Changelog for
dzen2-0.8.5-5.fc11.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Aug 27 14:00:00 2009 Till Maas
- 0.8.5-5
- Remove uneeded PREFIX= argument to make in %build
Wed Aug 26 14:00:00 2009 Till Maas - 0.8.5-4
- export LDFLAGS
- explain missing .desktop file
Tue Aug 25 14:00:00 2009 Till Maas - 0.8.5-3
- use make -C instead of pushd/popd
- add manpages from debian
- prefix gadgets with dzen2 like debian does it
Tue Mar 31 14:00:00 2009 Till Maas - 0.8.5-2
- Add description
Sat Nov 1 13:00:00 2008 Till Maas - 0.8.5-1
- Initial package for Fedora