Changelog for mplayer-0.90-0.pre8.2plf.i586.rpm :
Thu Sep 19 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre8.2mdk
- enable fbdev as requested by john smith

Thu Sep 19 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre8.1mdk
- disable parallel build
- add more files to the docs
- drop the patches 0 and 1
- 0.90pre8

Sun Sep 8 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre7.4mdk
- fix menu long title
- don\'t start gui version in fullscreen mode

Fri Sep 6 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre7.3mdk
- patch 1 to fix loading of GUI config file

Thu Sep 5 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre7.2mdk
- patch configure to build with freetype2 < 2.1.0
- enable freetype2 support

Thu Sep 5 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre7.1mdk
- remove the -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer hack (merged)
- use some macros for rpmlint
- fix libdha installation
- remove the new-input option (obsolete)
- remove patches 2,10 (merged)
- remove patch 0 (not needed anymore)
- new version

Thu Aug 29 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.15mdk
- build kernel modules only on Mandrake 8.2
- remove kernel modules, they are now in the kernel package

Sat Aug 24 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.14mdk
- new kernel
- remove --enable-dxr3 and svga options, else --rebuild --nodeps might break
- fix Mandrake 8.2 build

Fri Aug 23 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.13mdk
- add an option to disable gui, but it\'s still enabled by default
- kernel driver packages require same version and release of main package
- add patch 10 from official package (prevent a crash)
- drop patch 1 (unneeded)

Thu Aug 22 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre6.12mdk
- gui requires same version and release of base package

Wed Aug 21 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.11mdk
- fix description of up kernel driver packages
- split mencoder to an extra package

Tue Aug 20 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.10mdk
- fix the typo in the last release :-(

Tue Aug 20 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.9mdk
- add fix from Jose Antonio Becerra Permuy
- fix contents of the kernel module packages
- build with svgalib on Mandrake 8.2
- buildrequires libsvgalib1-devel on Mandrake 8.2

Tue Aug 20 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.8mdk
- disable libfame on mdk build
- add a note about real codecs to the description

Sun Aug 18 12:00:00 2002 Giuseppe Ghib� 0.90-0.pre6.7mdk
- enabled mga and xmga video output modules.
- added mga_vid kernel module packages (Patch8).
- make mga_vid conditional and move lower in the video output list (Patch7).
- compile radeon_vid kernel module.
- fixed path for reallib dir.
- Added libggi2, libgii0, libmad0, libdv2, liblirc0 to Requires.
- Forced 64bit file support with --enable-largefiles.
- Added /usr/lib/real.
- Added a flag for 8.2 building.
- Add some cosmetic patch (Patch1, Patch2).
- Enabled dxr3.

Tue Aug 13 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.6mdk
- add missing buildrequires on libcdda-devel

Fri Aug 9 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.5mdk
- make spec compatible with --short-circuit
- patch to give libdha a proper soname
- put libdha in a library package to reduce rpmlint errors
- fix last changelogs

Thu Aug 8 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.4mdk
- add a switch to optimize for the build machine (--with optimization)

Wed Aug 7 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.3mdk
- specify /usr/lib/win32 as windows codec dir

Wed Aug 7 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.2mdk
- only build mdk package with libdvdread support
- add -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer to CFLAGS to fix win32 codec

Tue Aug 6 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre6.1mdk
- 0.90pre6
- enable real codecs support (you must copy them to /usr/lib/real)
- don\'t compress the png icons
- disable dvdnav (broken)
- remove the buildrequires for ffmpeg, use included libavcodec
- clean up buildrequires

Wed Jul 31 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre5.5mdk
- include vidix output drivers
- plf buildrequires fixes

Wed Jul 31 12:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.90-0.pre5.4mdk
- libdv2

Sat Jul 27 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre5.3mdk
- enabled all cpu optimisations, as runtime detection should select relevant ones only
- enabled lirc and tv support
- enabled opengl again
- enabled faad support in plf version

Fri Jul 19 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre5.2mdk
- first official mdk release
- used system libdvdread instead of mpdvdkit
- removed buildrequires xanim, xvid and win32-codecs

Sat Jun 8 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre5.1plf
- 0.90pre5

Tue Jun 4 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre4.4plf
- symlinked mencoder man page to mplayer man page (G�tz Waschk )

Mon May 27 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre4.3plf
- changed xvid-devel to xvid-divx-devel (G�tz Waschk )

