Changelog for mondo-doc-2.2.2-1.20071mdv.noarch.rpm :
Thu Apr 26 12:00:00 2007 Bruno Cornec 2.2.3-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.2.3
- Fix a critical bug where bzip2 files where not considered during restore (Dale Tronrud/Scott Cummings)

Mon Apr 16 12:00:00 2007 Bruno Cornec 2.2.2-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.2.2
- Log files are now consistent: mondoarchive.log for mondoarchive (containing also mindi.log) and mondorestore.log for mondorestore (copied from /tmp (ram) to /var/log (disk) at the end of the restore) (Bruno Cornec)
- Script label-partitions-as-necessary now works correctly for LABEL and UUID (Bruno Cornec)
- Remove useless script compare-me (Bruno Cornec)
- Some FreeBSD fixes (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug where losetup is called with only one parameter (#140) (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a core dumped when a Big file doesn\'t exist an can\'t be created (Nic
Watson/Bruno Cornec)
- support UUID in mondorestore (Fix #103) (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug in size computation for cciss and similar devices needing a p before their partition name (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix 2 references to grep -x (Fix for #96) (Bruno Cornec)
- Add build support for Mandriva 2007.1, RREL 5 and Debian 4.0 (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug on is_this_raid_personality_registered (John Pearson/Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug with raid5 arrays synchronization (Rémi Bondoin)
- Tape support improvements (Benoit Donnette/Michel Loiseleur)
- Handle no compression + verify correctly (Scott Cummings)
- various HOWTO fixes (Mike Kinney)
- Fix temporarily a bug when a biggiefile > 32MB was compressed below the size
of a slice (16MB) (Michel Loiseleur/Bruno Cornec)
- Better module loading in insmod_crucial_modules (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Improve Gentoo packaging (Linos)
- Small typo fix for mondorestore man page (petes-bugs)
- Small memory management improvements (Michel Loiseleur/Bruno Cornec)
- Store NFS config only once (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a flaw in libmondo-mountlist.c (there since rev [1] !!) (Bruno Cornec)
- Increased MAX_STR_LEN to 384 to make it divisible without remainder by eight
for 64 bits platforms (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix a bug where no bzip2 format file would be found when supporting gzip (Andy Wright)
- CentOS fixes (Andy Wright)

Sat Dec 23 11:00:00 2006 Bruno Cornec 2.2.1-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.2.1
- Fix a memory allocation bug in gen_aux_list (Klaus Ade Johnstad/Andree Leidenfrost)
- fedora core 6 and suse 10.2 support added in build process (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug where grub.conf was a symlink (Bruno Cornec)
- mondo now supports gzip compression format (-G option) (#113) (Bruno Cornec)
- ACL and XATTR are now NOT backed up anymore by default. Should increase mondoarchive speed. To handle them as before, please use the -z option. Fix Bug #63 (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug in libmondo-fifo.c where potentially no buffer content could let mondo runni ng forever in case of an exception (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug where ps (busybox) and ps (system) do not give PID in the same column (Bruno Cornec)
- TAG is now per package (Bruno Cornec)
- Add CentOS build support (Andy Wright/Bruno Cornec)
- Fix bug #89 (env var were queried too early, and not ncessarily in PXE mode) (Bruno Cornec)
- fix #66 (setfacl not existing => no error) (Bruno Cornec)
- Removal of grep -w|-x during restore as not supported by busybox fixes bug #101 (Alfred Chua/Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug with DVD+RW format, when mondo asks for retry without success indifinitely (Mariano Aliaga)
- Fix Bug #90 mondoarchive fails when using space in the prefix (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix Bug #87 LABEL= swap does not come online after mondorestore (Bruno Cornec)
- Source directory for mondo is now src (compatibility with trunk) (Bruno Cornec)

Wed Oct 4 12:00:00 2006 Bruno Cornec 2.2.0-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.2.0
- start-nfs now exports variables taken from PXE command line to mondo to override parameters during archiving - Fix bug #21 (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix for bug #71 mondo now works correctly on x86_64 (Brendan Bouffler/Bruno Cornec)
- Fix for bug #4 (B. Baumer)
- Fix PXE documentation (Brendan Bouffler)
- Attempt to fix bug #25 - bonding support (Michael Shapiro/Bruno Cornec)
- Write start and finish time to log - Fix bug #33 (Bruno Cornec)
- New mr_stresc function to escape commands submitted to system and fixes [[debianBTS(379966)]] (Andree Leidenfrost)
- New files mr_string.c and mr_string.h (v3.0 new organization) (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix for [[debianBTS(320152)]] display problem in newt (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Check for grub.conf being a symbolic link (Andree Leidenfrost)
- AFS support (Andree Leidenfrost/Bruno Cornec)
- Better post-nuke handling (first steps) (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Icon for use in menus (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix for bug #14 -E switch error (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix for bug #6 mondorestore will ask for prefix during selectve restore (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix for bug #21 prefix taken from PXE server first (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix for bug #24 ps options (Bruno Cornec)

