Changelog for cqrlog-2.0.5-1.fc25.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Mar 13 2017 Richard Shaw - 2.0.5-1- Update to latest upstream release, 2.0.5.- Fix icon install location, fixes BZ#1440477.
* Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.4-2- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 17 2017 Richard Shaw - 2.0.4-1- Update to latest upstream release.
* Mon Aug 29 2016 Richard Shaw - 2.0.2-1- Update to latest upstream release.
* Sat May 07 2016 Richard Shaw - 2.0.1-1- Update to latest upstream release.
* Thu Mar 24 2016 Richard Shaw - 1.9.1-3- Update to latest upstream release.- Add patch to deal with newer fpc.- Remove old dependency on openssl-devel.
* Wed Feb 03 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.9.1-2- Rebuilt for
* Wed Dec 02 2015 Richard Shaw - 1.9.1-1- Update to latest upstream release.
* Thu Jul 23 2015 Richard Shaw - 1.9.0-2- Bump release for new build so it\'s newer than the temporary COPR builds.
* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.1-5- Rebuilt for
* Fri Mar 06 2015 Richard Shaw - 1.9.0-1- Update to latest upstream release.
* Fri Feb 06 2015 Richard Shaw - 1.8.3-1- Update to latest upstream release.
* Fri Oct 24 2014 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.8.1-4- Allowing builds for ARM.
* Tue Sep 30 2014 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.8.1-3- Fixed empty debugging (BZ 1126233)
* Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.1-2- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jul 28 2014 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.8.1-1- Program crashed with error about Exceptions.tbl when started for the first time- After hit enter in New QSO window, it took long time to save QSO
* Mon Jul 21 2014 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.8.0-1- after click to \"Upload all\" qso to online logs, info about disabled services is not shown- added new optimized MySQL configuration file (log should be faster and won\'t show error about missing tables)- additional date formats for QSL label printing added (Tom, DL7BJ)- alert for for callsign on specific mode and band added- %h CW macro added (sends GM/GA/GE calculated from wkd station local time)- %rs CW macro added (sends RST_S and replace 9 with N)- design of gridlists can be changed in Preferences/Fonts/Gridlist settings (Tom, DL7BJ)- additional options to split RST (TX and RX) in three fields for QSL label printing (Tom, DL7BJ)- K3NG key support added- \"Use \'+\' key to add spots to band map\" option added to Preferences -> Band map- program crashed with error about Exceptions.tbl when started for the first time- Shift+F12 didn\'t cancel the filtr - fixed- \"Filter is USED!\" info wasn\'t canceled after click to Sort button (filter was disabled)- reading signal strength from RBN spots fixed- RBN default port is 7000 not 7300 - fixed- fixed a bug in DXCC statistics, mode \'Paper QSL only\' (Tom, DL7BJ)- program crashed after close - fixed- program crashed after click to Cancel in DB connection window- sunrise, sunse and greeting info was broken - fixed- xplanet opened from the \"New QSO Window\" was not centred on own lattitude and longitude
* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.7.4-2- Rebuilt for
* Sun Apr 20 2014 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.7.4-1- F keys to CW type window added- address to RBN server can be changed in Preferences- full date (not only year,month) is supported in membership files- Close the \"Status of log upload\" window after successful upload added- moved to new LoTW url and updated upload routines- band button description is editable (Preferences -> TRX control -> Change default frequencies)- 6W/MM0NDX was marked as unknown country instead of Senegal - fixed- after View QSO and CTRL+F2 fields was still read-only - fixed- QSL information was added to Commend to QSO even if it already exists- \'+\' character is now allowed in any field in New QSO window- log could not recover from a wrong upload of updated QSO - fixed- \'+\' as hotkey to add to bandmap function removed, use CTRL+A instead- any result from ClubLog with \'Skipping QSO\' won\'t stop uploading of the log
* Fri Feb 07 2014 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.7.3-1- after hitting ESC in any window opened from NewQSO, cursor will be returned to callsign edit field- frequency in New QSO and QSO list wondow is formated to 0.0000- added Help -> Keys and shortcut to menu in QSO window- RBN integration into GrayLine showed CW speed instead of signal strench - fixed- DXCC entity window didn\'t show when compiled in Debian Sid and Ubuntu 13.10 - fixed- when CQRLOG was run for the first time, two mysqld proccesses opened the same database - fixed- upload to ClubLog didn\'t work after enter QSO and delete - fixed (big thanks to Pawel, SQ5LTL)- TRX control window\'s layout was broken with some font sizes - fixed
* Wed Jan 29 2014 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.7.1-1- \"When TRX control is not active, use frequency and mode from NewQSO window\" option to Preferences->Band map added- CTRL+N hotkey to QSO list window added (do NOT send QSL)- TRX control window was not sizeable - fixed- when ESC was pressed twice in Remote mode, log crashed - fixed- program crashed when freq was entered with comma as decimal separator - fixed- broken grid square statistic fixed
* Wed Jan 15 2014 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.7.0-1- online QSO upload to HamQTH, ClubLog and HRDLog added- improved QSL managers import, should be faster a bit- \"Long Path\" button to Rotor Control added (Darek, SP2MKI)- COMMENT field is exported to eQSL server- Always overwrite info from previous QSO with callbook data option added- help updated- country files updated- membership files updated- layout improved (mostly new QSO window)- LoTW QSL RCVD was not imported when ADIF didn\'t include LOTW_QSLRDATE value - fixed- CONTESTIA mode was saved as CONSTESTI (increased max length of mode to 10 characters) - fixed- ReverseBeacon support in Gray line didn\'t work - fixed- after click to OK button in Preferences, bandmap stopped deleting old spots - fixed- bandmap was not updated when any spot was not added - fixed- station was added to bandmap when offline mode was activated - fixed- big square statistics didn\'t work in newer versions of distributions - fixed- QSO JT65
* mode were not confirmed by eQSL - fixed
* Wed Dec 25 2013 Ville Skyttä - 1.6.1-2- Let rpmbuild strip executable (#1008236).
