Changelog for
python-copr-doc-1.70-1.fc22.noarch.rpm :
Mon May 30 14:00:00 2016 clime
- [cli][python][frontend] support forking via CLI
- [python-copr] added missing source_type specification for upload & url builds
Thu May 26 14:00:00 2016 clime 1.69-1
- package manip implemented in Client
- refactored building via url and pypi; see df6ad16
- connection error message simplified
- print user-friendly error for broken config
- implemented rubygems CLI support
Fri Apr 22 14:00:00 2016 Miroslav Suchý 1.68-1
- Add unicode representation for collections (RhBug: 1327597)
- handlers: use list() after map() for chroots
- fix download-build for dist-git era file structure (RhBug:
- implement building via mock
- refactor building via tito
- implement building via tito
- assure python_versions type for pypi builds
Sun Mar 20 13:00:00 2016 Jakub Kadlčík 1.67-1
- allow creating group projects
Mon Mar 14 13:00:00 2016 Jakub Kadlčík 1.66-1
- support building from PyPI
Wed Feb 3 13:00:00 2016 Miroslav Suchý 1.65-1
- convert bytes to utf-8 in Py3
Fri Jan 29 13:00:00 2016 Miroslav Suchý 1.64-1
- fix wrong check for list instance
Wed Dec 23 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Suchý 1.63-1
- fixes for epel-6+ and fedora-22+
- Added for python and cli
- updated docs to include project creation method
- create new projects now returns newly created project on success
- added method to create new projects through ClientV2
- we need six >= 1.9.0
- added support for BuildTask and update docs
- W: 67, 8: Unused variable \'s\' (unused-variable)
- W: 70,12: Unused variable \'x\' (unused-variable)
- Too few public methods (0/1) (too-few-public-methods)
- Use % formatting in logging functions but pass the % parameters as
- Instance of \'...Entity\' has no \'...\' member (no-member)
- add Entity tests
- initial documentation for ClientV2
Mon Nov 16 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Suchý 1.62-1
- pylint cleaning
Mon Nov 9 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Suchý 1.61-1
- W: 9, 0: Unused import json (unused-import)
- Added marshmallow as dep
- since APIv2 we require python-marshmallow
Mon Nov 2 13:00:00 2015 Miroslav Suchý 1.60-1
- python3 compatibility
- Removed __version__ from cli and python
- Added version parse from specs instead of __init__
- Fixes to allow copr lib to be installed using
- Fixed invalid classifiers
- put client_v2 into package
- Display progress bar if python-progress is available
- support APIv2
Tue Oct 13 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Suchý 1.59-1
- version_info is not namedtuple on epel6 interpreter
- fix missing urllib.parse on el7
- use requests-toolbelt to stream SRPM files (RhBug:1261125)
- add script
- fix unicode representation of CoprResponse (RhBug:1258915)
Tue Aug 11 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Suchý 1.58-1
- implement srpm upload functionality
- better error handling (RhBug:1245105)
- define %license macro for el6
- el6 needs field numbers
Thu Jul 2 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Suchý 1.57-1
- [cli] wrap requests exception (RhBug:1194522)
- [python] Bug 1188874 - better unicode handling
- [cli] test unicode representation of ProjectWrapper (RhBug:1188874)
- [cli] fix unicode representation of ProjectWrapper (RhBug:1188874)
- mark license as license in spec
Mon Dec 15 13:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.56-1
- control auto_createrepo property of project through API
Thu Nov 20 13:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.55-1
- [python] support python 2.6
Thu Nov 20 13:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.54-1
- fixed poor decision abou CoprClient constructor, now it accepts
kwargs arguments instead of config dict
Mon Nov 3 13:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.53-1
- [python-copr] syntax bugfix
Mon Nov 3 13:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.52-1
- [python-copr] removed log config from client
Tue Oct 7 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.51-1
- [python-copr, cli] test coverage
- [python-copr, cli] updating copr-cli to use python-copr
- [python-copr] minor fixes, added usage examples to docs
Mon Sep 8 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.50-1
- [python-copr] fix: we need to support python 2.6 due to epel-6
Fri Sep 5 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.49-1
- [python-copr]
- bugfix in cancel_build - more docsrtings
- using sphinx documentation for rpm build
- added instruction to build documentation
- re-implemented Response handling
- started transition to sphinx documentation
- added optional argument `username` to most client methods
- removed method `get_build_status`
Wed Aug 27 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.48-1
- [python-copr] small fix due to the old version of python-six in RHEL-7
Wed Aug 27 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.47-1
- [python-copr] Build python3 package only for fedora
- [python-copr] minor description fix in .spec
Fri Aug 22 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.46-1
- [python-copr] packaging fixes to satisfy Fedora package guidelines.
