Changelog for privoxy-3.0.3-9.2.1.i386.rpm :
Fri Feb 10 23:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating - 3.0.3-9.2.1
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)

Tue Feb 7 23:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating - 3.0.3-9.2
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes

Fri Dec 9 23:00:00 2005 Jesse Keating
- rebuilt

Fri Sep 9 00:00:00 2005 Karsten Hopp 3.0.3-9
- fix invalid javascript created by quote unaware match in default.filter
Anduin Withers (#126366)

Wed May 11 00:00:00 2005 Karsten Hopp 3.0.3-8
- enable debuginfo

Wed Mar 2 23:00:00 2005 Karsten Hopp 3.0.3-7
- build with gcc-4

Thu Nov 25 23:00:00 2004 Miloslav Trmac - 3.0.3-6
- Convert man page to UTF-8

Fri Sep 10 00:00:00 2004 Bill Nottingham 3.0.3-5
- don\'t run by default (again :) )

Wed Jun 16 00:00:00 2004 Elliot Lee
- rebuilt

Mon Feb 23 23:00:00 2004 Karsten Hopp 3.0.3-3
- rebuild with sane release number

Fri Feb 13 23:00:00 2004 Elliot Lee
- rebuilt

Sun Feb 1 23:00:00 2004 Karsten Hopp 3.0.3-0.6x
- build for upstream

Sat Jan 31 23:00:00 2004 Karsten Hopp 3.0.3-0.9
- build for upstream

Thu Jan 22 23:00:00 2004 Karsten Hopp 3.0.3-0.1
- privoxy 3.0.3 beta

Tue Jul 15 00:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.2-7
- new upstream default.action

Thu Jul 10 00:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.2-6
- new upstream default.action
- added workaround for #74068

Fri Jun 27 00:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.2-5
- add patch from Hal Burgiss to disable filtering of downloaded source code

Thu Jun 5 00:00:00 2003 Elliot Lee 3.0.2-4.1
- rebuilt

Fri May 9 00:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.2-3.1
- fix https port

Fri May 9 00:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.2-3.0
- rebuild

Fri May 9 00:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.2-2.2
- fix typo in https port

Thu May 8 00:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.2-2.1
- fix memleak (patch from privoxy CVS)

Wed Mar 26 23:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.2-1
- update to 3.0.2

Wed Feb 12 23:00:00 2003 Karsten Hopp 3.0.0-8
- fix sig_child handling (#84103)

Wed Jan 22 23:00:00 2003 Tim Powers
- rebuilt

Sat Dec 21 23:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- /sbin/nologin as shell (#80174)

Tue Dec 17 23:00:00 2002 Bill Nottingham 3.0.0-5
- don\'t run by default

Wed Dec 4 23:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- better service description (#77716)

Tue Nov 19 23:00:00 2002 Tim Powers
- rebuild on all arches

Thu Aug 29 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- 3.0.0 final, only docu updates

Tue Aug 27 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- 3.0.0rc1 (good timing, they don\'t even know our schedule)
- docu/templates and filter updates.

Mon Aug 26 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
- Bump version for 3.0.0 :)

Sat Aug 24 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- docu and filter updates

Sun Aug 11 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- Update to next release candidate 2.9.20

Fri Aug 9 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- Update to next release candidate

Wed Aug 7 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- 2.9.18
- autoconf check for pcre.h in subdir

Wed Aug 7 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
- Reset version for 2.9.20.

Wed Jul 31 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
- Reset version for 2.9.18.

Sun Jul 28 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- this is a release-candidate for privoxy-3.0

Sun Jul 28 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
- Reset version and release for 2.9.16.

Sat Jul 13 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- don\'t use ghost files for rcX.d/
*, using chkconfig is the
correct way to do this job (#68619)

Sat Jul 6 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.15-8
- Changing delete order for groups and users (users should be first)

Thu Jul 4 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.15-7
- Changing sed expression that removed CR from the end of the lines. This
new one removes any control caracter, and should work with older versions
of sed

Wed Jul 3 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.15-6
- Fixing defattr values. File and directory modes where swapped

Wed Jul 3 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.15-5
- Bumping Release number (which should be changed every time the specfile

Wed Jul 3 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.15-4
- Fix typo in templates creation.

