Changelog for dahdi-tools-libs-2.4.1-3.fc16.i686.rpm :
Fri Jun 17 14:00:00 2011 Marcela Mašláňová - 2.4.1-3
- Perl mass rebuild

Fri Jun 10 14:00:00 2011 Marcela Mašláňová - 2.4.1-2
- Perl 5.14 mass rebuild

Fri Mar 4 13:00:00 2011 - 2.4.1-1
- The Asterisk Development Team is pleased to announce the release of
- DAHDI-Linux and DAHDI-Tools version 2.4.1.
- DAHDI-Linux 2.4.1, DAHDI-Tools 2.4.1, and DAHDI-Linux-Complete 2.4.1+2.4.1 are
- available for immediate download at:
- 2.4.1 is a maintenance release of the DAHDI drivers and tools packages. Some of
- the more notable changes are:
* Support for compilation against kernel versions from 2.6.9 up to and including
- 2.6.38-rc6.
* wct4xxp: PCI-express cards go through an extended reset at start by default.
* wcte12xp, wctdm24xxp: Disable read-line multiple PCI command, which increases
- compatibility in some systems.
* xpp: Fixes init error for PRI devices with < 4 ports.
* tonezone: Add Macao, China to tone zone data.
* dahdi_genconf: Don\'t generate configurations that use channel 16 on E1 CAS.
- For a full list of changes in these releases, please see the ChangeLogs at
- and
- Issues found in these release candidates can be reported in the DAHDI-linux or
- DAHDI-tools project at

Wed Feb 9 13:00:00 2011 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.4.0-2
- Make library requirements architecture specific.

Wed Feb 9 13:00:00 2011 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.4.0-1
- In addition to several bug fixes, the most significant changes from the
- 2.3.0 release are:
- General DAHDI Changes:
* Added DAHDI_MAINT_ALARM_SIM maintenance mode for drivers that
- support alarm simulation (wct4xxp). This is only used by
- dahdi_maint and doesn\'t change the ABI.
* Span callbacks are moved out of the dahdi_span structure potentially
- saving memory when a single driver implements multiple spans.
- Changes to dahdi-tools:
* dahdi_maint: Added support for simulating alarm conditions.
* dahdi_scan: Report more detailed alarm information.
* xpp_fxloader:
- - Load firmware in the background
- - Support 1163 twinstar devices
- - A delay loop for older kernels (e.g. 2.6.18)
* astribank_is_starting does not depend on libusb.
* Allow using CONNECTOR/LABEL in genconf_parameters for pri_termtype
- For a full list of changes in these releases, please see the ChangeLogs at
- and

Tue Feb 8 13:00:00 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.3.0-2
- Rebuilt for

Sat Aug 7 14:00:00 2010 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.3.0-1
- Update to 2.3.0

Tue Jun 1 14:00:00 2010 Marcela Maslanova -
- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0

Fri Dec 4 13:00:00 2009 Stepan Kasal -
- rebuild against perl 5.10.1

Wed Aug 19 14:00:00 2009 Itamar Reis Peixoto -
- fix bz 495453 (/etc/modprobe.d/dahdi.blacklist and /etc/modprobe.d/dahdi doesn\'t end with.conf)

Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2009 Fedora Release Engineering -
- Rebuilt for

Fri May 8 14:00:00 2009 Michael Schwendt -
- Let dahdi-tools conflict with zaptel-utils (#472357).

Tue Feb 24 13:00:00 2009 Fedora Release Engineering -
- Rebuilt for

Sun Jan 4 13:00:00 2009 Jeffrey C. Ollie -
- Update to latest.

Thu Nov 20 13:00:00 2008 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.0.0-4
- Fix zaptel-lib(s) conflicts

Sat Oct 25 14:00:00 2008 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.0.0-3
- Add conflicts/requires to help make sure that we get dahdi-tools-libs and not zaptel-libs

Fri Oct 10 14:00:00 2008 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.0.0-2
- Don\'t package sethdlc even if it gets built.

Thu Oct 9 14:00:00 2008 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.0.0-1
- Cleanups suggested by reviewers

Fri Oct 3 14:00:00 2008 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.0.0-0.4
- Update to final release.

Wed Sep 10 14:00:00 2008 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.0.0-0.3.rc2
- Install dahdi/user.h header

Mon Sep 8 14:00:00 2008 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.0.0-0.2.rc2
- Update dahdi-linux to 2.0.0rc4

Fri Sep 5 14:00:00 2008 Jeffrey C. Ollie - 2.0.0-0.1.rc2
- First version for Fedora