Changelog for
mondo-3.2.1-1.mdv2007.0.i586.rpm :
Sat Aug 29 12:00:00 2015 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to 3.2.1
- Function is_this_device_mounted now calls mr-device-mounted (a perl rewrite and improvement of this function) (Bruno Cornec)
- Prints the result of mount at the end of the umount of all FS to see in log whether something is still not OK (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds option -f to mkswap to force creation in all cases (also done in previous rev for label-partitions-as-necessary) (Bruno Cornec)
- Use now mkfs.vfat directly for formating VFAT type of partitions and remove the usage of format-and-kludge-vfat completely buggy ! (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #717 by adding UEFI support to mondoarchive (for now always return grub for UEFI boot mode) (Bruno Cornec)
- Systematically creates a UEFI compatible boot media (Bruno Cornec)
- Improve bootstrap (missing is now recreated, Autoconf 2.63 is sufficient to build mondo which allows to build on CentOS 6 natively with pb, Fix all autoconf/automake warnings) (Bruno Cornec)
- use systematically mindi-bootroot.img as the name of the bootable image used to make CD (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix report of percentage progress of mindi (Use now MINDI_RUNFILE to store mindi execution traces) (Bruno Cornec)
- Create a new mr_boot_type function and boot_type mondo struct entry to manage BIOS/EFI/UEFI types. The boot-type config option is passed to mindi (Bruno Cornec)
- Exclude /selinux from analysis (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds functions mr_center_string and mr_popup_and_get_string with dynamic allocation to solve a memory allocation issue reported on the ML (Bruno Cornec)
- Change the bkpinfo->boot_device from statically allocated to dynamically allocated (Bruno Cornec)
- Rename into mr-parted2fdisk (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #748 by solving interface issues between mondoarchive and mindi (Bruno Cornec)
- Remove a usage of a full path for parted2fdisk, making it distribution neutral (Philippe Lefevre)
- Fix #768 by canceling changes done in the loop computing number of slices, back to long instead of a new int (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #769 by asking in newt mode whether the kernel found by mindi is the one the sysadmin want\'s to use (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug in is_this_a_valid_disk_format where a string was freed up before usage (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug with -I usage where mondoarchive was core dumping (Philippe Lefevre)
- Go into the scratch dir in order to move to the USB device the file sets to avoid reaching a shell limit on the paramter length (Bruno Cornec)
- Avoid using size_of_all_biggiefiles() at each use, but creates an intermediate variable for that (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix some memory allocation which were not freed correctly (valgrind)
- Fix #764 by checking the value of bkpinfo->include_paths before using it if -I is used (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a mondoarchive crash with option -v (Do not use finish before bkpinfo has been allocated but exit) (Philippe Lefevre)
Tue Dec 23 11:00:00 2014 Bruno Cornec 3.2.0-1
- Updated to 3.2.0
- Fix #734 by adding the total size of all biggie files to mondoarchive.log (Victor Gattegno)
- Fix #656 and #732 by adding support for the new /lib being a symlink on fedora 18+ (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #747 by returning early enough to avoid using a bad value for file length (Bruno Cornec)
- Start solving #1 by changing lots of statically allocated strings into dynamically allocated ones (Bruno Cornec)
- Change functions which_format_command_do_i_need, which_partition_format, percent_media_full_comment and number_of_disks_as_string to allocate string (Bruno Cornec)
- Lots of fixes with valgrind and quality script (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix label-partitions-as-necessary to put back the original UUIDs to the partitions even if no LABEL or UUID line was used in fstab (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for XFS labelling (Bruno Cornec)
- Rename the conf file mondo-restore.cfg into mondorestore.cfg for homogeneity (Bruno Cornec)
- LZMA support added (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds the C file for test of mr_str_substitute (Bruno Cornec)
- stabgrub-me now supports also grub2 (Bruno Cornec)
- media_size is not an array anymore (Bruno Cornec)
- Introduce a new global var MINDI_LOGFILE and use it everywhere (Bruno Cornec)