Thu Aug 21 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.45-1
- change package name: python-copr-client -> python-copr
Tue Aug 19 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.44-1
- [python-client] fixed BuildRequires
Tue Aug 19 14:00:00 2014 Valentin Gologuzov 1.43-1
- [python-client] Added new package
- [cli] cli now access api through python-client
Tue Jul 22 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.36-1
- use correct name of variable
Fri Jul 4 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.35-1
- [cli] stop waiting when the status is unknown
Fri Jul 4 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.34-1
- [cli] skipped state support
Thu Jun 19 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.33-1
- cancel added to the man page
- exit code 4 for failed build and man pages updated
- error and shell return code 1 when build fails
- delete a project
- shell return codes with errors
- copr-cli cancel fix
Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.32-1
- be less strict in parsing fas/copr-name
Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.31-1
- We can choose chroots for new builds
- copr-cli waiting fix
- building pkgs separately
Wed Mar 19 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.30-1
- BR make is not needed
- build -doc subpackage only for fedoras
- add LICENSE to -doc
- replace \'copr\' with \'project\'
Tue Mar 18 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.29-1
- move copr-cli in standalone package
Thu Feb 27 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.28-1
- [backend] - pass lock to Actions
Wed Feb 26 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.27-1
- [frontend] update to jquery 1.11.0
- [fronted] link username to fas
- [cli] allow to build into projects of other users
- [backend] do not create repo in destdir
- [backend] ensure that only one createrepo is running at the same time
- [cli] allow to get data from sent build
- temporary workaround for BZ 1065251
- Chroot details API now uses GET instead of POST
- when deleting/canceling task, go to same page
- add copr modification to web api
- 1063311 - admin should be able to delete task
- [frontend] Stray end tag h4.
- [frontend] another s/coprs/projects/ rename
- [frontend] provide info about last successfull build
- [spec] rhel5 needs group definition even in subpackage
- [frontend] move \'you agree\' text to dd
- [frontend] add margin to chroots-set
- [frontend] add margin to field label
- [frontend] put disclaimer to paragraph tags
- [frontend] use black font color
- [frontend] use default filter instead of
- [frontend] use markdown template filter
- [frontend] use isdigit instead of is_int
- [frontend] move Serializer to helpers
- [frontend] fix coding style and py3 compatibility
- [cli] fix coding style and py3 compatibility
- [backend] fix coding style and py3 compatibility
Tue Jan 28 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.26-1
- lower testing date
- move localized_time into filters
- [frontend] update user data after login
- [frontend] use iso-8601 date
Mon Jan 27 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.25-1
- 1044085 - move timezone modification out of template and make it actually
- clean up temp data if any
- [db] timezone can be nullable
- [frontend] actually save the timezone to model
- fix colision of revision id
- 1044085 - frontend: display time in user timezone
- [frontend] rebuild stuck task
- disable test on i386
- use experimental createrepo_c to get rid of lock on temp files
- [frontend] - do not throw ISE when build_id is malformed
- [tests] add test for BuildLogic.add
- [tests] add test for build resubmission
- [frontend] permission checking is done in BuildLogic.add
- [frontend] remove, use BL.add only
- [api] fix validation error handling
- [cli] fix initial_pkgs and repos not sent to backend
- [frontend] fix not assigning copr to build
- [frontend] allow resubmitting builds from monitor
- [frontend] allow GET on repeat_build
- [frontend] 1050904 - monitor shows not submitted chroots
- [frontend] rename active_mock_chroots to active_chroots
- [frontend] rename MockChroot.chroot_name to .name
- [frontend] 1054474 - drop Copr.build_count nonsense
- [tests] fix https and repo generation
- [tests] return exit code from test
- 1054472 - Fix deleting multiple SRPMs
- [spec] tighten acl on copr-be.conf
- [backend] - add missing import
- 1054082 - general: encode to utf8 if err in mimetext
- [backend] lock log file before writing
- 1055594 - mockremote: always unquote pkg url
- 1054086 - change vendor tag
- mockremote: rawhide instead of $releasever in repos when in rawhide chroot
- 1055499 - do not replace version with $releasever on rawhide
- 1055119 - do not propagate https until it is properly signed
- fix spellings on chroot edit page
- 1054341 - be more verbose about allowed licenses
- 1054594 - temporary disable https in repo file
