Changelog for
php-pecl-imagick-2.2.2-1.fc9.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Feb 28 23:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev
- 2.2.2-1
- Step to version 2.2.2
Thu Feb 26 23:00:00 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2.1-4
- Rebuilt for
Sun Jan 11 23:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev - 2.2.1-3
- All modifications in this release inspired by Fedora review by Remi Collet.
- Add versions to BR for php-devel and ImageMagick-devel
- Remove -n option from %setup which was excessive with -c
- Module install/uninstall actions surround with %if 0 ... %endif
- Add Provides: php-pecl(imagick) = 2.2.2
Sat Jan 3 23:00:00 2009 Pavel Alexeev - 2.2.1-2
- License changed to PHP (thanks to Remi Collet)
- Add -c flag to %setup (Remi Collet)
And accordingly it \"cd %peclName-%{version}\" in %build and %install steps.
- Add (from php-pear template)
Requires(post): %{__pecl}
Requires(postun): %{__pecl}
- Borrow from Remi Collet php-api/abi requirements.
- Use macroses: (Remi Collet)
%pecl_install instead of direct \"pear install --soft --nobuild --register-only\"
%pecl_uninstall instead of pear \"uninstall --nodeps --ignore-errors --register-only\"
- %doc examples/{polygon.php,captcha.php,thumbnail.php,watermark.php} replaced by %doc examples (Remi Collet)
- Change few patchs to macroses: (Remi Collet)
%{_libdir}/php/modules - replaced by %{php_extdir}
%{xmldir} - by %{pecl_xmldir}
- Remove defines of xmldir, peardir.
- Add 3 recommended macroses from doc : php_apiver, __pecl, php_extdir
Sat Dec 20 23:00:00 2008 Pavel Alexeev - 2.2.1-1
- Step to version 2.2.1
- As prepare to push it into Fedora:
- Change release to 1%{?dist}
- Set setup quiet
- Escape all % in changelog section
- Delete dot from summary
- License change from real \"PHP License\" to BSD (by example with php-peck-phar and php-pecl-xdebug)
- %defattr(-,root,root,-) changed to %defattr(-,root,root,-)
Tue May 13 00:00:00 2008 Pavel Alexeev - 2.2.0b2-0.Hu.0
- Step to version 2.2.0b2
- %define peclName imagick and replece to it all direct appearances.
Thu Mar 6 23:00:00 2008 Pavel Alexeev - 2.1.1RC1-0.Hu.0
- Steep to version 2.1.1RC1 -0.Hu.0
- Add Hu-part and %{?dist} into Release
- Add BuildRequires: ImageMagick-devel
Sat Oct 13 00:00:00 2007 Pavel Alexeev - 2.0.0RC1
- Global rename from php-pear-imagick to php-pecl-imagick. This is more correct.
Thu Aug 23 00:00:00 2007 Pavel Alexeev - 2.0.0RC1
- Initial release. (Re)Written from generated (pecl make-rpm-spec)