Changelog for
GtkAda3-gl-3.8.3-2.fc24.i686.rpm :
* Tue Feb 02 2016 Björn Persson
- 3.8.3-2- Rebuilt with GCC 6 prerelease.
* Tue Jul 21 2015 Björn Persson - 3.8.3-1- Upgraded to 3.8.3.- The demo source code in GtkAda3-doc is now buildable out of the box.
* Tue Jun 16 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.8.2-6- Rebuilt for
* Sun Mar 22 2015 Björn Persson - 3.8.2-5- Changed the pseudo-namespace of some identifiers to work around name collisions with stuff that was added to GTK+.
* Mon Mar 16 2015 Than Ngo - 3.8.2-4- bump release and rebuild so that koji-shadow can rebuild it against new gcc on secondary arch
* Sat Feb 07 2015 Björn Persson - 3.8.2-3- Rebuilt with GCC 5.0.0.
* Fri Aug 15 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.8.2-2- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 06 2014 Björn Persson - 3.8.2-1- Upgraded to 3.8.2.- Enabled the OpenGL bindings.- Excluded the GPS plug-in.
* Sat May 10 2014 Björn Persson - 3.4.2-3- Build the demo programs in the check phase instead of the build phase.
* Tue Feb 04 2014 Björn Persson - 3.4.2-2- Verify that the generated Ada code is the same as what the developers upstream have reviewed and tested.
* Tue Jan 28 2014 Björn Persson - 3.4.2-1- New package for GTKada 3.x, partly based on the existing package GtkAda.