Thu Jan 16 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.24-1
- add BR python-markdown
- [fronted] don\'t add description to .repo files
- [spec] fix with_tests conditional
- add build deletion
- 1044158 - do not require fas username prior to login
- replace http with https in copr-cli and in generated repo file
- [cli] UX changes - explicitely state that pkgs is URL
- 1053142 - only build copr-cli on el6
- [frontend] correctly handle mangled chroot
- [frontend] do not traceback when user malform url
- [frontend] change default description and instructions to sound more
- 1052075 - do not set chroots on repeated build
- 1052071 - do not throw ISE when copr does not exist
Mon Jan 13 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.23-1
- [backend] rhel7-beta do not have comps
- 1052073 - correctly parse malformed chroot
Fri Jan 10 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.22-1
- [backend] if we could not spawn VM, wait a moment and try again
- [backend] use createrepo_c instead of createrepo
- 1050952 - check if copr_url exist in config
- [frontend] replace newlines in description by space in repo file
Wed Jan 8 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.21-1
- 1049460 - correct error message
- [cron] manualy clean /var/tmp after createrepo
Wed Jan 8 13:00:00 2014 Miroslav Suchý 1.20-1
- [cli] no need to set const with action=store_true
- [cli] code cleanup
- 1049460 - print nice error when projects does not exist
- 1049392 - require python-setuptools
- [backend] add --verbose to log to stderr
- [backend] handle KeyboardInterrupt without tons of tracebacks
- 1048508 - fix links at projects lists
- [backend] in case of error the output is in e.output
- [selinux] allow httpd to search
- [backend] set number of worker in name of process
- [logrotate] rotate every week unconditionally
- [backend] do not traceback if jobfile is mangled
- [backend] print error messages to stderr
- [cli] do not require additional arguments for --nowait
- [backend] replace procname with setproctitle
- [cli] use as default url
- [frontend] show monitor even if last build have been canceled
- [backend] call correct function
- [cli] print errors to stderr
- 1044136 - do not print TB if config in mangled
- 1044165 - Provide login and token information in the same form as entered to
- [frontend] code cleanup
- [frontend] move rendering of .repo file to helpers
- 1043649 - in case of Fedora use $releasever in repo file
- [frontend] condition should be in reverse
Mon Dec 16 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.19-1
- [backend] log real cause if ansible crash
- [frontend] try again if whoosh does not get lock
- [backend] if frontend does not respond, repeat
- print yum repos nicely
- Bump the copr-cli release to 0.2.0 with all the changes made
- Refer to the man page for more information about the configuration file for
- Rework the layout of the list command
- Fix parsing the copr_url from the configuration file
- [backend] run createrepo as copr user
- 1040615 - wrap lines with long URL
Wed Dec 11 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.18-1
- [frontend] inicialize variable
Wed Dec 11 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.17-1
- [frontend] fix latest build variable overwrite
Wed Dec 11 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.16-1
- [backend] store jobs in id-chroot.json file
- [frontend] handle unknown build/chroot status
- use newstyle ansible variables
Tue Dec 10 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.15-1
- [frontend] smarter package name parsing
- [frontend] extend range to allow 0
- handle default timeout on backend
- initial support for SCL
- [backend] create word readable files in result directory
- [backend] print tracebacks
- [frontend] monitor: display only pkg name w/o version
- [doc] update api docs
- [doc] update copr-cli manpage
- [cli] list only name, description and instructions
- [cli] add support for build status & build monitor
- [frontend] add build status to API
- [playbook] do not overwrite mockchain
- [backend] add spece between options
- [backend] pass mock options correctly
- [frontend] support markdown in description and instructions
- [backend] Add macros to mockchain define arguments
- [backend] Pass copr username and project name to MockRemote
- [backend] Handle additional macro specification in MockRemote
- [frontend] monitor: show results per package
- [frontend] add favicon
- [backend] quote strings before passing to mockchain
- send chroots with via callback to frontend
- [cli] change cli to new api call
- enhance API documentation
- add yum_repos to coprs/user API call
- [frontend] provide link to description of allowed content
- [backend] we pass just one chroot
- [backend] - variable play is not defined
- if createrepo fail, run it again
- [cron] fix syntax error
- [man] state that --chroot for create command is required
- [spec] enable tests
- [howto] add note about upgrading db schema
