute specifies its start
offset and its size.
This feature is only available for classical files (neither deleted nor

* Classical attributes are provided: Read Only, Hidden, System, Archive,

* DOS name is provided (8+3 name)
- Orphaned files scan
The algorithm is now faster. When walking on free clusters, checks are
done to know if it was previously parsed when walking on deleted files
and directories in allocated clusters. Since chain of clusters of deleted
directories are used, this pass could read and parse free clusters.

* GUI: Unicode support

Bug fixes:

* Add devices and Add files on Windows, it was not possible to add devices and
files or directories in the same session.

* MFSO opened only one file descriptor and cache it, leading to crash especially
using device module on windows platform, a totally new cache system was written
for FileMapping and File Descriptor.

* EWF : Sometimes the modules could not open the underlaying due to bad fd
handling this was fixed by using variant.

* FAT :
- Recovery of deleted files was not properly handled. Previous version relied
on the chain of clusters found in FAT which are often emptied when files are
deleted. Now, the module gets the first cluster, asks the FAT for a the
chain of cluster, if the size of all provided is smaller than the size of
file, the mapping starts from the first cluster until size of the file is
- Even if not noticeable by users (hashes of files were coherent for example)
and not really a bug, the previous mapping for files were cluster aligned.
It means the slack space of files were directly included in the mapping.
This was done this way in prediction of future implementation of MFSO.
This feature would be able to read either original size or slack space.
Since it is not implemented yet, the mapping is now fully based on the size
of the file. This patch has been developed based on Johannes Stuttgen\'s
feedback when he was working on the aff4 module.

* NTFS :
- Fix for files-end made of virtual chunks ; full of 0.
- Infinite loop fix when searching for parent of deleted or orphan items.
- Two segfault fixes on metadata parsing due to complex on-disk structure
of NTFS attributes.

* GUI :
- A bug occuring when trying to input a Node as a parameter to modules has
been fixed : it was not possible to browse in the tree view.
- The tree view, in the node browser, had an inconsitant behavior : to change
directories, users had to double-click on nodes names, which used to
collapse the tree view. This is fixed. The node browser now behaves as a
classic file browser.

* Variant vtime repr:
- Dealing with vtime encapsulated in Variant in the Python interpreter, an
exception were raised because there were no __repr__ or __str__ provided
for this type.