Changelog for xorg-x11-xdm-1.0.1-2.i386.rpm :
Thu Jun 29 00:00:00 2006 Mike A. Harris 1:1.0.1-2
- Added xdm-1.0.1-setuid.patch to fix (#196126)
- Added various missing BuildRequires for (#191858)
- Added temporary \"BuildRequires: autoconf, automake, libtool\" dependencies
for mock builds, for as long as we need to run autotools at compile time.
- Add missing documentation to doc macro, and move manpages from man1x to man1.
- Clean cruft out of specfile.

Fri Feb 10 23:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating 1:1.0.1-1.2
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)

Tue Feb 7 23:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating 1:1.0.1-1.1
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes

Mon Jan 9 23:00:00 2006 Mike A. Harris 1:1.0.1-1
- Updated xdm to version 1.0.1 from X11R7.
- Added --with-xdmscriptdir option to ./configure to put scripts in /etc
- Updated xdm-1.0.1-redhat-xdm-config-fix.patch to work with xdm 1.0.1

Thu Nov 24 23:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris 1:0.99.3-6
- Updated xdm.pamd to work with recent pam changes, and bumped the minimum
pam requirement up to 0.78-0 for FC5 builds. (#170661)
- Added \"Requires(pre): xorg-x11-filesystem >= 0.99.2-3\", as the xdm package
puts files into /usr/lib/X11, so we have to make sure it is not a symlink.
- Removed \"filesystem\" package dependency, as xorg-x11-filesystem carries
that dependency now, so it can be updated in one spot.
- Added missing \"BuildRequires: pkgconfig\".
- Added xdm-0.99.3-xdm-app-defaults-in-datadir.patch to force app-defaults
files to install into _datadir instead of _libdir.
- Added xdm-0.99.3-xdm-scripts-in-configdir.patch to put the xdm scripts in
_sysconfdir, and removed older xdm-0.99.3-xdm-configdir.patch which hacked
up Fixes a typo that caused Xreset to not get installed
properly also.

Mon Nov 14 23:00:00 2005 Jeremy Katz 1:0.99.3-5
- require newer filesystem package (#172610)

Mon Nov 14 23:00:00 2005 Jeremy Katz 1:0.99.3-4
- install scripts into /etc/X11/xdm instead of %{_libdir} (#173081)
- use our Xsetup_0 instead of xorg one (#173083)

Sat Nov 12 23:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris 1:0.99.3-3
- Added \"Obsoletes: xinitrc\", as xdm now provides files that were previously
part of that package. xorg-x11-xinit now provides the xinitrc scripts.

Sat Nov 12 23:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris 1:0.99.3-2
- Rebuild against new libXaw 0.99.2-2, which has fixed DT_SONAME.
- Added xdm-0.99.3-redhat-xdm-config-fix.patch which merges in an
xdm-config fix present in the forked Red Hat xdm-config from the FC4
xinitrc package, which invokes Xwilling with \"-s /bin/bash\" instead
of \"-c\" to fix bug (#86505).
- Removed ancient xdm rpm preinstall script, as it should be unnecessary now.

Fri Nov 11 23:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris 1:0.99.3-1
- Update xdm to 0.99.3 from X11R7 RC2.

Tue Nov 1 23:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris 1:0.99.2-1.20051031.3
- Build with -fno-strict-aliasing to work around possible pointer aliasing

Tue Nov 1 23:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris 1:0.99.2-1.20051031.2
- It is _sysconfdir not _sysconfigdir goofball!
- Add {_sysconfdir}/pam.d/xdm and {_sysconfdir}/pam.d/xserver files that were
missing from file manifest.

Mon Oct 31 23:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris 1:0.99.2-1.20051031.1
- Make sure all dirs are owned that xdm creates.
- Misc spec file cleanups

Mon Oct 31 23:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris 1:0.99.2-1.20051031.0
- Update xdm to 0.99.2 from X11R7 RC1.
- Update to CVS snapshot from 20051031
- Add Epoch 1, and change package to use the xdm version number. Later, if
we decide to rename the package to \"xdm\", we can drop the Epoch tag.
- Disable Xprint support
- Use _smp_mflags
- Add xdm-0.99.2-to-20051031.patch to pick up fixes from CVS head that allow
us to set the config dir and other dirs.

Thu Oct 6 00:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris
- Use Fedora-Extras style BuildRoot tag
- Update BuildRequires to use new library package names

Thu Aug 25 00:00:00 2005 Mike A. Harris
- Initial build.