Changelog for dnsjava-javadoc-2.0.6-6.fc10.noarch.rpm :
Mon Apr 20 00:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev - 2.0.6-6
- Fix test condition logick for %check

Thu Apr 16 00:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev - 2.0.6-5
- Continue review.
- As it can\'t be build by gcj, delete back this stuff from spec.
- Tests made now by conditional. As internet access is not allowed in default mock chroot, it is disabled now.
- Changelog recoded form iso8859-1 (charset is guessed by Orcan \'oget\' Ogetbil)

Thu Apr 16 00:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev - 2.0.6-4
- Continue review.
- Delete explicit installation in %install
*.java files.
- License from BSD changed to \"BSD and MIT\"
- Delete unneeded BR: jce, java-javadoc
- Fix mistake: Add Requires: jpackage-utils and delete listed twice BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
- BR: java-devel >= 1.7, R: java >= 1.7

Wed Apr 15 00:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev - 2.0.6-3
- Review in progress. Thanks to Orcan \'oget\' Ogetbil.
- Add
*.java examplees into documentation (it is mentioned in USAGE)
- Add testing:
o Add BuildRequires: ant-junit
o Add %check section.
- Group from \"Development/Libraries\" changed to \"System Environment/Libraries\" by Orcan \'oget\' Ogetbil suggestion.
- rm -rf doc/ in %prep section.
- Removee listed twice Requires: jpackage-utils

Tue Apr 14 00:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev - 2.0.6-2
- Issues from review:
o Add
. BuildRequires: java-devel
. BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
. Requires: java >= specific_version
. Requires: jpackage-utils
o Delete \"%define section free\"
o \"%defattr(0644,root,root,0755)\" replaced by \"%defattr(-,root,root,-)\" in both packages.
o Add gcj-related stuff.
o Remove Javadoc scriptlets

Mon Apr 13 00:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev - 2.0.6-1
- Import src.rpm from JPackage -
- Step to last version 2.0.6
- Reformat spec with tabs.
- In Source0 tag inject %{name} and %{version} macroses.
- $RPM_BUILD_ROOT replaced by %{buildroot}
- Delete (comment out) tags:
o Epoch: 0
o Vendor: JPackage Project
o Distribution: JPackage
- Add %{?dist} into relese instead of \"jpp\"
- Introduced by rpmlint:
o Group Development/Libraries/Java changed to simple Development/Libraries
o Licence changed to BSD
o javadoc ackage group changed form Development/Documentation to simple Documentation

Sat Aug 21 00:00:00 2004 Ralph Apel 0:1.5.1-2jpp
- Build with ant-1.6.2

Thu Jan 22 23:00:00 2004 David Walluck 0:1.5.1-1jpp
- 1.5.1
- remove crosslink patch (merged upstream)

Sat Oct 11 00:00:00 2003 Ville Skyttä - 0:1.4.3-1jpp
- Update to 1.4.3.
- Crosslink with local J2SE javadocs.
- Spec cleanups, save in UTF-8.

Wed May 7 00:00:00 2003 David Walluck 0:1.3.2-2jpp
- update for JPackage 1.5

Wed Mar 12 23:00:00 2003 Ville Skyttä - 1.3.2-1jpp
- Update to 1.3.2.
- Use ant instead of make for building.
- Drop patches, and include DNSSEC/JCE code.
- Use sed instead of bash 2 extension when symlinking jars during build.

Sun May 12 00:00:00 2002 Guillaume Rousse 1.2.4-1jpp
- updated by Ville Skyttä
- Updated to 1.2.4.
- Fixed Vendor, Distribution and Group tags.
- Updated description.
- Versioned javadocs.
- Added -no-debug and -no-jce patches.
- Doesn\'t BuildRequire ant.

Fri Dec 7 23:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 1.2.3-2jpp
- javadoc into javadoc package

Fri Nov 2 23:00:00 2001 Guillaume Rousse 1.2.3-1jpp
- first JPackage release