Changelog for copr-backend-1.8-1.fc20.noarch.rpm :
Tue Sep 24 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.8-1
- 1008532 - require python2-devel
- add note about ssh keys to copr-setup.txt
- set home of copr user to system default

Mon Sep 23 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.7-1
- 1008532 - backend should own _pkgdocdir
- 1008532 - backend should owns /etc/copr as well
- 1008532 - require logrotate
- 1008532 - do not distribute empty copr.if
- 1008532 - use %{?_smp_mflags} macro with make
- move jobsdir to /var/lib/copr/jobs
- correct playbooks path
- selinux with enforce can be used for frontend

Wed Sep 18 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.6-1
- add BR python-devel
- generate selinux type for /var/lib/copr and /var/log/copr
- clean up backend setup instructions
- initial selinux subpackage

Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.5-1
- 1008532 - use __python2 instead of __python
- 1008532 - do not mark man page as doc
- 1008532 - preserve timestamp

Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.4-1
- add logrotate file

Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.3-1
- be clear how we create tgz

Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.2-1
- fix typo
- move frontend data into /var/lib/copr
- no need to own /usr/share/copr by copr-fe
- mark application as executable
- coprs_frontend does not need to be owned by copr-fe
- add executable attribute to
- remove shebang from
- squeeze description into 80 chars
- fix typo
- frontend need argparse too
- move results into /var/lib/copr/public_html
- name of dir is just copr-%version
- Remove un-necessary quote that breaks the tests
- Adjust unit-tests to the new urls
- Update the URL to be based upon a /user/copr/ structure
- comment config copr-be.conf and add defaults
- put examples of builderpb.yml and terminatepb.yml into doc dir
- more detailed description of copr-be.conf
- move files in config directory not directory itself
- include copr-be.conf
- include
- create copr with lighttpd group
- edit backend part of copr-setup.txt
- remove fedora16 and add 19 and 20
- create -doc subpackage with python documentation
- add generated documentation on gitignore list
- add script to generate python documentation
- copr-setup.txt change to for mock
- rhel6 do not know _pkgdocdir macro
- make instruction clear
- require recent whoosh
- add support for libravatar
- include backend in rpm
- add notes about lighttpd config files and how to deploy them
- do not list file twice
- move log file to /var/log
- change destdir in copr-be.conf.example
- lightweight is the word and buildsystem has more meaning than \'koji\'.
- restart apache after upgrade of frontend
- own directory where backend put results
- removal of hidden-file-or-dir
- copr-backend.noarch: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US latests ->
latest, latest\'s, la tests
- simplify configuration - introduce /etc/copr/copr
- Replace \"with\" statements with AATTTransactionDecorator decorator
- add python-flexmock to deps of frontend
- remove sentence which does not have meaning
- change api token expiration to 120 days and make it configurable
- create_chroot must be run as copr-fe user
- add note that you have to add chroots to db
- mark as config so it is not overwritten during upgrade
- own directory data/whooshee/copr_user_whoosheer
- gcc is not needed
- sqlite db must be owned by copr-fe user
- copr does not work with selinux
- create subdirs under data/openid_store
- suggest to install frontend as package from copr repository
- on el6 add python-argparse to BR
- add python-requests to BR
- add python-setuptools to BR
- maintain apache configuration on one place only
- apache 2.4 changed access control
- require python-psycopg2
- postgresql server is not needed
- document how to create db
- add to HOWTO how to create db
- require python-alembic
- add python-flask-script and python-flask-whooshee to requirements
- change user in coprs.conf.example to copr-fe
- fix paths in coprs.conf.example
- copr is noarch package
- add note where to configure frontend
- move frontend to /usr/share/copr/coprs_frontend
- put production placeholders in coprs_frontend/coprs/
- put frontend into copr.spec
- web application should be put in /usr/share/%{name}

Mon Jun 17 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.1-1
- new package built with tito