Changelog for tomcat4-admin-webapps-4.1.24-2jpp.noarch.rpm :
Fri Mar 28 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.24-2jpp
- 4.1.24
- use javamail instead of old monolithic javamail

Wed Mar 19 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.24-1jpp
- 4.1.24 alpha

Tue Mar 18 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.23-1jpp
- 4.1.23 alpha
- complete release include commons-fileupload-1.0-beta1

Fri Mar 14 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.22-3jpp
- fix init script

Wed Mar 12 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.22-2jpp
- rpm release 2
- init script control now that tomcat isn\'t allready running at start
- don\'t remove run/lock if tomcat stop failed in init script stop

Mon Mar 10 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.22-1jpp
- 4.1.22 alpha

Thu Mar 6 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.21-2jpp
- 4.1.21 beta
- rpm release 2
- improved tomcat script which will store main java process in file
pointed by CATALINA_PID env var if existing, and will kill tomcat if
it didn\'t stop after SHUTDOWN_WAIT seconds (tomcat4.conf)

Wed Feb 26 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.21-1jpp
- 4.1.21 alpha
- use mx4j 1.1.1 for which jar changed from mx4j.jar to mx4j-jmx.jar

Thu Feb 13 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.20-1jpp
- 4.1.20 alpha
- full version bundled with update beanutils 1.6

Fri Jan 24 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.19-2jpp
- rpm release 2
- fix rights on tomcat-users.xml and, only root and tomcat4
user could update it (reported by Boris Folgmann)

Wed Jan 15 11:00:00 2003 Henri Gomez 4.1.19-1jpp
- 4.1.19 alpha
- new requirement, commons-fileupload

Fri Dec 20 11:00:00 2002 Ville Skytt� - 4.1.18-1jpp
- 4.1.18 stable, security update release.

Wed Dec 18 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.17-1jpp
- 4.1.17 stable release

Tue Dec 3 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.16-1jpp
- 4.1.16 beta release

Wed Nov 27 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.16-1jpp
- 4.1.16 alpha release

Tue Nov 19 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.15-1jpp
- 4.1.15 release

Tue Oct 29 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.12-3jpp
- rpm release 3
- relax perms in webapps, tomcat4 could now write in it and as
suck will be able to autoexpand wars.

Mon Oct 7 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.12-2jpp
- rpm release 2
- fix tomcat4.conf to use /etc/java/java.conf
- fix tomcat4 initd to be sure that we\'ll stop/start the task owner by
TOMCAT_USER and running catalina
- fix perms on /etc/tomcat4, contents is owned by root.tomcat4, and only and tomcat-users.xml could be updated by tomcat4 user.
- change ref and use of xerces-j2.jar by jaxp_parser_impl.jar.
- include ant 1.5.1
- remove commons-lang as no more required
- copy a correct mod_jk.jpeg

Mon Sep 30 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.12-1jpp
- 4.1.12 release
- include commons-logging 1.0.2, xerces-j2 2.1.0
- warning: do not use xerces-j2 2.2.0 which cause strange parse exception
making Tomcat 4.1.12 to fail at startup

Mon Sep 16 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.10-4jpp
- rpm release 4
- fixed java.conf location in misc documents and messages

Fri Sep 13 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.10-3jpp
- rpm release 3
- fix TOMCAT4.README.RPM documentation

Thu Sep 12 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.10-2jpp
- rpm release 2
- fix java.conf location
- webapps are owned by root:tomcat4 750/640
- fix initd script to ensure using pidof catalina

Mon Sep 9 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.10-1jpp
- 4.1.10 release
- jasper jars moved from shared/lib to common/lib
- full version bundled with latest release of :
javamail 1.3, jaf 1.0.2, beanutils 1.4.1, commons-pool 1.0.1

Fri Aug 23 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.9-4jpp
- rpm release 4
- Requires jta-1.0.1a

Thu Aug 22 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.9-3jpp
- rpm release 3
- the rpm could be now built in 3 modes :
ligth, follow jakarta LE tarball, ie didn\'t include stuff present in JDK 1.4
full, follow jakarta FULL tarball, ie include everything needed
strict, include only tomcat stuff, requires all others to be allready present
*, regexp, serlvet-2.3...)
- commons-logging, regexp and servlet jars should be also included in LE mode
- copy struts.jar in admin-webapp since symlinking it make admin webapp failed !

