Changelog for
juffed-plugin-favorites-0.10-4.fc19.i686.rpm :
Mon Apr 15 14:00:00 2013 TI_Eugene
- -Werror disabling patch improved
Sat Mar 30 13:00:00 2013 TI_Eugene 0.10-3
- new source tarball
- all patches removed
- todolist plugin added
- terminal plugin prepared to add
Sat Mar 30 13:00:00 2013 TI_Eugene 0.10-2.20130330git
- %defined replaced with %global
- make smp flags added
- removed unnesessary ldconfigs
- plugins: require name-version changed to name-version-release
- plugins: %doc added
- SOURCE2 fixed (was same as SOURCE1)
- FSF address fixed (in all sources where it is)
- colorpicker plugin added
Sat Mar 30 13:00:00 2013 TI_Eugene 0.10-1.20130330git
- initial packaging for Fedora