Changelog for
poedit-1.3.9-1.fc8.x86_64.rpm :
Sun Dec 23 23:00:00 2007 Konstantin Ryabitsev
- 1.3.9-1
- Upstream 1.3.9
- Make sure all docs are utf-8
Sat Aug 18 00:00:00 2007 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.3.7-1
- Upstream 1.3.7
- Require gettext (#253228)
Sun Dec 17 23:00:00 2006 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.3.6-1.2
- Rebuild for new wx in devel
Fri Nov 10 23:00:00 2006 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.3.6-1.1
- Rebuild for newer db4 in devel
Mon Oct 30 23:00:00 2006 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.3.6-1
- Upstream 1.3.6
Sun Oct 29 23:00:00 2006 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.3.5-1
- Upstream 1.3.5
Mon Sep 4 00:00:00 2006 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.3.4-2.1
- FC6 rebuild
Thu May 25 00:00:00 2006 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.3.4-2
- Remove any potential places where makefile may create copies of
.desktop files and icons.
Wed May 24 00:00:00 2006 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.3.4-1
- Initial packaging