Thu Aug 22 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.9-2jpp
- rpm release 2
- fix jasper4 and jspc4 scripts
- set Vendor and Distribution tags to JPackage
- add JSSE if found in usual JPackage location (/usr/share/java)

Tue Aug 20 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.9-1jpp
- 4.1.9
- add commons-lang to required package for build
- make use of commons-logging 1.0.1
- remove the ugly hack in start/stop

Tue Aug 20 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.7-2jpp
- rpm release 2
- fix jdbcext jar name
- use jakarta-commons-logging 1.0.1 release package
- use jpackage-utils in tomcat4.conf and correct /etc/java.conf check

Wed Jul 10 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.1.7-1jpp
- tomcat 4.1.7
- take care of new jaxp apis/impl policy
- update build since jsse is now under javadir/jsse
- new package, admin-webapps
- tomcat4 need write access to the conf dir, so the dir is owned by tomcat4

Wed Jun 26 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.0.4-2jpp
- rpm release 2
- change build order : jtc/util, tc4, jtc/coyote, jtc/jk
- the rpm requires that you define your system Java SDK in /etc/java.conf
or /etc/tomcat4/tomcat4.conf (at least define JAVA_HOME)
Take a look at TOMCAT4.README.RPM for more explanations
- layout changes to meet FHS recommandations :
- use /var/cache/tomcat4 instead of /var/run/tomcat4/{work,temp}
- moved conf from /etc/tomcat4/conf to /etc/tomcat4
- logs/work/temp and webapps now owned by tomcat4 user
- fix regexp name and location

Mon Jun 24 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez 4.0.4-1jpp
- tomcat-v4.0.4
- this rpm is equivalent to jakarta-tomcat-4.0.4 full.
- tomcat4 is more FHS compliant, using symlinks to homedir
- tomcat4 use standard port, relocation command reloctomcat4 is
provided to make it listen to alternate ports to make it
compatible with a present tomcat 3.3
- unique rpm for both and
- commons-logging is the one from packager site until an official 1.0.1
release will be out
- Take a look at TOMCAT4.README.RPM for more informations about RPM

Tue Apr 30 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0.4-b2
- correct postun script, remove linked jars after service stop

Fri Apr 26 12:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0.3 rpm release 2
- misc spec/rpm fixes.

Mon Mar 4 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0.3
- security fix
- add symlinking info at post time

Tue Feb 19 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0.2 RPM release 3
- correct missing tools.jar in CLASSPATH in both tomcat4 and jasper4

Fri Feb 15 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0.2 RPM release 2
- correct bad perms for webapps dir
- warn user at install time if ext jars are not found
- use new tarball for JTC (jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.0.2-01-src)

Mon Feb 11 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0.2
- rpm use the light distribution mode whereas jndi, javamail, jta and jdbc-ext
are not required.
- rpm now is fully rpm compliant, jakarta-regexp, servletapi4, xerces rpm are
required for build and should be present, they will be linked at install time.

Wed Jan 23 11:00:00 2002 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0.2-b2
- removed tomcat 4.0.2-b2 binary tarball to save place in srpm
- removed manual package, stuff will be only in webapps
- due to Sun Licence we couldn\'t provide jaf, javamail, jdbc-ext, jmxri, jndi, jta
jars in source package, so the build dependencies will require to have them
ALLREADY present in /usr/share/java.
- rpm 4.0.3 have problem with _ in dependencies, jdbcext/jta buildrequire has
been commented BUT are needed

Wed Oct 24 12:00:00 2001 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0.1
- ajp13 support is now included by default in Tomcat 4.0, so I\'ve included
stuff from jakarta-tomcat-connectors CVS (20011023) to rebuild ajp connector
from source
- since you could have also a tomcat 3.x running, listen port in Tomcat 4.0
rpm have been translated :
HTTP 1.1 from 8080 to 8180, Proxied HTTP 1.1 from 8081 to 8181,
HTTP 1.1/SSL from 8443 to 8543 and AJP13 from 8009 to 8109
HTTP 1.0 from port 8082 to 8182
if you want to use original values, edit file /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml
- connectors activated by default are HTTP 1.1, WARP and AJP13
- rework RPM to have tomcat4 works under user tomcat4 (like tomcat 3.3 RPM)
- fix images corruptions