Wed May 15 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre4.2plf
- really disabled svgalib support

Tue May 14 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre4.1plf
- 0.90pre4
- build with gcc 3.1
- removed svgalib driver from popular demand (actually, Yves only :-)
- replaced divx4linux dependency by xvid

Wed May 8 12:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.90-0.pre3.1plf
- merged David modifications
- standard release scheme for preversion
- removed hardcoded requires, let spechelper do its job
- unversioned most buildrequires
- no more libdvdread buildrequires, as a modificated version is provided
- libgtk+ buildrequires apply to mplayer-gui
- win32-codecs requires and divx4linux buildrequires apply only to %{i586} and athlon
- configure options cleanup
- removed fibmap_player
- noreplace option also for codecs.conf
- no more exclusivearch
- build with new gcc3.1 and libalsa2

Fri May 3 12:00:00 2002 David Walluck 0.90-0.6plf
- 0.90-pre3
- remove conflicts
- really fix location of codecs.conf

Fri May 3 12:00:00 2002 David Walluck 0.90-0.5plf
- change location of codecs.conf

Tue Apr 30 12:00:00 2002 David Walluck 0.90-0.4plf
- update from CVS
- xpm2png
- fix menu (I think -- why was it broken?)
- fix _with macros
- try to support as many configure options as possible (feel free to
support more/less of these)
- libdvdnav support
- divx5linux (new divx4linux)
- fix %makeinstall
- don\'t enable OpenGL support

Thu Apr 25 12:00:00 2002 David Walluck 0.90-0.3plf
- cleanup
- still need to convert xpm2png

Thu Apr 25 12:00:00 2002 David Walluck 0.90-0.2plf
- update from CVS
- add build helper script to Sources
- patch configure to aid detection of libffmpeg
- remove setuid bit on fibmap_mplayer (let the admin set this)
- remove DOCS/SGML

Wed Apr 24 12:00:00 2002 David Walluck 0.90-0.1plf
- release

Wed Jan 30 11:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.60-2plf
- new plf extension

Thu Jan 3 11:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.60-2mdk
- comment childish trick in config file

Thu Jan 3 11:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 0.60-1mdk
- 0.60 final

Wed Jan 2 11:00:00 2002 G�tz Waschk 0.60-0.pre2.2mdk
- removed confdir option and fixed datadir
- install mencoder
- enable xanim support

Mon Dec 31 11:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.60-0.pre2.1mdk
- 0.60pre2
- bzipped icons
- buildrequires aalib1-devel
- removed all optimisation disabling, as distributed as source only

Thu Dec 20 11:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.50-6mdk
- added mimetypes to menu file (Michael Reinsch )
- use icons from MPlayer CVS (G�tz Waschk )

Fri Nov 30 11:00:00 2001 G�tz Waschk 0.50-5mdk
- build with libdvdread2
- fix prefix
- add menu
- add icons (Guillaume Rousse )
- BuildRequires libogg0-devel (Michael Reinsch )

Thu Nov 29 11:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.50-4mdk
- added ffmpeg and opendivx support
- requires win32-codecs and opendivx
- updated description
- gui in a distinct subpackage
- datadir now /usr/share/mplayer
- updated buildrequires

Wed Nov 28 11:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.50-3mdk
- rebuild

Sat Oct 13 12:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.50-2mdk
- obsoletes MPlayer
- updated URL

Mon Oct 8 12:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.50-1mdk
- 0.50

Fri Oct 5 12:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.50-0.pre3.1mdk
- 0.50pre3
- added system-wide configuration (David Walluck )
- changed description accordingly
- changed name to mplayer by popular demand :-)

Tue Oct 2 12:00:00 2001 G�tz Waschk 0.50-0.pre1.2mdk
- shut up, tar
- don\'t BuildRequires: XFree86-static-libs
- BuildRequires: libpng-devel to allow compilation with new libpng3
- BuildRequires: libgtk+1.2-devel for GUI
- enable GUI
- add example configuration files to documentation

Tue Oct 2 12:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.50-0.pre1.1mdk
- 0.50pre1
- back to gcc-2.96
- BuildRequires XFree86-static-libs libvorbis0-devel

Mon Aug 20 12:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.18-0.pre5.2mdk
- disabled all optimizations
- added libggi2-devel and svaligb-devel to BuildRequires
- changed name to MPlayer

Sat Aug 11 12:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 0.18-0.pre5.1mdk
- first mandrake release