Changelog for
mod_nss-1.0.7-1.fc5.i386.rpm :
Sat Jun 2 00:00:00 2007 Rob Crittenden
- Update to 1.0.7
- Remove Requires for nss and nspr since those are handled automatically
by versioned libraries
- Updated URL and Source to reference
Tue Apr 10 00:00:00 2007 Rob Crittenden 1.0.6-2
- Patch to properly detect the Apache model and set up NSS appropriately
- Patch to punt if a bad password is encountered
- Patch to fix crash when password.conf is malformatted
- Don\'t enable ECC support as NSS doesn\'t have it enabled (3.11.4-0.7)
Sat Oct 28 00:00:00 2006 Rob Crittenden 1.0.6-1
- Update to 1.0.6
Sat Aug 5 00:00:00 2006 Rob Crittenden 1.0.3-4
- Include LogLevel warn in nss.conf and use separate log files
Sat Aug 5 00:00:00 2006 Rob Crittenden 1.0.3-3
- Need to initialize ECC certificate and key variables
Sat Aug 5 00:00:00 2006 Jarod Wilson 1.0.3-2
- Use %ghost for db files and install.log
Wed Jun 21 00:00:00 2006 Rob Crittenden 1.0.3-1
- Initial build