Thu Jun 27 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.15-4
- Fixing issues created by specfile sync between branches
- Correcting the release number (WARNING)
- Reintroducing text file conversion (dos -> unix)
- Reconverting hardcoded directories to macros
- Refixing ownership of privoxy files (now using multiple defattr

Fri Jun 21 00:00:00 2002 Karsten Hopp
- fix several .spec file issues to shut up rpmlint
- non-standard-dir-perm /var/log/privoxy 0744
- invalid-vendor Privoxy.Org (This is ok for binaries compiled by privoxy
members, but not for packages from Red Hat)
- non-standard-group Networking/Utilities
- logrotate and init scripts should be noreplace

Tue May 28 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
- Index.html is now privoxy-index.html for doc usage.

Sun May 26 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
- Add html man page so index.html does not 404.

Sat May 25 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
- Add another template and alphabetize these for easier tracking.
- Add doc/images directory.

Thu May 16 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
- Add templates/edit-actions-list-button

Sat May 4 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
- Version bump
- Adding noreplace for %{privoxyconf}/config
- Included a method to verify if the versions declared on the specfile and match. Interrupt the build if they don\'t.

Sat Apr 27 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.14-3
- Changing Vendor to Privoxy.Org

Wed Apr 24 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.14-2
- Adjust for new
*actions files.

Tue Apr 23 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.14-2
- Removed the redhat hack that prevented the user and group from
being dealocated. That was a misundestanding of my part regarding
redhat policy.

Tue Apr 23 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.14-2
- Using macros to define uid and gid values
- Bumping release

Tue Apr 23 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.14-1
- Changes to fixate the uid and gid values as (both) 73. This is a
value we hope to standarize for all distributions. RedHat already
uses it, and Conectiva should start as soon as I find where the heck
I left my cluebat :-)
- Only remove the user and group on uninstall if this is not redhat, once
redhat likes to have the values allocated even if the package is not

Wed Apr 17 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.13-6
- Add --disable-dynamic-pcre to configure.

Thu Apr 11 00:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.13-5
- Relisting template files on the %files section

Wed Apr 10 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.13-4
- Removed \'make dok\'. Docs are all maintained in CVS (and tarball) now.

Tue Apr 9 00:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.13-4
- Add templates/cgi-style.css, faq.txt, p_web.css, LICENSE
- Remove templates/blocked-compact.
- Add more docbook stuff to Builderquires.

Thu Mar 28 23:00:00 2002 Sarantis Paskalis
+ privoxy-2.9.13-3
- Include correct documentation file.

Tue Mar 26 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.13-3
- Fix typo in Description.

Tue Mar 26 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.13-3
- Added commentary asking to update the release value on the configure

Mon Mar 25 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.13-3
- Added the missing edit-actions-for-url-filter to templates.

Mon Mar 25 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.13-2
- Fixing Release number

Sun Mar 24 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ privoxy-2.9.13-2
- Added faq to docs.

Sun Mar 24 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ privoxy-2.9.13-2
- Fixed the init files entries. Now we use %ghost
- improved username (and groupname) handling on the %pre section. By improved
I mean: we do it by brute force now. Much easier to maintain. Yeah, you
got it right. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
- Removed the userdel call on %post. No need, once it\'s complety handled on
the %pre section

Sun Mar 24 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ junkbusterng-2.9.13-1
Added autoheader. Added autoconf to buildrequires.

Sun Mar 24 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ junkbusterng-2.9.13-1
- Fixed build problems re: name conflicts with man page and logrotate.
- Commented out rc?d/
* configs for time being, which are causing a build
- failure. /etc/junkbuster is now /etc/privoxy. Stefan did other name
- changes. Fixed typo \';\' should be \':\' causing \'rpm -e\' to fail.

Fri Mar 22 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ junkbusterng-2.9.13-1
- References to the expression ijb where changed where possible
- New package name: junkbusterng (all in lower case, acording to
the LSB recomendation)
- Version changed to: 2.9.13
- Release: 1
- Added: junkbuster to obsoletes and conflicts (Not sure this is
right. If it obsoletes, why conflict ? Have to check it later)
- Summary changed: Stefan, please check and aprove it
- Changes description to use the new name
- Sed string was NOT changed. Have to wait to the manpage to
change first
- Keeping the user junkbuster for now. It will require some aditional
changes on the script (scheduled for the next specfile release)
- Added post entry to move the old logfile to the new log directory
- Removing \"chkconfig --add\" entry (not good to have it automaticaly
added to the startup list).
- Added preun section to stop the service with the old name, as well
as remove it from the startup list
- Removed the chkconfig --del entry from the conditional block on
the preun scriptlet (now handled on the %files section)

Thu Mar 21 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
- added ijb_docs.css to docs.

