Changelog for mindi- :
Thu Jun 30 12:00:00 2011 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to

Mon Jun 27 12:00:00 2011 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to
- Fix mindi-get-perl-modules when perl dirs in AATTINC are symlinks (case on Ubuntu 11.04) (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix option --findkernel in case of Xen kernel so that mondoarchive get a correct answer instead of an empty one. (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #484 by adding support for the arcmsr driver (to support the Areca ARC-1220 RAID Controller) (Bruno Cornec)
- Avoids error msgs if no mondo-restore.cfg file exists (when mindi used stdalone) (Bruno Cornec)
- Attempt to fix Xen kernel support by avoiding to remove xen kernel fro; the possible_kernels list too early, whereas it\'s used afterwards to get them. (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #481 by supporting the new kbd file in latest Ubuntu 10.10+ (Victor Gattegno)
- Propose more variables in the mindi.conf example (Bruno Cornec)
- More explicit messages when size unsufficient in mindi for kernel + initrd as per #471 (Bruno Cornec)
- Log content of mondo-restore.cfg (Bruno Cornec)
- Remove very old code creating confusing symlinks pico to nano in init. Fix #477 (patch from MC)

Tue Apr 12 12:00:00 2011 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to
- Increase sizes again more for Debian 6/Ubuntu 10.x and Fedora 14 support (Victor Gattegno)
- Adds a UdevadmTrigger function at restore time to deal with the various syntax formats changes ddepending on version (MC)
- Improved Arch Linux support, boot message, keyboard, ... (MC)
- Adds reboot to fix #435 (Bruno Cornec)
- Use modprobe instead of insmod to load loop, cd, ... modules (in order to force them at restore time) (Bruno Cornec)
- Add support for libahci driver (Bruno Cornec)

Sun Feb 27 11:00:00 2011 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to
- Adds functions and /bin/loadkeys (new location) to minimal set of commands to have (Bruno Cornec)
- provides a makemessage option to mindi and this function now works with pbdistrocheck (Bruno Cornec)
- Latest lvdisplay on RHEL6 prints MiB instead of MB. Impact on analyze-my-lvm fixed. (Bruno Cornec)
- With mindi-busybox 1.18.3 the syntax of openvt changed. Mindi is now compatible with this as well as the older one. (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds a restore quiet option (Bruno Cornec)
- Fixes for RHEL6 support with additional modules (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #462 (removes temp dir if analyze-my-lvm launched in stand alone mode) (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix issue with mindi when launched from a dir containing spaces (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #459 by correcting an old README containing info on the edit-mountlist binary which doesn\'t exist. (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for hpsa (new HP Smart Array driver), r8169, xhci, virtio, mega_sr, ide_gd_mod, pata_jmicron, cp210x, dca, raid6_pq, xor async_tx, async_memcpy, async_xor, pata_sil680 drivers (Bruno Cornec)
- Replace usage of pvs with pvscan for speed reasons in analyze-my-lvm (Bruno Cornec)
- Workaround problems met on RHEL 5.2 and 5.4 around pvs command generating a list of \
separated pvs with back quotes in an unexpected way. (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds /etc/rpc and /etc/netconfig as minimal deps for mindi for latest NFS support (Bruno Cornec)
- Boot size and extra size pushed to 24MB and 70MB to support correctly Fedora 14 and Debian 6.0 (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #446 by exiting mindi before doing anything weird in it (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #445 to avoid vg with similar names to be wrongly excluded (vgroot and vgroot-san e.g.) (Michael Shapiro/Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #426 by rewriting Xen kernel support to use TryToFindKernelPath systematically (Bruno Cornec)
- mindi now copies also the /lib/firmware content in order to have it for drivers needing it (bnx2 reported) (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #434 by really testing thet udevd is not running already (chucky)
- mindi is now able to handle compressed kernel with .gz or .bz2 suffix (case of OpenSuSE 11.2) (Bruno Cornec)

Tue Jun 15 12:00:00 2010 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to
- Fix Xen kernel detection (Michael Shapiro)
- Remove libata warning (Bruno Cornec)

Wed Jun 9 12:00:00 2010 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to
- Fix #425: Do not blindly remove partitions at end of mindi (Don Hoover)
- Integrate patch on Xen Kernel support for RHEL 5 (only atm) and fixes #418 (Michael Shapiro)
- Fix a bug on ia64 where the boot image generated was removed before use in mondo (Bruno Cornec)

Mon Apr 12 12:00:00 2010 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to
- Fix #414 by adding a function GetPVsForLV to remove PVs from excluded LVs (Mike Shapiro)
- Fix #415 by avoiding integration of unknown devices report from pvscan (Mike Shapiro)
- Fix #413 where list of devices was not re-initialized correctly in a loop (Michael Shapiro)
- Fix a bug on Mandriva modules analysis (Bruno Cornec)
- Avoid perl warning by removing non-exitent dirs from AATTINC in mindi-get-perl-modules (Bruno Cornec)
- Avoids error messages from stat in analyze-my-lvm (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds a missing module for iSCSI support (Bruno Cornec)
- Minor improvements for logs and display (Bruno Cornec)
- Attempt to fix #394 by making the script executable and checking existence (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #393. When using excludevs= also exclude from mountlist the devices mentioned (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #395. analyze-my-lvm now provides an option to call GiveMapperOfdm that can be used in mindi (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #391. Adds support for sata_svw for Porliant DL 385 G5p (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for ums-cypress, ocfs2 and Xen modules (Bruno Cornec)

