Changelog for bouml-4.21-11.fc23.i686.rpm :
Wed Jun 17 14:00:00 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.21-11 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
Sat May 2 14:00:00 2015 Kalev Lember - 4.21-10 - Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change
Fri Aug 15 14:00:00 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.21-9 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
Sat Jun 7 14:00:00 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.21-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
Sat Aug 3 14:00:00 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.21-7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
Thu Feb 14 13:00:00 2013 Rahul Sundaram - 4.21-6 - remove vendor tag from desktop file. https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/247 - clean up spec to follow current guidelines
Wed Feb 13 13:00:00 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.21-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
Wed Jul 18 14:00:00 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.21-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
Thu Jan 12 13:00:00 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.21-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
Mon Feb 7 13:00:00 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.21-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
Sun May 23 14:00:00 2010 Debarshi Ray - 4.21-1 - Version bump to 4.21. (Red Hat Bugzilla #592893) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * In diagrams the context of nested classes now contains the the container class when you ask for to indicate the namespace or Java package or Python package or module through the drawing setting show context or equivalent. This affects existing class diagrams. * Add reverse/roundtrip settings with a dedicated edition dialog to specify through a regular expression the files and/or directories whose must not be taken into account during a reverse and roundtrip, allowing for instance to not reverse test programs. * New generation settings to choose how the path of the required files are generated : without path, with absolute paths, with relative paths, with path relative to the root directory. * The definition of an external class for PHP has been extended, if a second line is present this one is considered to contain the expected require_once form to produce. * The drawing setting \'show context\' has been extended. * When several elements of the same type are selected in a diagram the multiple selection menu allows you to use the drawing settings of the first selected element for the other selected elements. * When you edit an attribute or an operation of a parametrized class or nested in parametrized class(es) the name of the formal parameters are now inserted in the list of proposed types. * PHP Generator: + Automatically generate the require_once forms when the Php definition of an artifact contains ${require_once}. This is the case for new projects, you have to add it by yourself if you want this feature in your existing projects. * Plug-out: + Added operations requireOnceWithPath, set_RequireOnceWithPath, isRelativePath, set_IsRelativePath, isRootRelativePath and set_IsRootRelativePath on class PhpSettings to access the new generation settings related to the generation of require_once forms for PHP. + Added operations reverseRoundtripDirRegExp, isReverseRoundtripDirRegExpCaseSensitive, set_ReverseRoundtripDirRegExp, reverseRoundtripFileRegExp, isReverseRoundtripFileRegExpCaseSensitive and set_ReverseRoundtripFileRegExp on classes CppSettings, JavaSettings and PhpSettings. * Translation updates: fr. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Fri Apr 23 14:00:00 2010 Debarshi Ray - 4.20-1 - Version bump to 4.20. (Red Hat Bugzilla #569134) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * A crash could occur when some changes were done on a state present in an opened diagram but never visible because of the diagram dimensions and the position of the scrollbars. Fixed. * Add constraint on activity and activity action. * Add interface icon using a simple circle, extends drawing mode with it for classes in a class diagram, instances in a sequence diagram and actors in a use case diagram. To not change the already existing diagrams, when you open an old diagram showing classes stereotyped interface or instances of classes stereotyped interface, their drawing mode is forced to class when it values natural (even indirectly). * Add lost/found messages in sequence diagram. * Add the new keyword ${inverse_name} producing the name of the inverse role of a bi-directional relation between classes. * In a sequence diagram, when an instance doesn\'t send nor receive message the menu of the instance proposes to hide/show the life line. To allow to draw a multiple instance with only one visible life line. * New option -execnogui. Use it in place of -exec when you don\'t want to see the GUI when you apply a plug-out when Bouml is started. In this case the messages normally written in the trace window are produced on stdout. You have to kill the process Bouml by yourself if you use -execnogui without -exit. * The message written to signal a message can\'t be added in a sequence diagram contained wrong characters. Fixed. * When Bouml was closed though a shortcut (control-w by default) while an additional window like an artifact source windows was still open, Bouml crashed (without any consequence because if needed the previously load project was already saved). Fixed. * C++ Roundtrip: + Do not empty the stereotypes when this is possible. * Java Generator: + Do not duplicate imports both defined in artifact definition and through dependencies. + When a nested class reference was produced the container classes\' names were missing and only the nested class\' name was generated. Fixed. * Java Roundtrip: + Do not empty the stereotypes when this is possible. * Python Generator: + Extends the auto generated import to the classes referenced by the attributes, associations and operations. + When a nested class reference was produced the container classes\' names were missing and only the nested class\' name was generated. Fixed. * State Machine Generator: + Add the operation doActivity() on the class representing the state machine. When this operation is applied the do activity of the current state is executed if it is not empty. * Translation updates: de, es and fr. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Sun Feb 14 13:00:00 2010 Debarshi Ray - 4.18.2-1 - Version bump to 4.18.2. (Red Hat Bugzilla #538774) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * A crash could occured when some changes were done on relations used by \'modelled\' class instances (non pure graphical class instances) or a project defining \'modelled\' class instances was reloaded. Fixed. * A crash occured when loading an inconsistent model where two operations share the same internal buffer. Fixed. * Add related elements did nothing in a use case or deployment diagram. Fixed. * Forbidden to add a flow from an action to an object base whose \'is control\' is false. Fixed. * In a state diagram, when an element was added and it was automatically moved to be placed in its container, its self relations didn\'t follow it and their cut points were placed poorly. Fixed. * It is now possible to have a class diagram under a use case or a use case view, this allows to define Iconix robustness diagram throw class diagram. * The boxes representing the class instances were not produced in SVG when you didn\'t ask for to draw the shadows and they aren\'t transparent. Fixed. * The class instances weren\'t colored when you asked to not draw the shadow in a sequence or communication diagrams. Fixed. * When a shortcut was added the control/shift/alt indicators were removed when the key was specified in case the current line was the last. Fixed. * When you manually resized an element in a diagram its self relations may be hidden depending on the position of the self relation and the used corner. Fixed. * C++ Reverse: + For compatibility with the C++ roundtrip, the #file property is obtained from the project package rather than in the package where a reverse was started. To set the C++ source and header directory for the packages created during the reverse, try to use path relative to root directory if it is defined in the generation settings. + The instantiation of a template class inside the declaration or the definition of its operations were reversed as the class itself (without actuals). Fixed. * Java Catalog: + To set the Java directory for the packages created during the reverse even without associated Java package, try to use path relative to root directory if it is defined. * Java Reverse: + To set the Java directory for the packages created during the reverse even without associated Java package, try to use path relative to root directory if it is defined. * Java Roundtrip: + To set the Java directory for the packages created during the reverse even without associated Java package, try to use path relative to root directory if it is defined. * UML Projection: + Projection to C++ missed to set C++ header definition on already existing artifacts. Fixed. * XMI2 Generator: + Replaced newline by space in relation\'s name. + The post-condition of an activity action was not exported, and the pre-condition wasn\'t exported when the post-condition was empty. Fixed. * Translation updates: de, es and fr. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Thu Jan 28 13:00:00 2010 Debarshi Ray - 4.16.4-1 - Version bump to 4.16.4. (Red Hat Bugzilla #538774) * Facilitates the adding in a diagram of a incoming/outgoing line (transition, flow ...) to/from a small item already having lines. * When you moved a decentered line having a geometry, the attached labels (name, stereotype ...) could be moved more than expected. Fixed. * Facilitates the selection in diagrams of small items having incoming and/or outgoing lines. * When you add an element in a state diagram and its state container is already drawn, force the added element to be inside its state container or region. When you add a state the already draw sub elements are moved to be inside the added state, but because the added state is small this poorly place them. * You can now decenter lines (relations, transition ...) having a geometry, when you change the geometry the line is first recentered on both extremities. * C++ Generator: + A space was missing between the two last > in an inheritance of a template class when the last actual is also a template class. Fixed. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Sat Nov 14 13:00:00 2009 Debarshi Ray - 4.16.2-1 - Version bump to 4.16.2. (Red Hat Bugzilla #525932) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * Allows to import a project as a library. A project imported as a library can\'t be modified in the importing project, but it can be updated to follow changes done in the imported project. * It is now possible to show/hide the visibility of the relations between classes depending on the value of the drawing settings show relation visibility. By default the visibility of the relations of not shown. * Messages in a sequence diagram can now be stereotyped (by textual stereotype out of profile). Default message stereotypes can be set through the default stereotype dialog. * It is now possible to ask for to draw a decomposition indicator icon in a state in a state diagram. By default the icon is not shown. * The parent of a state, pseudo state and region can be changed through drag & drop in the browser while staying inside the container state machine. * In activity diagrams the stereotype of an action is now written, except for opaque actions when you ask for to show their definition through the drawing settings. * Except for a few exceptions, when resizing elements like classes the edge didn\'t follow the cursor. Fixed. * It was difficult to select a line drawn between an element to an other element placed inside the first one (for instance between a state machine and a sub state drawn inside its state machine). Fixed. * Plug-out: + Manage stereotype on messages in a sequence diagram. * Project Control: + Manage projects imported as a library. * XMI2 Generator: + Export stereotype of messages through an extension. * Translation updates: fr and de. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Sat Sep 19 14:00:00 2009 Debarshi Ray - 4.14-1 - Version bump to 4.14. (Red Hat Bugzilla #512401) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * When a package was deleted from a plug-out the container package was not marked modified and was not saved without an other reason marking it modified, and an error occured on reloading the project. Fixed. * It is not possible to resize the classes drawn with the standard representation (not using an icon) in a class diagram. * New drawing setting \"hide get/set operations\" to apply on \'official\' get and set operations in class diagrams. The get/set operations are shown by default. * New C++ generation setting \"inline force include in header\" to include headers defining types referenced in inline operations. This switched on by default for older projects, but turned off for new ones. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2009 Release Engineering - 4.13-2 - Autorebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
Sat Jul 4 14:00:00 2009 Debarshi Ray - 4.13-1 - Version bump to 4.13. * Added active on activity, class and state. * Browser search can now search for elements depending on their stereotype. * Duplicating a state caused a crash. Fixed. * Made it easier to select small elements connectd to a line in a diagram. * When an attribute or operation of a class was deleted from a plug-out, the drawing of the class was not updated in already opened diagrams. Fixed. * C++ Generator: + A dependency stereotyped as friend produced wrong code in case the target class was a template. Fixed. * Java Roundtrip: + New plug-out. * Plug-out: + A crash occured when upgrading an old plug-out without Python management. Fixed. + Added operations isActive and set_isActive to UmlBaseActivity, UmlBaseClass and UmlBaseState. + Added operations isPython_3_operation and set_IsPython_3_operation to PythonSettings. + Internal plug-out API extended for Java Roundtrip, and type specification of function\'s parameters and return values. All plug-outs updated to use the new API. + The operation importProject has been added to UmlBasePackage, which returns the UmlPackage corresponding to the imported project or null in case of an error. * Python Generator: + All the lines of a docstring are indented according to PEP-0257. + Manage type specification of function\'s parameters return values according to PEP-3107. * XMI Generator: + When a parameter of an operation doesn\'t have type the token UML:Parameter was not closed. Fixed. * XMI2 Generator: + The base type of a class stereotyped typedef is now produced in an extension form supposing you ask for them. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Wed Apr 8 14:00:00 2009 Debarshi Ray - 4.12.1-1 - Version bump to 4.12.1. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * Python Generator: + When a class referenced another one placed in the same python package, the python code generator wrongly produced . rather than ... Fixed. * XMI2 Generator: + When an association is defined between a class and an actor, an unexpected and inconsistent attribute was generated. Fixed. * When a class associated with a relation (for instance in case of a class relation) is deleted, the plug-out API operation UmlRelation::association() wrongly returned the deleted class. Fixed. * In a diagram when two elements were linked by a line (whatever it represented) and one of the elements contained the other one, the line was not drawn. This was mainly a problem in case of high-level transition from a composite state with a target inside the composite state. Fixed. * Changing the geometry of a junction between two instances in a communication diagram, without supporting a message, using the menu, produced a crash. Fixed. * Duplicating an activity might produce a crash. Fixed. * When any colour is assigned to an activity partition in horizontal display mode, closing and re-opening the diagram produced an error message and a part of the diagram was lost. Fixed. * In a state diagram it was possible to resize choices by selecting them with other elements and doing a resize. Ditto for decision and merge in an activity diagram. Fixed. * The virtual desktop set through the environment dialog was not taken into account. Fixed. * Added new US diagram formats: letter, legal, tabloid, letter landscape, legal landscape and ledger. * It is now possible to add marked elements in class, use case, component and deployment diagrams though the diagram menu entry add marked elements. * It is now possible to add related elements in diagram for a class, use case, package, component, artifact and deployment node. A related element is an element having a relation with the current element which can be shown in the current diagram and part of the browser. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html - glibc-2.10 fixes accepted by upstream.
Mon Feb 23 13:00:00 2009 Release Engineering - 4.11-2 - Autorebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
Tue Feb 17 13:00:00 2009 Debarshi Ray - 4.11-1 - Version bump to 4.11. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * XMI2 Import and XMI2 Generator: + Forms produced / expected for provided and required interfaces and for realizing classes were not the right ones. Fixed. + Importing of forms produced by previous releases is not managed. * A crash might occur when the drawing setting is changed depending on the changes made before. Fixed. * In an activity, when an element was created through an activity diagram placing the element directly on a partition, this element was wrongly nested in the partition in the browser, and it was impossible to reload the project. Fixed. * The modeler entered in an infinite loop when it is attempted to change the geometry of an extension (uni directional association from a stereotype-class to a meta class). Fixed. * When a class present in at least two of the provided required and realizing lists of a component was deleted, and the model was saved and reloaded, the model became inconsistent and a crash could occur. Fixed. * Validating the edition of a relation whose first role is read only and without property (tagged value) produced a crash. Fixed. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html - Fixed build failure with glibc-2.10.
