Changelog for
xplico-1.2.0-3.fc23.i686.rpm :
* Fri Aug 04 2017 Lawrence R. Rogers
* Release 1.2.0-3 Recompiled for new version of nDPI (2.1)
* Wed May 24 2017 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.2.0-2
* Release 1.2.0-2 New version of lame and lame-libs.
* Wed Jan 18 2017 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.2.0-1
* Release 1.2.0-1
* This is the 1.2.0 version. xplico 1.2.0
* Migration from PHP5 to PHP7
* CakePHP 2.8
* IMAP bug fix
* Bugfix: reported on Security Onion xplico 1.1.2
* IPv4 defragmentation
* CapAnalysis dissectors and dispatcher
* Wed Dec 07 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-6
* Release 1.1.1-6
* Created pyc files for Fedora 24 from the 1.1.2 distribution.
* Mon Oct 24 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-5
* Release 1.1.1-5
* The PHP configuration is now also in the start and stop code.
* Fri Oct 21 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-4
* Release 1.1.1-4
* CentOS/RHEL 7 also uses systemctl.
* Fri Oct 21 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-3
* Release 1.1.1-3
* CentOS/RHEL 7 have Python 3.3.
* Sat Jul 09 2016 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-2
* Release 1.1.1-2
* Recompiled for nDPI-1.8.
* Mon Nov 09 2015 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.1-1
* Release 1.1.1-1
* Whatsapp OS and Phone number
* Added MGCP dissector
* IMAP bug fixed
* Updated for nDPI-1.7.0.
* Tue Aug 18 2015 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-4
* Release 1.1.0-4 Recompiled for nDPI-1.7.0.
* Mon Jun 29 2015 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-3
* Release 1.1.0-3 Recompiled for nDPI-1.6.
* Wed Sep 03 2014 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-2
* Release 1.1.0-2 Changes for CentOS/RHEL 7
* Mon May 12 2014 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.1.0-1
* Release 1.1.0-1 xplico 1.1.0
* Performance improved
* nDPI updated
* IRC bug fixed
* HTTP bug fixed
* VoIP (SIP, RTP) bug fixed
* FTP bug fixed
* changed the FaceBook DB tables
* Null/Loopback dissector
* Cisco HDLC dissector
* and RossoAlice webmail decoding
* Yahoo messenger (web and mobile)
* Dig using file signatures (unknown flows)
* Thu Apr 24 2014 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.0.1-5
* Release 1.0.1-5 For Fedora, there is now a systemd config file and the old /etc/init.d/xplico is now in /usr/sbin.
* Tue Jan 07 2014 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.0.1-4
* Release 1.0.1-4 Fix for Fedora 19 and 20 and CentOS/RHEL 6 for setsocketopt in system/dema/session_decoding.c
* Fri Aug 02 2013 Lawrence R. Rogers 1.0.1-3
* Release 1.0.1-3 Patch for Fedora 19
* Tue Jul 17 2012 Lawrence Rogers 1.0.0-2
* Release 1.0.0-2 For beyond Fedora 16, now starts, stops, and queries the daemon status using systemctl. Also, adjusts /etc/php.ini so that xplico starts and runs.
* Fri Feb 10 2012 Lawrence Rogers 1.0.0-1
* Release 1.0.0-1
* SQLite dispatcher performance improved
* added the PPI dissector
* added the syslog dissector
* added \"Bogus IP length\" correction with checksum verification disabled
* new Facebook Chat dissector for the new Facebook chat protocol
* SIP dissector improved
* IMAP dissector improved and bugs fixed
* DNS dissector PIPI improved
* Yahoo Webmail bugs fixed
* Live/Hotmail WebMail Spanish version
* GeoMap improved
* PCap-over-IP
* Sun Jan 15 2012 Lawrence Rogers 0.7.1-1
* Release 0.7.1-1
* RTP bug fixed
* dispatcher core functionality bug fixed
* mfile manipulator bug fixed
* XI bugs fixed
* added DB migration tool
* Mon Nov 07 2011 Lawrence Rogers 0.7.0-1
* Release 0.7.0-1
* upgraded XI to Cakephp 1.3
* added the ICMPv6 dissector
* Ethernet dissector improved (necessary for ICMPv6)
* deadlock fixed
* fixed the communication bug from xplico and manipulators
* SDP dissector bug fixes
* SIP and TCP dissectors improved
* WebMail manipulator and all python3 scripts improved (ready to new webmail entry... see pol ;) )
* added pcap file name on CLI report screen
* capture modules log improved
* new GeoIP version: 1.4.8
* added IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Options
* Xplico and all Manipulators with dual stack (IPv4, IPv6)
* XI language localization
* DNS bugfix
* added the MDNS dissector
* added AOL WebMail
* added Yahoo! WebMail
* added Yahoo! Mail for Andorid Mobile
* added Gmail
* Mon Jun 06 2011 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.3-1
* Release 0.6.3-1
* xplico 32/64bit version
* new decoding manager (DeMa) version 0.3.1
* mfile manipulator (HTTP file transfare) bug fixes
* WebMail scripts improved
* HTTP dissector improved
* upgraded the XI javascript libraries
* Tue May 03 2011 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.2-1
* Revision 1: Upgrade to 0.6.2 doing the following: l7-patterns for all flows/protocols not decoded by xplico Xplico Interface (XI) improved python3 porting of many script realtime capture module improved facebook chat realtime view UTC/localtime bug fixes l2tp dissector bug fixes cli and lite dispatchers bug fixes telnet dissector bug fixes
* Tue Mar 01 2011 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-6
* Revision 6: The /etc/init.d/xplico script no longer specific the start and stop levels. These should be done identical to and after httpd, so that xplico is set to start after httpd.
* Fri Dec 10 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-5
* Revision 5: Fixed init.d script so that it waits until httpd starts
* Thu Dec 09 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-4
* Revision 4: Fixed init.d script so that it is started after httpd
* Thu Dec 09 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-3
* Revision 3: Stops and restarts the server, if necessary, before adding any tables and PRAGMA values
* Thu Dec 09 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-2
* Revision 2: Changed the postun script to add the msn_chats and paltalk_rooms tables to an existing database. Also the foreign_keys PRAGMA was turned on and the auto_vacuum value displayed.`
* Tue Dec 07 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.1-1
* Revision 1: Version 0.6.1 from
* Mon Nov 29 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-10- Revision 10: Improved (fixed?) /etc/init.d/xplico so that it waits longer for httpd to start. Also added httpd as a service start dependency.
* Fri Nov 19 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-9- Revision 9:
* Thu Nov 18 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-8- Revision 8: Correctly removes pcl6 and videosnarf as pre-uninstall scripts so that the /opt/xplico hierarchy can be completely removed if possible when xplico is removed.
* Thu Nov 18 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-7- Revision 7: Removed pcl6 and videosnarf and made those packages prerequisites. The needed binaries are then copied into the /opt/xplico hierarchy using the post-install script. Also, the correct syntax for creating the dabase is used.
* Thu Nov 18 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-6- Revision 6: Added pcl6 and videosnarf
* Thu Nov 18 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-5- Revision 5: Fixed permissions to match those of the Debian package Also preserves any existing database by creating the database in the post-install script, as needed.
* Thu Nov 18 2010 Lawrence Rogers 0.6.0-4- Revision 4: Gave execute permissions to everything in the bin directory