Changelog for netbeans-6.5-3.fc11.noarch.rpm :
Wed Feb 25 23:00:00 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.5-3
- Rebuilt for

Wed Feb 4 23:00:00 2009 Victor Vasilyev 6.5-2
- Bug #483384 - \"netbeans : Unowned directories\" is fixed.
Dependencies on the netbeans-platform package are added for both ide and java subpackages.

Tue Dec 9 23:00:00 2008 Victor Vasilyev 6.5-1
- Bootstrapping of the spec for IDE of the NetBeans 6.5
- Removing of all binaries-list files
- New dependency on jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar is added
- The Distribution tag is removed
- jsch 0.1.24 -> 0.1.39
- lucene 2.2.0 -> 2.3.1 (2.3.2)
- netbeans-javaparser 6.1 -> 6.5
- junit4 4.1 -> 4.5
- netbeans-platform9 -> netbeans-platform
- netbeans-platform9-harness -> netbeans-platform-harness
- BR netbeans-platform-harness
- svnClientAdapter 0.9.23 -> 1.4.0
- B(R) subversion-javahl >= 1.5.0
- Creation of the .noautoupdate files is moved to the install section

Tue Nov 25 23:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-10
- Explicit dependencies on the jakarta-commons-logging package are added (#472825).
- Summary is fixed according to the request of the Richard Hughes .
- Call of the brp-java-repack-jars script is disabled.
- The deprecated key \"Encoding\" is removed from the desktop file template.

Thu Oct 23 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-9
- Unset the DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID environment variable (#467546). The netbeans-6.1-50-ide-launcher.patch is modified.

Fri Oct 10 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-8
- Update center - NetBeans is disabled, update center - NetBeans for Fedora is added (#466179)
- Some cosmetics

Wed Oct 8 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-7
- Dependency upon java-sdk is added instead of java-1.6.0-openjdk (#464558, # 465891)

Thu Oct 2 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-6
- Showing an incorrect EULA at startup is disabled (#464820). The netbeans-6.1-50-ide-launcher.patch is modified.

Tue Sep 16 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-5
- A location of the productid file is changed
- The swingapp module is removed from the small IDE configuration (netbeans-6.1-60-small-ide-config.patch)

Wed Sep 10 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-4
- The java, java-devel and jpackage-utils requirenments are used

Tue Sep 9 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-3
- The symlink locations for both java2/ant/ant/bin/antRun and java2/ant/ant/etc are corrected (#456337#c9)
- Linking to the external JARs is moved to the %install script from the %post (#456337#c9)
- The requires for a version of the ini4j package are corrected (#456337#c9)
- The %description content for the NetBeans IDE is updated (#456337#c9)
- Canonical value for %defattr is used everywhere

Wed Jul 30 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-2
- rpmlint warnings about hidden .noautoupdate files are supressed
- Package dependencies are adjusted
- Relative links are used
- The alternatives system is used to run netbeans
- Group is changed
- nb_distro_id is added
- The %{buildroot} is used everywhere instead of $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- A version requirement for the xerces-j2 is decreased from 2.8.0 up to 2.7.1
- The warnings about links to external JARs are suppressed
- Redundant stub swing-worker-1.1.jar is removed
- The standard-nbm-license.txt is added to all subpackages

Sat Jun 7 00:00:00 2008 Victor G. Vasilyev 6.1-1
- Initial version

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