Changelog for
gdk-pixbuf-0.13.0-1.i686.rpm :
Sat Aug 18 06:00:00 2001 Build User
- fixed BuildRoot
Thu May 31 06:00:00 2001 Gregory Leblanc
- moved .so loaders to the main package, so that gdk-pixbuf is
functional without the -devel package
Fri May 25 06:00:00 2001 Gregory Leblanc
- replaced Copyright with License
- fixed %files so that none of the .so files get put into the gdk-pixbuf rpm
Tue Feb 20 05:00:00 2001 Gregory Leblanc
- A few fixups, and better macros
Sun Jan 23 05:00:00 2000 Ross Golder
- Borrowed from gnome-libs to integrate into gdk-pixbuf source tree