Changelog for
tasks-0.20-1-mdv2012.0.i586.rpm :
* Tue Oct 11 2011 Götz Waschk
0.20-1mdv2012.0+ Revision: 704312- new version- new source URL
* Fri Feb 18 2011 Götz Waschk 0.19-1+ Revision: 638465- update to new version 0.19
* Tue Aug 10 2010 Götz Waschk 0.16-3mdv2011.0+ Revision: 568298- rebuild for new evolution
* Mon Jun 21 2010 Frederic Crozat 0.16-2mdv2010.1+ Revision: 548453- rebuild with latest eds
* Mon Aug 10 2009 Frederik Himpe 0.16-1mdv2010.0+ Revision: 414370- update to new version 0.16
* Mon May 18 2009 Frederik Himpe 0.15-1mdv2010.0+ Revision: 377307- update to new version 0.15
* Sun Oct 12 2008 Adam Williamson 0.14-1mdv2009.1+ Revision: 292592- buildrequires intltool- new release 0.14 (note libsexy support is disabled as it depends on a not-yet- released version of libsexy)