Changelog for python-djblets-0.7.8-1.fc18.noarch.rpm :
Thu Dec 20 13:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.7.8-1
- New upstream release 0.7.8
- JavaScript:

* Fixed a crash when enabling/disabling an inlineEditor without an edit

Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.7.7-1
- New upstream release 0.7.7
- djblets.datagrid:

* Fixed a possible XSS exploit in datagrids

* Failures during rendering the datagrid now results in a traceback
- JavaScript:

* The second display of an inlineEditor no longer breaks the size of the

Thu Dec 13 13:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.7.6-1
- New upstream release 0.7.6
- General:
* Django 1.4.2 is now required
* All admin-related templates have been changed to better fit the admin
template structure and styles. This includes siteconfig and logs.
- djblets.extensions:
* Extension lists and state are now synchronized across
* Extension subclasses now must capture all variable arguments
*kwargs) and pass them to the parent constructor
* URLHook, admin URLs, and API resource URLs are all now added and removed
properly when an extension is enabled or disabled
- djblets.util:
* Cache keys are now bound to the SITE_ROOT, if one is set, to prevent
leakage across instances
* Added DynamicURLResolver in djblets.util.urlresolvers
- djblets.util.cache:
* Added normalize_cache_backend
- djblets.webapi:
* API handler functions that specify allow_unknown=True in
AATTwebapi_request_fields can now retrieve all extra fields as an
\'extra_fields\' argument
* Added unregister_resource_for_model
- djblets.siteconfig:
* The stored cache_backend setting is now deserialized into
* Fixed a couple missing imports
* Siteconfig now handles old-style CACHE_BACKEND values and new-style
CACHES[cachename] dictionaries in the \'cache_backend\' setting
- JavaScript:
* The jQuery dependency has been updated to 1.8.2, and jQuery-UI to 1.8.24
* inlineEditor\'s animation speed has increased, and is now customizable
through options.fadeSpeedMS
* inlineEditor now does a better job of matching the parent container\'s
* inlineEditor no longer activates when simply selecting text
* Added a $.fn.retinaGravatar function that, on Retina-capable displays,
requests a larger gravatar for the given URL specified in an \\
* inlineEditor now supports changing an \"enabled\" option, allowing editors
to start out enabled or disabled, or dynamically change that state

Wed Oct 3 14:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.7.2-1
- New upstream release 0.7.2
- Drop upstreamed patch to use system feedparser
- General:
- Styled all admin UI templates to add a \"title\" class to

titles. This affects extensions, log viewer, and siteconfig.
- djblets.log:
- Fixed the columns to match the style of other admin UI columns.
- djblets.pipeline:
- Our \'bless\' compiler is now compatible with the latest versions
of pipeline
- JavaScript:
- modalBox\'s positioning is now properly centered

Wed Aug 8 14:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.7.1-3
- Use the system

Fri Aug 3 14:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.7.1-1
- New upstream release 0.7.1
- Support for ReviewBoard 1.7beta1
- General:
- Djblets now requires Django 1.4.1+
- Added localized timezone awareness
- Djblets now uses Django\'s standard static media support
- djblets.datagrid:
- DateTimeColumn and DateTimeSinceColumn are now timezone-aware
- djblets.extensions:
- Added a framework for supporting loadable, configurable extensions in
Django-based sites
- djblets.util:
- ModificationTimestampField, http_date, and the the ageid filter have
been made timezone-aware

Tue Jul 31 14:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.22-1
- New upstream releae 0.6.22
- Fixes to support Review Board 1.6.11
- djblets.datagrid:
- Improved performance of the datagrids
- djblets.util:
- The ifuserorperm template tag now accepts both IDs and User
objects, allowing comparisons to be made without fetching the
- Fixed a bug with ifuserorperm and non-int IDs
- User and AnonymousUser are no longer imported globally in
the djblets_utils templatetags. This fixes some breakages in
apps that imported this file to get access to filters, but weren\'t
running in a Django settings environment

Sat Jul 21 14:00:00 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.19-2
- Rebuilt for

Tue Jun 12 14:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.19-1
- New upstream release 0.6.19
- JavaScript:
- inlineEditor no longer bubbles keypress events up

Tue Jun 5 14:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.18-1
- New upstream release 0.6.18
- djblets.siteconfig:
- Settings form rows in the template now have IDs indicating the row and
CSS class names
- Help text for fields are now marked as safe, so that the contents
aren\'t escaped
- The form\'s disabled_reasons is no longer assumed to be populated
- The initial field values are now always set
- djblets.util:
- Added a json_dumps filter, which serialized a value to JSON

Wed Apr 25 14:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.17-2
- Fix Django requirement for F18+
- Guarantee rebuild of egg-info

Wed Apr 25 14:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.17-1
- New upstream release 0.6.17
- djblets.gravatars:
- Gravatars are no longer hard-coded to be jpegs. This was breaking some
- JavaScript:
- inlineEditor now has a showRequiredFlag option for indicating if a field
is required.
- inlineEditor now indicates when its dirty state changes