Fri Feb 5 11:00:00 2010 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to
- Adds support for sata_svw for Porliant DL 385 G5p. Fixes #391 (Bruno Cornec/Robert)
- Adds support for ums-cypress/ums_cypress (Bruno Cornec)
- Improves device exclusion for LVM (support for symlinks, mapper at all levels: PV, VG, LV, and new boot option excludedevs) and fixes #382, #384, #385 (Bruno Cornec)
- Rename some variables exported to avoid accidental conflict (EXCLUDE_DEVS => MINDI_EXCLUDE_DEVS and ADDITIONAL_BOOT_PARAMS => MINDI_ADDITIONAL_BOOT_PARAMS) (Bruno Cornec)
- Using forcemods=\"mod1 mod2\" will now do something and load those modules first (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for links to modules (.ko pointing to .o) such as with VMWare extensions (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds i-want-my-lvm content in mindi log file (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds vmxnet3 driver support to mindi for some VMWare versions (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds scsi_dump_register to mindi SCSI_MODS for RHEL3 + IBM servers (Bruno Cornec)
- nfsopt restore boot time option added to support custom mount options for network restore (Bruno Cornec)

Sat Nov 28 11:00:00 2009 Bruno Cornec
- Updated to
- Improve support for serial console devices with a new serial boot param keyword (Bruno Cornec)
- Improve analysis of kernel modules by printing whether it\'s a live or extra module which has not been found as reported in #362 (Matthew Cline)
- Update deplist for Debian support for bzip2, bunzip2 (Bruno Cornec/John Rentner)
- some distro hold lvm commands under /usr/sbin (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds a nolvm boot option at restore time (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for diskdumplib driver useful for RHEL 3 and IBM xseries 336 (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for variable serial port console, with defalut to /dev/ttyS0, and a boot param to change it with serial=/dev/ttySx (Bruno Cornec)
- umount freshly created VFAT partition on USB key as Ubuntu has an automounter mounting it as soon as created (Steffen Neumann)

Fri Oct 9 12:00:00 2009 Bruno Cornec 2.0.7-1
- Updated to 2.0.7
- Adds a conf file example for mindi. Fix #360 (Bruno Cornec)
- cdrkit support for mindi. Fix #359 (Matthew Cline)
- Exclude CIFS mounts from the mountlist. Fix #288 (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for initramfs (gzip/bzip2/lzma) or ext2/3/cpio initrd support with kernel 2.6.30+. Fix #353 (Bruno Cornec/Hugo Vanwoerkom)
- Improve udev timeouts (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix udev support in init for Mandriva 2009.1 (Bruno Cornec)
- Split deplist.txt in multiple conf files under deplist.d (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds Fuse SSHFS support at restore time (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for ext3 compressed initrd and other compression format initramfs for Debian (Bruno Cornec)
- analyze-my-lvm now removes excluded devices from list coming from mondoarchive (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for bnx2x (BL 460 G6), igb (Intel cards) and auth_rpcgss Debian kernel 2.6.31 (Bruno Cornec/Maxime)
- Split deplist.conf in multiple files under deplist.d and keep it only for local changes (Bruno Cornec)
- Change NFS support into a generic NetFS support. keyword changed from nfs... to netfs... and proto added (Bruno Cornec)
- Addition of a nomd option to avoid starting mdadm (Bruno Cornec)
- mpath is only started if there was a mpath entry in mountlist (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix SElinux support (Laurent Gehlen)
- Message file rewritten. Fix #160 and #346 (Bruno Cornec)
- Add support for pre and post scripts at restore time (Bruno Cornec)
- Remove inactive vg from lvmscan output in analyze-my-lvm (Bruno Cornec)
- Do not exit abruptly in any case in analyze-my-lvm when detecting an analysis issue, but return instead (Bruno Cornec)
- MINDI_CACHE is only purged if a real work is asked to mindi (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds ssh features (client and server) in the DR set (Bruno Cornec)
- Tries to create tmpfs starting at 128 MB to allow for larger content (Adolf Hartsenberg/Bruno Cornec)
- Adds the timeout parameter to udevadm to avoid default timeout of 180 s (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug on Debian 5 where proc appears in fstab and afio in /bin (Bud Rogers/Bruno Cornec)
- Security Fix for a remaining /tmp hard coded reference for 1 log file only used on ia64 ( (Gentoo/Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #310: adds support for nfspath (Bruno Cornec)
- mindi now adds to DR set the perl modules it needs to work (now for ia64) (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #331 by forcing nfs mode in case of pxe boot (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support of keyword net at boot prompt (Bruno Cornec)
- ReadAllLink now normalize paths with .. in their name to remove that (fix bug on OEL4) (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix version syntax for new lvmdiskscan commands by calling --version instead of --help (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for additional Intel Network driver e1000e, ide-gd_mod, sata_via, dc395x (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a bug with nosegneg optimized libs on RHEL (Bruno Cornec)
- multiple ia64 fixes in mindi, and init (Giuseppe Grassi)
- Fix serial support on ia64 by linking /dev/tty to /dev/ttyS0 (Giuseppe Grassi)