Fri Aug 4 12:00:00 2006 Bruno Cornec 2.0.9-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.0.9
- Preliminary build process working for Debian and Gentoo (Bruno Cornec)
- New NFS/PXE support. start-nfs is now a fixed script. Allow more possibilities at restore time (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix some compiler warnings for 64bits mode (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix various screen corruption for \'Configure LVM\'/RAID sync (Andree Leidenfrost)
- SuSE RPMS now use bzip2 (Lars Rupp/Bruno Cornec)
- Exclude ClearCase mvfs type of filesystem from mondo backup ( Cornec)
- Improved .spec Requires (Fedora/SuSE feedbacks) (Bruno Cornec)
- Indication for users of IDE burners and 2.6 kernels (Christopher Moriarity/Bruno Cornec)
- remove df -P during restore as busybox doesn\'t support it (Bruno Cornec)
- nfsmount option added to allow redeployment from another NFS server (Bruno Cornec)
- This version should work a bit better with files having special char bug #7421 - but more to come (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix [[debianBTS(369321)]] by increasing MAX_TAPECATALOG_ENTRIES to 8192 and bkpinfo->optimal_set_size to 16MB (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix problem with BurnProof+DVD (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix bug #7820: mondo should now support files > 2GB ( Cornec)
- Replaced all occurrences of egrep with \'grep -E\' and of fgrep with \'grep -F\' (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Optimize grep usage - fixes [[debianBTS(222052)]] (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Avoid false alerts about growisofs not running under sudo (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Increase PPCFG_RAMDISK_SIZE to 350 MB (Thomas Börkel/Bruno Cornec)
- Removed useless mondo-makefilelist (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix a segmentation fault in parse_mdstat() (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix gcc 4.1.2 warnings (Andree Leidenfrost)

Wed Jun 7 12:00:00 2006 Bruno Cornec 2.0.8-3.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.0.8-3
- Fix a bug in -I and -E handling !! (Paolo Bernardoni /Bruno Cornec)
- Fix permissions for autorun (Bruno Cornec)
- Fox delivery problems for tar files with too restrictive umask (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix parsing of DHCP information in start-nfs script (Andree Leidenfrost)

Fri Jun 2 12:00:00 2006 Bruno Cornec 2.0.8-2.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.0.8-2
- PXE mode now supports change of NIC for redeployment (Bruno Cornec)

Thu May 25 12:00:00 2006 Bruno Cornec 2.0.8-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.0.8-1
- new build process (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug in .spec for RPM build (%attr now unused) (Bruno Cornec)
- Support of dm and LVM v2 (Andree Leidenfrost)
- New mr_strtok functionn added and used for dm support (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Complete doc is now a separate package. mondo still contains the man pages and howto in minimal useful formats (Bruno Cornec)
- HOWTO now contains a new chapter on unattended support for mondo
- Increase size (4 times) of include|exclude variables
- Fix a bug on -I and -E not working with multiple parameters
- Fix a bug in verify for NFS by swapping nfs_remote_dir and isodir when assembling name for image file to verify (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix mondo when restoring filenames containing blanks (still a problem for filenames with \') (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a RPM generation bug for rh7.3 (i386-redhat-linux prefix for binaries) (Bruno Cornec)

Fri Mar 10 11:00:00 2006 Bruno Cornec 2.0.7-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.0.7
- useless cat, sort|uniq commands removed (Bruno Cornec/Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)
- Doc cleanup (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Add the actual format to messages after calls to function is_this_a_valid_disk_format() about unsupported formats. (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Abort|Warn when one of the include|exclude dirs (-I|-E) does not exist (Bruno Cornec/Jeffs)
- Replaced partimagehack with ntfsclone from ntfsprogs package. (Andree Leidenfrost)
- use df -P everywhere (Bruno Cornec)
- Paypal incitations removed (Andree Leidenfrost)
- mondo now uses /usr/share for the restore-scripts (Bruno Cornec)
- rpmlint cleanups (Bruno Cornec)
- no shared librairies and no X11 anymore (were useless) (Bruno Cornec)
- files > 2GB are now really supported (Andree Leidenfrost)
- new SGML based Mondo Rescue documentation + new Web site (Bruno Cornec/Andree Leidenfrost)
- mondoarchive aborts when \'mindi --findkernel\' gives a fatal error (See also [[debianBTS(352323)]].) (Andree Leidenfrost)
- /tmp not excluded anymore from backup (Bruno Cornec)
- New RPM Build environement (Bruno Cornec)

