Changelog for kolab-2.2.4-4-mdv2011.0.i586.rpm :

* Wed May 04 2011 Oden Eriksson 2.2.4-4mdv2011.0+ Revision: 666033- mass rebuild
* Mon Dec 20 2010 Thomas Spuhler 2.2.4-3mdv2011.0+ Revision: 623226- Increased relase to 3- Changed Clamav socket to same as amavis uses-clamav_socket=${localstatedir}/clamav/clamd.sock +clamav_socket=${localstatedir}/lib/clamav/clamd.socket
* Thu Oct 21 2010 Nicolas Lécureuil 2.2.4-2mdv2011.0+ Revision: 587173- Do not add shebang in cron.d file CCBUG: 57855
* Wed Jul 14 2010 Thomas Spuhler 2.2.4-1mdv2011.0+ Revision: 553002- Updated to upstream version 2.2.4
* Thu Apr 29 2010 Thomas Spuhler 2.2.3-5mdv2010.1+ Revision: 540736- Updated the upgrade information and increased release version
* Tue Apr 20 2010 Thomas Spuhler 2.2.3-4mdv2010.1+ Revision: 536904- changed location of sieve directory from /var/lib/sieve to /var/lib/imap/sieve Increase release verison to 4- changed location of sieve directory from /var/lib/sieve to /var/lib/imap/sieve Increase release verison to 4
* Fri Apr 16 2010 Thomas Spuhler 2.2.3-3mdv2010.1+ Revision: 535315- increased rel version to 3- found another clamd >= 0.96.0 and changed it ti >=0.96
* Thu Apr 15 2010 Thomas Spuhler 2.2.3-2mdv2010.1+ Revision: 535003- change require clamd version >=0.96.0 to 0.96
* Mon Apr 12 2010 Thomas Spuhler 2.2.3-1mdv2010.1+ Revision: 533613- Updated to version 2.2.3 Kolab-resource-handlers is not needed anymore. It is now provided by horde packages- Updated to version 2.2.3 Kolab-resource-handlers is not needed anymore. It is now provided by horde packages- Updated to version 2.2.3 Kolab-resource-handlers is not needed anymore. It is now provided by horde packages
* Tue Oct 06 2009 Thomas Spuhler 2.1.0-12mdv2010.0+ Revision: 454441- added mandriva to source- bumped the release to 12- cleaned up a commented line
* Mon Sep 21 2009 Thomas Spuhler 2.1.0-11mdv2010.0+ Revision: 446153-modified rel to 11-modified mandriva.diff to correct the wrong paths for the sieve script, /var/lib/sieve to /var/lib/imap/sieve-removed %%define _source_payload w9.bzdio-removed %%define _default_patch_fuzz 0-removed %%define _enable_debug_packages %%{nil}-removed %%define debug_package %%{nil}
* Sun Aug 23 2009 Thomas Spuhler 2.1.0-10mdv2010.0+ Revision: 420182- added the Makefile patch to delete double entry of namespace/libexec/newconfig to make it build on cooker- bumped the version to 10 for cooker- downgraded release to original and added subrel 1- Fixed a whole lot of path and replaced slurpd with sincrepl. Kolabd stays alive- lots of paths fixed and slurp replaced with syncrepl- replaced slurpd with syncrepl because openldap doesn\'t suppot it anymore, corrected lotwrong paths- replaced slurpd with syncrepl because openldap doesn\'t suppot it anymore, corrected lotwrong paths
* Fri Apr 10 2009 Funda Wang 2.1.0-9mdv2009.1+ Revision: 365504- rediff sysv patch
* Tue Jun 17 2008 Thierry Vignaud 2.1.0-9mdv2009.0+ Revision: 221868- rebuild + Pixel - adapt to %%_localstatedir now being /var instead of /var/lib (#22312)
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