Mon Mar 11 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ junkbuster-2.9.11-8
- Take out --enable-no-gifs, breaks some browsers.

Sun Mar 10 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
+ junkbuster-2.9.11-8
- Add --enable-no-gifs to configure.

Fri Mar 8 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ junkbuster-2.9.11-7
- Added BuildRequires to libtool.

Wed Mar 6 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ junkbuster-2.9.11-6
- Changed the routined that handle the junkbust and junkbuster users on
%pre and %post to work in a smoother manner
- %files now uses hardcoded usernames, to avoid problems with package
name changes in the future

Tue Mar 5 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ junkbuster-2.9.11-5
- Added \"make redhat-dok\" to the build process
- Added docbook-utils to BuildRequires

Tue Mar 5 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ junkbuster-2.9.11-4
- Changing man section in the manpage from 1 to 8
- We now require packages, not files, to avoid issues with apt

Mon Mar 4 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ junkbuster-2.9.11-3
- Fixing permissions of the init script

Mon Mar 4 23:00:00 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa
+ junkbuster-2.9.11-2
- General specfile fixup, using the best recomended practices, including:
- Adding -q to %setup
- Using macros whereever possible
- Not using wildchars on %files section
- Doubling the percentage char on changelog and comments, to
avoid rpm expanding them

Sun Mar 3 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
- /bin/false for shell causes init script to fail. Reverting.

Wed Jan 9 23:00:00 2002 Hal Burgiss
- Removed UID 73. Included user-manual and developer-manual in docs.
Include other actions files. Default shell is now /bin/false.
Userdel user=junkbust. ChangeLog was not zipped. Removed

Fri Dec 28 23:00:00 2001 Thomas Steudten
- add paranoia check for \'rm -rf %{buildroot}\'
- add gzip to \'BuildRequires\'

Sat Dec 1 23:00:00 2001 Hal Burgiss
- actionsfile is now ijb.action.

Tue Nov 6 23:00:00 2001 Thomas Steudten
- Compress manpage
- Add more documents for installation
- Add version string to name and source

Thu Oct 25 00:00:00 2001 Hal Burigss
- Back to user \'junkbuster\' and fix configure macro.

Thu Oct 11 00:00:00 2001 Hal Burigss
- More changes for user \'junkbust\'. Init script had \'junkbuster\'.

Mon Sep 24 00:00:00 2001 Hal Burgiss
- Change of $RPM_OPT_FLAGS handling. Added new HTML doc files.
- Changed owner of /etc/junkbuster to shut up PAM/xauth log noise.

Fri Sep 14 00:00:00 2001 Hal Burgiss
- Added $RPM_OPT_FLAGS support, renaming of old logfile, and
- made sure no default shell exists for user junkbust.

Mon Jun 4 00:00:00 2001 Stefan Waldherr
- rework of RPM

Tue Sep 26 00:00:00 2000 Stefan Waldherr
- CLF Logging patch by
- Hal DeVore fix akamaitech in blocklist

Mon Sep 18 00:00:00 2000 Stefan Waldherr
- Steve Kemp\'s javascript popup patch.
- Markus Breitenbach supplied
numerous fixes and enhancements for Steve\'s patch.
- (Adam Lock) in the windows version:
- Taskbar activity spinner always spins even when logging is
turned off (which is the default) - people who don\'t
like the spinner can turn it off from a menu option.
- Taskbar popup menu has a options submenu - people can now
open the settings files for cookies, blockers etc.
without opening the JB window.
- Logging functionality works again
- Buffer overflow is fixed - new code uses a bigger buffer
and snprintf so it shouldn\'t overflow anymore.
- Fixed userid swa, group learning problem while installing.
root must build RPM.
- Added patch by Benjamin Low that prevents JB to
core dump when there is no log file.
- Tweaked SuSE startup with the help of and
- Fixed man page to include imagefile and popupfile.
- Sanity check for the statistics function added.
- \"Patrick D\'Cruze\" : It seems Microsoft
are transitioning Hotmail from FreeBSD/Apache to Windows 2000/IIS.
With IIS/5, it appears to omit the trailing \\r\
from http header
only messages. eg, when I visit, IIS/5
responds with a HTTP 302 redirect header. However, this header
message is missing the trailing \\r\
. IIS/5 then closes the
connection. Junkbuster, unfortunately, discards the header becomes
it thinks it is incomplete - and it is. MS have transmitted an
incomplete header!
- Added bug reports and patch submission forms in the docs.