Mon Feb 16 11:00:00 2009 Bruno Cornec 2.0.6-1
- Updated to 2.0.6
- Adds ff-memless, useful for keyboard support and fix #317 (Jeffs)
- Check return status of mktemp call to avoid nasty stuff when /tmp is full and fix #156 (Jean-Marc André/Bruno Cornec)
- udevsettle needed for fedora 9 to fix #313 (Conor Daly)
- Adds NTFS support tools (Conor Daly)
- Avoids NIC MAC mapping on Ubuntu (Bruno Cornec)

Wed Feb 4 11:00:00 2009 Bruno Cornec 2.0.5-1
- Updated to 2.0.5
- iSCSI modules support added (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds a new documentation file around boot parameters at restore time (Bruno Cornec)
- Allows use of -H with tapes (Bruno Cornec)
- Adding lots of modules which are now required with latest kernels 2.6.27+ (Bruno Cornec)
- Remove the scsi_debug driver which seems to create ghost 8MB disks (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #302 adds ext4 support (Bruno Cornec)
- Use the distro df instead of the busybox one, to better support -P option usage now (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix OBDR tape support for ia64 (Grassi Giuseppe)
- Add support for new 2.6.27 modules and udev 128 used on mdv 2009.0 (Bruno Cornec)
- fdomain may prevent booting at restore time, so propose it as example of DENY_MODS (Bruno Cornec)
- MakeBootConfFile handle a bit separately syslinux and isolinux, improves USB key support (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds multipath support for RHEL 5.2 (Bruno Cornec/Matthieu Losmede)
- Fix #271 by adding a \'/\' in front of the string we want to exclude for cd, floppies (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for jmicron ide pata controller (Arne Bernin)
- Fix #297 by using syslinux on a local file and moving it later on to a potential NFS share (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #294 by adding crc_t10dif module needed on FC9 as a sd_mod dep (Bruno Cornec)
- In PXE, increase ram size needed for the initrd which has increased in the recent versions (Bruno Cornec)
- Use option -s of syslinux in case in improve USB support (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for more dm drivers (dm_multipath, dm_round_robin) (Bruno Cornec)
- Modify EXT-fs dtection in order to support RHAS 2.1 as well. Remove of the kernel <3> tag which is not printed in this kernel (Bruno Cornec)

Fri Oct 10 12:00:00 2008 Bruno Cornec 2.0.4-1
- Updated to 2.0.4
- Fix a bug with LVMv1 on RHEL3 where mondorestore segfaults at restore time by returning false to LVM in that conf - CASE:1602066867 (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix a USB support bug where the key wasn\'t made bootable (syslinux.cfg copied in the wrong place) (Brian McKee)
- Fix a bug in USB mode of mindi when confirmation on device wasn\'t waiting for an answer (Brian McKee)
- Use native config files instead of static ones (Mark Pinkerton)
- Support /lib64 being a link on Debian (Andree Leidenfrost)
- Fix for debian lenny support concerning modules dock and ide_cd_mod/ide-cd_mod (Andree Leidenfrost/Arne Bernin)
- Force LVM to false and remove i-want-my-lvm if analyze-my-lvm fails (Bruno Cornec)
- Add support for partprobe in deplist.txt (Bruno Cornec)
- Add support for labeled reiser FS (Ulrich Tehrani)
- Add support for new Qlogic drivers in mindi (Ulrich Tehrani)
- Fix a rpmlint warning with modes on rootfs subdirs at 755 in SVN (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix mindi in wc -l usage, as with parameter instead of on stdin it creates a different output (Bruno Cornec)
- Add support for OCFS2 file systems at restore time, by adding mkfs.ocfs2 to initrd if needed (Bruno Cornec)
- Improve logging by adding some /proc content both at backup and restore time (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix Labelled swap to support 2.6.12 kernel on FC3 which skip only 16 bytes and not 105 to find the label. May need further fixes for other kernels (Bruno Cornec)
- Adds support for sis5513 module (IDE) which seems required on some machines (Bruno Cornec)
- Fix #243 parse /etc/modprobe.conf, look for include statements, and then add the included files to the dependency list (Michael Shapiro)
- Adds support for ide_cd_mod and pata_sis (Bruno Cornec)

Sat Jul 12 12:00:00 2008 Bruno Cornec 2.0.3-1
- Updated to 2.0.3
- Fix #270 where mondo images stored on an NFS shared were all removed (Bruno Cornec)