Mon Feb 27 13:00:00 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.16-1
- New upstream release 0.6.16
- djblets.pipeline:
- Replaced the djblets.compress module with djblets.pipeline.
- djblets.util:
- Fixed Django 1.4 compatibility.
- Fix parsing of tokens in a blocktag in Django 1.4
- djblets.datagrid:
- Removed an extraneous in the paginator
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Django 1.4 in the queries
- djblets.webapi:
- Add support for resource-specific mimetypes
- Accept \"true\" as a valid boolean value in the web API

Sat Jan 14 13:00:00 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.14-2
- Rebuilt for

Thu Nov 10 13:00:00 2011 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.14-1
- New upstream release
- djblets.testing:
- Added a new TestCase class and AATTadd_fixtures decorator for having
fixtures specific to text functions.
- djblets.util:
- Fixed defaults on counter fields on new model instances.
- Added a controlled_subprocess context manager for Python 2.5+.
- Moved controlled_subprocess into djblets.util.contextmanagers.
- Fixed a syntax error in controlled_subprocess on Python 2.4 and 2.5.
- The jQuery and jQuery-UI versions are now referenced in only one place,
in js/jquery.html and js/jquery-ui.html. Other templates can include
these and keep up-to-date with the versions Djblets provides.
- djblets.log:
- Allow logging page access times.
- Include the HTTP method in the new page request logs.
- djblets.webapi:
- API authorization failures, misparsed headers, and authorization attempts
are now logged.
- Fixed authentication failures when \":\" was in the password.
- djblets.compress:
- Added a new filters for django-compress that handles lesscss
( files and automatically converts/deploys as CSS.
- Added new templates for django-compress that handles the MEDIA_SERIAL
- djblets.siteconfig:
- The settings template now allows fields to not have a label by setting
\"fields_no_label\" to True in the form class.

Tue Sep 13 14:00:00 2011 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.11-1
- djblets.testing:

* Added a new TestCase class and AATTadd_fixtures decorator for
having fixtures specific to text functions.
- djblets.util:

* Fixed defaults on counter fields on new model instances.

Mon Aug 22 14:00:00 2011 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.10-1
- New upstream release 0.6.10
- Required for ReviewBoard 1.5.6

Mon Jul 25 14:00:00 2011 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.9-15
- New upstream release 0.6.9
- Required for ReviewBoard 1.6

Thu Jun 23 14:00:00 2011 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.8-14
- New upstream release 0.6.8
- djblets.datagrid:
* Fixed an occasional ValueError with the datagrid.
- On occasion, the \"active\" state of a column can sometimes be
- True when the column isn\'t in self.datagrid.columns, which meant
- it would throw a ValueError when trying to remove itself from the
- list. We\'re more bullet-proof now.
- djblets.gravatars:
* The gravatar templatetag no longer errors out if the provided user
- is anonymous.
- djblets.log:
* The \"Logging to...\" lines are now only logged when settings.DEBUG
- is on.
- djblets.util:
* JSONField no longer errors out if blank=False is used. (Bug #2015)
* Fixed escaping of label names in label_tag() on newer versions
- of Django.
- djblets.webapi:
* Fixed a problem when settings.WEB_API_ENCODERS isn\'t set.
- Our fallback for when this setting wasn\'t set was broken, causing
- new errors.

Tue Feb 8 13:00:00 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.7-13
- Rebuilt for

Mon Jan 10 13:00:00 2011 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.7-12
- New upstream release 0.6.7
- djblets.datagrid:
- The datagrids now use a RequestContext when rendering cells, allowing
- the columns or templates to access data from context processors.

- djblets.siteconfig:
- The form body of a siteconfig settings page can now be replaced.
- It\'s now stored in the \"form_content\" block.

- SiteConfigurationManager no longer crashes if trying to clear
- the cache for a SiteConfiguration that no longer exists.

- djblets.testing:
- The Selenium test suite has been updated to support Django 1.2\'s
- multi-database support. Previously, fixtures would fail to load
- if using the new settings.DATABASES variable.

- djblets.util:
- The AATTaugment_method_from decorator wasn\'t properly calling up the
- decorator chain, preventing some decorators from being invoked. This
- has been fixed to ensure all decorators are called.
- djblets.webapi:
- Due to the AATTaugment_method_from breakage listed above, webapi
- decorators could fail to add their own checks, causing various
- problems in field checking and authentication. This is now fixed.