Fri Dec 23 11:00:00 2005 Bruno Cornec 2.06-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.06
- better error handling of failed commands/mindi (Andree Leidenfrost)
- fix compiler warnings (Andree Leidenfrost)
- -p improvements for NFS/PXE/ISO modes (Bruno Cornec)
- support of default route and netmask for PXE/NFS (Bruno Cornec)
- fix for restoring mondo backups on md-raid systems (Philippe De Muyter)
- remove excessive \'cat\' commands (Philippe De Muyter)
- fix to force growisofs to use speed=1 for DVD burning (Philippe De Muyter)
- now handles cifs correctly (Bruno Cornec)
- fix issue where mondoarchive ejects CD/DVD despite writing iso images (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Add -P option to df calls (Andree Leidenfrost/Chuan-kai Lin)
- fix usage of joint -B and -m options (Andree Leidenfrost/Efraim Feinstein)
- Quadrupled ARBITRARY_MAXIMUM from 500 to 2000 for mondorestore\'s filebrowser (Andree Leidenfrost)
- remove the renice of mondoarchive (Hugo Rabson)
- relocate what was under /usr/share to /usr/lib (FHS compliance) (Bruno Cornec/Andree Leidenfrost)
- manage non ambiguous delivery under /usr (packages) or /usr/local (tar ball) (Bruno Cornec)
- disable x11 build by default (Bruno Cornec)
- remove sbminst (Bruno Cornec/Andree Leidenfrost)
- use parted2fdisk everywhere (Bruno Cornec)
- exports MONDO_LIB (Bruno Cornec)
- RPM build for fedora core 4, sles9, redhat 7.3, rhel 3/4, mandriva 2006.0, mandrake 10.2/10.1 (Bruno Cornec/Gary Granger)
- interactive mode now asks for image size and prefix in NFS mode (Gallig Renaud/Bruno Cornec)
- iso-prefix should be read in iso mode even when -H not given (Stan Benoit)
- VERSION/RELEASE Tag added (Bruno Cornec)
- many code cleanup, small fixes, PXE/NFS code improvements (Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni/Bruno Cornec)

Sat Nov 19 11:00:00 2005 Bruno Cornec 2.05-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.05
- -p options works better for NFS cases (Bruno Cornec)
- ia64 is now working for rhel3 (Bruno Cornec)
- delivery process to BerliOS improved (Bruno Cornec)
- now handles cifs correctly (Bruno Cornec)

Sun Oct 30 11:00:00 2005 Bruno Cornec 2.04_berlios-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.04_berlios
- Add -p option to generate ISO images file names with prefix. The new default name for ISO images is mondorescue-1.iso, ... For PXE environment, you have to use the prefix option on the command line (read README.pxe) (Bruno Cornec)
- Mandrake 2005 support (Bruno Cornec)
- NFS patches (Yann Aubert )
- mondorestore shouldn\'t now ask final questions with -H (this is an unattended mode) (Bruno Cornec)

Tue May 3 12:00:00 2005 Bruno Cornec 2.04-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.04
- made mondo more clever about finding its home. Avoids mondo considering directories like \'/usr/share/doc/momdo\' as its home.

Wed Sep 29 12:00:00 2004 Bruno Cornec 2.03-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.03
- better SLES8 support
- test user-specified temp dir\'s sanity

Wed Jul 21 12:00:00 2004 Bruno Cornec 2.02-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.02
- instead of using \'dd\' to erase partition table, delete existing partitions w/ the same call to fdisk that is used to create the new partitions; this should avoids locking up the partition table
- set bootable partition in the above same call to fdisk, for the same reason (avoids locking up the partition table)
- better software RAID support
- mount ext3 partitions as ext2 when restoring - better for Debian
- better star, ACL support
- added ACL, xattr support for afio users

Mon Jun 21 12:00:00 2004 Bruno Cornec 2.01-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.01
- fixed cvs for SuSE systems
- fixed NTFS backup/restore bug relating to partimagehack log file overflow and NTFS v non-NTFS differentiation
- more reliable extraction of config info from CDs, floppies
- better support of ISO dirs at restore-time (Conor Daly)

Fri Jun 18 12:00:00 2004 Bruno Cornec 2.00-1.20071mdv
- Updated to 2.00
- first 2.0 release
- updated grub-install.patched to support SuSE and Red Hat
- added kdelibs as xmondo dependency (Joshua Oreman)
- better find_cdrom_device(), to cope w/ multiple CD writers
- added xmondo pixmap installation
- fixed -m and -Vc flags
- fixed NTFS support!
- bootable CD uses native, not El Torito, support now
- added -devel package
- made xmondo a second package
- added ability to specify --without xmondo at build time
- Clean up, added spanish translation
- Set prefix to be /usr
- added/fixed Requires
- remove CVS directories prior to building
- added 2.6 kernel support
- if 2.6 kernel, insist that the user specify CD device
- drop Embleer; insist on ms-sys and parted if Windows partition
- added support for boot/root multi floppies
- call \'mt\' to set block size to 32K before opening in/out tape
- updated mondo-prep.c to create each disk\'s partitions all at once (one call per drive) instead of one call to fdisk per partition
- when extracting cfg file and mountlist from all.tar.gz (tape copy), use block size of INTERNAL_TAPE_BLK_SIZE, not TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE
- added star and rudimentary SELinux support
- fixed lots of bugs
- all logging now goes to /var/log/mondo-archive.log, with symlink to /tmp/mondo-restore.log for restore-time log-tracking
- added grub-install.patched
- removed embleer & other binaries
- added \'-b\' to specify block size
- added \'-R\' for star support