Sat Nov 22 13:00:00 2008 Debarshi Ray - 4.8.3-1 - Version bump to 4.8.3. (Red Hat Bugzilla #472408) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * Modification of some generation settings through a plug-out could produce a crash. Fixed. Plug-outs need to be fixed with plug-out upgrade. * A crash occured when only one language was selected and the parameters list of an operation defined for an actor placed in a use case or a use case view was modified. Fixed. * Plug-outs need to be modified to use the meta classes and extensions rather than the properties stereotypeExtension on the stereotypes. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html - Shortened summary to suit PackageKit\'s UI.
Sat Sep 6 14:00:00 2008 Debarshi Ray - 4.5-1 - Version bump to 4.5. (Red Hat Bugzilla #460528) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * Loading a project containing a modelled class instance (part of the browser) having a deleted (in a previous session) modelled class instance as a relation value instance might cause a crash. Fixed. * Loading a project containing modelled class instances (part of the browser) specifying values for relations might cause a crash. Fixed. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Sun Jun 15 14:00:00 2008 Debarshi Ray - 4.3.5-1 - Version bump to 4.3.5. (Red Hat Bugzilla #448520) * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Wed May 14 14:00:00 2008 Debarshi Ray - 4.3.3-1 - Version bump to 4.3.3. (Red Hat Bugzilla #445908) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * Plug-out: + In class UmlBasePackage, the operations findNamespace, findPackage and findModule have been renamed to findCppNamespace, findJavaPackage and findIdlModule. Modify your plug-outs to use the new names. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Sun Apr 6 14:00:00 2008 Debarshi Ray - 4.2-2 - Replaced \'BuildRequires: qt-devel\' with \'Buildrequires: qt3-devel\' on all distributions starting from Fedora 9. (Red Hat Bugzilla #440750)
Fri Feb 22 13:00:00 2008 Debarshi Ray - 4.2-1 - Version bump to 4.2. (Red Hat Bugzilla #434284) * Introduced Python support. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * A class can now be drawn as a class (without members), or using boundary, control or entity icon in a use case diagram. * The name of use case is not anymore a separated label and the size of an actor now depends on its name, so, the position of the incoming and outgoing arrows and the position of the name will be impacted. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2008 Release Engineering - 3.5-2 - Autorebuild for gcc-4.3.
Wed Jan 16 13:00:00 2008 Debarshi Ray - 3.5-1 - Version bump to 3.5. (Red Hat Bugzilla #428840) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Fri Dec 21 13:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 3.4-1 - Version bump to 3.4. (Red Hat Bugzilla #426485) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html
Thu Nov 29 13:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 3.3.3-1 - Version bump to 3.3.3. (Red Hat Bugzilla #398811) * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html - Fixed usage of _remove_encoding to prevent failure on Fedora 7.
Sun Nov 25 13:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 3.3.1-2 - Removed Encoding from Desktop Entry for all distributions, except Fedora 7.
Tue Nov 13 13:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 3.3.1-1 - Version bump to 3.3.1. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html - Removed Encoding from Desktop Entry.
Sun Nov 4 13:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 3.0.2-1 - Version bump to 3.0.2. (Red Hat Bugzilla #326641) * Introduced PHP support. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic.html - Backported bug-fix from 3.3.
Thu Oct 11 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.32-1 - Version bump to 2.32. (Red Hat Bugzilla #303721) * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html
Wed Oct 3 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.31.3-1 - Version bump to 2.31.3. (Red Hat Bugzilla #292541) * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html
Fri Sep 14 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.31.2-1 - Version bump to 2.31.2. (Red Hat Bugzilla bug #286661) * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html
Thu Sep 6 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.31.1-1 - Version bump to 2.31.1. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html
Wed Aug 22 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.30.2-1 - Version bump to 2.30.2. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html - Cleaned up SPEC.
Sat Aug 4 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.30.1-1 - Version bump to 2.30.1. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html - Changed value of License according to Fedora licensing guidelines. - Executable bits turned off for C++ sources by upstream. - Application removed from Categories by upstream.
Thu Aug 2 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.30-1 - Version bump to 2.30. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html - Removed Application from Categories.
Sun Jul 29 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.29.1-3 - Fixed build and install stanza to prevent failure on ppc64 and x86_64. - Added \'Requires: hicolor-icon-theme\'. - Fixed \'gtk-update-icon-cache\' in the post[un] scriptlets. - Removed \'update-desktop-database\' from the post[un] scriptlets.
Fri Jul 27 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.29.1-2 - Modified the summary. - Replaced lib with _lib.
Fri Jul 27 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.29.1-1 - Version bump to 2.29.1. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html
Sun Jul 8 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.29-1 - Version bump to 2.29. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html
Fri Jun 29 14:00:00 2007 Debarshi Ray - 2.27-1 - Initial build. * Previous releases can not read a project saved with this version, but projects made by previous releases can be read. * http://bouml.free.fr/historic_old.html