Changelog for
retrace-server-1.3-1.fc16.noarch.rpm :
Tue Aug 23 14:00:00 2011 Michal Toman
- cron jobs are not enabled by default
- support X-Task-Type header
- use atomic operations to lock/rename
- add support for http(s) and ftp in reposync
- abort if release is not supported
- add option to use createrepo --update
- add support for F16
Wed Jun 29 14:00:00 2011 Michal Toman 1.2-1
- add option to verify GPG signatures
- make HTTPS optional
- use RetraceTask class
- validate input
- limit allowed files
- do not allow worker to start twice
- ship cron configuration
- do not require suid launcher
- minor bug and typo fixes
Wed Jun 1 14:00:00 2011 Scott Dodson 1.1-2
- Add asciidocs xmlto to BuildRequires
Wed Jun 1 14:00:00 2011 Michal Toman 1.1-1
- add logrotate script
- add asciidoc support and manpages
- replace rm by os.remove() and shutil.rmtree()
- call du and df without block factor
- use communicate() instead of
- replace popen by execlp
- import manual from ABRT git, minor changes
- create log directory
- use \'retrace\' user and group
Wed May 18 14:00:00 2011 Michal Toman 1.0-1
- initial packaging