- [frontend]: add copr monitor
- [tests]: replace test_allowed_one
- [tests]: fix for BuildChroots & new backend view
- [frontend] rewrite backend view to use Build <-> Chroot relation
- [frontend] add Build <-> Chroot relation
- 1030493 - [cli] check that at least one chroot is entered
- [frontend] typo
- fixup! [tests]: fix test_build_logic to handle BuildChroot
- fixup! [frontend] add ActionsLogic
- [tests]: fix test_build_logic to handle BuildChroot
- [spec] enable/disable test using variable
- add migration script - add table build_chroot
- [frontend] skip legal-flag actions when dumping waiting actions
- [frontend] rewrite backend view to use Build <-> Chroot relation
- [frontend] add ActionsLogic
- [frontend] create BuildChroot objects on new build
- [frontend] add Build <-> Chroot relation
- [frontend] add StatusEnum
- [frontend] fix name -> coprname typo
- [frontend] remove unused imports
- [frontend] add missing json import
- [backend] rework ip address extraction
- ownership of /etc/copr should be just normal
- [backend] - wrap up returning action in \"action\" blok
- [backend] rename backend api url
- [backend] handle \"rename\" action
- [backend] handle \"delete\" action
- base handling of actions
- move callback to frontend to separate object
- secure waiting_actions with password
- pick only individual builds
- make address, where we send legal flags, configurable
- send email to root after legal flag have been raised
Fri Nov 8 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.14-1
- 1028235 - add disclaimer about repos
- fix pagination
- fix one failing test
Wed Nov 6 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.13-1
- suggest correct name of repo file
- we could not use releasever macro
- no need to capitalize Projects
- another s/copr/project
- add link to header for sign-in
- fix failing tests
- UX - let textarea will full widht of box
- UX - make background of hovered builds darker
- generate yum repo for each chroot of copr
- align table header same way as ordinary rows
- enable resulting repo and disable gpgchecks
Mon Nov 4 13:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.12-1
- do not send parameters when we neither need them nor use them
- authenticate using api login, not using username
- disable editing name of project
- Add commented out WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = True to configs
- Use new session for each test
- fix test_coprs_general failures
- fix test_coprs_builds failures
- Add WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = False to unit test config
- PEP8 fixes
- Fix compatibility with wtforms 0.9
- typo s/submited/submitted/
- UX - show details of build only after click
- add link to FAQ to footer
- UX - add placeholders
- UX - add asterisk to required fields
- dynamicly generate url for home
- add footer
Sat Oct 26 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.11-1
- catch IOError from libravatar if there is no network
Fri Oct 25 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.10-1
- do not normalize url
- specify full prefix of http
- execute playbook using /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
- use ssh transport
- check after connection is made
- add notes about debuging mockremote
- clean up instance even when worker fails
- normalize paths before using
- do not use exception variable
- operator should be preceded and followed by space
- remove trailing whitespace
- convert comment to docstring
- use ssh transport
- do not create new ansible connection, reuse self.conn
- run as copr
- s/Copr/Project/ where we use copr in meaning of projects
- number will link to those coprs, to which it refers
- run log and jobgrab as copr user
- log event to log file
- convert comment into docstring
- use unbufferred output for
- hint how to set ec2 variables
- document sleeptime
- document copr_url for copr-cli
- document how to set api key for copr-cli
- do not create list of list
- document SECRET_KEY variable
- make note how to become admin
- instruct people to install selinux with frontend
Thu Oct 3 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.9-1
- prune old builds
- require python-decorator
- remove requirements.txt
- move TODO-backend to our wiki
- create pid file in /var/run/copr-backend
- add backend service file for systemd
- remove daemonize option in config
- use python logging
- create pid file in /var/run by default
- do not create destdir
- use daemon module instead of home brew function
- fix default location of copr-be.conf
- 2 tests fixed, one still failing
- fix failing test test_fail_on_missing_dash
- fixing test_fail_on_nonexistent_copr test
- run frontend unit tests when building package
- Adjust URLs in the unit-tests to their new structure
- Adjust the CLI to call the adjuste endpoint of the API
- Adjust API endpoint to reflects the UI endpoints in their url structure
- First pass at adding fedmsg hooks.
