Changelog for mondo-1.67-1.SuSE81.i386.rpm :
Sun Feb 15 13:00:00 2004 Anonymous 1.67
- better find_cdrom_device(), to cope w/ multiple CD writers

Wed Oct 22 14:00:00 2003 Hugo Rabson 1.67
- fixed chmod/chown bug (Jens Richter)
- ask user to confirm NFS mountpoint in Interactive Mode
- line 451, 4458 of call_mindi_to_supply_boot_disks() --
was ignoring user-specified boot loader --- FIXED
- fixed bug in extract_config_file_from_ramdisk() which
affected tape+floppy users
- unmount CD-ROM before burning (necessary for RH8/9)
- fixed bug in grub-MR (Christian)
- make user remove CD/floppy before restoring interactively from tape
- fixed bug in am_I_in_disaster_recovery_mode()
- make sure NFS (backup) share is mounted in Nuke Mode
- better logging of changed bigfiles at compare-time
- better logging for tape users
- back-ported find_cdrw_device() and which_boot_loader() from 1.7x
- back-ported CD verification code, run_grub() from 1.7x

Thu Jul 24 14:00:00 2003 Hugo Rabson 1.66
- fixed \'default boot loader\' detection bug (Joshua Oreman)
- fixed mondoarchive -Vi multi-CD verify bug (Tom Mortell)
- commented out call to interrogate_..._cdrw_...()
- fixed RAID-related bug in where_is_root_mounted()
- ISO tweaks
- fixed silly bug in load_filelist() which stopped
funny German filenames from being handled properly
- added rudimentary support for SME

Sun May 18 14:00:00 2003 Hugo Rabson 1.65
- resolve boot device (-f) if softlink
- fix iso support
- post_param_configuration() --- store iso-dev and isodir
- added post-nuke-sample.tgz to package
- ran thru Valgrind & fixed some minor memory leaks
- improved which_boot_loader()
- when burning or comparing to a CD, defeat autorun if it is
running, to avoid confusing mondoarchive and the user
- modified Makefile to build restore-scripts.tgz and
post-nuke-sample.tgz from scratch instead of storing
tarballs within mondo-1.xx.tgz tarball
- when booting, type \'nuke noresize\' to nuke w/o resizing
mountlist to fill your drives
- run nice(20) to prioritize mondoarchive at start
- scan next CD before writing to it, in case user forgot
to remove previously toasted CD
- fixed support for subdir-within-NFS-mount
- fixed \"Can\'t backup if ramdisk not mounted\" bug

Wed Apr 9 14:00:00 2003 Hugo Rabson 1.64
- cleaned up find_cdrom_device()
- fixed insist_on_this_cd_number()
- fixed NFS live restore
- fixed am_i_in_disaster_recovery_mode()
- only ask for NFS mount dir once at boot-time
- fixed post-nuke support
- at restore-time, only sort mountlist internally,
in mount_all_devices() and unmount_all_devices()
- fixed cosmetic bug in label-partitions-as-necessary
- fixed fstab-hacking scripts

Sun Mar 23 13:00:00 2003 Hugo Rabson 1.63
- make-me-bootable fix (Juraj Ziegler)
- afio uses 4MB buffer instead of 16MB when restoring
- commented out sort_... call (BB) re: LVM/RAID
- fixed problem w/ multi-ISO verify cycle (Tom Mortell)
- removed duplicate entry from makefile
- if root is /dev/root then assume not a ramdisk
- fixed potentially infinite loop in log_to_screen (Tom Mortell)
- reject relative paths if -d flag (Alessandro Polverini)

Wed Feb 12 13:00:00 2003 Hugo Rabson 1.62
- mount_cdrom() better at handling multiple CD drives
- exclude /media/cdrecorder,cdrom,floppy from backup
- sensibly_set_tmpdir_and_scratchdir() --- exclude smb and smbfs
- better location for manpage
- adjusted block size of tarball at start of tape, to help
users w/ broken tape driver firmware
- sort -u fstab after modifying it
- if backup type is nfs then don\'t estimate noof media
- fixed Makefile (Mikael Hultgren)
- updated manpage
- fixed read_cfg_file_into_bkpinfo()\'s setting of ISO size (Troff)
- cleaned up \'where are the ISOs?\' question (Troff)
- added -e (do not eject when restoring) flag
- LVM-on-RAID patch (Brian Borgeson)

Mon Dec 16 13:00:00 2002 Hugo Rabson 1.61
- log newt, slang, ncurses info
- updated man page
- handle % chars in properly (Heiko Schlittermann)
- fixed serious NFS restore bug
- cleaned up spec file; it should cause fewer problems now (Jesse Keating)
- changed various strcpy() calls to strncpy() calls
- added mondo-makefilelist to makefile (Mikael Hultgren)

