Changelog for jonas-client-4.3.5-0.20050506.1jpp.noarch.rpm :
Sat May 7 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Nasser -
- Upgrade to 4.3.5

Tue Mar 29 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Nasser -
- Upgrade to 4.3.4
- Do not use jakarta-commons-discovery package for now
- Do not use wsdl4j package for now
- Revert to use mx4j shipped with JOnAS for now
- Use the JOTM package
- Use the JORAM package
- Replace JCup.jar with java_cup RPM dependency
- Replace XDoclet with xdoclet dependency (contains ObjectWeb fixes)
- Remove dependency on commons-el (comes with Tomcat)
- Add mechanism to build snapshots
- Source configuration settings in the reverse order so the JOnAS settings
are not clobbered
- Use p6spy, jta, j2ee-connector, j2ee-deployment, j2ee-management,
oldkilim and nanoxml packages
- Use the jonathan-
* packages
- Add profile scripts to add default JONAS_ROOT
From Permaine Cheung
- Create two datasources jdbc_xa1 and jdbc_xa2 for running the JDBC Resouce
Adapter tests and remove them when the test rpm is uninstalled

Fri Mar 11 23:00:00 2005 Ralph Apel - 4.1.2-4jpp
- Set OPT_JAR_LIST to \"ant/ant-nodeps ant/ant-apache-bcel bcel\"

Tue Dec 7 23:00:00 2004 Fernando Nasser - 4.1.2-3jpp
- Update dependency on struts to struts11

Sun Sep 5 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Nasser - 4.1.2-2jpp
- Update SysV init script and associated sysconfig file
- Include fix from Permaine Cheung to the rhdb-jonas logrotate configuration.
- Rebuilt with Ant 1.6.2

Thu Aug 5 00:00:00 2004 Fernando Nasser - 4.1.2-1jpp
- JOnAS release 1.4.2
- Add xalan-j2 to endorsed jars
- Require xalan-j2 to be at least 2.6.0 due to a bug in 2.5.4
- Declare version of xalan in (patch0)
- Backfix for the JmsServer command
- Build with tomcat5 5.0.27 due to problems with 5.0.24 and jonasAdmin
- Stop service before both updating and deleting.
- Require specific jonas version on subpackages
- Add template configuration directory for Eclipse debugging
- Move all client related things to the client subpackage
- Create user jonas in the jonas-client subpackage, as that can be installed
by itself (while the jonas main package depends on jonas-client)
- Use JMS shipped with JOnAS.
- Add links for utilities in /usr/bin
- Make config_env a %config so people can change it to switch JDBC drivers.
- Mark README files as %doc

Mon Mar 8 23:00:00 2004 Guillaume Sauthier - 3.3.6-1jpp
- JOnAS release 3.3.6
- add jonathan dependencie
- remove privated files
- clean spec file
- jmx not included (MBeanException)

Sat Oct 18 00:00:00 2003 Goulven Le Jeune - 3.3-2jpp
- Fix change log

Fri Oct 17 00:00:00 2003 Goulven Le Jeune - 3.3-1jpp
- JOnAS release 3.3
- File layout change

Wed Sep 10 00:00:00 2003 Goulven Le Jeune - 3.2-2jpp
- removed link from /usr/share/java

Sat Aug 30 00:00:00 2003 Goulven Le Jeune - 3.2-1jpp
- initial version, JOnAS version 3.2