* Thu Nov 14 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.6.1-1- 630M band added- added OQRS (online QSL request system) to QSL sent menu- added \"Always sort by QSO date\" option to Search function- cursor is moved to last opened log in DB connection window- \"Ask before creating a backup\" option to \"Auto backup\" added- band map is much faster, a few optimization added- program froze for a few milliseconds with every bandmap refresh - fixed- \"MySQL server has gone away\" problem fixed- membership values collation were case sensitive - fixed- ADIF import sometimes crashed with access violation, now will show what happened- qrz search with right click on a call in the recent QSOs list didn\'t work- band map font settings was not loaded when program started
* Tue Sep 10 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.6.0-2- Fixed rpmlint problems.
* Tue Sep 10 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.6.0-1- your CQ received by RBN will be visible in gray line map- local mysqld is executed only when the log is stored to local machine- added JT9 to list of modes- added Power field to filter window- option to show distance in miles instead of km added- limit of max QSO on QSL label increased- added whole new bandmap with frequecy indicator- double click on bandmap didn\'t work when the spot had split info - fixed- propagation info in spot notes has correct format- existing band map record was not updated from dx cluster- program didn\'t accept ITU zones 78 and 90 - fixed- program used QTH from previous QSO even is the station was /P - fixed
* Mon Aug 12 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.8-5- Added exclusion for armv7hl arch.
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.8-4- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jul 12 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.8-3- Fixed dependency
* Wed Jul 10 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.8-2- Fixed openssl dependency.
* Tue Jul 09 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.8-1- Upgraded to version 1.5.8- Nothing happened after double click on bandmap spot - fixed- Enter key in Filter window will activate the filter- Blank locator field in Group edit clears locator field- ADIF export didn\'t contain DXCC field with ADIF id of the country- grayline caused program crash after compile with recent FPC and Lazarus versions- When the grid was in lowercase, the Big square statistic was broken- Bandmap didn\'t worked if the freq of QSO precision was to one Hz- Debug level settings didn\'t worked at all- QSO will be confirmed when time difference between QSO and QSO from LoTW is not more than 10 minutes
* Wed Jun 19 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.6-1- Upgrade to version 1.5.6- if any error message about LoTW import appear, you can open it in external app directly from CQRLOG- LoTW upload url changed- fixed \"An invalid integer value\" error during label export- import of QSO with custom digi mode didn\'t worked if the list of modes didn\'t ended with comma (,) - fixed- bandmap didn\'t worked if the freq of QSO precision was to ten Hz- station with /AM and /MM caused error \"You must enter correct WAZ zone!\" - fixed- removed mode from search criteria to confirm QSO via LoTW- QSO will be confirmed when time difference between QSO and QSO from LoTW is not more than 1 hour- default debug level is set 0, if you want to get more info what cqrlog does, run it with debug=1 or more
* Fri Mar 29 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.4-1- Upgrade to version 1.5.4- fixed problem with MASTER.SCP- added support for Super Check Partial (Window -> Super Check Partial)- added Tune function (for WinKeyerUSB and cwdaemon), hotkey CTRL+T- added Repair table function to database connection window (Utils button)- improved export for QSL labels printing (labels are sorted by dxcc, you can choose what fields will be be printed)- updated membership tables- fixed program crash when editing DX cluster info- CW keys window doesn\'t show caption for F9 and F10 keys- ADIF export ignored delimitter in TX_PWR (0.5 was exported as 05)- CQRLOG killed rigctld even when autostart was disabled- double click to spots listed with SH/DX didn\'t work- QSO list window showed filter is enabled after reopen (filter was disabled)- login to eQSL with password containing special character didn\'t work- when QSO passed over the midnight, the qso was saved with wrong date
* Thu Feb 28 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.2-6- Fixed OpenSSL requirements
* Fri Feb 22 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.2-5- Repaired desktop category
* Fri Feb 22 2013 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.2-4- Changed openssl-devel from BuildRequires to Requires as it is needed for LoTW functionality
* Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.2-3- Rebuilt for
* Tue Oct 09 2012 Dan Horák - 1.5.2-2- set ExcludeArch to match fpc
* Mon Oct 08 2012 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.2-1- added CTRL+W hotkey to send spots to dxcluster- DX cluster shows also country name next to the spot (must be enabled in Prefereces)- international characters in New QSO window should work again- DX spots with freq eqauls to the start of the band (21.000, 14.000 etc., usually notes) are ignored- HamQTH added to dx clusters list- fixed reading A-index (was 1 even when actually was 10)- /MM, /AM and stations with unknown DXCC country didn\'t appear in bandmap- database update hangs- fixed xml request address of DXCC CFM count function didn\'t uses eQSL cfm QSO- fixed reading mode from FT-920 (returned MEMO as VFO)- fixed bug in dxcluster caused program crashed randomly- program didn\'t apply eQSL rcvd when the band was in lowercase
* Tue Aug 14 2012 Eric \"Sparks\" Christensen - 1.5.1-1- Initial package