Tue Sep 24 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.8-1
- 1008532 - require python2-devel
- add note about ssh keys to copr-setup.txt
- set home of copr user to system default
Mon Sep 23 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.7-1
- 1008532 - backend should own _pkgdocdir
- 1008532 - backend should owns /etc/copr as well
- 1008532 - require logrotate
- 1008532 - do not distribute empty copr.if
- 1008532 - use %{?_smp_mflags} macro with make
- move jobsdir to /var/lib/copr/jobs
- correct playbooks path
- selinux with enforce can be used for frontend
Wed Sep 18 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.6-1
- add BR python-devel
- generate selinux type for /var/lib/copr and /var/log/copr
- clean up backend setup instructions
- initial selinux subpackage
Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.5-1
- 1008532 - use __python2 instead of __python
- 1008532 - do not mark man page as doc
- 1008532 - preserve timestamp
Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.4-1
- add logrotate file
Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.3-1
- be clear how we create tgz
Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.2-1
- fix typo
- move frontend data into /var/lib/copr
- no need to own /usr/share/copr by copr-fe
- mark application as executable
- coprs_frontend does not need to be owned by copr-fe
- add executable attribute to
- remove shebang from
- squeeze description into 80 chars
- fix typo
- frontend need argparse too
- move results into /var/lib/copr/public_html
- name of dir is just copr-%version
- Remove un-necessary quote that breaks the tests
- Adjust unit-tests to the new urls
- Update the URL to be based upon a /user/copr/ structure
- comment config copr-be.conf and add defaults
- put examples of builderpb.yml and terminatepb.yml into doc dir
- more detailed description of copr-be.conf
- move files in config directory not directory itself
- include copr-be.conf
- include
- create copr with lighttpd group
- edit backend part of copr-setup.txt
- remove fedora16 and add 19 and 20
- create -doc subpackage with python documentation
- add generated documentation on gitignore list
- add script to generate python documentation
- copr-setup.txt change to for mock
- rhel6 do not know _pkgdocdir macro
- make instruction clear
- require recent whoosh
- add support for libravatar
- include backend in rpm
- add notes about lighttpd config files and how to deploy them
- do not list file twice
- move log file to /var/log
- change destdir in copr-be.conf.example
- lightweight is the word and buildsystem has more meaning than \'koji\'.
- restart apache after upgrade of frontend
- own directory where backend put results
- removal of hidden-file-or-dir
- copr-backend.noarch: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US latests ->
latest, latest\'s, la tests
- simplify configuration - introduce /etc/copr/copr
- Replace \"with\" statements with AATTTransactionDecorator decorator
- add python-flexmock to deps of frontend
- remove sentence which does not have meaning
- change api token expiration to 120 days and make it configurable
- create_chroot must be run as copr-fe user
- add note that you have to add chroots to db
- mark as config so it is not overwritten during upgrade
- own directory data/whooshee/copr_user_whoosheer
- gcc is not needed
- sqlite db must be owned by copr-fe user
- copr does not work with selinux
- create subdirs under data/openid_store
- suggest to install frontend as package from copr repository
- on el6 add python-argparse to BR
- add python-requests to BR
- add python-setuptools to BR
- maintain apache configuration on one place only
- apache 2.4 changed access control
- require python-psycopg2
- postgresql server is not needed
- document how to create db
- add to HOWTO how to create db
- require python-alembic
- add python-flask-script and python-flask-whooshee to requirements
- change user in coprs.conf.example to copr-fe
- fix paths in coprs.conf.example
- copr is noarch package
- add note where to configure frontend
- move frontend to /usr/share/copr/coprs_frontend
- put production placeholders in coprs_frontend/coprs/
- put frontend into copr.spec
- web application should be put in /usr/share/%{name}
Mon Jun 17 14:00:00 2013 Miroslav Suchý 1.1-1
- new package built with tito