Mon Dec 2 13:00:00 2002 Hugo Rabson 1.60
- new stable branch opened
- fixed bug in multithreading
- use new grub-MR instead of grub-install
- wipe only the partition table (not the MBR) when partitioning drives
- ignore lilo.conf.anaconda when looking for lilo.conf file
- accepts \'-l RAW\' to backup/restore original boot sector instead
of running grub or lilo to init it after restoring
- fixed&updated stabgrub-me script; software RAID + GRUB work now
- mount/unmount /boot partition for Gentoo 1.2 users
- re-enabled extra tape checksums
- disabled spurious warnings
- unmount/remount supermounts at start/end of live restore, if nec.
- cleaned up mondo\'s tape block handling (now, TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE=128K
and I\'ve added INTERNAL_TAPE_BLK_SIZE=32K variable for buffering)
- added Makefile
- added -l RAW, to backup and restore original MBR
- cleaned up iso_mode() and nfs restoring
- create /mnt/RESTORING/mnt/.boot.d for Gentoo users
- made mondorestore CD bootable for ArkLinux users
- if user runs as \'su\' not \'su -\' then work around

Sun Nov 17 13:00:00 2002 Hugo Rabson 1.51
- pop-up list of changed files, at end of verification phase
- better handling of changed.files list at restore-time
- lots of CD-related fixes
- added \'-N\' flag --- to let user exclude all NFS-related mounts&devices
- better handling of \'kill\'
- restructuring of code to ease integration of mondo w/XMondo
- fixed obscure bug in find_and_mount_actual_cd()
- if / or /root has <50MB free then abort & complain
- fixed
- fixed .spec file
- updated documentation
- commented code
- updated man page
- added -v / --version flag
- replace convoluted grep with wc (KP)
- fixed bug affecting restoration of bigfiles from CD\'s created w/0 compression
- fixed BurnProof-related bug
- better at figuring out which is the best partition for temp/scratchdir
- added do-not-compress-these (text file) to RPM
- do not compress files of types listed in do-not-compress-these
- dropped -U from call to afio - saves 20-30% runtime (Cosgrove)
- added Cosgrove\'s do-not-compress-these list
- included various patches from KP
- chmod tmpdir, scratchdir to 700 before using
- restore from specified backup device, even if its own cfg file disagrees
- fixed multi-tape bug
- fixed \"Can\'t find first ISO when verifying nonbootable ISO\" bug
- multithreaded make_afioballs_and_images()
- tmpdir and scratchdir are set sensibly whether mondoarchive is called with
command-line parameters or not
- fixed bug in strip_spaces() which stopped it from handling
small strings correctly - affected mountlist editor
- create a repaired copy of grub-install which is RAID-friendly;
use it when initializing boot sector with run_grub()
- fixed bug in mondo-makefilelist

Sun Sep 8 14:00:00 2002 Hugo Rabson 1.50
- if restoring, don\'t try to find SCSI node of CD-ROM drive; find /dev entry
- during selective restore, skip filesets which don\'t contain relevant archives
- set /dev/null\'s perms to 777, just in case devfs-enabled kernel mangles it
- remove /var/run/
*.pid after restoring
- move spurious lockfiles from /home/
* to /home/
- ask user to confirm the tape/CD device name
- lots of multitape-related fixes
- added code to autodetect the hardware of the user, if possible
- if isodir does not exist then abort
- more sanity-checking for -d flag
- doubled \'biggiefile\' threshold... to 32MB
- exclude /root/images/mindi
- fixed multi-imagedev bug (Emmanuel Druon)
- unmount/remount /mnt/floppy before/after backing up, if Mandrake
- restructured the source files
- fixed serious bug in line 1546 - should have been !=, not ==; stopped
mondorestore from correctly restoring big files
- added \'#include \' to my-stuff.h
- exclude \"incheckentry xwait()\" from changed.files
- fixed minor bug in find_cdrom_device()
- fixed bug in friendly_sizestr...
- insist on tape #1 when start verifying
- added internal buffering, replacing the external \'buffer\' exe
- if differential backup then don\'t permit formatting or fdisking,
whether Interactive or Nuke mode
- if mondorestore is run on live filesystem (or from ramdisk) without
parameters then mondorestore will ask which backup media (tape, CD, etc.)
was used; it will read the config file from the media and proceed from there
- if tape streamer is softlink then resolve it first
- incorporate post-nuke tarball
- if user doesn\'t specify tape size, proceed anyway; behave intelligently
in the event of end-of-tape
- prefix bkpinfo->restore_path to biggiefile fname before generating
checksum & comparing to archived biggiefile
- if /etc/lilo.conf not found not /etc/lilo.conf.anaconda found
then create a softlink from the former to the latter, to work
around RH7.3\'s b0rken LILO support
- LFS support (mharris, michele, hugo)
- fixed verify bug --- CD#1 was being verified again & again & ...
- differential mode fixed; supported again
- ask user for boot loader + device if not detectible
- list up to 512 files in file selection window at once (was 128)
- better handling of bigfiles\' checksums, perms and owns
- delete final filelist if <=2 bytes long
- if kernel not found and mondo in graphics mode then popup and ask
for kernel path+filename

Sun Jul 14 14:00:00 2002 Hugo Rabson 1.45-1
- 1.5x branch forked off from 1.4x branch