Changelog for scap-security-guide-0.1-3.1.fc18.noarch.rpm :
Fri Nov 15 13:00:00 2013 Šimon Lukašík - 0.1-3.1
- Rebuild to obsolete openscap-content package (#1028706)

Tue Oct 22 14:00:00 2013 Jan iankko Lieskovsky 0.1-3
- Add .gitignore for Fedora output directory
- Set up Fedora release name and CPE based on build system properties
- Use correct file paths in scap-security-guide(8) manual page
(RH BZ#1018905, c#10)
- Apply further changes motivated by scap-security-guide Fedora RPM review
request (RH BZ#1018905, c#8):

* update package description,

* make content files to be owned by the scap-security-guide package,

* remove Fedora release number from generated content files,

* move HTML form of the guide under the doc directory (together
with that drop fedora/content subdir and place the content
directly under fedora/ subdir).
- Fixes for scap-security-guide Fedora RPM review request (RH BZ#1018905):

* drop Fedora release from package provided files\' final path (c#5),

* drop BuildRoot, selected Requires:, clean section, drop chcon for
manual page, don\'t gzip man page (c#4),

* change package\'s description (c#4),

* include PD license text (#c4).

Mon Oct 14 14:00:00 2013 Jan iankko Lieskovsky 0.1-2
- Provide manual page for scap-security-guide
- Remove percent sign from spec\'s changelog to silence rpmlint warning
- Convert RHEL6 \'Restrict Root Logins\' section\'s rules to Fedora
- Convert RHEL6 \'Set Password Expiration Parameter\' rules to Fedora
- Introduce \'Account and Access Control\' section
- Convert RHEL6 \'Verify Proper Storage and Existence of Password Hashes\' section\'s
rules to Fedora
- Set proper name of the build directory in the spec\'s setup macro.
- Replace hard-coded paths with macros. Preserve attributes when copying files.

Tue Sep 17 14:00:00 2013 Jan iankko Lieskovsky 0.1-1
- Initial Fedora SSG RPM.