- The Permission Denied (HTTP 403) errors being returned weren\'t
- sufficient for clients that weren\'t authenticated. Now, an
- unauthenticated client will instead see Not Logged In (HTTP 401)
- errors.
- The HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header is now checked on all requests. When
- provided by the client, it will be used for authentication. This
- means that clients can now force a login from their very first
- request on, instead of requiring a HTTP 401 Unauthorized being
- sent out first.
- This will also prevent multiple logins across different requests
- from the same client, when the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header is passed
- on each request. This makes requests less heavy-weight and prevents
- the last_login timestamp on the User from being updated on each
- request.
- As part of this change, any webapps manually using the
- AATTwebapi_login_required decorator without the new resource code
- will no longer support HTTP Basic auth. However, this was never
- a supported feature anyway, and was more there by accident.
- The \'api_format\' parameter in requests is now treated specially
- and doesn\'t trigger any invalid attribute errors during field
- validation.
- WebAPIResource.delete now uses get_object instead of fetching
- the object directly, which simplifies the function and guarantees
- that the correct object is used (especially when a resource
- overrides get_object).
- Redirects now preserve any special parameters (\"callback\",
- \"_method\", \"expand\", and \"api_format\") passed to the request.
- This works around problems in HTTP implementations that don\'t
- allow the caller to know that redirects occurred (such as major
- browsers), which would lead to this information being stripped and
- the wrong results being returned.
- The \"expand\" parameter for expanding links in payloads is now
- supported for POST and PUT requests.

Mon Nov 22 13:00:00 2010 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.6-11
- New upstream release 0.6.6
- djblets.util:
- Fixed a compatibility problem with JSONField and Django 1.1. It
- was assuming support for Django 1.2\'s multi-database support.
- Fixed multi-database support in Django 1.2 with JSONField, where
- the default connection was always being used in one case.

Mon Nov 22 13:00:00 2010 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.5-10
- djblets.datagrid:
- MEDIA_SERIAL is now used for all the images in the datagrid
- template. Patch by Ben Hollis.
- djblets.util:
- Added a AATTroot_url decorator for use with get_absolute_url
- implementations, which appends SITE-ROOT to any returned URLs.
- Added a CounterField for atomically updating counters.
- CounterField can be used to atomically increment or decrement
- an integer stored in the database, on individual models or
- on many models at a time. It\'s intended to substitute for
- potentially expensive or numerous SQL queries that retrieve
- counts of objects.
- Updated the custom fields for Django 1.2 multi-database
- compatibility.
- djblets.webapi:
- Fixed a bug in serializing \'long\' values in XML.
- Resources now Vary on HTTP Accept, meaning that the browser won\'t
- cache the wrong response type when accessing the same resource
- with two different requested mimetypes.
- Reduced the SQL query count for resources.
- Fixed problems that could occur with URLs when serializing objects in
- a list and when returning links.

Mon Sep 20 14:00:00 2010 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.4-9
- New upstream release 0.6.4

Thu Jul 22 14:00:00 2010 David Malcolm - 0.6.3-8
- Rebuilt for

Tue Jul 6 14:00:00 2010 Stephen Gallagher 0.6.3-7
- Added utility functions for HTTP Accept-based content negotation.
- Add some gravy to make sites work better on iphone/ipad Safari
- Required for ReviewBoard 1.5rc1 and later

Fri May 14 14:00:00 2010 Stephen Gallagher 0.6.2-6
- Fixed rendering issues with columns in the datagrids
- Fixed over-caching of columns
- Added a new resource-based model for doing more RESTful APIs
- Required for ReviewBoard 1.5beta2 and later

Mon Apr 5 14:00:00 2010 Stephen Gallagher 0.5.9-4
- Translated strings no longer break cache backends
- Performance improvements for djblets.datagrid
- Fix \"stale settings\" issue. No longer need to restart apache to
- see updated settings
- Use updated web API settings. No longer assume all API calls
- succeed

Fri Mar 12 13:00:00 2010 Stephen Gallagher 0.5.7-3
- Correct required minimum Django version to 1.1.1

Fri Mar 12 13:00:00 2010 Stephen Gallagher 0.5.7-2
- Update to latest upstream release
- Contains new features required by ReviewBoard 1.5

Mon Dec 21 13:00:00 2009 Stephen Gallagher 0.5.6-0
- Update to latest upstream release
- Remove pre-release handling in the package name and spec

Fri Oct 23 14:00:00 2009 Dan Young - 0.5-0.3.rc1
- Fix License tag

Wed May 13 14:00:00 2009 Dan Young - 0.5-0.2.rc1
- BuildRequires: python and python-setuptools

Thu May 7 14:00:00 2009 David Malcolm - 0.5-0.1.rc1
- bump to upstream 0.5rc1
- add NEWS and AUTHORS files as documentation

Thu May 7 14:00:00 2009 David Malcolm - 0.5-0.1.alpha3
- rename from Djblets to python-djblets
- update version/release to try to preserve update path (prerelease issues)
- fix mixed tabs/spaces in specfile (use spaces throughout)
- remove tests subdirectory
- make executable

Sat Feb 21 13:00:00 2009 Ramez Hanna
- First build.