Changelog for
qpid-qmf-0.24-15.fc20.i686.rpm :
Thu Oct 31 13:00:00 2013 Darryl L. Pierce
- 0.24-15
- First separate build of QMF packages for Fedora.
- Changed shebangs to use explicit references to interpreters.
Wed Oct 30 13:00:00 2013 Darryl L. Pierce - 0.24-14
- Added dependency from qpid-qmf onto python-qpid-qmf.
Tue Oct 29 13:00:00 2013 Darryl L. Pierce - 0.24-13
- Removed release portion of Requires.
- QPID-5273: Fixed installation of qmfgen Python library.
Mon Oct 28 13:00:00 2013 Darryl L. Pierce - 0.24-12
- Added missing dist tag.
- Added filters for Swig-generated binding libraries.
- Set executable bit on Python libraries to ensure they\'re stripped.
Fri Oct 25 14:00:00 2013 Darryl L. Pierce - 0.24-11
- Removed unused global macros.
- Removed BR for python since it\'s provided by python-devel.
- Changed BR for python-devel to python2-devel.
- Removed BR for ruby since it\'s provided by ruby-devel.
- Added project description from the QMF website to qpid-qmf package.
- Made qpid-qmf owner of pkgdocdir.
- Filter out pkgconfig dependency.
Thu Oct 17 14:00:00 2013 Darryl L. Pierce - 0.24-10
- Initial attempt at separately packaging the QMF code.