Mon Mar 20 23:00:00 2000 Stefan Waldherr
Andrew extended the JB:
Display of statistics of the total number of requests and the number
of requests filtered by junkbuster, also the percentage of requests
filtered. Suppression of the listing of files on the proxy-args page.
All stuff optional and configurable.

Mon Sep 13 00:00:00 1999 Stefan Waldherr
Jan Willamowius ( fixed a bug in the
code which prevented the JB from handling URLs of the form Fixed.

Tue Aug 3 00:00:00 1999 Stefan Waldherr
Blank images are no longer cached, thanks to a hint from Markus
Breitenbach . The user
agent is NO longer set by the Junkbuster. Sadly, many sites depend
on the correct browser version nowadays. Incorporated many
suggestions from Jan \"Yenya\" Kasprzak for the
spec file. Fixed logging problem and since runlevel 2 does not
use networking, I replaced /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S84junkbuster with
/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K09junkbuster thanks to Shaw Walker
. You should now be able to build this RPM as
a non-root user (

Sun Jan 31 23:00:00 1999 Stefan Waldherr
%{_localstatedir}/log/junkbuster set to nobody. Added /etc/junkbuster/imagelist
to allow more sophisticated matching of blocked images. Logrotate
logfile. Added files for auto-updating the blocklist et al.

Wed Dec 16 23:00:00 1998 Stefan Waldherr
Configure blank version via config file. No separate blank
version anymore. Added Roland\'s
patch to show a logo instead of a blank area. Added a suggestion
from Alex : %{_localstatedir}/lock/subsys/junkbuster.
More regexps in the blocklist. Prepared the forwardfile for
squid. Extended image regexp with help from gabriel

Thu Nov 19 23:00:00 1998 Stefan Waldherr
All RPMs now identify themselves in the show-proxy-args page.
Released Windoze version. Run junkbuster as nobody instead of

Fri Oct 30 23:00:00 1998 Stefan Waldherr
Newest version. First release (hence the little version number
mixture -- 2.0.2-0 instead of 2.0-7). This version tightens
security over 2.0.1; some multi-user sites will need to change
the listen-address in the configuration file. The blank version of
the Internet Junkbuster has a more sophisticated way of replacing
images. All RPMs identify themselves in the show-proxy-args page.

Thu Sep 24 00:00:00 1998 Stefan Waldherr
Modified the blocking feature, so that only GIFs and JPEGs are
blocked and replaced but not HTML pages. Thanks to
\"Gerd Flender\" for this nice
idea. Added numerous stuff to the blocklist. Keep patches in
seperate files and no longer in diffs (easier to maintain).

Wed Jun 17 00:00:00 1998 Stefan Waldherr
Moved config files to /etc/junkbuster directory, moved man page,
added BuildRoot directive (Thanks to Alexey Nogin )
Made new version junkbuster-raw (which is only a stripped version of
the junkuster rpm, i.e. without my blocklist, etc.)

Wed Jun 17 00:00:00 1998 (2.0-1)
Uhm, not that much. Just a new junkbuster version that
fixes a couple of bugs ... and of course a bigger
blocklist with the unique Now-less-ads-than-ever(SM)
Oh, one thing: I changed the default user agent to Linux -- no
need anymore to support Apple.

Wed Jun 17 00:00:00 1998 (2.0-0)
Now-less-ads-than-ever (SM)
compiled with gcc instead of cc
compiled with -O3, thus it should be a little faster
show-proxy-args now works
/etc/junkbuster.init wasn\'t necessary

Wed Jun 17 00:00:00 1998 (1.4)
some more config files were put into /etc
The junkbuster-blank rpm returns a 1x1 pixel image, that gets
displayed by Netscape instead of the blocked image.
Read for
further info.

Wed Jun 17 00:00:00 1998 (1.3)
The program has been moved to /usr/sbin (from /usr/local/bin)
Init- and stopscripts (/etc/rc.d/rc
*) have been added so
that the junkbuster starts automatically during bootup.
The /etc/blocklist file is much more sophisticated. Theoretically
one should e.g. browse all major US and German newspapers without
seeing one annoying ad.
junkbuster.init was modified. It now starts junkbuster with an
additional \"-r AATT\" flag.