Changelog for vtk-test-suite-5.8.0-3-mdv2012.0.i586.rpm :

* Wed Mar 14 2012 Paulo Andrade 5.8.0-3+ Revision: 784946- Rebuild with current cooker packages. + Oden Eriksson - rebuilt against
* Wed Nov 16 2011 Paulo Andrade 5.8.0-1+ Revision: 731097- Update to latest upstream release version 5.8.0 + Oden Eriksson - attempt to relink against
* Wed May 11 2011 Funda Wang 5.6.1-3+ Revision: 673642- add soversion into vtkNetCDF_cxx also
* Sat May 07 2011 Funda Wang 5.6.1-2+ Revision: 672272- cosmo and vpic have so version now
* Sat May 07 2011 Funda Wang 5.6.1-1+ Revision: 672221- fix multiarch usage- new version 5.6.1 + Oden Eriksson - mass rebuild
* Thu Feb 03 2011 Funda Wang 5.6.0-4+ Revision: 635603- rebuild- tighten BR
* Wed Nov 03 2010 Funda Wang 5.6.0-3mdv2011.0+ Revision: 592774- recognize py 2.7- rebuild for py2.7
* Tue Aug 17 2010 Paulo Andrade 5.6.0-2mdv2011.0+ Revision: 570694+ rebuild (emptylog)
* Thu Jul 15 2010 Paulo Andrade 5.6.0-1mdv2011.0+ Revision: 553766- Correct problems with qt4 support- Correct linkage of BioImageXD classes.- Update to version 5.6.0.
* Wed Feb 10 2010 Paulo Andrade 5.4.2-7mdv2010.1+ Revision: 503996- Rebuild with boost 1.42.0- Correct broken symbolic links in devel package
* Mon Jan 11 2010 Funda Wang 5.4.2-6mdv2010.1+ Revision: 489717- disable proj as it locates in contrib- use system proj + Oden Eriksson - fix br deps (python) - rebuilt against libjpeg v8
* Thu Sep 03 2009 Helio Chissini de Castro 5.4.2-5mdv2010.0+ Revision: 428698- Fix .cmake files origin generation due to absolute/relative path and / strip on install code. Now vtk is installed officially in /usr except for his cmake modules, which are now installed in _libdir/vtk. With documentation in a separated package, vtk can be moved to main to help further requires libraries without a major hussle
* Thu Sep 03 2009 Helio Chissini de Castro 5.4.2-4mdv2010.0+ Revision: 428112- Overhaul of old vtk package. Now vtk is properly installed in 64 and 32 bits following the libdir spec.- Documentation are removed and will be added from the official tarball in a different package
* Sun Aug 23 2009 Funda Wang 5.4.2-2mdv2010.0+ Revision: 419762- rebuild for new libjpeg v7 + Ga?tan Lehmann - 5.4.2
* Mon May 04 2009 Funda Wang 5.2.1-2mdv2010.0+ Revision: 371800- add requires on libqt
* Tue Mar 17 2009 Gustavo De Nardin 5.2.1-1mdv2009.1+ Revision: 356481- disabled Java bindings, they\'re failing the build + Paulo Andrade - Update to latest upstream release 5.2.1. o Update to use python 2.6. o Build java interface by default. o Move test-suite binaries to /usr/share/vtk/bin o Update BioImageXD to latest svn checkout (there are no official releases, but it is a mandatory component). o Added vtkdata component (and related upstream tarball). + Funda Wang - add 5.2.0 tarball + Adam Williamson - rebuild with python 2.6