- bkpinfo->include_paths, bkpinfo->netfs_user, bkpinfo->netfs_remote_dir, bkpinfo->netfs_proto are now pointers (Bruno Cornec)
- bkpinfo->netfs_mount is now a pointer (libmondo-tools.c seems strange however) (Bruno Cornec)
- Rename mondo-restore-EXT.h into mondorestore-EXT.h and removes the now useless mondo-restore.h (Bruno Cornec)
- Removes now useles code from the C part which has been moved into mr-net-get-config (Bruno Cornec)
- Initialize log earlier so all messages go indeed in it (Bruno Cornec)
Mon Jul 29 12:00:00 2013 Bruno Cornec 3.0.4-1
- Updated to 3.0.4
- Fix #673 by improving single quote management in mr_stresc, and using single call for getfacl/getfattr and adding tests to test suite (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #690 by adding support for tape block size question in the GUI (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #640 by adding a test condition for creation temp/scratch dir in order to avoid recreating them if they are alredy correctly setup (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix partly #628 by avoiding to erase choices done for varible bkpinfo->isodir and g_isodir_device in iso_fiddly_bits later in the code (Bruno Cornec)
- Indicate the other new tools than mkinitrd to help rebuilding the boot env (Philippe Lefevre)
- Fix #640 by cleaning up fully the managemnt of tmpdir and scratchdir (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #696 for VGs not having a \'-\' in their name such as multipath aliases (Victor Gattegno)
- Fix #706 by removing usage of MAX_NOOF_MEDIA and an array for media_size in bkpinfo (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #703 Remove the errctl field used in star and log all star msgs into mondorestore.log (Bruno Cornec)
- Avoids going into acl/xattr handling for star case as it\'s done natively (Bruno Cornec)
- Move test programs under /usr/lib for rpmlint/deblint (Bruno Cornec)
- Updates GPLv2 License files to latest version (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #702 by adding a -F option which allow mondoarchive to fail at first interaction (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #700 sparse file support by adding a CLI parameter -M to modify the biggie file size limit, by default 64 MB, and by using st_blocks instead of st_size (Bruno Cornec)
- Replace mondo_icon.png by mondo_icon.xpm for deblint (Bruno Cornec)
- chop_filelist doesn\'t truncate files in the file list anymore. Fix a bug for ecryptfs support. Backport mr_getline from branch 3.1 and use it for that (Bruno Cornec)
- Precising compression rates on GUI button to ease choice (0 is no compression) (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #208 by adding cifs support with first modifications to add cifs support as an external FS (Bruno Cornec)
Fri Mar 15 11:00:00 2013 Bruno Cornec 3.0.3-1
- Updated to 3.0.3
- Test of mondo now also rebuilds mindi-busybox (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #249 by changing the wrong affectation of fname (Jean Philippe Mohler)
- test program now builds first all versions to test (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix most compilation warnings (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds a warning msg at restore time so that LVM modifications are done in /tmp/i-want-my-lvm and not in the mountlist (Bruno Cornec)
- Expand the exclude list to 16 times 512 (MAX_STR_LEN) instead of 8 to support a larger exclude list (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #611 by changing make-me-bootable to first desactivate all active partitions on the given disk, and then reactivate only the one needed (Bruno Cornec)
- Add option -sparse to all star calls to add support of sparse file in case of star usage, as afio sparse file support seems broken (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #652 by sending errors messages from fdisk to /dev/null to avoid LVM error messages on latest versions (Joel Kociolek)
- Fix #650 as pvdisplay output format changed in SLES 11 which returns a dm not the mapper (Victor Gattegno)
- Fix partially #611 and #412 by calling the new OpenSUSE/SELS grub-install when detecting that a /usr/sbin/grub-install.unsupported is present (Victor Gattegno/Bruno Cornec)
- Add support for missing mkdtemp such as Red Hat 6.2 (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #622: Adds swaplabel support if it exists (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #623 by sorting correctly the dev mapper devices when more than 10 are handled (Martin Kitka/Didier Diaz)
- Fix #644 again by backporting a 3.1 patch to use dynamic memory allocation for the function run_program_and_log_output (Bruno Cornec)
- Improve autoconf/automake build process (Bruno Cornec)