Mon Oct 8 12:00:00 2001 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0
- to avoid license problem both source and binary are included in the source rpm
we use binary tarball to get required jar, jndi, mail, jta...
- Java Managment Extension, jmx is included in source rpm for build purpose but
won\'t be installed in binary rpm again for license problem.
- many RPM enhancements from suggestion from Keith Irwin ,
Nicolas Mailhot and Jun Inamori. A big thanks
to all of them
- tomcat run as nobody (finally) in init.d.
BE CAREFULL NOW WHEN running tomcat as root (in interactive mode for example)
since you could then make some files unreadable
- a config file is available for init.d script tuning, tomcat.conf, in /etc/tomcat4
- no external parser is required since crimson (jaxp 1.1) is now included
- this RPM is still not FHS, need some reworks...
- no external parser is required since crimson (jaxp 1.1) is now included
- built under Redhat 6.2 with updates, jikes 1.15, ant 1.4, IBM JDK 1.3 (cx130-20010626), jsse 1.0.2

Thu Sep 13 12:00:00 2001 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0-rc1
- built under Redhat 6.2 with updates, jikes 1.14, IBM JDK 1.3 (cx130-20010626), jsse 1.0.2

Tue Jun 5 12:00:00 2001 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0b5
- built under Redhat 6.2 with updates, jikes 1.14, IBM JDK 1.3 (cx130-20010502), jsse 1.0.2
- included xerces 1.4.0

Fri May 11 12:00:00 2001 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0b4

Wed Apr 18 12:00:00 2001 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0b3

Mon Apr 2 12:00:00 2001 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0b2
- second beta release of tomcat 4
- big cleanup of the SPEC which was just to complex.
- Need now a jaxp 1.1 conforming parser, => require xerces-j 1.3.1
- removed jaxp 1.0 / 1.1 from SPEC since we\'re using xerces-j 1.3.1
(jaxp 1.1 / crimson is include in tomcat sources)
- YOU MUST HAVE the JSSE 1.0.2 jars in /usr/share/java (I\'ve built a
jsse RPM from Sun Jars but I COULD\'T MAKE IT AVAILABLE...)

Mon Jan 8 11:00:00 2001 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0b1
- first beta release of tomcat 4

Thu Dec 14 11:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0m5

Thu Nov 2 11:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0m4

Tue Oct 24 12:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0m3 RPM Release 2
- corrected jars included
- we assume you\'ve installed jsse jars in /usr/share/java
- renamed tomcat4-doc to tomcat4-manual (follow apache RPM naming)
- RH 7.0 changes location of docdir and DocumentRoot. The spec file is modified
to place manual in right place when rebuilded under RH 6.x or RH 7.0
- compiled on Redhat 6.1 box plus updates with rpm-3.0.5
- build CLASSPATH=

Thu Oct 19 12:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0m3

Tue Oct 17 12:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- tomcat-v4.0m2 RPM Release 2
- follow Debian policy about java stuff, libs in /usr/share/java,
executable in /usr/bin, apps datas in /var/tomcat4
- prepare transition to RH 7.0 new document root (/var/www)
- build CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/jsse.jar:/usr/share/java/jcert.jar:/usr/share/java/jnet.jar

Thu Oct 12 12:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- v4.0-m2
- to allow tomcat 3.x and tomcat 4.x coexistence, the RPM is named tomcat4.
It start at version 4.0 and all datas will goes in /home/tomcat4.
- tomcat 4.0 need ant post 1.1, xerces 1.2.0, jsse 1.0.1 (min) and jmx.
The RPM include ant post 1.1 (for build) and jmx (jmxri.jar for build/run) .
I couldn\'t include JSSE stuff so you must download JSSE from
Next install jcert.jar, jnet.jar and jsse.jar in BOTH
/usr/lib/java AND JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext
- TC 4.0 HTTP 1.1 connector moved from port 8080 to 8180 and
from port 8081 to 8181 for HTTP 1.0 connector
(TC 3.x allready listen on 8080/8081)

Sat Oct 7 12:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- v4.0-m1
- RPM never released

Fri Oct 6 12:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- RPM release 2
- tomcat is now installed on /home/tomcat instead of
/opt/tomcat since /opt is mounted read-only on
many systems
- build CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/java/jsse.jar:/usr/lib/java/jcert.jar:/usr/lib/java/jnet.jar
- correct stuff in spec file (copyright, group...)

Mon Sep 25 12:00:00 2000 Henri Gomez
- v3.2-beta-5 RPM
- detect jikes and use it to rebuild (yep 10 times faster).
- patched incorrect version number
- rebuilded with jikes 1.12 (and jsse 1.0.2).